Women in the work force Assignment

Women in the work force Assignment Words: 2273

Use the six points terms in my paragraphs Suggested to add more symmetrical analysis Comment on overall similarities and differences Reference model drafts on e-college to understand the changes that need to e made part 3: Reader Evaluation Kelly provided some excellent feedback: she suggested to place my 3 viewpoints at the end of my introduction to allow the reader to know what is to come in the paper.

She also suggested that in my paragraphs that make sure to state the stakes, values and frame the issues as they are necessary to address in this paper. Also she gave me some great advice to make sure my transitions are clearer to make sure that the reader can follow my work and the new topic points in my essay. Finally she reminded me that the works cite belongs on its own page at the end of the paper. Even though she didn’t answer all my questions the provided me with guidance on some of the questions and great feedback on my work.

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Writers Memo Part 1: Production For my essay I took a long time to figure out my driving question and put it into words as a variety of questions came to my head when we were given this assignment After that I took the weekend to dwell on my question as well as write out my interview questions and begin to think of candidate s to interview. After pondering for a long time as to who I should interview I decided to interview both my mother along with my aunt as they worked very art to get to where they are today. After interviewing came up with the three topics I want my essay to embody.

This essay was surprisingly difficult for me to write as all the other research writing I have done has been very different from this type of writing. Hope this essay not only embodies my research survey question but also my overall question of uncertainty. Part 2: Intellectual Actions The most challenging part of this essay was thinking of a topic to write about as there are a multitude of interesting topic s I would like to research. Once again am thankful for the amount of time we are given to perfect our search question as this is the basis of our work.

This being said most difficult task for me was coming up with a topic that not only represent my dwelling question but making sure that it is also part of my research question. After finding a question that I didn’t know the “answers” to I found this paper to be very interesting and fun to research. Part 3: Writing skills The most challenging part of writing this essay was the structure the essay was supposed to follow. After referring to the model multiple times I believe I finally have the correct formatting for the essay. As a reread through my say I continue to question whether or not the formatting is correct as it seems strange to me.

As I proceeded through my essay had an interesting time writing it, I continually question if am writing this correctly and it was frustrating to write and not have as much freedom to work with Part 4: Knowledge The most surprising thing I learned in writing this essay was that what socioeconomic class you are born into has a direct relationship to what your future entails and how hard you have to work. Also in writing this I learned that there are multiple instances were education can help to differentiate you n the future.

Finally, the most challenging thing for me to accept is the fact that not everyone can achieve the American dream. Women in the Work Force Hilary Clinton, Martha Stewart, Opera Winfred, and Andrea Jung are just a few names that are well recognized for being strong “break-through” women. One may ask, how can women achieve economic mobility in order to rise in socioeconomic class? Well these are the women that can be dollied for breaking through the glass ceiling and becoming successful in overcoming the gender discrimination that is prevalent in the workplace.

However, they did to get to their positions easily by any means; based on what socioeconomic class they were born into they could have had more or less of a struggle to get to the top. Secondly, the degree of education makes a difference in economic success, and last but not least, (Z) While it can seem unachievable to most people, women can achieve some degree of economic mobility; which leads me to my first analysis point. Patricia Barn claims that “the degree of mobility varies depending on several key variables. These Variables include, “which socioeconomic class she is starting from: poverty, lower, diddle and upper-class each present unique hurdles for females in order to achieve movement’ (Barn). The underlying assumption is implied by the reason that the gain in social class is unachievable for some citizens due to their class. This is an unfortunate concept that one must come to terms with and face the challenges that come with the challenges that class mobility presents. One who holds a position such as this one, frames this topic as a matter of social status and class mobility among the female race.

For example, according to Barn, “a young female at poverty level may be faced tit basic survival decision just to keep herself and her family alive” she later mentions that, “the thought of her socioeconomic advancement would be extremely rare” to emphasize her frame of the difficulties in class gain in women at a low socioeconomic class. Individuals with this prospective, frame the issue as an issue Of rank. As there Seems to be a broken social ladder where no matter how hard the poor work the wealthy always come out on top.

That being said if a women were to start off in a poor socioeconomic class, her options are limited due to financial pressures causing her education o become less of a priority while also causing her network of support to be limited. In addition to the issue with the poorest socioeconomic class gaining class, Barn shows us a second topic frame of middle class females struggle to achieve a greater ranking by stating; “a well-educated young female from the middle class has a much higher probability of achieving some upward mobility’ (Barn).

Other sources support this by stating that “middle class woman, particularly if she has a career or is planning to have a career, the primary problem is to get men out of the way (I. E. To free women from male eminence maintained by institutionalized discrimination), in order to enjoy the full privileges of middle class status” (Dixon par 19).

Finally Barn goes to state that “Despite the socioeconomic starting point, all women must realize that it will take significant hard work, utilization of all available resources that support women advancement , academic achievement to the highest level possible, development of a strong network both successful female and male executives as well as a support system of family and friends” (Barn). Some people with strong values such as these consider their stakes n this issue to be that women need to be more prevalent in the upper-class positions of companies and need to be given more opportunities to advance to these positions.

Female class mobility is a core value that forms the basis of the author’s positions. A statement that supports this value is that, “sex discrimination affects all women, irrespective of race, language or class (but the fact that it does not affect all women in the same way or to the same degree was often absent from discussion)” (Dixon par 14). This exemplifies the discrimination of women and their struggle to increase their socioeconomic class. The glass ceiling is thought to prevent women and minorities from occupying more than a very small percentage of top managerial positions.

Women can achieve economic mobility by vigorously pursuing education to deepen their knowledge and excelling. The central claim made by people who maintain this perspective is that education is the key to monetary success. The dominate reason for this claim is Furthering females education will “broaden their horizons, provide a foundation of discipline and increase their self-confidence as they master new topics” (Kirsch). An underlying assumption implied by the reason is that education is opens the doors of success. People with this perspective frame the topic as education equating to monetary success.

According to Nancy Kirsch President of Core source, “employers view education as a distinguishable predictor of success. They believe those who are well educated quickly and easily learn the unique nuances of that specific firm and contribute more quickly than uneducated employees. ” Individuals who occupy this position frame the issue as an issue of opportunity. After receiving the necessary education, there IS still a large gender gap. As reported by All Meyer, “American women born in the early 1 sass are 33 percent more likely to have earned a college degree by the time they reach 27 years of age than their male contemporaries” (par 1).

So why are women being “paid 35% less” than their male counter parts (Goodly)? The subject of equal pay for females and males performing the same job has been a work in progress for decades. However, women are still far from equal pay and this is an area of focus women’s organizations must continue to press hard. As more woman rise to executive positions in corporate America as well as key political and overspent positions there is a light on the horizon that continued positive progress will happen. People with perspectives similar to these would also share the core values that it will take all females uniting as a force to achieve equality.

To most this it is seen as an alarming fact that women with a greater amount of education are belittled compared to men. The Secretary of the Interior Washington, Ken Salary seems to have a solution; he is “dedicated to promoting equal opportunity and a discrimination-free workplace… To the public we serve because they can only benefit from a workplace that thrives n equal opportunity’ (par 1). This stake represents that in the near future there should be a great reduction in the gender inequality gap as more women pressure careers in male dominated fields as well as obtain a sense of equality in the work place.

There are many different perspectives on women and economic mobility, some claim that it is much harder for women to reach top management positions due to their duel role as primary care givers. Jihad Hasty and Marilyn M. Helms suggest that the underlying reasons for these claims are the “results indicated by single females in the U. S. Population” which “is not a predictor of women in top management, but being separated, married and/or divorced (but not single) does affect the number of women in upper level positions” (37).

The underlying assumption that aligns with this is that women are meant to be the care taker and not looked upon as the main provider for the family. The major reason for this seems to be the gender model status; stating that Ft;venom are less committed because they are socialized to put family before career, and the marital status of women may explain their lack of top management participation” (40). This means that those with similar views frame the topic as a matter of the greater likelihood of women having children, the less likely to get top ranked jobs.

People who agree with these beliefs frame the issue as an issue of history as women have always been looked upon as the care takers of the family s. As Kirsch said, “Economic mobility for women will occur when women master the art of nonworking. This skill of utilizing relationships to enhance economic mobility is pursued by successful men and occurs regularly on golf courses and bars daily. ” Evidence shows the through outworking women will progress and their worth will show through them Obtaining higher ranking jobs.

According to Kirsch, men have more time to socialize due to women taking care of the children and the house hold issues. One who agrees with this prospective would demand equal division of work a stake in the issue. They believe that equality of gender is a core value. There is a common misconception that due to women accepting “entry-level and middle manager jobs while remaining scarce on top,” is caused by women only being able to balance work or her children not both (Hasty, Helms par 4). It a disappointment to me that women can’t be thought of to handle equivalent or more tasks than men.

As more women break through the glass ceiling, they will once again be recognized for the strong independent people they can be. It takes a will, desire and passion, along with a strong foundation Of academic achievements, hard work, and a network of supporters. But the women that possess these traits can achieve economic mobility and rise in socioeconomic class and the so called impossibility of gaining status can be achieved. Females will be dollied for breaking through the glass ceiling and coming successful in overcoming the gender discrimination that was one prevalent.

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