Strategic Marketing Assignment

Strategic Marketing Assignment Words: 661

Tutor Name and Email Assessment Guidance Learners will be required to follow the assignment brief and Indicative content to develop the report Assignment Scenario You are employed by a specialist marketing consultancy business, Total Marketing Solutions’ (TM’S), that provides support and advice to organizations looking to develop their strategic marketing plans.

To recruit additional business, you have been asked to put together information for prospective clients that outlines: he principles of strategic marketing how organizations can carry out strategic marketing analysis how strategic marketing decisions and choices are analyses and assessed how a range of marketing strategies can be implemented to contribute to competitive advantage. Activity 1 Create an information pack for prospective new clients that outline the principles of strategic marketing.

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Your pack must cover the following topics: an assessment of the role of strategic marketing in an organization an analysis of the relationship between corporate strategy and marketing strategy an analysis of owe marketing strategy Is developed. Your pack should demonstrate an understanding of the connection between strategic corporate and strategic marketing decisions and choices. You should: analyses decisions and choices that are made at a corporate level assess how these decisions influence marketing at business unit and functional level analyses approaches to competitive positioning of organizations.

Assessment Criteria 1 . 1/1. 2/1. 3/3. 1/3,2/3. 3 [followed by Indicative contents 1 & 3] FIFO A range of potential new clients have expressed an interest in working with TM’S eased on the information pack you provided. They would like some further information to understand how strategic marketing analysis may be carried out. You have been asked to design a short training session for prospective clients, to develop their understanding of strategic marketing analysis.

Your session must cover the following topics: an evaluation of approaches to internal environmental analysis an evaluation of approaches to external environmental analysis an explanation of how internal and external analyses are integrated. You will need to produce your notes for the training session and have appropriate and-outs for the clients detailing the topics covered. Assessment Criteria 2. 112. 2/2. 3 [followed by indicative contents 2] Activity 3 Following your training session, a new client has decided to work with TM’S to develop their marketing strategy.

They have asked to work with you to explore how marketing strategies can be used to give them greater competitive advantage. Your task is to create a report which: identifies a range of strategies that can contribute to their businesses competitive advantage provides an analysis of marketing communication strategies for the cuisines analyses marketing strategies and how they can be applied and implemented by the organization, including resource and management implications. Your report should be clearly and professionally presented. Assessment Criteria 4. 114. 2/4. 3[followed by indicative contents 4] INDICATIVE CONTENT 1.

Understand the principles of strategic marketing Role of marketing strategy Definitions of marketing strategy, its role in the organization and how it underpins organizations, resources and implementation and monitoring, control Corporate strategy and marketing strategy Corporate strategy, linking marketing strategy to corporate mission and vision, meeting corporate objectives with marketing strategy, corporate social responsibility, marketing Developing a marketing strategy Analysis of the environment, setting objectives, dynamic strategy – flexibility for change 2.

Understand how to carry out strategic marketing analysis Internal analysis – approaches Resource-based, performance, value chain, functional External analysis Macro environment, micro environment, competitor analysis. Wider external factors including Government Integration Fit between external, external environment . Analyses strategic marketing decisions and choices Corporate decisions Vision and mission of organization, directional strategy for marketing Porter’s generic strategies/ Nations Matrix, identifying generic strategies for organization and business units.

How the strategy informs corporate activities Business unit and functional level How corporate strategies translate to unit and function level, decisions to be made at unit and function level, setting objectives for unit and functional level, marketing and other functions: finance, human resources, research Competitive positioning Marketing objectives, risk, market leader, market challenger, market follower, market niche 4.

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