“Office Space” Movieassignment Assignment

“Office Space” Movieassignment Assignment Words: 1143

The organization shown in the movie (INITECH) was clearly a case of multicultural environment comprised several identities, nationalities and different religions. (E. g. Samir is an Arab Muslim) In the light of contractual relationship among employees as well as employees with their organization, we have observed several types of contracts such as psychological contract (peter with himself which after the hypnotism has been changed significantly during the story), the implicit contract between Lumbergh as the boss and concerned department in INITECH…

Due to the fact that the management performance in several terms such as staffing, communication, coherence performance, positive organizational beliefs/values and constructing proper process of motivation ……was in general inadequate and weak, we have observed broadly inefficient depressive organization with lots of destructive conflicts where every body focus only on the forms and ignore contents, consequently all the personnel suffering from dissatisfaction and constant anxiety. Accordingly, all the recovery approaches such as hiring consultant, was not successful.

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Moreover it seems that the perception of the consulting services was not properly implemented by the manager. They took decisions instead of supporting decision making process for the manager. In other words and with regards to the Hofstede cultural dimensions approach, this organization can be analyzed and classified as follows: 1. Power distance index (PDI) The organization classified as large power distance due to the fact that employees accepted and expected the power is distributed unequally. Apparently, Milton and other employees have accepted the complete sever control and unconditional orders dictate by upper level- they never had problem of power inadequate distribution). 2. Individualism (IDV) The organization considered as high individualized one, for the reason that every individual focuses on their own interest. (Milton was very much obsessive for his radio with no respect to Peter distraction) 3. Masculinity (MAS) We observed that every single employee were result-oriented with poor interpersonal relations, therefore the company maybe classified as masculine rather than feminine. . Uncertainty Avoidance Index (UAI) The employees of the company highly shown negative reaction against uncertain situations and avoid any kind of probable changes. For instance: Avoidance and anxiety shown during the presence of the consultants. The office atmosphere takes a tense turn when the employees are informed that INITECH is bringing in a consultant to help improve efficiency. All the employees were nervous about interviewing for their own jobs.

Furthermore, We may refer to Johari’s Window to clarify the relationship between self-disclosure and feedback, by which the key persons of the movie are classified as follow: Lumbergh: is in Arena cell, which means what he knows about himself and what others know about him. For instance, such things as observable behavior, or attitudes and values that he knows he hold and that he has revealed to others. Peter: who is in Unknown cell, which means the organization doesn’t know what he wants and neither does he. For instance, neither he nor the organization knows how to motivate him.

Milton: is in Facade cell, which means he knows something about himself that others don’t know. For example, he doesn’t like his work but he behaves as if he likes to work in INITECH. Samir: is also in Facade cell. He worries about job security but he never tells the organization. Michel: is in Facade cell too. He never shows his dissatisfaction about the company. Symptoms/Problems We have considered ourselves as consultants of the INITECH Company entitled to recognize symptoms and correlated problems in the organization, which are listed as below: 1.

Different perceptions of the languages 1-1. Time : working time Symptom: -Different concept of weekend holidays for Peter and the others from Lumbergh’s perception of working time. 1-2. Space : Working space Symptoms: -Peter was totally unhappy with space shortage in his “cubic working place”. He also suffered from lack of privacy and several distractions caused by noise of Milton’s radio and operators continuous responses to incoming telephone calls, and eventually he destroyed the front wall of his cubic space as a sign of dissatisfaction and conflict as well. Milton was suffered from having to change his working place all the time as Lumbergh emphasized on limiting his working space as well as changing his place even to the lowest floor level. 1-3. Things : Symptom: -Milton was very sensitive to his beloved stapler and was always concerned that someone will notice he’s kept his red Swing line stapler after the company had switched to another brand, but it was only a normal stationary tool to others as well as Lumbergh who at last took it away from him. 1-4.

Agreement : Symptom: -There was a difference in the perception of working agreement between Milton who considered himself as an employee getting his paycheck monthly and the company which discovered that Milton had actually been laid off five years before, but through a glitch in accounting, still continued to receive monthly paychecks. 2. Conflicts: Apparently, some of the differences mentioned above may lead to conflicts with destructive results if not paid proper attention or not managed properly. Symptoms: Milton eventually put the INITECH building on fire after facing all above mentioned maltreatments. – Peter, Michael, Samir schemed to plant a virus inside Initech’s computer system that will pull money into their own account. 3. Lack of motivation and satisfaction The management failed to recognize and maintain intrinsic and extrinsic factors to motivate and satisfy the employees. Symptoms: -Peter said to consultant “I am not lazy; I just don’t care because there is no motivation” -Peter said to his girlfriend “I don’t want to do anything”. 4. Improper management of the E ? P ? G process

Management concentrated only on forms instead of content and pay attention only to artifacts (conscious part) and not the establishment of values and beliefs (unconscious part) of the employees. On the other hand, management was unable to define achievements for the employees and the very minimum efforts of them couldn’t be shown as performance and consequently may not result in goal achievement either. Symptoms: -Peter mentioned that he just works 15 minutes efficiently in 8 hours of a working day. -Lumbergh and the other 7 superior managers of Peter repeatedly reminded him of his negligence in providing a cover sheet for his T.

P. S report. -Not only in INITECH but also in Joanna’s (girlfriend of Peter) working place, Chotchkie restaurant, her own version of Lumbergh to deal with, her boss, he conveys his disappointment about the “flair” (the decorative buttons) on her work uniform. He lectures repeatedly that while the “flairs” are tools bring her opportunity to express herself, she seems satisfied in only wearing the bare minimum of 15 pieces. Finally and unwontedly, Joanna perplexed in assuring him for further more efforts and cares to express herself not as a motivated employee but just to release herself from his boss severe form- oriented pressure.

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"Office Space" Movieassignment Assignment. (2019, Jan 21). Retrieved March 30, 2025, from https://anyassignment.com/science/office-space-movie-review-assignment-57444/