Social Studies SBA Assignment

Social Studies SBA Assignment Words: 563

In order to collect data from the survey, the researcher has decided to use printed Questionnaires: The questionnaire as a tool for collecting data has number or advantages: It requires little time to be completed. It can be done at the convenience of the person required to have it completed. It guarantees confidentiality since respondents are not required to attach their names. The Old Harbor High School has approximately 2500 students. On March, 201 1 the researcher carried out his research by issuing printed Questionnaires.

The researcher used the simple random sampling method and since the school has approximately 2500 students, the researcher used ten percent (20%) of the total school population to be sample. Thus, 150 questionnaires were prepared and administered. The researcher carried out this assignment by standing on the corridor of the school’s grade ten block and gave his questionnaires to seventy-five males and seventy-five females who were between the ages of 15-17 years most of whom were from the lower to middle class socio-economic families and communities.

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Question #5: Why do you break the rules at your school? Question #7: How often do you break the rules at your school? Question #8: Who influences you not to follow the rules at your school? Question #1 1: How effective are the penalties that have been put in place for rule breaker? As you can see that out of a hundred percent (1 00%), thirty-five percent (35%) of the respondents say that they broke the rules at my school because of peer Pressure. Whilst, ten percent (10%) also said that they broke the school rules because they had Problems at home.

The remaining fifty-five percent 55%) stated that they broke the rules because they felt the need to do so. Students at my school broke the rules a number of times. Sixty-five percent (65%) of the respondents said that they broke the rules at my school every day. Twenty percent of the respondents said that they broke the rules at school once or twice per day. The remaining Fifteen percent (15%) said they broke the rules once or twice per week. Most of the times when students tend to break the rules at school; they were influenced by person living around them.

Forty-five percent (45%) of the respondents said that they were influenced by their friends. Also, five percent (5%) of the respondents were influenced by their family member. The other fifty percent (50%) of the respondents said that they were influenced by no one. For persons who were breaking the rules, some penalties were laid down regarding the rule they had broken. Seventy-five percent (75%) Of the respondents thought that the penalties that had been in place for rule breakers were good. Whilst, fifteen percent (15%) thought it was bad and the remaining ten percent (10%) thought it was unimportant.

The survey has revealed some of the poor attitudes students have regarding the rules at the school. These include: That fifty-five (55%) of the respondents broke the rules at school because they felt the need to do so. Penalties have been put in place for rule breakers. As a result, seventy-five (75%) said that the effectiveness of the penalties were good. Fifteen percent (15%) of the respondents broke the rules at their school once or twice per week Based on my observations most of the respondents tend to break the rules at their school once or twice per week.

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Social Studies SBA Assignment. (2022, Feb 16). Retrieved October 18, 2024, from