Syllabus for Mass Communication and Media Studies Assignment

Syllabus for Mass Communication and Media Studies Assignment Words: 695

In this frame and then select File – Print Frame to print this page Course Description (Formerly COM AAA. Fulfills the general education requirement In communications but is not a writing course. ) Prerequisite: WRIT 101 or WRIT 101 S. A survey of mass communication designed to enhance media literacy. The goal is to interpret, evaluate, and produce media messages.

Topics include media industries and the impact of the media, as well as regulation, policy, and ethical issues. Emphasis is on critical thinking and analysis of vital aspects of pervasive elements of popular culture, such as news, advertising, children’s entertainment, and a free press. Students may receive credit for only one of the following courses: COM AAA or COM 302. Course Introduction We live In a media-saturated culture where media literacy Is Important.

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This course Is designed to make you a more literate consumer – and potential producer – of media content. Course topics will Include the following: 1 . Overview of Mass Communication (background, historical/cultural aspects) 2. Print Media (newspapers, magazines, book publishing) 3. Electronic Media (radio, sound recording, motion pictures, television, the Internet) 4. Media Professions (news, public relations, advertising) 5. Regulation of the Mass Media (laws, rules, regulations, and ethics) 6.

Impact of Mass Communication (global perspective and social effects) Course Goals/ObJectives After completing this course, you should be able to: 1 . Demonstrate media literacy by accessing, Interpreting, evaluating, and producing media messages 2. Trace the development and evolution of mass media In order to analyze, interpret, and evaluate the role, impact, and regulation of media in society 3. Recognize and apply mass communication theories in order to analyze, interpret, and evaluate how media shape peoples views of reality.

Course Materials Title: Dynamics of Mass Communication (SIS) Author: Dominick, Joseph Edition: 12TH Copyright: 2012 publisher: MCGRAW HILL (Singapore) ISBN: 9780071318266 Grading Information Class Participation: 20 percent Writing Assignment: 25 percent Midterm Exam: 25 percent Final Exam: 30 percent TOTAL: 100 percent Technical Requirements for Written Assignments: Written assignments will be valuated on your command of the following technical and formatting skills: Spelling and Grammar Content and understanding of course concepts Strong thesis and/or argument Originality of topic, thesis and research Extent of research and sources used (No Wisped, please! Properly attribution of sources with proper in-text MEAL formatting The grade ranges for this course are as follows: 90-100 = A 80-89 = B 70-79 = c 60-69 = D 59 F Project Descriptions Reading Assignments: Reading assignments are to be completed on time (I. E. , by the Monday of the week they are scheduled for discussion). You should be prepared to participate in class discussions about the assigned reading. Participation will count toward the “class participation” portion of your grade. Writing Assignment: You will be required to prepare a 5-7 page (double-spaced) analysis of a topic related to mass communication. Specific topics will be yours to choose, based on the readings, class discussions and topics raised in this course.

It is possible that not everyone shares the same views as you. Free and open discussions, which include the opportunity for intellectual and emotional disagreement, are fundamental in an educational environment and should be expected by all class members. Language In this course, our language should not discriminate on the basis of age, color, disability, economic status, educational background, ethnicity, marital status, national origin, personal appearance, political affiliation, race, religion, sex, or sexual orientation. Written work should conform to standard rules of English usage, grammar and spelling. One final note: please don’t plagiarism.

In the past, I have personally caught FOUR students trying to turn in essays and/or assignments copied from other sources. COMIC instructors have access to sophisticated tools to root out plagiarism. To put it succinctly, if you cheat I will catch you and you will fail this course. If you take research or information from another source, cite it properly and you should be fine. Plagiarism is the theft of intellectual property and results in an automatic failing grade. Academic Policies Academic Policies are not course specific and are therefore created and housed separately from this syllabus. You may access and print Academic Policies from the Syllabus sub-menu in your classroom.

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Syllabus for Mass Communication and Media Studies Assignment. (2021, Jun 03). Retrieved October 18, 2024, from