Spain and Egypt Assignment

Spain and Egypt Assignment Words: 2844

Research, Analysis and Interpretation of Data, Features and Key Factors Affecting the Appeal of the Two Leading Tourist Destinations towards Their Violators In this assignment, I will examine two major tourist destinations, one from Europe, I. E. Spain, and one from outside Europe, represented by Egypt. I will begin by presenting an outline of the two tourist destinations, and then provide an In depth analysis contacting data and Information with regard to the generated Income and visitor members for the chosen destinations.

In addition, I will treat the Issues of tourism rends, tourism generators, cultural and physical features, and the benefits they bring to each of the two tourist destinations under analysis, as well as their popularity and appeal to tourists. This analysis will be supported by numerical data and its interpretation, will reveal specific features that attract tourists to Spain and Egypt, and will lead to conclusions concerning Spain and Egypt trends of popularity among today’s tourists.

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Tourist Attractions Outline for Spain and Egypt Spain is an extremely appealing tourist destination due to its extraordinary geographical position offering a landscape that varies from the magical beaches of Southern Spain to the mountains of Sierra Nevada, and from the deserts of Elmira to the evergreen lands of Galatia. Moreover, Spain warm climate, marvelous sullen. Rich culture, modern infrastructure and varied attractions lure millions of tourists every year.

Several examples in this regard are the delicious tortillas, taps and sangria, the exciting, yet frightful Pomona Bull Running Festival (El Encipher De Pomona) or the amazingly vibrant cities of Madrid, Barcelona, or Seville, the ancient Roman and Moorish monuments and medieval castles, the white villages of Andalusia, the Canary and Baldric Islands, as well as Catalonia, Just to enumerate few of spans attractions. By comparison, Egypt cannot preen on Its varied landscape, as this is formed mostly by dessert, with the exception of the Neil Valley and several oases scattered through the infinite seas of sand.

However, Egypt enchants its tourists with attractions such as the Pyramids and the Great Sphinx of Gaza, ancient temples, like the Luxury, Kara or ABA Simile temples, Neil cruises and lovely pharaohs’ tales. In addition, visits to the Valley of the Kings or to the Library of Alexandria, as well as camel rides to Mount Slang, delving or snorkeling along the Red Sea coast, trips to remote oases like the Asia Oasis, or explorations of Egyptian archaeological sites are activities that equally attract millions of tourists yearly.

Analysis and Interpretation of Tourist Data for the Two Tourist Destinations under Review and Identification and Examination of their Major Tourist Generators rostrums Studies, Front, “9. 2 million foreign tourists came to Spain in the first ratter of the year 2012”, as claimed by the Minister of Industry, Energy and Tourism, lose Manuel Scoria (Espaliering. Net 2013), thus increasing by 2. 6% compared to the same period in 2011. As further stated by the same source, “the two main markets, J and Germany, evolved positively in the first three months of the year, growing by 1. % and 0. 4% respectively. ” Considering that in 2013 over 771 , 127 British tourists have already visited Spain, especially the Baldric Islands and Catalonia, it is fair to state that the United Kingdom is the main tourist generator for the year in course as far as Spain is concerned. In addition, Espaliering. Net (2013) reports that “the Canary Islands remain the most popular tourist destination in Spain, with 31. 2% of all distort going there and a growth rate of 3. 2%, bringing the total to 2. 9 million tourists so far this year”. With the Canary Islands having attracted 2. Million tourists so far in 2013, Catalonia occupies the second position in this regard, being visited by 2. 2 million tourists, thus “posting a strong 12. 5% increase in March” (idem). These two top destinations are followed shortly by Andalusia and Madrid. According to UNTO United Nations World Tourism Organization), 6. % of the world tourists visited Spain in 2007, placing it amongst the world tourism leaders along with France and the United States. In 2010, Spain was the world’s fourth most visited country with 52. 7 million tourists and an increase by 1. % compared to the previous year; the top three countries were France, the United States and China, as further stated by UNTO. Spain’ tourism met a particular boost in 2011, from 52. 7 million tourists in 2010 to nearly 57 million foreigners, increasing by 8. 1% compared to the previous year, as stated by the Minister of Industry, Energy and Tourism, Jose Manuel Scoria and related y the English News (2012). As claimed further by the same source, “2011 was the best year for Spanish tourism in the last three years and the fourth best in history’.

Several causes contributed to this particular boost in Spain’s tourism for the year 2011. One of the main factors was represented by the Arab Spring, a revolutionary Nave of protests and demonstrations manifested in North Africa, which prevented tourists from choosing destinations such as Tunisia, Morocco or Egypt for their holidays in this period. In addition, the critical economic situation in Greece, as well s its potential consequences – strikes, protests, demonstrations – also determined tourists to choose Spain as their tourist destination for the holidays.

At the opposite pole, the flourishing economies in states such as Great Britain and Germany contributed to this tourist boost in the sense that “2011 saw a 9. 1% rise in the numbers of British tourists coming to Spain” (idem) and 3. 1% more Germans also chose this country as their tourist destination for the year 2011. Therefore, the United Kingdom and Germany were leader tourist generators for Spain for this year. Other significant tourist generators were Italy (with an 8. % increase in the number of tourists compared to 2010), Scandinavia (with an 8. % increase) and France (with an increase by 4. 6%), as mentioned by the same source. Whereas Spain’s tourism is flourishing, the Arab Spring has affected North Africans most famous tourist destinations, such as Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia, Oman and the United Arab Emirates, since 2011. Egypt revolutions started in late January 2011 and lasted only for 18 days; however, the civil war in Libya and other incidents that implied the killing of innocent away millions of foreign tourists, and now this ancient kingdom of tombs resembles a host town,” as stated by an article of The Washington Post (2011).

Moreover, “visitor numbers in 2011 declined by 37% to reach close to 9 million compared to over 14 million in 2010”, according to Remuneration (2012). However, the post revolution period in Egypt helped tourism in the sense that “there is a noticeable increase in number of tourists pouring into Egypt, where rates increased by 32% during the first quarter of 2012 compared with the first quarter of 2011. The number of tourists reached 2,500,301 between January and March as opposed to 1,894,044 tourists urine the same period last year” (AAA Mashing 2012), as announced by the Egyptian Tourism Authority (EAT).

An interpretation of these figures indicates a gradual and continuous recovery of Egypt tourism industry, as suggested by Mar El-Kebab, Chairman of EAT. Furthermore, the number of Arab tourists visiting Egypt during the first three months of 2012 is 483,834, as further claimed by EAT, compared to 296,980 for the same period in 2011, a fact that reflects an increase of 62. 9%. Regarding March 2012 alone, 173,709 Arab tourists visited Egypt, in comparison with 115,669 Arab tourists for March 2011, thus registering an increase of 50. 2%.

Referring to the Emirate tourists, 4,883 were visiting Egypt in the first quarter of 2012 compared to 4,232 enjoying the Egyptian beauties for the same period of the previous year; these figures again indicate an increase in the number of tourists, this time of approximately 15. 4%. The news agency of AAA-Shafer (2012) also mentioned that according to Tourism Minister Mourn Fakery Abdul Mourn, “more than 5. 2 million tourists entered Egypt during the first six months of 2012, an increase of around 27% over the same period last year.

In addition, the Middle East News Agency quoted the Tourism Minister as saying that “the number of Russian tourists visiting Egypt in 2012 rose by 80%, Polish tourists by 66%, German tourists by 30%, Danish tourists by 71% and Norwegian tourists by 101%, while the number of tourists from the Middle East rose by 36%. ” Given the above, it seems like “the Egyptian tourism sector has been able to reduce the negative consequences of Egypt sensitive situation over the past {ear; despite all challenges, Egypt tourism achieved continuous growth month after month”, as stated by El-Kebab (2013).

Future Tourism Trends for Spain and Egypt, in the Context of Rupee’s Economic Crisis and North Africans Arab Spring In terms of future tourism trends for Spain and Egypt, these look promising for both tourist destinations, although quite uncertain. Concerning Spain, its “tourism moves onto the right direction”, according to Tourism Minister Jose Manuel Scoria (2013). Moreover, “Madrid is about to sign an agreement to build the next Lass Vegas” (Origins 2012) and is a strong candidate for the Olympics in 2020.

Yet, the European economic crisis which takes the form of strikes affecting the Iberia Airlines, the shutting down f Sprain and the increasing unemployment rate amongst the Spanish population, together with the less expensive eastern Mediterranean tourist destinations, as well as the expanding tourism industries of developing nations predict uncertainty in Spain’s future tourism trends (idem). Egypt has already come across a rough patch in tourism because of the Arab Spring that caused losses of $ 2. Billion over the past protests, and according to the above-mentioned statistics, noticeable increases in the number of visitors were registered for the year 2012. For example, “the River Nile has owe been opened up to allow cruises to operate the whole 600-mile distance from Cairo to Swan, after a closure of 1 5 years” (Lander 2012); with such appealing and unique tourist attractions, Egypt future trends look promising and prosperous.

Analysis of the Physical and Cultural Features of Spain and Egypt and Their Appeal as Tourism Destination Products Spain is a county of geographic and cultural diversity, features that make it so appealing to millions of tourists every year. It is positioned in southwestern Europe on the Iberian Peninsula, covering 85% of its surface, and it includes the Baldric Islands in the Mediterranean Sea, the Canary Islands in the Atlantic Ocean, and the towns of Acute and Melisa.

The islands benefit from a lovely climate with a constant mild temperature all year long, which together with their marvelous beaches, lure tourists in search of sun, sangria, fun and fine sands. The Baldric and Canary Islands represent the most popular destinations chosen by tourists who visit Spain on a yearly basis. In addition to its beautiful beaches, Spain also offers vast areas of mountains to its tourists, thus proving its diversity in terms of landscape and relief.

In fact, Spain is the second most mountainous country in Europe, after Switzerland. It has several main mountain ranges, such as Sierra Nevada, Sisters Beriberi, Sisters Central and the Pyroxenes, with over “1. 000 kilometers of quality marked trails and slopes located in over 36 superb ski resorts, half of which are proud owners of the Q awards for their quality tourism facilities and services offered” (Boutique Hotels Spain 2013).

With their great attention to detail and impeccable services, these ski resorts are top ranked winter destinations by millions of tourists. In terms of cultural eaters, Spain is a rich, unique and colorful country, combining the old – Roman and Moorish castles and monuments – the new – futuristic architecture, and the unique – art, festivals, fiestas and celebrations, in a delicate, yet provocative manner that is of great interest to foreigners.

Spain’s vibrant cities like Madrid, Barcelona or Seville, as well as others, such as Salesman’s, Quench, Bias, Santiago De Composites, Tarragon and Toledo, which have been declared World Heritage Cities by the UNESCO, enchant over 55 million tourists every year with their rich culture, historical landmarks and astonishing architectures. Altogether, there are 42 World Heritage Sites designated by the UNESCO in Spain, ranking it second after Italy, with 45 such sites.

Spain’s festivals, most of which are dedicated to the country’s patron saints, are derived from folklore, local traditions, customs and various legends, and represent an important component of Spain’s culture. Several famous Spanish festivals are The Pomona Bull Running Festival (El Encipher De Pomona), a festival dedicated to San Vermin, the patron saint of Naval, La Automation, the Tomato Fight Festival in Valiance, La Undeniably, The Festival of Disguised Devils, and The Festival f San Juan, celebrated on June 24, with the lightening of bonfires.

With regard to art, famous personalities such as Pablo Picasso, Salvador Dali, Francisco Soya, El Greece or Diego Velazquez succeeded to enrich Spain’s cultural features with their Nor of art. Tourists all around the world visit Spain’s most famous museums, such as El Paradox or the National Museum “Centre De Rate Rein Sofia” in Madrid, Muses De least Rates in Seville, the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao, or the Catalan National Art Museum in Barcelona (Trip Advisor 2012) in order to admire the artists’ fine works ND indulge themselves with the great quality and essence found within them.

Moving from Spain to Egypt, here tourists will encounter different, yet equally appealing, physical and cultural components, as further presented. Situated in the northeastern part of Africa, Egypt is a land of desserts, plateaus and low plains with hot dry summers and mild winters that bring limited amounts of rain to the thirsty sands. Egypt most significant physical feature is the River Nile, which flows through the whole length of the country. A particularity of the River Nile is that it is the only ever in the world to flow from south to north.

In addition, the ancient Egyptians named the fertile plains surrounding the river “the Black Land”, as opposed to “the Red Land”, representing the arid desserts. The River Nile is a great tourist attraction, offering unforgettable cruises on affluence, special Egyptian ships, to the foreigners ‘sitting it. As a tourist novelty, “the River Nile has now been opened up to allow cruises to operate the whole 600-mile distance from Cairo to Swan, after a closure of 15 years” (Lander 2012). From a cultural perspective, Egypt is the land of a great ancient civilization that left behind an amazing cultural heritage.

The Pyramids and the Great Sphinx of Gaza, one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, which have fascinated millions of people around the world for centuries with their mystery, represent one of the unique attractions that Egypt enchants its tourists with. Furthermore, the Temples of Luxury and Carjack are Egypt historical sites and offer tourists a glimpse of the ancient Egypt with their hieroglyphics and ruins. For those Interested in art, the Museum of Egyptian Antiquities holds an impressive collection f artifacts and relics, dating back from each period of the ancient Egypt (Features of Egypt 2012).

Moreover, two other famous museums are the Mummification Museum and the Luxury Museum, situated in the City of Luxury. Keeping the same destination in mind, but heading towards west, tourists will encounter the mystery-veiled Valley of the Kings, a royal cemetery hosting the tombs of 62 Thebes pharaohs. Moving from pharaohs to festivals and celebrations, tourists will discover new cultural features offered by the magical Egypt. Examples of such festivals and celebrations are Sham El Nausea (the Smell of Spring), a holiday celebrated by Muslims and Christians alike, En picnics are held and colored eggs are served.

Other examples in this regard Mould be the Ramadan, the most important Muslim festival, when people sharing this religion honor the time when the Koran was revealed to their prophet Muhammad, or Mould AAA Nab’, the celebration of Prophet Muhammad Birthday. After a memorable tour through the wonders of ancient Egypt, travelers will relax by Matching a well-executed belly dance, by having a camel ride to Mount Sinai, by diving or snorkeling along the Red Sea coast, by going on trips to remote oases such s the Asia Oasis, or by exploring Egyptian archaeological sites.

In light of the above presentation, both Spain and Egypt are top tourist destinations, luring millions of tourists every year with their unique features and attractions. Both Spain and Egypt are extremely popular tourist destinations, one being visited for its amazingly fine tasty tortillas and reviving sangria, whereas the other attracting tourists with its Pyramids and Pharaohs’ heritage, along with its Nile cruises, ancient temples, magical celebrations, enchanting belly dancing and unforgettable snorkeling experiences.

To include with, I consider that I managed to demonstrate my knowledge and understanding of the tourism phenomenon that positively affects Spain and Egypt by creating an outline of the two tourist destinations and providing an in depth analysis containing data and information with regard to the generated income and visitor members for Spain and Egypt, as well as treating the issues of tourism trends, tourism generators, popularity, appeal to tourists, cultural and physical features, together with the benefits they bring to each of the two leading tourist destinations under analysis, namely Spain and Egypt.

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