Work Effectively with in Mental Health 21503 Assignment

Work Effectively with in Mental Health 21503 Assignment Words: 760

ASSIGNMENT Work Effectively in Mental Health CHCMH301A 21503A STUDENTS ARE ONLY REQUIRED TO COMPLETE PART B. PART B. Essential Knowledge Case Study Lee 1. What are some of the stigmas surrounding mental illness? Stigma is when someone judges you based on a personal trait. Unfortunately this is a common experience for people who have a mental health condition. Stigma may be obvious and direct, such as someone making a negative comment about your mental illness or treatment. Or it may be subtle, such as someone assuming you could be unstable, violent and dangerous.

Some of the issues facing those suffering mental illness may include: Discrimination at school or work Difficulty finding work Bullying, physical violence or harassment The belief that you will never succeed at certain things, or that you can’t improve your situation 2. Mental illness is a form of disability. What does this mean in terms of legislation and standards of practice for people who experience mental illness? This means people who are suffering from mental illness are protected from direct or indirect discrimination based on disability. They are protected under a number of Acts. It also ensures they have access to, and are offered ital services and support. 3. How can the recovery model be applied to Lee’s situation? It is essential to involve Lee in the development of a recovery program to suit him and his situation, as well as the relationships in his life. The program you develop should be person-centred, and respectful of Lee’s lifestyle choices, preferences, goals, rights and responsibilities. Support and services for Lee, such as: Social interaction Employment, training, learning new skills Peer support groups ; Education regarding Mental illness, Body dysmorphic disorder, Would all be beneficial to him, but he must be interested and willing to participate. . What rights and responsibilities will Lee have as a client of the mental health service? Lee has the right to: *Accurate and easy-to-understand information *Make decisions when possible *Relevant services (have access to) *Confidentiality *Complain and appeal *Be free from discrimination, to be treated with respect and as an individual Lee’s responsibilities include: *Participation in his recovery program planning *Informing his support group *Actively participating in the services, programs he has agreed to partake in *Seek help if he is feeling out of control, discriminated against, or fearful of a situation 5.

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What rights and responsibilities will Barbara have as Lee’s carer? Will Barbara have access to Lee’s personal and health information once he becomes 18 years old? As Lee’s carer, Barbara has a right to: *Current and accurate information *Advocate for Lee if she needs to *Be treated with respect and non-discrimination *Participate in the program planning process *Complain and appeal *Confidentiality Barbara has a responsibility to: *Advocate for Lee if needed *Share vital information with the care team *Work with others to help Lee succeed in the program *Respect Lee’s decisions *Care for Lee without discrimination Be aware of the Legislation surrounding caring for the mentally ill *Identify and respond to Lee’s risk of self-harm Barbara must obtain Lee’s permission to access his information once he turns 18 years old. 6. What action could be taken if Lee does not comply with his medication regimen or continues to be violent? Lee could be admitted to hospital for medical treatment, or into a facility that specialises in Mental Illness. This is not only to protect him, but also those he lives with, as everyone has a right to be safe. 7. Lee’s father, Frank, is not coping with Lee’s disclosure of his homosexuality.

Frank feels that Lee may be confused and not have sufficient knowledge or experience to be sure of his sexual preference. He would like Lee to receive counselling to help ‘sort this problem out’. What advice would you give Frank? You must remember to be respectful of Frank’s opinion and views. I would offer Frank information on homosexuality so he may better understand his son’s sexual preference and also suggest joining a support group. Frank cannot be told how to feel about his son’s sexuality, but giving him information may help him to understand and accept it more easily. . What other support and services are available to support Lee to live independently in the community if he chooses to leave the family home at some stage? *Housing assistance *Income support services *Community support groups *Education, training and employment services *Transport services REFERENCES/BIBLIOGRAPHY Aspire Training and Consulting Cengage Education PTY LTD 2010 www. health. qld. gov. au/mentalhealth www. wikipedia. org/bodydysmorphicdisorder www. au. reachout. com www. communities. qld. gov. au/supportservices

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