Global Warming Assignment

Global Warming Assignment Words: 3846

The film is AAA Gore’s An Inconvenient Truth and it is about the causes of global warming and what its effects on our planet. Now being an environmentally acknowledged person and growing up in a conservative American Republican community, was torn between not agreeing Gore and this extreme reality that is threatening doom on Mother Earth. The day before my English class I met my neighbor, a 60-year old woman, and I brought up the fact that I was going to watch AAA Gore’s film. Her reaction was shocking: “And your parents are paying for you to watch that? I tried to tell her it wasn’t about Gore and when I brought up global warming, she claimed that it was an international scheme to get money from our nation’s citizens ND that we have nothing to worry about. Was not looking for a verbal debate or a fight with my elderly neighbor, so I just said good night and went back to my house. That’s the day that started thinking about global warming. I had always seen those words on the main cover of newspapers, but I had never known what it really was.

In my school and society, no one had bothered to bring up the problems of global warming and because of that, had never approached it as a serious issue before. But when I watched “An Inconvenient Truth” in my English class, I was shocked. The movie, which had helped to galvanism the oral to take an action on global warming, had literally snapped me back into the reality. It had influenced me greatly, and I had gotten more curious about the topic of global warming. So what is global warming?

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Global warming is an increase in the earth’s temperature due to fossil fuels, industry, and agricultural processes caused by human, natural, and other gas emissions. It is a great concern but it is unfortunately quite frequently overlooked in light of other problems that seem to be immediately demanding. In the last several years, global warming has become perhaps the most complicated issue facing world leaders. Cautions from the scientific community are becoming louder, as an increasing body of science points to rising dangers from the ongoing buildup of greenhouse gases, which is produced mostly by the burning of fossil fuels and forests.

For almost twenty years, the United Nations has opened annual global talks, called the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, an international treaty signed by 198 nations in the world to discuss global climate change and its impact on our world. During the conferences, any of the participating nations can hold up an agreement. The disagreements and introversion discussed are familiar: the question of who will pay the poor countries to adapt, the importance of protecting tropical forests, and the need to very quickly develop and redistribute clean air technology.

But these meetings have frequently ended in disillusionment, with increasing political progress, but little impact on the climate. The negotiating process has come under responsibility from some quarters, including the poorest countries who believe that their needs are being brushed aside in the battle among the dominant economic powers. Many criticisms has also come room a small but vocal band of climate-change agnostics, most of the members of the United States Congress, who doubt the actuality of human influence on the climate change and ridicule the international efforts to deal with it.

Even though the UN and many other worldwide communities have sent out several warnings about global warming, some people are still unsure about the reason we need to consider it as a serious issue that can threaten our world. So let me ask this question, why do we need to recognize it as a serious issue? Global warming is primarily caused by humans and we are the only ones who can fix it. All humans need to accept the fact that global warming is the result of human selfishness, and the capitalism that has taken over the morality of humans.

This environmental crisis will affect us with long- term consequences that can threaten the world to its end due to many problems such as unexpected shifts in ecosystems and air pollution. As a one world, we are attributed as the leading cause of global warming and everyone needs to recognize that this is an issue to be dealt thoughtfully. Global Warming: How did we cause global warming, and what are its effects? Scientists have spent decades to figure out what is causing global warming. They have observed the natural cycles and events that are known to influence climate.

However, the amount and pattern of warming that has been measured cannot be fully explained by any of these factors alone. The only way global warming can be explained is by including the effect of greenhouse gases emitted by humans. One of the first things scientists learned is that there are several greenhouse gas emissions that are responsible for warming. Just like a greenhouse, Earth has a “natural greenhouse effect” in which some of the radiation from the sun is trapped to warm the planet. The shocking fact is hat the emission of greenhouse gas is mostly caused by humans in various ways.

The combustion Of fossil fuels from cars, electricity production, factories, and power plants contribute to increase in the greenhouse effect. While many greenhouse gases occur naturally and are needed to create the greenhouse effect that keeps our planet warm enough to support life, humans’ over-use of fossil fuels is the main source of excess greenhouse gases. By doing daily activities, such as driving cars and heating our homes with oil or natural gas, we release carbon dioxide (ICC) and other heat- rapping gases into the atmosphere.

As the concentration of greenhouse gases increases, more heat is trapped in the atmosphere, and less heat escapes back into the space. The increase in the amount of trapped heat changes the climate and weather patterns, which can haste species extinction, affect the length of seasons, lead to more frequent and violent storms, and cause coastal flooding. Deforestation is another important source of greenhouse gases, because fewer trees mean less carbon dioxide conversion to oxygen.

The use of forests for fuel is one cause of deforestation, but our appetite for paper and DOD, our consumption of livestock grazed on former forest land where trees had stood before, and the use of forest lands for merchandise contributes to the mass deforestation of our world. Forests remove and store carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. As a result Of deforestation, we are left with huge amounts of carbon dioxide. Methane is another extremely potent greenhouse gas, being twenty-one times more powerful than carbon dioxide. Concentrations of methane gas have been increasing very quickly in the atmosphere.

Methane can stay in the atmosphere for about seven years, trapping the heat and flashing it back to Earth. Surprisingly, the effect of methane is shorter than that of carbon dioxide. While carbon dioxide can affect the world for a hundred years, the impact for methane is only for seven years. However, it should be remembered that even though the effect may be shorter, the impact is stronger. Sources of methane emissions include animal agriculture, coal mining, manure, and methane classmates, which are compounds containing Of large amounts of methane trapped in the crystal structure of ice.

Due to those several factors stated above, the planet is warming from North Pole to South Pole, and everywhere in between. The effects of rising temperature aren’t waiting for some far-flung future. In fact, they are happening right now. Signs are appearing all over the world. The increasing heat is not only melting ice and glaciers but also it is shifting weather patterns and destroying the natural environment for the animals to live in. Rising global temperatures have sped the melting of glaciers and ice caps while causing early ice thaw on many lakes and rivers.

Ice is melting worldwide, especially at the Earth’s poles. This includes mountain glaciers, ice sheets covering Greenland, and Arctic sea ice. Mountain glaciers are sensitive indicators of climate change. The volume of ice in a glacier, and its surface area, thickness, and length are determined by the balance between inputs, which are accumulations of snow and ice, and outputs. As climate changes, the balance between inputs and outputs can change, resulting in a change in thickness of the glacier. The shrinking of glaciers will have an important impact on some mountain regions.

The regions that lose big parts of their glacier cover will go through alterations in hydrology. An immediate result of melting glaciers would be a rise in sea-levels. Initially, the rise in sea level would only be an inch or two. However, even a modest rise in sea levels could cause big flooding problems for low-lying coastal areas. The current rates of sea-levels are expected to increase as a result of thermal expansion of the oceans and melting of mountain glaciers and ice caps. Some of the consequences include coastal wetlands and barrier islands, and a greater risk of flooding in coastal communities.

People who live in Maldives are already looking for new houses due to a rise in the sea level. With a rise in the temperature of the ocean, ocean-born storms such as raciness get their destructive energy and increased force from warm water. A climate change leads to particular types of weather events that do not occur normally. Teen monster hurricanes fueled by global warmed ocean waters. Teen monster hurricanes fueled by global warmed ocean waters. Many changes have been discovered in the amount, intensity, frequency, and type of precipitation.

There has been a widespread increase in heavy precipitation, even in places where total rain amounts have decreased. Predictions of changes in precipitation are shown globally and the difference lies in how and where the precipitation falls. Also, summer dryness and winter wetness are extended and they are projected for much of the globe, meaning a generally greater risk of droughts and floods. Evidence suggests that, since the asses, there have been substantial increases in the intensity and duration of tropical storms and hurricanes.

Models project a tendency for more intense storms outside the tropics. If water gets warmer, it pumps energy into tropical storms, making them stronger and more violent. Even with storms that have the same amount of intensity, future hurricanes will cause more damage as higher sea levels exacerbate storm surges, flooding, erosion, and etc. Global warming will significantly increase the intensity of the most extreme storms worldwide. T The King Penguins, are now on the verge of impending extinction thanks to global warming that has been hitting the Antarctic region.

T The King Penguins, are now on the verge of impending extinction thanks to global warming that has been hitting the Antarctic region. Our world is home to diverse bodies of wildlife and it ranges from the arid deserts to the highest peaks, to fresh water and marine environments. The abundant wildlife resources will face a grim future if we do not address global arming in the proper way. Climate change is forcing every living creature on our planet to adapt to the strange change in Earth’s climate.

As the impact of global warming becomes stronger, animals find it more and more difficult to adapt to their new habitat. Abrupt change in weather conditions and more frequent extreme weather events will cause many animal species to go extinct. Many people connect global warming with melting ice caps and polar bears. Sadly, polar bears are not the only animals that are affected by global warming. Climate change is not only affecting the Polar Regions but also the hole planet. Scientists believe global warming will have the worst impact on the ones that live in the tropic regions.

Many tropical animal species are at great danger of going extinct even with the smallest temperature rise simply because these species are used to living in an environment within a very small temperature range. For them, any temperature increase above the normal range can cause their extinction as they will have not enough time to adapt to their habitat’s new requirements. Adaptation to new climate conditions will lead to extinction for many animal species. The ones that can adapt to the new environment will have a chance for survival while others will end up in history books under “animals that used to live on our planet”.

Few species will move farther north or become more successful, while others won’t be able and could become extinct forever. Global warming is already cutting into potential crop yields in some countries to such range that it may be a factor in the food price increases. The global food supply, as recent events have shown clearly, is threatened by too many problems. The natural problems are obvious: floods, droughts, hurricanes, earthquakes- and in the sat few years, the results have been devastating.

Rising temperatures in the few last decades caused a loss in production of wheat, barley, and corn that amounted in effect to some 40 million tons a year. Many scientists warned that studies demonstrated how climate change was already having an impact on the global production of staple foods. While alarmists cry about global warming and crop devastation, consumers in the real world will have to pay more for crops than have ever needed to. The Present and the Future Global warming or a global-sized myth? That is the question running wrought the minds of people when they hear the two words “global warming’.

Climate change has gone from being a scientific actuality to a political wedge issue, used as a club by parties of all persuasion to point fingers and score points against each other. Consequently, many people, including politicians and scientists, can’t seem to arrive at an agreement on the issue. When you look at the different myths which are presented on numerous magazines, newspapers, on the internet, and on the television you can see why people like to get to the bottom of the global warming myth. Because there are overall different myths which are put forward about global warming, it should be looked at more in-depth.

Earth’s climate is anything but simple. All kinds of factors and elements influence it, from massive events on the Sun to the growth Of microscopic creatures in the oceans, and there are abstruse interactions between many of these factors. Yet despite all the complexities and problems, a firm and ever-growing body of evidence points to a clear picture: the world is warming which is due to human activity involved in increasing levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. If emissions intone unabated, the warming will too, with increasingly serious consequences.

Yes, there are still big uncertainties in some predictions, but these swing both ways. With so much at stake, it is right that climate change is subjected to the most intense scrutiny. What does not help is muddying the real issues with discredited arguments or wild theories. Many people believe that global warming is a myth and that it is just an excuse for the record temperatures and other weather patterns. “Global warming skeptics” are getting more vocal than ever, and banding together to show their unity against the scientific consensus that has concluded that global warming is caused by emissions from human-related activities.

What skeptics deny is the catastrophe, the notion that man’s contributions to ICC levels will create catastrophic warming and adverse climate changes all around our world. To be able to understand their position requires understanding about the alarmists’ case that is hardly discussed in the press: the theory of man-made global warming is actually composed of two separate theories Of which the first one is only discussed in the media. The first theory is that a doubling of arbor dioxide levels in the atmosphere can lead to about a degree of Celsius warning.

But only one degree due to all the carbon dioxide emissions we may see over the next few decades is seldom a catastrophe. This second theory is the source of most of the predicted warming – the idea that the Earth’s climate is ruled by positive feedbacks. This is the main hypothesis that skeptics doubt, and the weakest part of the alarmist case. Many skeptics attribute global warming to natural cycles, not emissions from power plants, automobiles, and other human activity. Skeptics are not denying that enraptures have warmed over the last century, or even that man has played some part in that warming.

What skeptics deny, though, is the catastrophe that could follow. They suggest that global warming is a natural geological process that could begin to reverse itself within the next few decades. Some scientists had stated that compared to man-made sources’ emission of about 5 to 6 tons per year, the natural sources would then account for more than ninety-five percent of all atmospheric ICC, supporting the skeptics’ view. Here’s how they see the global climate system is working: s the temperatures rises, the ICC equilibrium in the water changes which releases more ICC into the atmosphere.

According to this sketch, atmospheric carbon dioxide is an indicator of rising temperatures, not the driving force behind it. When there is less snow to fill the Arctic ice cap, the cap may start shrinking, which could be the cause behind the withdrawal of the Arctic ice cap that scientists are documenting today. As the ice caps melt, the earth warms, until the Arctic Ocean opens again. Once enough water is available, snows can begin to replenish the ice caps again. From that point on, he Arctic ice can begin to expand, the global temperature can start to reverse, and the earth can re-start to a new ice age.

But what if it’s not a geological cycle? What if global warming turns out to be a real catastrophe? The evidence that humans are causing global warming is strong, but the question of what to do about it remains controversial. Economics, sociology, and politics all play an important part in planning for the future. Even if we stopped emitting greenhouse gases, the Earth would still warm by another degree or so. But what we do from today forward can make a big difference. Depending on our choices, the Earth could eventually warm by as little as 2 degrees or as much as 10 degrees Fahrenheit.

The goal is to stabilize greenhouse gas concentrations around 450-550 parts per million, or about twice presidential levels. This is the point at which many scientists believe the most damaging impacts of climate change can be avoided. Current concentrations are about tomato parts per million, which means there’s not much time to lose. According to the EPIC, we’d have to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 50% to 80% of what they’re on track to reach this level. Many people are already working hard to cut greenhouse gases, and everyone can help.

In addition to reducing the amount of gases We emit to the atmosphere, we can also increase the amount of gases we take out of the atmosphere. Plants and trees absorb carbon dioxide as they grow. Increasing forestland and making changes to the way we farm could increase the amount of carbon we’re storing in our atmosphere. Some of these technologies may have drawbacks, and different communities will make different decisions about how to power their lives, but the good news is that there are a many options to put us on a path toward a stable climate.

All countries must agree that global warming is a serious problem caused by human-activities, and the world must come to agree on a solution that will help our planet overcome global warming. When we have done that, our world can truly be one and become a better society for all inhabitants Of our planet. Conclusion Global warming is a cause of concern for the whole world and it must be tackled by all countries together. Today, when things are not as bad as they will be in the future, our dependence on technology is increasing day by day.

With the opening of our economy, the middle class have climbed up the social adder and can easily afford many luxuries they could not have in the past. The result is for all to see: roads over flowing with the latest cars, fields and trees in the name of progress and development are gradually, systematically making way for concrete jungles, homes fitted with the latest electric gadgets, all contributing to the emission of greenhouse gases and depletion of the ozone layers, accelerating global warning.

Mother Nature is warning us through the melting of the glaciers and climate change that the clock has started ticking. Hotter weather, rising sea levels, floods, tsunamis, earthquakes are just some of the problems but in reality we are sitting on a volcano ready to erupt at any second. These are signals of a transition that will decide the destiny of this planet and all things living in it. AAA Gore’s “The inconvenient Truth” was an eye opener for me and sent shivers through my spine. It urges us to devise ways and means to reverse this change, but the question is can we do it?

We can certainly reduce it if we give a healing touch to this planet by controlling rapid industrialization, and conserving energy. Now is the time to think of the world as one existence rather than to confine our vision to our own country. Only this can buy time for this planet as the damage is irreversible. The other solution lies in planting trees, protecting agricultural land from being used for industrial purposes, checking utilization of natural resources such as ground water, devising many ways and means to preserve, conserve and replenish what we take away from Mother Nature.

For so many of us global warming is a broad-reaching problem. This is making the slide in this way of thinking that they can’t do anything; only the rich who are seated in the seats of the government can only save them from the reroutes Of global warming. This is wrong. Who you are, whatever you are you can do something for your planet when you think global warming is a problem. We may not be able to stop the process entirely, but we can try to keep the climate from reaching a point that we can’t stop it.

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