Nursing Philosophy Assignment

Nursing Philosophy Assignment Words: 1307

Personal Philosophy of Nursing Leadership Nursing is a complex field, sometimes described as an art, while others a science. Those in this field approach their patients and coworkers with varied backgrounds that become the foundation for their beliefs and priorities in nursing. Some pull from technical backgrounds and aim to be proficient in every skill that may impact a patient. Others offer caring hearts and open ears so that the patient will not be lost in the labyrinth of lab results and tubes that all too often become the primary focus.

The evidence of a productive cohort is the ability work in a cohesive manner to revive uncompromising care to the patients in their presence. This is the result of a guiding force that is all to often unseen, or at least unacknowledged; nursing leadership is the thread that holds together and directs the nursing team towards success or failure. In the following paper, candid discussion of how an experienced nurse views leadership, as well as my personal thoughts concerning good leadership.

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Interview of a Registered Nurse In an interview held May 23, 2013 with Debt Kern, RAN, outlined the characteristics of leadership she personally found most important. Leading in importance are the following qualities: professionalism, courage, and the ability to treat all of those around you like family. Kern stated that quality management possessed similar qualities, and would also exhibit similar traits. In addition, the actions of a manager also needed to reflect support and appreciation of the staff.

Simple actions like covering lunches, assisting with patient care, and standing up for nurses when needed were priceless in the eyes of the nurses under that manager’s supervision. Despite Kernel’s vast experience, both in terms of years as a nurse and specialty units irked, she states that she would rather practice technical skills that be a leader. Although Kern states that she would prefer not to be a leader (Kern, 2013), the Great Man theory “suggests that great leaders will arise when the situation demands it,” (Marquis & Huston, 2012) and Debt Kern would likely fill this role splendidly when if it does.

Leadership at the Personal Level Belief A person is an entity comprised of both physical and emotional and spiritual components that can impact and be impacted by the environment. These components are both required and synergistic to maintenance of a state of the body; f one is elevated or impaired, so will the other. For leadership to be effective, the leader must be able to recognize the emotional and physical needs of those they are leading. Assumption People are not always capable of keeping both aspects of life in balance due to stress and knowledge deficits.

Nurses should be available to help people restore this balance. This is even more important when a nurse is also filling the role of leadership because they are setting the tone for the care that countless patients will receive. Values People are resilient beings capable of balancing most areas of their life when terrors are kept within tolerable limits. Outside interventions by competent professionals such as nurses may be required if stress such as illness are too strong. Leadership is necessary to ensure that stress is minimized and dealt with in appropriate fashion.

Theorist Correlation The above theory is similar to Sister Scaliest Rosy Adaptation Model. Roy states that people are affected by stimuli and are able to overcome obstacles. People are “an adaptive system with cognation and regulator subsystems acting to maintain adaptation” (Roy, 2009). When specifically looking at the leadership aspect, emotional intelligence (E’) is important. Emotional intelligence is the ability to accurately identify, appraise, and express emotions, as well as understand emotion and emotional knowledge while monitoring and promoting growth in intellectual and emotional areas.

Although El is difficult to measure, leaders who successfully interpret and respond to emotional cues of the staff cultivate greater levels of personal and team success (Feather, 2008) Nursing and Leadership Nursing is comprised of a set of beneficial actions that impact the physical and motional deficits of others who may be experiencing an imbalance of factors such as care, education, or physical nears leading to a deficit of health. One does not need to be a patient to have emotional or physical deficits, nor does one need to be placed in the role of a nurse to assist others.

Assumption Nurses and patients work together to build trusting relationships to provide appropriate patient environments to attain optimal levels of health. Leaders among nurses need to and will demonstrate these qualities and actions to both patients and other nurses. Values Nursing is the beneficial actions of people who have for the desire of either empirical or emotional rewards such as happiness, security, and absence of illness, voluntarily chosen to care for and improve the lives of others.

Actions should be done in the most technically competent and emotionally caring way possible. Leadership within nursing must both convey a high level of competence as well as a willingness to share knowledge and assist those around you to deliver the best care they can. Theorist Correlation The above theory rests on an assumption closely related to that of Hildebrand Appeal, here she states “people need relationships with other persons. At their best, relationships confirm self-worth, provide a sense of connectedness with others, and support self-esteem” (Appeal, 1997).

Once that assumption is met, Room’s Theory of Self-Care Deficit aligns well with the need to provide care to the patient based on their needs that have lead too deficit of health. Room states that nursing is associated with the diagnosis, evaluation, and treatment of people who are unable or limited to provide self-care at a sufficient level to maintain acceptable level of health (Room, 2001). Looking back at Lillian Wald, who is often regarded as one of the most influential leaders in nursing, much of her success is attributed to creativity, risk taking, empathy, and warmth.

All of these qualities were directed at the people around her in an effort to bring everyone to a higher level while also pushing her projects in a positive direction (Dungy, 2011). By the description of Marquis and Huston, Wald is very much a though leader. Challenging the status quo and taking risks to make progress towards a vision, a though leader (Marquis & Huston, 2012), is what makes leaders, such as Lillian Wald, truly great. Final Thoughts Nursing is as much an art as it is a science, and because it is such, not all aspects are capable of being taught.

Leadership among the nursing profession is not any different. To be a registered nurse and successfully fill a leadership role, one must be willing to be innovative, and competent, while simultaneously attending to the needs of those around you. This attention need be addressed to both patients and staff, as diligent care cannot be provided if either is neglected. Nurses such as Debt Kern and Lillian Wald both possess the ability and characteristics to lead, though only one actively chose to do so.

Perhaps it was a culmination of conditions that push Wald into her role, and perhaps Kernel’s time is yet to come. Regardless, the role of the leader is crucial to the underlying framework that is responsible for the amazing achievements the nursing profession has shown us. From seeing Kern at work, and reading of Wall’s risk taking and innovation, there will certainly be a time in my future where the choice to lead will be presented. If there is a vision present, and the benefit outweighs the risk, chances are my personality will push through and take on he role of a leader.

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