Section Assignment

Section Assignment Words: 1818

There is no required text for the course. You could buy used copies of the text from www. Amazon. com or any other site if you like. Also, copies of the fourth edition of the text book are placed on reserve in the Business library for your convenience. COU RSE OBJECTIVES: Develop foundational knowledge of quantitative tools and techniques used by supply chain professionals in managing operations. 2. Apply some of the tools you learnt in real-life situations.

In applying the nowledge gained in class to real-life situations, the students will develop the skills to understand how textbook knowledge can be adapted to a real-life environment. 3. Synthesize the knowledge gained of production/operations systems to articulate trade-offs among the various operating elements in making real-life decisions. PREREQUISITES: The prerequisites for this course are SCM 303 and MKT 31 7, or SCM 303 and STT 351. It is assumed that each student is familiar with operating EXCEL. PLEASE BRING CALCULATORS EVERYTIME YOU ATTEND CLASS.

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We will be working on in-class problems. This class requires significant degree of group work and I would urge you to please make time correspondingly. You should be willing to work in groups. Your teams will be assigned randomly by the instructor. CLASS ACTIVITIES AND GRADING: SIMULATION EXERCISES We will work on two simulation exercises that you will need to submit at the times that are mentioned in the syllabus. SIMULATION IS A GROUP EXERCISE. In order to do this group exercise, you will need to purchase a web license from the firm called Littlefield technologies.

The license costs $18. Please register in advance for working on the simulation. All members of the team should have registered by the End of Friday, 23rd of January 2015. Note that if you do not register you cannot participate in the group and you cannot work on the assignments. Recommended group size iS 3. LATE REGISTRATION WILL RESULT IN LOSS OF OF THE SIMULATION GRADES You must purchase an individual code before you can register your team. The link to purchase the access code is: httpWmgr. responsive. net/Manager/ShowClient.

When you enter the above link, you need to create an account under Michigan State university and purchase the code online. The product is called “Littlefield Code for SCM 372. ” Once you purchase the individual code, a student designated from your group should collect the individual codes from group members and register your team along with the other members. Go to the link http:// sim. responsive. net/lt/msu/start. html to register your team. At this stage you should enter all the individual codes for your team and enter “planning’ as the course code.

When the simulator starts, any of the team members can access the teams firm from the following link http://sim. responsive. net/lt/ msu/entry. html. How will my simulation be graded? The simulation exercise will be graded in wo parts. 30% of the grades for the simulation exercise will be based on your profits relative to the top performer in the game. The remaining 70% of the grades will be based on the quality of the write-up you submit. Out of the 15% total, the first exercise is worth 5% and the second exercise is worth 10%.

If your team does better than DO NOTHING (One of the computer teams that does nothing), you score all of the points on standing. If you are below the DO NOTHING team, you will be benchmarked on the relative percentage of points you obtained as compared to the DO NOTHING team. For example, if ou earn $ 9/- and the DO NOTHING team earns $ 10/-, you will get 9 points. The grading rubric for the write-up is on Angel for you to consult. I strictly follow the grading rubric for the write up. If you have questions on the quality of the write-up please ask the instructor.

EXAMINATIONS During the semester, there will be three exams. The dates are in this course outline and the venue for the exams is the room in which you attend the class. All the exams will last for the duration of the class. Exams are not cumulative. Each exam will cover the course material that had been taught rom the previous exam (if any) until the next exam. All exams will be closed book, closed notes. In each exam, a list of formulae useful for working on the exam will be provided to you along with the exam sheet. You will have to choose the appropriate formulae to use for any given question.

The scale for every exam will be provided in class. In general, in the past exams the QUANTITATIVE to QUALITATIVE ratio has been 70:30. Therefore, to perform well, you will need to understand the fundamental concepts in each topic. The problems are intended to test your ability to apply the models learnt in class o specific situations. The qualitative part of the test generally consists of a mix of multiple choice questions, fill in the blanks, short answer questions and True/FaIse type questions. Please do not miss your exam date.

Any make up exam will be significantly harder than the original one to ensure fairness to the students who take the exam on time. hold review sessions before every exam. The materials will be provided in advance. RESEARCH REPORT/HELD VISIT The objective of the research report/field visit is to allow you to develop deeper understanding about a specific topic in operations, or operations in a pecific firm. Suggested topics will be listed on D2L. You may choose a topic that you are interested in and is not in the suggested list after consulting with the instructor. Any research should be rigorously done.

Once the topic is chosen, changes are not allowed. No two groups may have the same topic. An alternative is to visit a specific company, a firm that is pre-approved with the instructor. In this case, the report must justify the choice of the company, articulate key areas of strength in its operations, discuss example implementations Of operations ideas within the firm and must offer insightful ritique of the operations. Specific examples that are directly related to course content are likely to be more valuable. Individual documents are attached that contain deadlines for the course.

Please see the document for research report/field visit rubrics for greater details on evaluation and expectations. One third of your grades on research report or field visit is based on the instructor’s evaluation of the individual contribution. These evaluations will come from peer feedback and instructor evaluation combined, with instructor’s evaluation being the overriding factor if needed. In this regard, he instructor can request a meeting with all individuals of a group and ask questions that are intended to assess your contribution to the report/field visit that you will choose to undertake to complete the course.

If the instructor requests, all students must be present at a common time for the meeting. PRACTICE PROBLEMS You will be assigned additional PRACTICE PROBLEMS during the course of the semester to help you prepare for the tests. The practice problems will typically provide problem sets that will set the stage for the kind of problems you may encounter in exams. please spend time understanding the practice roblems and working on them on your own. ATTENDANCE Attendance will be taken in every class. You are allowed to miss a maximum of three classes throughout the semester without losing any attendance grades.

These three classes should cover cases of interviews and potential personal emergencies. After missing three classes, will cut grades in proportion of number of missing classes. do NOT entertain any excuse for missing the class. If you are an organizer, please ensure that you get the requisite excuse letter and let me know in advance of your absence the reason. You can make up for lost attendance in classes by submitting a one age write-up on the material that is covered during the class you missed.

GRADE DISTRIBUTION Simulation Homework (2/2) Research report Attendance Three exams (20% each) FINAL GRADE SCHEDULE Final grades will be assigned based on the following point scheme: 4. 0: 80% + 65% + 60% + TEAMWORK GRADE ADJUSTMENT Peer evaluations will be taken from all group members and teamwork adjustment may be based on these peer evaluations. YOUR GRADE will be commensurate to the effort you put in the team’s activity. If you put ZERO effort, you can get ZERO grade as well. This peer evaluation will be applied to oth Littlefield assignments.

ADDITIONAL CONSIDERATIONS: PROFESSIONALISM expect each student to adhere to highest professional standards. Any conduct unbecoming of professionalism is likely to be penalized. These include but are not limited to (i) consistent talking in the class – except to participate in class discussions (ii) causing disturbance to regular class activities (iii) leaving in the middle of the class without prior permission (iv) using a laptop computer to do non-class related work during the class (v) reading of newspapers/Facebook in the class (vi) not switching cell phones off nd (Vii) coming into class late.

The SCM 372 course uses D2L to post documents, distribute material and provide announcements. Items like the course syllabus, class slides, copy of the various problem sets (and answers), practice problems and other material will be posted there at appropriate times during the semester. You can access D2L on the web at https://d21. msu. edu/. You will need the MSU Net ID to get into this site.

In addition to uploading the material on D2L at various times uring the semester, email messages for reminders, announcements, etc. will be sent. HONOR CODE It shall be the responsibility of every student at business school to obey and to support the enforcement of the Honor Code, which prohibits lying, any form of cheating, or stealing when these actions involve academic processes or University, student or academic personnel acting in an official capacity.

The Instrument of Student Judicial Governance requires that you sign a pledge on all written work. (“On my honor, have neither given nor received unauthorized aid on this assignment. “) On each exam in this class, you will be equired to sign your name below that pledge as an indication that you have read it and are – on your honor – complying with it. The honor code is mentioned on the following link: http://uas. broad. msu. edu/academics/honor- code/.

You will need a MSIJ business school login to reach this link. I take honor code violations very seriously. You will be completely responsible for the consequences which may include a straight zero if you violate the honor code.

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Section Assignment. (2019, Oct 08). Retrieved February 23, 2025, from