SMIO Group Element Strategic Management In Organisations Assignment

SMIO Group Element Strategic Management In Organisations Assignment Words: 3027

ALL Analyses and critically evaluate the environments in which strategic management and change takes place and assessing the appropriate organizational responses (analysis, enquiry). 4 Explore and evaluate critically the contemporary literature on strategic leadership, management and decision-making and how it relates to successful organization progression in a global environment (knowledge and understanding).

ALL Understand, critically evaluate and apply contemporary ideas on strategic aspects of decision-making in effective risk assessment during organizational change (integration, knowledge and understanding). Assignment set by: Peter J Consider Assignment verified by: Scrutiny Panel and External Examiner Assignment Instructions Your team must be submit by the due dates as stated below and will be vomited electronically via Turning and for which you will be issued instructions. The only circumstance in which assignments can be submitted late is if an extenuating circumstances form is submitted at the same time.

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This group element is weighted at 15% of the overall marks available on this module, and which are allocated as follows: 1) Group work – Country Manager Initial Strategic Audit and Internationalization plan” Submit by 9th February 201 5 by no later than 17. 00 pm (see page 7) 2) Group work – Country Manager Final “End-Game” Report: Submit by 4th May 2015 by no later than 17. 00 pm (see page 9) Detailed briefing and instructions are given herein. Strategic Management In Organizations Assignment Brief – Country Manager ALLELES Business Game Simulation.

The Country Manager Simulation (or business game), will give you and your team a rewarding and engaging opportunity to actually manage the international expansion activities for a multinational company. During lectures, tutorials and workshops will be exploring the complex arena of Strategic Management and International Strategic management from various perspectives real world perspectives. You will note from your module handbook that we will be devoting part of the aerogramme to learning using the Country Manager (ALLELES) simulation.

The output from this will form a part of your final assessment on this module. The ALL SMILE case will also be used as an assessment vehicle for you to demonstrate your learning on the theory and concepts which we will be exploring in the lectures, tutorials and in your self-managed readings. Each team will develop and implement strategies for entering into and expanding throughout the Latin American region for a consumer packaged goods firm that manufactures and markets toothpaste.

You will determine which countries to enter, when to enter them, where to reduce your products, which customers to target, the products you want to launch and at what prices, the channels through which you want to sell, and manage various marketing communications activities. The simulation will enable you to “learn by doing”. Your team will develop a marketing plan. Then you will manage the business by implementing your plan (making decisions) over a simulated eight-year period. Finally, you will complete an end-of-game report.

You will as the course progresses be drawing on a range of concepts and theories to help your knowledge and understanding and other learning outcomes and which will inform the analysis, evaluation, development and implementation of international strategies. It is important that you reflect upon and draw on these and previous concepts and underpinning theories to inform your analysis, evaluations and decisions. You will be using the Country Manager simulation to evaluate and develop new international market entry and development opportunities.

The simulation is based upon a wealth of country data (political, economic, social etc) and the company for which you are working is up against established competition. You will be developing market entry strategies, and managing regional expansion in Latin America. You will learn how to manage these activities to create customer value internationally. The value creation process involves understanding customers, collaborators, competitors, and a company’s own core competencies, and using this knowledge for competitive advantage and growth.

The Country Manager simulation will entail initially establishing a new international market for entry as the home market has become saturated. Following a detailed comparative country analysis your team will then go onto establish a brand presence in that market. You will need to make decisions on he level of FDA to make and to go on to attempt to maximize the companies strategic and financial position in that country. You will then be expanding into additional foreign markets in Latin America.

It is very important to read and become thoroughly familiar with the Country Manager ALL SMILE case study on. This case will be used not only dynamically in the simulation to develop your analysis and decision making skills, but will also be used to integrate with and apply key concepts/theories On ISM and overall help to make the learning process closer to reality than desk based case work Your team needs to develop a Strategic Marketing Plan – the roadman for managing your entry, growth, and expansion into Latin America.

Before working on your Marketing Plan, read the entire Country Manager users manual. Your plan will cover most of these topics. In order to do so, you will need to use the various reports (environment, competition, internal) to analyze the current situation and forecast how it will (or how you want it to) change. The goal is to determine what strategy you want to set and how to implement it (I. E. , what decisions you will need to make) in order to maximize your nutrition to corporate headquarters.

Because you report to both the Toothpaste Category Management and the Latin America organizations (see Figure 1 , page 8 of the user manual), you must work toward maximizing your country cumulative contribution as well as the overall cumulative contribution for the region. Your instructions are to do a sequential entry (waterfall) strategy into Latin America – that is, you are not to enter more than one country at a time. For example, you might enter one country in period 1 , a second country in period 3, a third country in period 5.

You should enter at least three countries. See the next page for more specific entry and expansion instructions. Initial Strategic Plan Entry & Expansion Instructions Firstly, enter the Latin American market: Enter your first country. Begin by launching no more than 4 SKU. Add more SKU in subsequent periods as you believe the market bears and consistent with your strategy. You should advance two-three periods. Continue to play in the initial market, expanding into a multi-segment SST taste.

Secondly, begin regional expansion: After establishing your business in the initial market, enter into one additional market in Period 3 or 4. Begin by launching 4 or more SKU in the second market. Continue to play in the initial and second markets, expanding your multi segment strategy. Thirdly, continue regional expansion: Continue to play in the initial market, and 2nd market, now expanding into a third market in Period 5 or 6.

Follow the same procedure as above for the third market Complete all nine periods In the event that you have made a major blunder (e. G. , entering an MSP of 10. 0 instead of 1. 0), you must contact your tutor to replay a period. You must complete your final set of decisions within the specified schedule dates. Note: Be sure to keep a log of your decisions and results each period. After each period, save/print the Performance Summary (Consolidated – Internal). Con. Assessment part 1 .

Initial Strategic Audit and Internationalization Plan. Group Work Submission (7. 5 % of available marks) – (state team number and members names on the assignment) This element will be submitted as a Poster (instructions provided and a blank Poster Template is available on Blackboard) via Turning by no later than 5. 00 PM on Monday 9th February 2014. Before working on your Strategic Plan, read the entire Country Manager case and manual. Then focus on Section 4 of the user manual. Your plan will cover most of these topics covered here.

In order to do so, you will need to use the various reports (environment, competition, internal) to analyses the current situation and forecast how it will (or how you want it to) change. Your team’s primary goal is maximizing your overall cumulative contribution for the region. Note however you will note be assessed on the level of cumulative contribution you have achieved. Your secondary goals are maximizing your market share and brand equity in each country that you example, you might enter one country in period 2, a second country in period , a third country),’ in period 5.

You should enter at least two countries. Your performance will be evaluated as follows: Country and regional performance relative to other teams on the following measures: o Cumulative net contribution o Anal period net contribution o Market share o Brand equity Your Plan should not exceed two AH poster sized sheets , using the given poster Template (adapt this as required, by adding “sub pages” and do include a full Harvard Reference to all sources of literature and case evidence – including the Country’ Manager case and any further research undertaken by your team.

Aim to give a good visual impact for your poster by using applied models etc. You may add as supporting exhibits as you like to the poster. All exhibits must be referred to in your text. Your plan may be entirely or partially in outline form. Organism your Marketing plan as follows. 1. Make sure you include on the poster group members’ names 2. Executive Summary – one page description of your overall strategy (see items 3 to 7 below). 3. Situation analysis (opportunities and threats from a SWAT). 4 Vision, Mission and Key Strategic Objectives. 5.

Market entry strategies (the sequence and timing of countries you will enter). 6. Manufacturing location and sourcing (including any changes you plan to make and when). 7. Target marketing strategy (for each country you plan to enter). Each target market should represent a combination of demographics and benefit (e. G. , older & healthy; see cross-section under “Brands Purchased” reports). 8. Strategic Positioning and marketing mix strategies (target specific UP strategies for each country you plan to enter). 9. Regional standardization (any manufacturing and marketing resources you plan to share across markets). 0. Market share objectives (end-of-game racket shares for each country you plan to enter). 11. Appendix containing all referenced Exhibits and a List of references to Harvard Standard. You plan will be submitted on-line via Turning for which you will be given specific instructions and will be submitted in the form of a poster and for which a blank template is included on the modules Blackboard site. This Poster template Can be adapted but must not be longer than two AH sized pages and with a minimal font size of Arial 24 Additional guidelines will be made available on Black Board on preparing your group poster.

Assessment part 2 (7. 5 of available marks). Country Manager Final Report Group Work Submission – (state team number and members names on the assignment) This element must be submitted via Turning no later than 5. 00 PM on 4th May 2015. Each team is to submit a final “end game” group report that describes your team’s performance and what you learned about being a country manager for a company expanding internationally. Your final “End-Game” group report is not to exceed five (5) pages of text (double-spaced, 1″ margins, 11 or 12- point Times New Roman or Arial font).

Your Appendix may include supporting exhibits or reports which must be referred to in your text. Organism your teams Final Report as follows: 1. Cover sheet with team members’ names, countries entered, and date. 2. Reflections upon your team’s successes and failures in implementing your strategy and objectives (as described in your Group Strategic Audit and Plan poster). (use available data /Metrics and relate to appropriate theory) 3. Appendix. Your Appendix should include (but is not limited to) country and regional performance.

Include the following Period 6 (end of game) information: o Cumulative net contribution for the region o Net contribution for each country o Market share for each country Brand equity for each country Your teams performance will not be evaluated or graded in terms of final marks but your report should include: Country and regional performance relative to other teams: o Regional cumulative and final period net contributions and brand equity. Country and regional absolute financial performance: o Regional cumulative and final period net contributions.

Country market shares and brand equities. Assessment Criteria Descriptor & percentages 0-39% Pass (3rd) 50-59% Pass (2;ii) 60-69% pass (2;I) Demonstrate a systematic understanding and critical evaluation of the key aspects of the strategic management process (LOL – knowledge & understanding) Demonstrates very limited knowledge & understanding. No use of relevant theory from module lectures or elsewhere. Demonstrates limited knowledge & understanding. Some evidence of relevant theory. Occasional errors in understanding. Demonstrates some knowledge & understanding.

More than 1 or 2 theories introduced. But not extensively & coherently applied to the case(s). Limited critical evaluation. Demonstrates good knowledge & understanding. Uses a number of relevant theories, demonstrating evidence f wider reading and understanding beyond module lectures. Some evidence Of critical evaluation. Demonstrates very good knowledge & understanding. Confidently introduces a number of relevant theories from the lecture notes & wider reading. Critically evaluate key aspects of strategic management process.

Demonstrate the ability to compare different theories and perspectives of strategic management and use and appraise them appropriately (ALL – learning, analysis) Overwhelmingly descriptive content with little or no application of theory from lecture notes. Mainly descriptive content, but with some limited attempt o apply theory to case(s). Some descriptive content & arguments may not be fully developed. More in-depth analysis is evident. Answer is supported by range of well-selected theories. Evidence of extensive analysis. Applies range of relevant theories in a coherent and convincing way to the case(s).

Critically evaluate theories and concepts of strategic management. Analyses and apply appropriate problem solving techniques plus knowledge learned to solving complex business problems (ALL – analysis, application, problem solving and reflection) Demonstrates very limited or no critical reasoning to evaluate theories. No evaluation of strategic options provided. No evidence Of the ability to solve complex strategic problems. Demonstrates very limited or no reflection on learning. Demonstrates limited ability to evaluate theories and concepts of strategic management.

Provides a limited evaluation of strategic options. Limited evidence of the ability to solve complex strategic problems. Demonstrates limited ability to reflect on own learning. Demonstrates some ability to evaluate theories and concepts of strategic management. Provides evaluation of strategic options but analysis is not convenience. Provides evidence of the ability to solve complex strategic problems but with some limitation. Demonstrates some ability to reflect on own learning. Demonstrates good ability to evaluate theories and concepts. Good evaluation of strategic options with supportive evidence. Revises good evidence of the ability to solve complex strategic problems. Critically evaluate options & demonstrates the ability to reflect on own learning but with some limitation. Demonstrates very good ability to evaluate theories and concepts. Confidently evaluate different strategic options with supportive evidence and critically evaluate options. Provides good evidence of the ability to solve complex strategic problems. Good demonstration of the ability to reflect on own learning. Demonstrate the ability to communicate complex issues (L 04 – communication) No logical structure. Many errors of spelling, grammar etc.

Work incorrectly referenced Some errors in structure. Language basically sound. Some incorrect referencing. Structure & language satisfactory. Work referenced, perhaps with some errors. Well structured. Effective use Of appropriate language. Good referencing. Compelling & logical structure. Very effective use of language. Referencing excellent. Grammar and references – structure, grammar, selection & presentation of sources is accurate & appropriate References absent or drawn from inappropriate sources e. G. Wisped. A few references used, mainly from lecture notes with little evidence feeder reading.

Some references used, some from lecture notes but with some evidence of additional reading/research. Broader range of references used, from lecture notes but also with more extensive evidence of wider reading/ research. Wide range of reference used, from lecture notes but also with extensive evidence of wider reading/research. Academic Misconduct The Business School takes any cases of academic misconduct, including plagiarism very seriously. The penalties are severe and can in some cases result in a student not being allowed to continue their studies.

The policy on Academic misconduct can be found at: http://www. Staffs. AC. UK/assets/ academic_misconduct_tacit-26770. PDF Please note all assignments are processed via Turning (plagiarism detection software) Non Submissions If you fail to submit any assessment for a module an N will be recorded (non- submission) (fail due to non-submission) for that module and you will not have a guaranteed re-sit entitlement. Any further attempt entitlement will be at the discretion of the Award Board. Assignments must be submitted by the due date.

The only circumstance in which assignments can be submitted late is if an extenuating circumstances claim is made. In these circumstances work may be submitted up to 5 working days late only (this is not automatic). If the extenuating circumstances are upheld, the assignment will be graded as usual. If the claim is rejected and the work is of a pass grade a maximum of a 40% (R) for undergraduate and 50% (R) for postgraduate will be awarded. If your work is submitted after the 5 working days a O will be awarded. Maximum Word Length: State the number of words used on the assignment front sheet.

You may include diagrams, figures etc. Without word penalty. A sliding scale of penalties for excess length will be imposed according to the amount by which the limit has been exceeded. 1-10% excess 1 1-20% excess 21-30% excess 31 excess no penalty reduction in the mark 20% reduction in the mark the work will be capped at a pass N.B.. None of the above penalties will be used to change your mark which is above the pass mark, to one that is below the pass mark. Therefore the maximum penalty for exceeding the word limit will be a reduction to a pass grade.

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SMIO Group Element Strategic Management In Organisations Assignment. (2019, Oct 15). Retrieved February 22, 2025, from