Worksheet for Visit to the Blanton Museum of Art Assignment

Worksheet for Visit to the Blanton Museum of Art Assignment Words: 1995

Arts 1301 : Introduction to the Visual Arts (Chelsea Moore, Instructor) Guided Worksheet for Visit to the Blanton Museum of Art Due September 18, 2013 In order to complete this worksheet, you will need to visit the Blanton Museum of Art, which is located on the UT campus at the intersection of Congress and MILK. You will probably need about two hours for your visit. The museum is free to everyone on Thursdays, always to UT students, and it is $5 for college students on any other days. Please do not forget to take your student ID!

There is some parking at meters along the street, and parking in the Bravos Street rage (on the UT campus, Just east of the museum) costs $3 with museum validation. IMPORTANT: When you visit the museum, you will get a receipt as your ticket. Please staple the receipt to this worksheet. Otherwise, I cannot accept your homework. There are no exceptions to this rule. Instructions: Please write clear, well-reasoned answers to the questions below during your visit to the Blanton Museum of Art.

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Each question focuses on a specific work or group of works in the museum, and the questions can serve as a guide through the museum, though you will surely see many other interesting things along the way. Your answers can be handwritten if they are legible, or you can take home your notes and type the answers for the final assignment. Have fun exploring, and let me know if you have any questions. 1 . After checking in at the front desk, you will find yourself in the atrium of the museum, where there is a permanent sculptural installation by the artist Terrestrial Fernando.

What is the title of this piece, and which artist does the wall text claim had a great deal of influence on Freshener’s work? The title of this piece is Stacked Water. Donald Judd had a great deal of influence on Freshener’s work. He concept behind this exhibition on the wall adjacent to the entry•ay. The first thing that will probably catch your eye upon entering this room is an enormous self- portrait of the artist Chuck Close. What is the medium of this work? The medium of self-portrait of the artist Chuck Close is acrylic on canvas. 3.

If you look to the right, you will find two paintings by the artist Robert Bechtel. What is the term used for the style of Robert Beseeches painting? The style of Robert Beseeches painting is “photorealism”. 4. Continue looking around the exhibition, which turns in a u-shape. On the opposite side, you will find two rather odd artworks. One appears to be a piece of cardboard, and the other appears to be a bag of garbage. What are the media of these two pieces? The medium of Still. Life (Cardboard learning on the wall) is bronze cast, lead and paint The medium of Hefty 2-Ply is marble. 5.

In the next bay of the gallery, you will see two large photographs. One shows a suburban landscape, and the other is an overhead view of an airport. The wall text will explain the working methods of the two photographers, whose names are James Cabers and Eastern Pasturing. How are their working methods different, and why do you think the curator chose to hang these works close together? Landscape with Houses by James Cabers looks like a photograph of a real town but is actually a photograph off model off real town. Eastern Pasturing Ditz uses the tilt-shift technique to make real scenes look like miniature models.

I think the curator chose to hang these works close together because these works have opposite working methods. 6. Take a moment to look inside the small viewing room where Thomas Demands video “Rain/Regent” plays on a constant loop. The wall plaque outside the room explains how he achieved the visual and auditory effect of rain in the work. How did he do it? Thomas Demand creates the illusion of rain with 7,800 stop-action frames of cellophane candy wrappers and the sound of frying eggs. At first sight, it looks and sounds like rain. 7.

The last room of the exhibition is modeled on the theme of “The Uncanny”, an idea that the psychologist Sigmund Freud expounded on in an essay of 1919. There is a little more information about this theme on one of the wall plaques in the room. Do any of the artworks here seem uncanny to you? Why? Elegance and psychological ambiguity which I feel from the artwork. The girl looks like spontaneously turning away from the viewer. In addition, the combination between the softness of her hair and the precise rendering of her flowered Jacket makes me unable to distinguish between painting and photography. . Have a look at the ashtray in the corner. It’s actually a sculpture. What are the materials the artist used for this piece? The materials are acrylic, oil, tea, walnut ink on wax and resin with incense and cremation ashes. 9. Look at the video on the wall entitled “Still Life”. What is going on in this video? Why does it have this title? There is a definition of “still life” in your book. The video shows the decay off bowl of fruits through time. It has this title because 10. When you are finished with this exhibit, go upstairs. There are several different collections on display here.

To the left is a temporary installation entitled “Luminous. ” Read the wall text outside of the galleries. What kinds of artwork are on display here? Prints and drawings that “portray or reflect light in an affecting way’ are display here. 1 1 . Enjoy the first room, and in the second room, look for a work by Francisco Soya entitled “Well-known Folly’. What is the medium of this work, and what does it portray? The medium of Well-known Folly is etching ad burnished aquatint. 12. On the other side of the room, find Go dad Carpi’s woodcut portrait of Diogenes. What philosophical school did Diogenes belong to?

Why does the plucked chicken appear in the background? Diogenes philosophical school is the Cynic. The plucked chicken appearing in the background refers to Diogenes mocking of the philosopher Plato, who defined man as a bipedal featherless animal. 13. In the next room, find the silkscreen print entitled “Kent State”, by Richard Hamilton. What happened at Kent State, and how did the artist obtain the photograph that he based the artwork on? Dean Keller, a student of Kent State University, was wounded and paralyzed by the National Guard during a demonstration against America’s involvement in the Vietnam War. 4. In the next galleries, which are devoted to Latin American artwork, look for a drawing by the artist Gonzalez Offense. How is this drawing related to the sculpture in the room? What are the titles of the two works? The title of the drawing is El Camino sees la Phaedra. The title of the sculpture is Granaries Ill. 5. When you are finished looking at the “Luminous” exhibition, go back to the hallway where you first entered, and this time, go in the second entryway, where you will find a series of galleries devoted to paintings from the Said-Manning collection of Renaissance and Baroque art.

In the first room, look to the wall on your right, where you will see three paintings by the artist Lucas Cambiums. Where was this artist born? Back up and look at the paintings together. Can you imagine a reason (other than being by the same artist) that the curator chose to hang them together? The artist was born in Mongolia, Genoa. The curator chose to hang these three together because they describe a story about Lucrative who after being violated by the son of Tarpaulins Superb told her husband about the outrage and then killed herself. . To the right of the doorway leading from this room into the next, you will find a portrait painted in 1516. Who painted this? How has the artwork been altered? The artist is Sebastian Lucian, called Sebastian del Bimbo. The artwork had been cut down from a much larger composition. The original art work likely would have been three-quarters length. 0. In the next room, there is a landscape by the artist Coercing. What is the narrative subject matter of this landscape? What materials/technique did Coercing use to paint this work?

The narrative subject matter of this landscape is “coming to the Tigris river, the angel Raphael commanded the young Tibias to seize a great fish and to save its entrails. ” The technique Coercing use to paint this work is High Baroque style. 11. In the fourth room of this gallery, you will find several large religious paintings from what is known as the “Mannerist” period of the 16th century. How would one scribe the portrayal of human bodies in Coaching Wetware & Workshop’s The Raising of Lazarus? Where did the artist employ a bright vermilion color repeatedly, and why?

The human bodies look extravagant and strong. The artist employed a bright vermilion color repeatedly on clothes because the bright vermilion color is a one of strident colors which were known as Mannerism. 12. Look at the credit line for the Wetware. The credit line is the last part of the label museum. How did the museum acquire this work? The museum acquired this work by Archer M. Huntington Museum Fund, 1984-55. 3. In the next room, there is a painting by Lorenz Lippie of Saint Ghats. How was this saint martyred (tortured for her Christian faith)?

This saint was martyred by the picture’s scale, sharp illumination, and alluring psychology makes the subject intensely present and engaging. 14. When you are finished looking at the Said-Manning collection, return again to your starting point, and follow the opposite hallway to the collections of modern and contemporary art of the Americas. Walk along the right-hand wall until you find the wall label entitled “Gestures Abstraction. Read about gestures abstraction. What does the writer claim as the political inspiration for this type of art?

Have a look at the enormous paintings by Franz Kline and Doll Goodliest, which are great examples of gestures abstraction. The Cold War era is claim as the political inspiration of “Gestures Abstraction. ” The “Gestures Abstraction” encapsulated the Cold War era concerns: freedom and individual expression, human consciousness, internationalism, and the relevance of the past to the present. 15. On the opposite wall from the label text is a painting by the artist Hans Hoffman, en of the great Abstract Expressionists. What is the title of this piece, and why did the artist give it that title? The title of this piece is Elysium.

The artist gave it this title because he believed that Elysium was the place the old artists went when they died; this place was clean, simple but told everything. 16. Before leaving this gallery, turn from the Hans Hoffman to have a look at David Alfalfa Esquires Coauthor of 1940. Who was Coauthor, and what is happening to him in this painting? Is there anything special about the materials used to make this painting? Coauthor was Aztec Emperor. Escutcheon’s feet were burning in the picture. The artist used pyroxene (an industrial paint) to depict the fire was one of the “controlled accidents. 17. Pass through the doorway immediately to the right of the wall text for “Gestures Abstraction,” and you will find yourself in a smaller gallery. Turn to the right. Who painted this portrait of the Jazz composer George Gershwin? What ailment did the artist and composer both claim to suffer from? Do you think this affected the way he painted the portrait? David Alfalfa Esquires painted this portrait. Indention which is called kinesthesia. Gershwin can feel the music in Squirrel’s paint while Esquires can see colors in Gershwin’s music.

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