How Humans Contribute to Global Warming Assignment

How Humans Contribute to Global Warming Assignment Words: 1267

Lately, the earth has been showing many signs of climate change. It is not cooling down at all causing the presence of global warming. Global warming can be defined as “an increase in the earth’s atmospheric and oceanic temperatures widely predicted to occur due to an increase in the greenhouse effect resulting especially from pollution” (Merriam-Webster, 2012). This paper will explain why human activity is a substantial cause of global warming and discuss what can be done by the human race to stop global warming.

According to National Geographic, “Levels of greenhouse gases (Gigs) have gone up and down over the Earth’s history, but they have men fairly constant for the past few thousand years” (National Geographic, 2012). Over the past few years there has been some record high and low temperatures. “Through the burning of fossil fuels and other GOGH emissions, humans are enhancing the greenhouse effect and warming Earth” (National Geographic, 2012). “Radiation from the sun is trapped instead of being released back into the atmosphere when greenhouse gases are present.

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This causes the temperatures to rise while creating negative effect for our environment” (Turk & Bunsen, 201 1, Section 7. 1 “Greenhouse effect can e defined as the global warming of our atmosphere caused by the presence of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases, which trap the sun’s radiation” (Turk & Bunsen, 2011, Section 7. 1). Nitrous oxide, methane, and carbon dioxide are all greenhouse gases. Nitrous oxide can be produced naturally and by human activity.

Primary human-related sources of NON are agricultural soil management, animal manure management, sewage treatment, mobile and stationary combustion of fossil fuel, dipodic acid production, and nitric acid production (EPA. Gob). Methane is produced by cetera in the stomachs of ruminants such as sheep, cattle, and goats and is farted and belched out by the animals (Global Action Network, 2005). Methane can be minimized by changing the diets in farm animals. Feeding them grass only is a good way to do this.

According to Eagerest, “man-made CA emissions account for about 77% of man-made greenhouse gas emissions and roughly 3% of the earth’s greenhouse effect (Eagerest, 2011). There are many factories and power plants that burn oil, coal, and natural gases when making their products. These gases are released into the atmosphere, polluting the air we breathe, contributing to global warming. There are many disadvantages when it comes to global warming. Imagine if all the ice peaks melted. The sea levels would be overflows causing floods to occur which may force people to relocate.

Global warming contributes to our weather patterns causing tornados, hurricanes, or strong thunder storms. During many of these storms, heavy rainfall is present causing floods in our communities. Most of the time when floods are present, a “boil water” advisory is put into place. This is done to reduce illnesses caused by water contamination. Global warming contributes to forest fires. The warm air dries UT the forest making it easier for fires to start. These forest fires eventually destroy many of our natural resources. Forest destruction is also caused by humans.

Humans use the space to build businesses, homes, and highways. As a result, the homes of many species are invaded. My subdivision Was all woods at one point or another. Quite often, I see deer, rabbits, and wild turkeys in my backyard. The high temperatures from global warming destroy farmer’s crops. These temperatures affect the crops growth and may even burn them. As a result, there are food shortages which could possibly dead to starvation in humans. In addition many scientists argue that global warming is causing extreme weather events that often lead to crop failures (Rosenthal, 201 1).

The warmer temperatures cause lakes to dry reducing our water supply as well as the quality of our water. Global warming contributes to air pollution. Polluted air can cause humans to suffer from respiratory problems, such as asthma or allergies, lung disease, and eye irritation, The World Health Organization estimates that the warming and precipitation trends due to anthropogenic climate change of the past 30 years already lain over 1 50,000 lives annually (Path, Campbell, Holloway ; Foley, 2005). Climate changes threaten the health of humans in many ways. High temperatures can cause humans to have heat strokes.

It also increases chances for diseases such as the West Nile Virus. Mosquitoes carrying this disease is more active in warmer temperatures. In 201 0, the American Lung Association estimated that about 23 million Americans suffered from asthma (Knowles, 201 1). Human activity is not the only factor contributing to global warming. There IS a natural process that contributes to global warming as well. Plants, both on land and in the oceans, continually absorb and release large amounts of carbon dioxide” (Eagerest, 2011). Plants absorb carbon dioxide when they grow and release carbon dioxide as they decay (Eagerest, 2011).

Forest fires, volcanoes, droughts and Other natural phenomena can affect the natural rate of carbon dioxide uptake and release” (Eagerest. 2011 There are many advantages when it comes to global warming. However, they will never outweigh the disadvantages. There will be less need for energy consumptions to warm cold places when it comes to global warming. Without the greenhouse effect, scientists estimate that the average enrapture on Earth would be colder by approximately 30 degrees Celsius (54 degrees Fahrenheit), far too cold to sustain our current ecosystem (Spencer, 2012).

This means that there will be fewer chances for humans to become infected with bacteria causing diseases. The human race can take actions to stop global warming. In order to do this, humans must decrease the amount of fossil fuels and start using energy more wisely. Humans can begin by doing their part to reduce waste by reusing reusable products such as cloth diapers instead of the disposable ones, recycling paper, plastic, glass, and aluminum cans. Humans can use less energy daily to help control global warming by reducing the amount of energy to cool or heat your home.

Humans can also use less energy by replacing regular light bulbs with fluorescent light bulbs and using more energy efficient products. Turning off lights and electronics when they are not in use will help reduce energy. Washing clothes Or dishes with cold Water instead of hot water will help reduce energy. Carpooling or taking public transportation can help eliminate polluting the air with greenhouse gases. While greenhouse gases are necessary to warm Earth, human activity expedites this warming and is a absentia cause of global warming.

Carbon dioxide and other global warming pollutants are collecting in the atmosphere like a thickening blanket, trapping the sun’s heat and causing the planet to warm up (Knowles, 2011). Global warming causes many changes in our atmosphere. It is not good for our environment at all. It contributes to the health and well-being of humans, animal’s life, and natural resources destroyed. The floods, rise in sea levels, hotter than normal summers, and early winters that we have had lately are implications of global warming.

Although local temperatures fluctuate durably, over the past 50 years the average global temperature has increased at the fastest rate in recorded history (Spencer, 2012). Scientists say that unless we curb the emissions that cause climate change, average U. S. Temperatures could be 3 to 9 degrees higher by the end of the century (Spencer, 2012). As humans, we must take advantage of recycling paper, glass, plastic, and cans. Using these recycled products will help to eliminate many greenhouse gases that contribute to global warming. Humans must do a better job at preserving our natural resources.

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