Syllabus Marketing Assignment

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You might also want to complete the Personal Information Form at the end of the syllabus, which helps me get to know you. The text for the course Is: R. Kern, S. Hartley & W. Rudderless, Marketing, 12th edition, Irwin,’McGraw. Hall. The 12th edition is the latest edition. The NYU Bookstore is selling the regular hardback version of the textbook. McGraw-Hill also sells a loose-leaf version that you can put In your own binder, and an eBook version, which has a timed, 180;day subscription, for lower prices.

The eBook version allows you to search the entire book, print out pages you need, and highlight, make notes, and share them with your classmates. You can get Information about the eBook at www. Courtesan. Com and at http://textbooks_evaluator’s_com. The case packet will be available at the Bookstore soon after class begins. Have a holiday season, and I look forward to seeing you on Jan 5! Regards, MAKE. PUB. IOW . 40: INTRODUCTION TO MARKETING Associate Professor Mamba Machinery class hours: 9:00 PRNG – 1:00 pm Jan 5-8 and Jan 12-15 Jan 20 and 22 Class Room: Tech LACK Office hours: On Class Meeting Days: 1. 0 pm -1. 30 pm Phone: E-mail: 914-548 9038 amachfoe@stern. NYU. Due TFH Office Hours: DB TA office hours, which will be announced early in the semester, are held in the Ernst Young Learning Center, Ditch LACK. For other times, please use e-mail to set up an appointment. You can also send email queries to the TA. The TA will grade your assignments. The best way to contact the TA is via e-mail. Please check the course website regularly for class announcements and instructions.

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You should always check the postings on the website before coming to class – some postings may be crucial in ensuring that you are in step with the rest of the class. Please go to the website for a copy of all course handouts. This site contains many things you will find useful over the course of the semester. Please read this syllabus carefully. It is your guide to the course and will help you learn more and do your best. It describes the course’s objectives, how it is conducted, your responsibilities, and a synopsis of each session.

There are also study questions for each case that is not part of an assignment. A copy of this syllabus appears on the course web site. All handouts and assignments will be posted on the site as they become available. 1. COURSE OBJECTIVES, DESCRIPTION & SCHEDULE Marketing is about building profitable customer relationships. The aim is to create value for customers, and to capture value in return. Effective marketing strategy satisfies customer needs and creates customer value while allowing the firm to achieve its objectives.

This course has been designed to introduce you to the core concepts of marketing. It provides a comprehensive introduction to the key issues involved in the development of a balanced and integrated approach to the marketing of products and services. Businesspeople in all areas need a solid understanding of marketing strategy to succeed. The knowledge and skills that you will gain in this course will be relevant and applicable in your future (and even present) work and social life – whether you re an employee, employer or a consumer.

Upon completion of this course, you will be able to understand the underlying principles of the marketing discipline, the goals of the marketing system, and how marketing is used by different types of organizations. Essentially, you will be in a good position to make meaningful contributions in the development of marketing strategies for organizations that you may be involved with – for profit and not-for- profit. The course uses a combination of lectures, class discussion, case studies, assignments, and exams. The remainder of this syllabus describes the course and COURSE SCHEDULE Session Date

Topic Readings, Assignments & Details Course Introduction & Overview Marketing, Customers & the Concept of Value The Marketing Environment Marketing & Corporate Strategies Chapters 1, 2,3 Due: Personal Information Forms 2 T, 1/6 Marketing Math Consumer Buyer Behavior Chapters 2, 5 3 w, 117 Organizational Buyer Behavior Overview of Market Research Process Customer Segmentation Strategy Chapters 5, 6, 8, 9 4 Positioning Strategy and Market Maps New Product Development Case Study Discussion Chapters 9, 10 Case: Cataracts: Delivering Customer Service M, 1/12 Managing Products & Services Chapters 10, 11, 12 6 T, 1/13 The Pricing Decision

Chapters 11, 12, 13, 14 Individual Case Assignment Due Case: Eileen Fisher: Repositioning the Brand 7 w, 1/14 Distribution Channels Guest Speaker Chapters 14, 15 8 TRY, 1/15 Marketing Communications Chapters 15, 17 9 T, 1/20 Quiz Chapters 17, 18, 19,20 Case: Z-Corp. 10 TRY, 1/22 Group Project Presentations Group Project Reports Due 2. COURSE MATERIALS The text for the course is: R. Kerri, S. Hartley & W. Rudderless, Marketing, 12th edition, Irwin/McGraw-Hill. The NYU Bookstore is selling the regular hardback version of the textbook.

McGraw-Hill also sells a loose-leaf version that you can put in your own binder, and an eBook erosion, which has a timed, 180 day subscription, for lower prices. The eBook version allows you to search the entire book, print out pages you need, and highlight, make notes, and share them with your classmates. You can get information about the eBook at wry. Courtesan. Com and at http://textbooks. Viticulture. Com. In order to get the most from this course it is extremely important that you are prepared for class.

I will only highlight the material covered in the text or readings, on the assumption that you can do the required background reading yourselves and o would prefer to have new information and experiences in class that supplement your basic theoretical readings. As such, if you have questions on the text or readings, it is your responsibility to let me know prior to class (via email), or at the beginning/end of class. I will not repeat much of what is covered in the assigned readings.

So if you do not prepare for class adequately, you will learn substantially less from the discussions and exercises, and not only will you not be able to participate in class effectively, but it is also likely that you will not perform well on the exams and cases. Class meetings o not test you on the background material directly, but they are based on your understanding and retention of the text material. Therefore reading the background material is crucial. Press Articles: In some classes we will discuss examples from articles that have appeared in the popular and business press, such as the The New York Times, Businesslike, Fortune and Inc.

These help create an interesting class discussion and show how marketing affects current events and in turn, are affected by them. Whenever possible, we will look at an image of these articles in class. You can get any of the NY Times articles for free on the Times web site. You can also obtain articles for most publications from the NYU Virtual Business Library, at http://library. NYU. Due/ bulb/. Just click “Journals/Newspapers/E-Books” on the left side of the homepage. If 3.

SUMMARY OF YOUR GRADE Your grade is earned through the following activities, which are discussed in detail in this syllabus: Class participation Individual Case Study Project (Eileen Fisher) 25% Group Marketing Project 4. CLASS PARTICIPATION (15% OF GRADE) You will learn the most from this class if you and your classmates participate fully. You all have different experiences and insights, and a great deal of what you learn in lass is from each other. You make no contribution with silence. A portion of your class participation grades will also come from your class attendance.

Many sessions of the course will involve interaction and I expect each class member to be prepared at all time, in every class. To reinforce this expectation, I will occasionally randomly select (I. E. , cold call) a class member to comment on the topic of discussion, whether or not the student’s hand is raised. This is the kind of thing that might happen at a business meeting, or any meeting, where suddenly someone asks your opinion and expects you to be prepared. The skills you acquire from participating in class and with your group will serve you well in your future positions, whether you pursue marketing as a career or not.

Class participation means contributing to class discussion in a way that benefits your classmates and helps them learn. You don’t have to speak frequently or in every class to earn the highest possible class participation grade. Some of you may be shy about speaking out, but you still need to participate. Class participation is not graded by any “curve” – it is possible and desirable for everyone in the class to earn a high grade for class participation. Class discussion should encourage the free and open exchange of ideas. If you want to challenge what l, or another student, have said, do so.

Constructive criticism is always welcome and is an important part of the Stern experience. Do not be upset if I challenge something you say – we learn most when we have to defend our positions. If you ever feel that my comments or the comments of any student are not constructive, please let me know. Sometimes we will have to stop discussion and move on to the next topic before hearing from everyone – there is limited time in each session and we want to use it Sisley. Please don’t take it personally if there isn’t time to call on you. Often we will from others who have spoken more often.

It is important for your classmates, and me, to know who you are. Please fill out the Personal Information Form at the end of this syllabus and hand it in at the second class, so I can learn more about you. Please also write a name card with your first name in big block letters and use it in every class. This helps your classmates, and me, know who you are. If you are not in class, you can’t learn the material in the course nor contribute to the benefit of your classmates. I realize that occasionally you may be absent. Whenever you know in advance that you will be absent, please let me know in advance.

If you miss class, be sure to obtain copies of notes from at least two of your classmates to ensure that you do not miss any important material. 5. CASES We will use case studies extensively in the course. These are a required part of the course, and are contained in the course case packet at the bookstore. The cases included in the packet are: Cataracts: Delivering Customer Service Eileen Fisher: Repositioning the Brand Z-Corporation Cases describe interesting marketing problems encountered by real firms. We use them as good examples that illustrate and apply marketing concepts and skills in the course.

Cases also give you an opportunity to make and Justify marketing decisions. In cases, we will focus on identifying the marketing problems, introducing marketing concepts and skills that can help solve these problems, and applying these concepts and skills to recommend a course of action for the firm. There is no “right” or “wrong” answer to a case, but usually some answers are better than others. The strength of your reasoning and analysis is as important as your recommendations. You are expected to prepare carefully for all case studies and be ready to discuss them in class.

You will also have a Case Study written assignment: Individual Case Study Project – Eileen Fisher: Repositioning the Brand In the case discussions, I will introduce new frameworks and techniques that help address the marketing problems in the case. These frameworks are useful tools for analysis. The key is to understand how they are applied in the specific case, and to appreciate how such frameworks can also be used in other contexts. You are expected to read each case thoroughly and come to class ready to contribute o case discussions.

In many cases some of the material is, by design, not particularly relevant to the problem at hand. At the same time, the case may omit other data you would like to have. This can be a pain, but it does reflect the real world of business. Some of our discussion may revolve around what “missing information” we would like to have. Analyzing a case: While the case study questions are designed to help you focus on important case topics, you also should begin to establish your own, independent ability to analyze marketing situations. Analyzing cases is a good way to start developing this ability.

A DOD case analysis should look at the following: 1) What are the important problems confronting this firm? This includes anticipating problems before they occur so the firm can take steps to prevent them, as well as identifying existing problems. 2) What information do you have that is useful for addressing these problems? 3) What are the different solutions to these problems? What are the strengths and weaknesses of each solution? 4) Which solution would you choose, and why is it better than the others? 5) How would you implement this solution? ) If a firm faces several problems, what are the relationships between them and teens the solutions you have chosen? This is especially important in marketing, where each part of marketing strategy, and each part of the marketing mix, affects the others. Remember, you need to choose an overall solution that keeps, or creates, a balanced and coordinated marketing mix. Individual WRITTEN Case Assignments (25% of grade) The Eileen Fisher case provides you with an opportunity to apply what you are learning to more complex problems and contexts.

It will take several hours to read and study the case, and perhaps ten more hours to prepare and write-up an analysis. Come to class prepared to offer your opinions or be called on even if you don’t volunteer. Turning You will need to submit a bound (or stapled) hard copy, and an electronic copy to Turning on the course website. Turning is an Internet-based plagiarism-detection service which checks documents for plagiarism. Instructions for Turning are available on Blackboard. To create an ID, you will need the class ID and password. I will provide you with the ID and Password.

Each group will only need one ID. 6. Group MARKETING PROJECT (30% OF GRADE) part of the course too product or service. You are essentially going to analyze the environment that a company offering the product/service is operating in, and evaluate its strategy for marketing the product – specifically the segments that are being targeted at, the positioning and the various components of the marketing mix. Include in your report, recommendations that you may have on how the company can improve its marketing of the product or service based on your understanding of the market and the other environmental factors.

The deliverable for this assignment is a Presentation by your group members on the last day of class. The first part of the presentation should provide a brief background of the company ND a description of the product/service and its major competition. The second part is descriptive. We would like you to describe the product’s current marketing strategy (objectives, target segment(s), value proposition, marketing mix). The third part is diagnostic. We would like you to evaluate the product’s current marketing strategy and plan. The fourth part is prescriptive.

Based on your evaluation, we would like you to make recommendations for how the marketing strategy and plan can be improved to lead to better performance in terms of sales/profitability. The presentation should be no more than 10 minutes long. This will be followed by a Q session involving the other members of the class. Your group will be graded on the quality of your presentation and also your responses to questions posed during the Q. A copy of any materials or slides used for the presentation has to be submitted to me and is due on the day of the presentation. . (30%) There will be 1 Quiz, which will be on topics covered up to the day of the administration of the quiz. It will be a closed-book quiz. Please be sure to bring a calculator. 8. TEACHING ASSISTANT The Teaching Assistant for the course is yet to be determined. The TA is likely to be a senior undergraduate or an MBA student who has excelled in this course. The TA is here to help you and will be very happy to answer any questions. He/she will also help grade assignments. The TA will hold office hours, the details of which will be 9.

Please also be sure to read the Stern School policies that affect all Stern classes, at http://www. Stern. NYU. Due/portal-partners/current-students/undergraduate/ resources-policies/academic-policies/index. HTML Grade policy At NYU Stern, we strive to create courses that challenge students intellectually and that meet the Stern standards of academic excellence. To ensure fairness and clarity of grading, the Stern faculty have adopted a grading guideline for core courses with enrollments of more than 25 students in which approximately 35% of students will receive an “A” or “A-” grade.

In core classes of less than 25 students, the instructor is at liberty to give whatever grades they think the students deserve, while maintaining rigorous academic standards. Please see www. Stern. NYU. Due/undergraduate/grading for “Teaching and Grading at the NYU Stern Undergraduate College” for more information. Regarding Requests In line with Grading Guidelines for the NYU Stern Undergraduate College, the process f assigning of grades is intended be one of unbiased evaluation.

This means that students are encouraged to respect the integrity and authority of the professor’s grading system and discouraged from pursuing arbitrary challenges to it. If a student feels that an inadvertent error has been made in the grading of an individual assignment or in assessing an overall course grade, a request to have that the grade be re-evaluated may be submitted. Students should submit such requests in writing to the professor within 7 days of receiving the grade, including a brief

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Syllabus Marketing Assignment. (2019, Jul 24). Retrieved February 22, 2025, from