Thesis Assignment

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Get a full history of any inventory movements or adjustments to track down any problems or theft. Get a full history of any inventory movements or adjustments to track down any problems or theft. INTRODUCTION Nowadays, Technology like computer are use in our everyday lives. Using this kind of technologies can help fast growing and important developments in time.

The advantages of using computers in most students are; ease in research work especially if the computer is internet enabled, typing of assignment, thesis, projects and communication with other student, design work in courses such as graphic easing, entertainment and games during free time among other activities. It also has benefits to businesses by allowing organizations to work more efficiently and to maximize productivity. Faster communication, electronic storage and the protection of records are advantages that information technology can have on your enterprise.

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Information technology has to do with computer applications, on which nearly every work environment is dependent. Since computerized systems are so widely used, it is advantageous to incorporate information technology into your organization. The looming technology has taken deep roots in every field. It is impossible for anyone to imagine a world without high modern computing environment. It is the worst nightmare for any organization to imagine functioning without high-end automated systems. In every field, the computer plays a vital role directly or indirectly.

Ordering System throughout the businesses relied on pen and papers. It encounters problem such as redundant orders and lack of information. Furthermore, some could not be able to handle massive volume of orders and using manual ordering system through papers, takes up too much time to process. Computerized ordering system can improved productivity for businesses. It rids paper inefficiency, reduces human error, and allow information to flow smoothly without time consuming data input process. In addition, it less chance of misreading orders and illegibly handwriting.

And due to the great demand of the systems that would enhance and give a positive outcome to a business, the developers, as Information technology students of SIT College – Global City, decided to develop a system entitled, Computerized Sales and Delivery System for Squabbles water refilling station; Squabbles is the premier water franchising concept of G. Q. W. E. S. T. (Global Quality waters & Environment solutions electronic,) Inc. Its Taste growing network of water refilling stations is continuing its nationwide expansion and has been recognized for franchising excellence numerous times by industry bodies and Entrepreneur magazine. SUGGESTED] Two of the Franchising store that the students created a System is located at Paisa City; Paisa City is not only the area that the store coverage, but within metro manila. The Franchise started to service in the year 2000,and has an Average customer or Transactions of 200 per day and estimated customer of the store is about 1000. The store in Bambina has 3 Motorcycles, 7 employees and the store in Butting has 1 Motorcycle, 3 Trucks and 8 employees. The store in butting requires to learn to drive a truck and requires to have number 2 restrictions on their drivers license.

In the process of developing the extensive functions of the system, the developers search and learned broad knowledge, skills and creativity that can be use to innovate on creating a system that would help the company addressing and solving the problems that they encountered in their current system. 1. Statement of the Problem In the conduct of the study, the proponents resorted to the different techniques of data gathering like interview, observation, internet research and library.

The data gathered were used in the classification of different problems and formulation of solutions to the problems. After analyzing the current process of the company, the following problems and objectives had been identified. 1. 2 General Problem In an ordinary day, Squabbles receives phone calls from different customers. Names and order quantity are written only in a sheet of paper, they are sorting the customer address first by arranging the customer’s name alphabetically to deliver the product per area, and this will be the cause of delayed delivery.

All the files of Squabbles are kept in filling cabinet, there are times when some files are misplaced, lost or damaged due to a vast number of papers filed-up together. So, when they need to find customers file, it would likely take too much time to search for that certain file that need to find because the person in-charge will have to look for the files one by one on every file on the filling cabinet. Since there are chances that the file that deed is misplaced, lost or damaged, it thus delays the transactions wherein the specific file is necessary to transact with.

Currently, the sales process of the Squabbles Station is done in a traditional approach, wherein a man in the station is assigned to compute or count the sales of the Squabbles in daily, weekly, monthly and annually using only a calculator. And since the sales of squabbles written only in yellow paper or a paper wherein customers has a numerous number, obviously, the staff or employee in-charged doing the computing of sales would have a lot of computing to o, Usually, the whole sales processes would take a lot of time to finish.

Reports generated reflect the company status and over-all transactions. In Squabbles Station, there are series of reports that need to be accomplished by the in-charge employee such as the Product and Supplier list, Sales report, Fast and Slow Moving products, Critical level of products, and Receive Order from the supplier. With these numbers of reports to be generated, the employee in-charge finds it hard to finish, and to produce correct and accurate outputs, the employee in-charge must make those reports Walt all amnesty Ana carefulness.

In Alton to Tanat, searching Tort all ten Tiles that need to be included in the reports; and checking it one by one would not maximize the productivity of the employee in-charge because these processes would need more time and greater effort to accomplish. 1. 1. 2 Specific Problem * The company encounter difficulties in organizing all the needed information of the customer. * The company encounter difficulties in sorting the deliveries of the customer orders. * The company encounters difficulties in monitoring the critical level of products. The company encounters difficulties in monitoring for the availability of a certain products * The company encounters difficulties in generating fast and accurate reports. 1. 3 Overview of the Current State of the Technology This part of the study discusses the company background, state of the current technology of the company and the different solutions developed by the developers, Also this contains discussions about the specific problems that the company is currently encountering that lead to the development of an Computerized Sales and Delivery for Squabbles Water Refilling Station.

Modern technology allows businesses, employee and the company itself to monomaniac better, enable business owners to manage costs more efficiently and sell products in different ways. There are two (2) branches of Squabbles Water Refilling Station franchised by Mr… Oscar Z. Ramona. This two branches is located at same place but different location in Paisa City. The first branch is located at Bambina Paisa City while the second branch is located at Butting Paisa City. All the transactions of the Squabbles Station are done through traditional approach which is known to be slow in processing and consumes greater number of time.

The company experiences problems in assessing massive orders coming from different lace and monitoring for the number of supplies of a certain product. Moreover, the company experiences difficulties in retrieving and updating files or documents. The company cannot, as well, monitor for the fast and slow moving products; and for the critical level of products which is very necessary in inventory management. Inventory management is vital in today’s businesses. Without proper inventory management, the company may order too many of one item, and not enough of the other item.

Running out of available products, and having an over stock of other products, costs the company not only money, but available storage space. Inventory Management needs to be carefully controlled in order for the business to run effectively and efficiently. In this manner, the company will be able to know what products are frequently ordered and what products are not frequently ordered by the clients, so future decisions of the company in ordering products to its supplier can be made with a basis using factual information; again, making the inventory more cost effective.

Squabbles Station provides different sizes of purified water, which is: mall, mall, IL, Gallon and gallon. Today, various companies and stores used computer yester to give a huge boost in the company. The main purpose of computer systems is to managed, organized and hasten the data’s needed in a specific process. And this is the solution to the problems of the Squabbles Water Station. I nee current process In Squattest water station Is composed AT tense processes sun as Product Ordering, Generation of Report, Purchase order to Supplier, Critical Level of the Product and Cashiering.

Product Ordering Ordering of products could be done in two (2) ways. First is walk-in. The customer would have to go to Squabbles Water Station at Paisa City branch. The in-charge employee would be the one assessing the orders. All walk-in customers are having their bottled water or gallon water when they are going to squabbles branch, so they only cater to refill the bottle or gallon. The second one is through phone call. The customer would call to the Squabbles Station.

Then the employee would ask the customer for the order. After that, the employee in-charge would check for the product availability. If the product is available, then it will tend to sell and deliver the product ordered to the customer. If not, the in-charge employee would call the second branch and ask if the product is available, if yes the second branch would deliver the product to the customer but the sales will record to the first branch whom the customer called.

Usually, Squabbles Station itself is the one who producing their purified water; they are not running out of water supply to put for sale to the customer. Purchase Order to the Supplier In Squabbles, the in-charged employee will count the number of products or bottle in the store manually, if the product in on its critical level, the employee in-charged will make a list of products that are out of stock and this are the products needs to be ordered.

The manager will double check the products as well as the list made by the employee if the products are running out, and then after the manager check all, the manager will call the supplier to order the out of stacks product Critical Level of a Product If a product or bottle are running out of stacks or no more stocks left at the station, that product is on its critical level. In Squabbles Station the employee sometimes fail to monitor the marketable products or the fast and slow moving products that is why there are instances that the employee fails to inform the manager about the reduces or bottles need to be reordered from the supplier.

Cashiering In walk-in customers, when a customer went to the cashiering area, the customer simply provide the bottle or gallon that wants to refill, the cashier manually write the quantity and price of the product to the paper after the cashier inputs all the needed information that the customer have said, the customer will pay the said amount and the cashier will ask if the customer wants to take the receipt. In on-call customers, when a customer call to the Squabbles the cashier would ask the order, name and address of the customer.

After the ordering the cashier will tell the customer the estimated time the product will be delivered. When the product is delivered to the customer, there they only get the amount needed to pay by the customer and ask the customer if wants to have the receipt. There are two types receipts that the employee produce, one for the customer and other one is for the copy of the Squabbles. Generation of Reports In Squattest station, generation AT reports In sales Is performer dally, weekly, monthly and annually, the employee will Just record the quantity of product sold and the quantity of product left.

Squabbles generates report, namely and product list. The employee Just simply write it in a paper, These reports are done in a traditional approach where the generated reports relied only on the output that the employee had produced; and in order to produce accurate reports, the employee had to work carefully. Areas of Research Information System (IS) is any combination of Information Technology and people’s activities that support operations, management and decision making. In a very broad sense, the term information system is frequently used to refer to the interaction teen people, processes, data and technology.

It is an integrated set of components for collecting, storing, and processing data and for delivering information, knowledge, and digital products. Business and other organizations rely on information systems to carry out and manage their operations, interact with their clients and suppliers, and/or compete in the marketplace. This process would help the company in managing the orders coming from the clients and easily communicate with the other employees outside the office of the AIM Company.

A Transaction processing system (TIPS) is a type of a real-time information yester involving the collection, modification and retrieval of all transaction data. It is a data processing systems are used within many companies to provide support and organization in the processing of large amounts of paperwork. It is often contrasted with a batch process system and batch processing, where many requests are executed all at one time. The former requires the interaction of a user, whereas, batch processing does not require a user to be present.

Also, in batch processing the results of each transaction are not immediately available. And, there is a delay while he many requests are being organized, stored and eventually executed. In transaction processing there is no delay and the results of each transaction are immediately available. The IS and TIPS will occur in the developed system through the automation of order and monitoring of the products for Squabbles Water Refilling Station. The developed system for the Squabbles Station would be a Local Area Network based transaction processing system and a computerized system for the monitoring of products. . 3 Project Rationale The Computerized Sales and Delivery for Squabbles Water Refilling Station the blooper’s developed is a computer-based management system designed as a primary tool to make the billing and payment of the customer faster, monitor the specific products accurately and generate reports fast and organized. The project is developed with the hope of the developers to bring the most efficient way of management in order to lessen the workload of the company. The Squabbles Company would be the main beneficiary of the system.

They will have a Computerized Sales and Delivery System that will lessen the time period of the customers in ordering the different size of bottled water; and also the workload of nee employees well De lessen slice ten transaction Is cone computerized. I nee company also easily monitors the availability of the water per bottle by the use of this system. The customers will benefit from the developed system as their transaction will become easier and faster. Through the use of the developed system, it can provide quality service to the customers.

This can serve as a reference or a guide to other researchers with the similar study and a good inspiration to develop a similar study. In this study, they can also apply the methods and techniques that can be seed in gathering data and provide applicable information needed in creating or even in expanding similar system development. The developers are also benefiting from the system developed. Members of the group were able to expand their knowledge and skills about the system development through practical approach, thus gaining better understanding of the career they are into.

They also had a chance to test their understanding and skills in the process of accomplishing the project, which later on would motivate them to become more responsible, knowledgeable and skillful students. The SIT College – Global City can also benefit from the study. This study showed how effective the educational system of this Academic Institution is, especially to its goal to produce knowledgeable, skilled and competent Information Technology (IT) students. The Future Researcher is can also benefit this study.

This Sales and Delivery System serves as a reference and guide for SIT Students who would be conducting studies relating the same topic. Furthermore, the theories, programming techniques and ideas discussed within this documentation would serve as their reference as they Journey in the outside industry. 1. Review of Related Literature 1. 4. 1 Foreign Studies Figure 1. 4. 1. 1 Allan Mobile Sales ; Delivery Management System Allan is a powerful, feature-rich and easy to use solution for the sales and distribution business.

It is design to automate and enable mobile and field sales using handheld terminals to improve the sales cycle efficiency and reliability, and eliminate the need for paper-based back office reconciliation and data entry. Allan consists of efficient, reliable, and user-friendly desktop and handheld components. Over the years, Allan has been evolved into a feature rich solution that covers most deeds and scenarios within the sales and distribution business cycle. Moreover, flexibility was designed into the software to allow for meeting the individual needs of any company.

In fact, one of the most important differentiating advantages of Allan is the ease with which modifications can be made to its standard features. The existence of such solution within a distribution company, allows better visibility to the current activities happening on the road. Allan even allows for real time operation from invoicing, delivery status updates, to back office inventory checking ND reservation, to tracking and driver communication. Whether operated online or offline, the capturing of various transactions using handheld devices greatly improves the sales and accounting cycle, reduces manual data entry and improves accuracy.

In Alton, Minivan noels companies netter control tenet sales Ana Illustration actively The company’s marketing strategies are automatically applied and enforced from the back office. Sales managers and supervisors need only update their pricing policies, discounts and promotions on an easy to use back office control panels. These policies re then automatically and accurately applied in the market. The sales activity executed using the handheld system, captures massive amounts of data pertaining to the routing, sales, consumer behavior and other aspects of the sales cycle.

This data can be mined to uncover a wealth of information that allows sales managers better navigate today’s competitive markets. Allan presents this information with ease to the user, using its state of the art dashboards and reporting system, capturing this data and presenting to the user actionable conclusions in the form of both graphs and numbers. SUCCUBAE] The Relation of the developed system to the study has a common process in monitoring of the delivery, sales and items. This relation will serve as the back end of the system which is compose of the sales and delivery.

Figure 1. 4. 1. 2 inflow Inventory System inflow is inventory management software designed for small to mid-sized businesses. By using inflow, you can save time on paperwork, fulfill customer needs more accurately, and free up cash held in excess inventory. Inflow can help you track inventory, take customers orders, reorder stock, generate reports, and much more. Use multiple units of measurement, e. G. Buy by the case, track inventory by the piece, and sell by the dozen. Get a full history of any inventory movements or adjustments to track down any problems or theft.

Use our simple workflow to take orders and deduct inventory with one click! Look good with our professionally designed invoices. You can customize the logo, color, and fonts to suit your business’ style. [INFILLING] The relation of the system to the study keeps track of product prices and past orders, and it manage inventory and orders. It also has history that can be accessible y the user. The inventory is much like similar to the developed system. 1. 4. 2 Local Studies 1. 5 Objective of the study 1. 5. General Adjectives This study aims to design, develop and implement an Computerized Sales and Delivery System for Squabbles Water Refilling Station that would facilitate and improve sales, product, delivery monitoring, inventory and ordering transaction. 1 . 5. 2 Specific Objectives * To design and develop a module that will automatically check the availability of the products. This module will automatically check the available products in the Store whenever the user inputted the product in the system.

It will fasten the process of store and lessen the workload of the employees. * To design, develop and implement a module that will monitor products that are in critical level. Determining the products that are in critical level will give ease to ordering items, this will help the company to always monitor products to be purchased from there supplier, leading to products not reaching their critical level, this will also help the company in their generation of purchase order. * To design, develop and implement

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