The Effectiveness of Leadership and Management Assignment

The Effectiveness of Leadership and Management Assignment Words: 1942

In this research paper I will be discussing the effect of leadership styles and management that can be shown in a positive perspective in today’s workplace. Provide the differences between effective management and effective leadership. Also, I will be discussing the charismatic, transformational, and authentic perspectives on leadership.

Last, I ill evaluate myself as a manager; discuss my strengths, weaknesses, and my future goals as a manager. Use of Problem Solving Model Most people think management and leadership mean the same, although they appear to be totally different meanings. Management is the process of working with people and resources to accomplish organizational goals. When using a problem solving model, it breaks down the process in which you take steps in becoming a great leader. When people show great leadership it always makes a great progression in life. “Leadership and management have a lot in common.

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Both require a unique lance of skills-personal charisma, a big-picture perspective, and the ability to oversee the implementation of specific programs or strategies. If you lack management skills, your leadership may falter, and if you have leadership skills, you will not be the best manager. Essentially, managers have subordinate; leaders do not. Managers are in a position of authority over their subordinates. While managers and leaders both have specific roles and responsibilities within a company, at times each must take on the role of the other and become leader/ managers, in order to fully reach their potential.

Here are ways to demonstrate leadership skills: 1. Set a vision for your organization. 2. Implement a strategic plan to meet the goals of all programs. 3. Communicate effectively. 4. Manage meetings. 5. Be a decisive and competent decision-maker. 6. Be an effective planner. 7. Delegate effectively” (Million, 2011). 2 The use of a problem solving model can be very helpful in making decisions and being effective when making decisions. Below is a problem solving model that can be very helpful when showing leadership: Image Source Page: http://www. Professionalism. Com/leadership/leadership. M Leadership is the management function that involves the manager’s effort to stimulate high performance by employees. The comparison of management and leadership is they they both show managerial skills. Managing and leading people can be an ultimate goal for any establishment. “This style of leadership is high on execution but low on imagination, meaning that the leader will be heavily involved in directing the team, fully in charge and telling people what to do. On the other hand, he will not be discussing the pros and cons of the decisions he is taking, nor spending much time listening to the am members’ opinions.

This is the ‘commando’ or the sales force leader style. There are times when leaders should take over and do things themselves “(Cases, Claude 2011). 3 Research and Clear Decision Solutions People today must have special managing skills in order to manage in the working community. People who are involved in management are trained to lead their workers to organizational goals. Different types of jobs must be reached within a given time period. Leadership is very different from management. Leadership can be shown from one coworker to another. People do not have to e in management to show leadership.

Leadership can be shown from one employee to the next. “Leader empowering behavior is an important criterion for leadership effectiveness. However, virtually no research has studied the antecedents of leader empowering behavior. Therefore, to further our understandings of leadership effectiveness, we need to understand what motivates leaders to behave in certain ways. In two studies, we show how leaders’ trust in follower performances and integrity influences leader empowering behavior, and how this effect is moderated by leader conscientiousness.

Study 1 showed that leader empowering behavior depends not only on the trust leaders have in follower performance and integrity but also on the conscientiousness level of the leader. Study 2 replicated and extended these findings within a different experimental paradigm. We discuss how these findings set the stage for the development of a more comprehensive understanding of the drivers of this important aspect of leadership” (Yakima, Innkeeper, & Assigners 2010). Effective managers are not necessarily true leaders. Many top level position people execute their responsibilities successfully without being great leaders.

There are four traditional functions of management. These functions of management are planning, organizing, leading, and controlling. Planning is the goal to be achieved and deciding in advance the appropriate actions needed to achieve those goals. Organizing is assembling and coordinating the human, financial, physical, informational and other resources needed to achieve goals. Leading is stimulating people to be high performers. Controlling is monitors performance and implements necessary changes. People today want to help in 4 achieving their goals. Great leaders have drive and they want to lead.

Effective leadership must seek the organization, not reside in one or two superstars at the top, most people refuse to show effective leadership. Charismatic leadership is a person who is dominant, self confident, convinced of the moral righteousness of his or her beliefs, and able to arouse a sense of excitement and adventure in followers. Most people in politics have charismatic leadership and they motivate others. Some politics speak to the world and show leadership and we become believers and followers. In the workplace we have people who also show charismatic leadership, and everyone looks up to these people in particular.

Transformational leadership is a leader who motivates people to transcend their personal interests for the good of the group. Transformational leadership was successful as indirect leaders. People think of transforming the whole organization or group into something greater and leadership is shown. Authentic leadership is a style in which the leader is true to him or her while leading. These are people who care about public interests, not just their own. Authentic leadership is people who sacrifice their own interest for others, and they can be trusted .

Most of these type people are ethically mature. Creation of Implementation Strategy Showing leadership in a job or at home can affect the people in your life to become leaders and followers. Management has to determine decision making. Making decisions as a leader or group can really be difficult. Being in an organization and not able to come to an agreement with each other can be very difficult. Being in leadership over an organization can cause many problems. Its good to show leadership, but being the boss sometimes causes problems. Some people have jealous tendencies, because you are in charge.

Sometimes being the boss and being hard on employees can cause problems also. Being in charge can be very challenging, but mistreating coworkers is not fair. “In quality management, as is true for other professional endeavors, SUccess is a journey and not 5 a destination. The manager must select what is important and what is possible and move from where the organization is with the foundation that has been established. The leader in quality management influences the organization’s behavior, while at the same time the people in the organization influence the leader in return.

There are 3 primary ways by which an organization reflects a commitment to quality over the long term: 1 . Superior product quality, 2. Exceptional customer service and 3. Constant innovation. The primary factor which prevents the creation of a quality culture within many organizations is that they tend to be over managed and under led. Successful managerial leadership in the quality-oriented organization is based on 4 key leadership strategies: 1. Attention through vision, 2. Meaning through communication, 3. Trust through positioning, and 4. Confidence through respect”(Darling, 1992).

In some of today’s job industries we do see managers mistreating co workers or employees, because they have all the authority. Managing a business with that attitude doe not go far in life. Managers should be fair with employees and pull together as at team. One person does not make a team, it has to be a group to make a team, and a team to form an organization. Everyone has to be on the same team in order tort each success. If everyone is on a different page its going to be difficult to reach success. “Leaders today continue to be faced with challenges that stretch their abilities and skills.

Effective leaders need to be adaptive to change in order to lead their companies in the right direction. According to Warren Bennie, a well-known American scholar and organizational consultant in leadership studies, there are approximately 850 definitions of leadership. They range from the inspirational to the operational. There are obvious distinctions between leading and managing. These are listed as follows: 1. Management involves planning and budgeting, while leadership involves setting direction. 2. Management involves organizing and staffing, while leadership involves aligning people. . Management provides control and solves problems, while leadership stimulates motivation 6 and innovation” (Bolton, 2010). Consideration of Success Measurement Techniques “Both literature and experience establish that there are major differences between management and leadership, and those differences are critically important. A good manager gets others to do what he/she wants subordinate employees to do. A good leader gets others to want what he/she wants. Leadership requires a significant investment of time on the front end of the assignment.

It takes time to describe your vision of what needs to be accomplished, and also explain why it is important to the organization. However, the rewards on the ‘back end’ of the leadership model are vast. For the most part electric cooperatives are very fortunate to have employees who are dedicated, competent, professional and, in most cases, highly driven to succeed. One simply needs to understand the important differences between management and leadership and be willing to invest the time and energy needed to implement the leadership model in cooperatives” (Marker, 2010). Evaluating me as a manager could be good or bad.

As a manager I think I loud show authentic leadership. Today people refer to me as to nice or forgiving. At times I can be hard on people, but not to hurt them. With experience in working as a manger I think it was very challenging. Making decisions could be sometimes difficult, but trustworthy. Decision making is not easy, but it comes along with managing. “Despite valiant efforts to separate leadership from management, the two roles remain entangled. Many refuse to differentiate between them at all. John Cotter of Harvard Business Review was on the right track in saying that leaders and managers have different functions.

An inspiring leader influences people to change direction while an inspiring manager motivates them to work harder. Management works by making sound decisions and by facilitating execution and creative thinking. Effective managers are catalysts, coaches, facilitators, developers and investors. Their focus is mainly execution, but they can also decide on new strategies, manage change and facilitate innovation. 7 Leadership, on the other hand, works through influence. Upgrading management to be a more facilitative, nurturing, developmental and empowering function returns it to its rightful place alongside leadership.

To stimulate faster innovation and better engage front-line knowledge workers, it helps to portray them as leaders” (Micron, 2010). In conclusion, in this research paper have discussed the effect of leadership styles and management that can be shown in a positive perspective in today’s workplace. Provide the differences between effective management and effective leadership. Also, I have discussed the charismatic, transformational, and authentic perspectives on leadership. Last, but not least I have evaluated myself s a manager; discussing my strengths, weaknesses, and my future goals as a manager.

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