Weeknotes Assignment

Weeknotes Assignment Words: 704

This benchmark assessment is a means for you to apply all you have learned n this course. It is recommended that you work on this a little each week to ensure adequate time is spent on building this presentation. To provide context, a variety of scenarios are provided for you to choose from. Regardless of the scenario, the presentation should include the same criteria.

Options – Pick one of these topics and use the criteria below to formulate your final project: 0 Online Education for Migrant Children C] Medical Care for Homeless Populations C] Clean Water in Urban Communities C] Poverty in Your Town C] Hunger in Your Town Children under the Poverty Line in Your Town C] Seniors in Your Town C] Veterans in Your Town Imagine you are working for a non-profit organization that deals with the subject you have picked from the list. Imagine one main problem or issue as you envision it within your own town or city connected with the topic you’ve picked from the list.

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You are responsible for promoting awareness on the issues and problems connected with the subject you’ve chosen and you’re looking for the City Council to approve some actions your committee wants to make to either resolve an issue or solve a problem. In preparation for making a presentation to the local Community Council on this topic you need to convince your committee to use better critical thinking strategies in order to convince the Council of the changes you wish to see implemented.

Therefore you decide to hold a planning meeting with your committee members prior to visiting the City Council meeting. Using the prompts below, describe the steps and strategies you and your committee members will take to implement critical thinking within your own committee. You are not trying to solve the problem or resolve the issue. You are trying to make your committee members use critical thinking skills to get the facts and related issues ready to be presented to the City Council so that further actions can be approved.

C] One example of a problem might be: Migrant children could benefit enormously by becoming engaged in an online education system which would allow them to access a common ground classroom as the family moves from town to town following the crops each season. An uninterrupted school year is envisioned by your committee. The problem: equipment and trained teachers to UN the program which has to cross perhaps multiple states. The issue: funding for such a program might divide popular consent. The goal of this committee and your job for your assignment is to outline the critical thinking strategies your group needs in order to bring the topic forward for discussion. The discussion itself never happens in this assignment. Only the preparation. Follow the prompts in the assignment and keep to the planning stages only and you should see a successful assignment. Research this topic online and in the University Library. Locate at least three articles on this topic, in addition to the Elder article.

Create a 10- to 12-slide Microsoft@ Powering@ presentation that includes the following: Is this topic a problem or an issue? How would you express it? O What methods could you use to produce ideas to resolve this problem or issue? C] What habits and perceptual blocks that hinder your thinking did you have to overcome with this topic? How did you detect bias in your research? C] What types of questions should you ask to think about this topic critically? How did you evaluate arguments in your research?

O What assumptions or errors in reasoning did you encounter? CLC Which techniques should you use to present your ideas and to persuade your audience effectively? ј Which approaches should you use to communicate your ideas effectively, both written and in speech? [l Propose several solutions to this topic by using the methods described in the text. Note. This presentation is not about your opinion on the topic, but your thinking and research on the topic. Cite and reference any sourced material consistent with Associate Level Writing Style Handbook guidelines.

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Weeknotes Assignment. (2018, Aug 26). Retrieved September 16, 2024, from https://anyassignment.com/samples/week-assignment-notes-745/