Plastic surgery Assignment

Plastic surgery Assignment Words: 648

Has it Become a Need or a Want? In this day and age, we are living in a world where perfection equates to beauty Having the perfect pair of eyes, nose and even breasts is a woman’s dreams. However, we are not all blessed with these perfect attributes so we consult to a medical solution Which will give a temporary or permanent reprieve from imperfection. I am against in plastic surgery because as an individual we should accept what we look like and also we should be contented on What God has given us.

There are advantages and disadvantages of plastic surgery. Being attractive s a distinct advantage especially nowadays. We react more favorably to physically attractive people. There is one good thing undergoing plastic surgery, for example, it can be used to correct defects that are present from birth or to repair skin and tissue damage caused by disease, illness or injury. Individuals Who undergo plastic surgery Will feel better about the way they look.

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It also help to increase confidence and self-worth generally result in being more comfortable around other people. Yes, it so nice to be beautiful but what will be the risk after having a plastic surgery? The performance of lactic surgery is dangerous and there are always side effects_ The surgery performed by doctors is not 100% successful and there is always room for error. Every surgery done to our body carries risks and can result in mistakes or even death. One tot the most common mistakes people make when getting cosmetic surgery is using the wrong doctor.

If you choose the wrong doctor or a doctor that is not certified, you could be risking your health and your life in some cases like complications, imperfect results, slow healing. Plastic surgeries usually cost a fortune and cannot be availed by everyone. There are lots of disadvantages and risks on having plastic surgery. Despite all these, there are still many people who want to have plastic surgery. There are studies found that there is a better chance of getting job if the person is beautiful and they also have a better chance Of reviewing higher salaries.

Attractive people are often locked upon with favor because they have a positive characteristic such as intelligence, competence and moral virtue. Having plastic surgery has become more of a want ran a need because there are people who are still having plastic surgery even though they have a tartar figure, Plastic surgery has a shelf life. How do you think a medical people nowadays are living with fake physical appearance. People need to learn to accept who they are and learn to cope With themselves.

We were all specifically chosen by god, and our differences in our appearance make us unique. We cannot just simply destroy the work of god; in life, we have to overcome our flaws and not be negative about it, we have to love Our flaws and flaunt it. I think accepting What you kick like is the first step in accepting yourself as an individual Everyone should explore options before taking a costly surgery. Happiness can be achieved, but not through surgery. People need to embrace their differences instead Of trying to erase them.

The Lord does not look at the things man looks at, Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart. ” Furthermore, we should be satisfied with the way we look because god loves us just the way we are. Outer appearance does not matter in the eyes of god as much as the internal beauty does. Our delightful personality will Outshine Our flaws any day. Lets be contented and thankful to god because being a natural is better than becoming part of the fake world.

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