Trees: Carbon Dioxide and Global Warming Assignment

Trees: Carbon Dioxide and Global Warming Assignment Words: 786

Conducts electricity when there’s thunder. A disadvantage of cutting down a tree is that trees supply our air with oxygen. Cutting down trees does reduce the oxygen level in our atmosphere; only one would not greatly impact anything though. We live on the oxygen that is in your atmosphere but trees are not the only supplier of that. There are several other contributors but am not fully aware with how much they help out. What are the advantages and disadvantages for planting trees(plants) in order to reduce CO emissions? What you are referring to is called carbon sequestration. Provides jobs and a lot of research to learn more about it and our environment. Only so much CO can be stored in plants/soil before equilibrium is reached. The bad thing is that anthropogenic global warming theorists are misusing and misinterpreting the data from many of these research projects to try to say that people cause global warming and this IS a solution. In the long run a lot of carbon can be sequestered but the natural role of the environment will dictate the CO levels through the natural long term warming and cooling cycles where temperature is followed by CO levels.

Causes And Effects Of Cutting Trees of the most important parts of the planet we live in. Trees are truly important to the environment, animals, and of course for us humans. They are important for the climate of the Earth, they act as filters of carbon dioxide and they are also important for their visual demand. However, the trees on our planet are being depleted at a very fast rate. According to some estimates, more than 50 percent of the tree cover has disappeared due to human activity. Although humans have been practicing deforestation since gees Deforestation is the clearance of forests by cutting trees or burning .

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The truth about Deforestation has been shown. Some people are trying to fight this problem. Others are ignoring it and hoping it will go away. Still others don’t even seem to care This essay will discuss the causes and effects of cutting trees in African forests Cutting out trees in African forests has three major causes, the major first causes is that wood is used as a prime resource of energy , as an example trees are cut down in developing countries to be used as a firewood which are used for cooking and heating purpose.

Another cause of cutting wood is for economic benefit, trees are the main source for many of our needs from papers to furniture , beside that forests are also cleared in addition to expand urban areas and to make highways and roads ,the third reason is to grow crops and to create a grazing land. For this reason Forests are cut down to create land for grazing farm animals and to clear land for growing crops.

As a matter of fact the unawareness of the The bad effects of cutting trees to our environment leads to Irresponsible behavior by people many people did not even know that by cutting down trees they are basically committing a murder because the more trees we have the better the oxygen in our environment and vice versa The truth about Deforestation has been shown. Some people are trying to fight this problem. Others are ignoring… Grow More Trees Outline 1. 0 Introduction 2. 0 usefulness of trees 2. 1 How trees are useful 2. 2 Some examples of useful trees 3. 0 Forests 3. 1 What are forests? 3. Environment and forests 3. 3 Greenhouse effect and global warming 3. 4 Soil conservation 4. Benefits of growing trees 5. 0 Conclusion 1. 0 Introduction: Trees are tall plants with hard and thick stems (trunks). The main trunks of large trees like the mango and the banyan bear many branches, which further divide into smaller branches. Leaves grow on these branches. Branching causes the tree to spread out wide on all sides. Trees are Nature’s wonders and a great gift to mankind as well as to all those who depend on them. While some dependents stay on the trees, others come to them to rest or to feed.

Still others use them to raise their offspring. Humans have used almost any and every tree to their benefit. It is very sad that the same humans are destroying trees all over the world in the name of “development”. This can be to create factories, new townships, wider roads, railways, entertainment centers and so on. They do not realize that they are making a big mistake. 2. 0 Usefulness of trees: 2. 1 How trees are useful: Trees are useful to us in many ways. 1 . Food: Trees give us food such as fruits. These provide us with excellent nourishment. 2.

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