Turning Around Assignment

Turning Around Assignment Words: 506

I insisted on graduating from Creditor High School with a high school diploma in early summer 2010, and I had let my dream be fulfilled in my life as a disabled, senior student. One of my best senior friends during that year did not succeed In reaching her dreams. Her name was Jessica Song, and she went to that school for five years because she had good talents and wisdom. I didn’t know she wanted to stay after her senior year. When I went to Creditor College In summer 2010, I took placement tests, and it’s a pass/no pass test.

It’ll tell me which classes I should take for the spring semester of 2011, and I picked three of them. The three classes that I found were English 20 with Timothy Jauntily, Accounting 100 with Peter Maloney, C. P. A. And Math 110 with Lorena Castillo. In the fall 2010, I went to two classes, one for disabled students who really want to have their own pathways to success and the other is Cardiac Training because I achieved PEE II at Creditor High School. Having a spring semester at Creditor College a year later was bad for me cause I wasn’t in my study habits.

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All I did was daydreaming. I got one textbook, and it’s for accounting, but, on the other hand, I was In a frustrated mood. I considered being drowsy and usually sluggish, and that’s the way my three grades were deficient because I was daydreaming. This makes me be flattened out, and It gets my negative attitude from top to bottom. In fall 2011, I shook It up, turned myself back around, and made a little creative experience. I took Principles of Accounting for a second time with Teresa Alienation, C. P. A. , and M. B. A.

She is actually not only an awesome instructor who loves accounting, but she also teaches me to do the easy things that I love to do. I have created general journals, financial statements, and a project on Cookbooks and did extra credit assignments including investment questions about major companies from around the world. I passed a lot of assignments, quizzes, one midterm, and one final exam. And finally, I received an A. I succeeded a little bit at Creditor College until I transferred to Long Beach City College.

In spring 2012, I visited LBS. for the first time as a city college student. I took two major courses, beginning algebra and Information technology. They are In the foundations of Glenn me a good, guaranteed grade and put me Into the next level. And It goes on and on again, until I finish with the general education courses. I will complete sixty units so I can obtain an associate of science degree and transfer to a be the same as flunking or passing. I should build my promise of graduating in the future and make my life be so much brighter. It helps me get my positive attitude morally.

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