School Life and College Life Assignment

School Life and College Life Assignment Words: 2060

Total marks for GU Programmer -15, preferably the student will have to solve two questions of 8 marks and 7 marks respectively. II. Total marks for PIG Programmer -30 (converted to 15 for calculating entities assessment marks), Preferably the student will have to solve two questions each of 15 marks. Ill. Duration of test: 1 Hour* lb. Syllabus for T-l: Minimum 2 units (minimum 1/3rd syllabus in case the syllabus is not unedited). V. Syllabus for T-al: Minimum 2 units other than those covered under T-l (minimum 1/3rd syllabus not covered under Test-I in case the syllabus is not unedited).

VI. Preferably question paper pattern: Solve Q. No. 1 or Q. No. 2, Q. No. 3 or Q. No. 4. * The duration examination may vary as per the need of the theory course. The two test examinations will be conducted as per schedule in an Academic Calendar. Valued answer books shall be shown to the students within six working days after the day of examination of the last theory paper. Grievances, If any, shall be addressed by the HOOD on application of the students within next two days.

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Correction In marks, If any, should be communicated to the office of CEO in the format prescribed within ten working days after the day of examination of the last theory paper. The marks secured by student in the test examinations before and after addressing the grievance shall be displayed on the department notice board. Page 12 ill) Absentee examination a. For GU Programmed under autonomy Students ho remain absent in a Test-I and or Test II examination will be subjected to absentee test after Test-II as per the academic calendar.

The absentee examination would be for 15 Marks only. A student who remains absent for both Test-I and Test-II would be evaluated for 15 marks only and will lose 15 marks. This provision Is made only for situations in which the absence is either due to the student representing the or country level or due to reason of illness, death of a near kin, attendance of state or national level competitive exam, placement activities and other circumstances beyond control of the student.

To avail this provision, the student is required to apply to the HOOD with recommendation from Course Coordinator with relevant documents. It is the discretion of the HOOD and Course Coordinator to consider application and decide the mode of examination. No student can avail of this provision for both the Test examinations in any one course in a Semester. B. For PIG Programmed under autonomy Students who remain absent in a Test-I and/or Test II examination will be subjected to absentee test after Test-I and/ or Test II within 10 working days of the end of test examination.

This provision is made only for situations in which the absence is either due to the student representing the college in an academic/ co- curricular and extracurricular activities at University, State or country level or due to reason of illness, death of a near kin, attendance of state or national level competitive exam, placement activities and other circumstances beyond control of the student. To avail of this provision, the student is required to apply to the HOOD with recommendation from Course Coordinator with relevant documents.

It is the discretion of the HOOD and Course Coordinator to consider application and decide the mode of examination. No student can avail of this provision for both the Test examinations in any one course in a Semester. ‘v) Assessment of Internal marks for theory courses Test-I – 15 marks Test-II – 15 marks Attendance – 4 marks Teacher’s assessments – Two assessments of 3 marks each (The mode of teachers’ assessment shall be declared by individual course teacher on the dates specified in the Academic Calendar). Total continuous assessment marks for theory course – 40 marks.

Teachers Assessment a. B. C. D. Teacher’s assessment of students’ performance of 6 marks shall be done on the basis of modes such as home assignments, tutorials, pen book tests, seminars, group discussions, projects, quizzes etc. The course coordinator shall declare the mode(s) chosen for each course, within the date prescribed by the Dean Academics. In case a course is being taught by more v) Page 13 than one subject teacher, the modes for teacher’s assessment may be declared by the respective teacher, section wise.

A student who skips teacher’s assessment or a part thereof shall be awarded zero marks under the respective head. Vi) Assessment of continuous assessment of marks for practical courses A student shall be evaluated for his/her academic performance in a practical course on he basis of continuous evaluation and End Semester Practical Examination. Vii) Marking for continuous evaluation of practical courses may be done based on the following parameters a. Journal completion b. Performance in each practical c. Internal Practical Examination d.

Viva-Voce Total marks for continuous evaluation of practical courses: 25 marks. The course coordinator in consultation with Chairman Board of Studies and the respective course teacher shall declare the allocation of marks in the parameters as applicable within the date prescribed in the academics calendar. In case of performance oriented practical, the evaluation shall be done on of examination for non-performance type of practical shall be declared by the course coordinator in the beginning of the session.

Type of practical course I. E. Performance type or non performance type shall be decided by the respective ASS. The seminar shall be evaluated through the quality of work carried out, the report submission and presentation’s as per the guidelines prescribed by the respective BOSS from time to time. Project work shall be evaluated by mid-term seminar’s, the quality of work aired out, project report submission and the viva-voce examination.

Notwithstanding contained in above, any specific norms in respect of examination, criterion of passing, results, valuation, grading, discipline, award of degree, attendance will be prepared by the respective departmental faculty board, approved by BOSS and Academic Council, if required. Viii) Attendance: The attendance of the students in theory classes should be encouraged. 4 marks are allotted for attendance. The distribution of Attendance marks is as given in Table 1 below. Table 1: Distribution of marks on Attendance S. No. 23 4 Attendance % >=75 or All the students are expected to be present in every lecture, tutorial, practical, NC / INS / CUSP / Games & Sports / Yoga scheduled for them. Attendance will be closely monitored during a semester as per the guidelines. Page 14 b. If a student is continuously absent from the classes for more than four weeks without informing the Course Coordinator, the Coordinator shall immediately bring it to the notice of First Year Coordinator/ the Head of the concerned department as the case may be and they in turn will inform the same to the Office of

Dean Academics. C. A student must have a minimum attendance of 60 % of the total number of classes including lectures/ tutorials, held in a course individually in order to become eligible for appearing Test I and Test II examinations in such course’s, failing which he/she will be declared not eligible for appearing in the said examination in such course’s and will be awarded zero marks.

Attendance granted to the student for the period of the related activity/ event shall not be considered while calculating minimum attendance. Minimum physical presence of 60% the student of he total number of classes including lectures/ tutorials, held in a course is compulsory for being eligible for appearing Test I and Test II examinations. D.

The names of the students who have remained absent, for more than 25% of the actual classes held in a course will be intimated by the Course Coordinator himself on the last teaching day of each month of the respective semester, to the students in the class with written intimation to the HOOD / First Year Coordinator, who will arrange to consolidate the list for all such students for all the courses and display it on the notice board of the department with an intimation to Dean Academics. . A student must have an overall 75 % attendance of the total number of classes including lectures/ tutorials and practical. . Student is not permitted to appear for the End Semester Examination if the shortfall of attendance exists. His/her registration for that semester will be treated as cancelled, and he/she shall be awarded ‘Z’ grade in that semester. This grade shall appear in the grade card till the successful Those students who have more than 75% attendance for the period other than their medical leave be considered for connotation of attendance provided their overall attendance in a course including the period of illness does not fall below 60%.

A student has to apply for leave on medical grounds to the Head of concerned department and such application shall be accompanied with a medical certificate from a registered medical practitioner and endorsed by parents or guardian. However the decision in this matter will be finally taken by the Principal. Records keeping: All the records of attendance in Test Examinations, Question papers, valued answer sheets, summary of marks sheets, and display of marks should be properly maintained for academic monitoring.

Analysis of attendance Analysis of attendance hall be made before the start of Test I and Test II. The parents of the students attending less than 60% of classes in a course shall be informed about their wards getting detained in Test I / Test II for want of attendance as per ordinances / regulations of the college. Subsequently, after the last date of x) Page 15 teaching, the final analysis for the respective semesters for the award of marks on attendance shall be made and displayed on the date as specified in the Academic calendar. 2.

(a) Academically weak students should be identified after the Test-I examination and extra classes should be conducted for them in the respective subjects in which the students are found to be weak. (b) The schedule for the same shall be prepared by the departments as per the academic calendar of that semester. (c) A student securing ‘IF grade in a test examination shall be considered to be academically weak. 3. Existing policy regarding the grant of attendance should be followed in consideration with the following points. ) Period for Grant of Attendance: Attendance will be granted for the period of the related activity/ event. The Dean ISRC/concerned Professor in-charge of he activity/event shall mention the period for which the attendance be granted. Methodology: The students are required to submit the relevant certificates, pertaining to the cases eligible for the grant of attendance, obtained from the competent authority from within the campus or outside the campus to the Head of the departments.

The relevant applications along with certificates in this respect must be submitted to the Head within Eight days of the completion of the activity or event mentioning the dates for which the attendance is to be granted. The Head of departments shall verify the authenticity and appropriateness of the certificates, impel the applications, prepare the data regarding grant of attendance and circulate it to all the concerned teachers at the time of finalization of marks awarded for attendance.

The other matters which the department feels necessary to discuss with the parents may also be kept on agenda of the meeting. It is also to seek the expectations of the parents from the department and the college. Number of Meets: Every Department will organize Two Parent-Teacher Meets in a year (One Parent-Teacher meet in Each Semester). The dates of the meets would be as per academic calendar. It) iii) The Principal / Dean academics will be kept informed about the meets.

Report Submission: The report of the meet indicating the brief minutes of the meetings; the time bound actions proposed by the department; the actions expected to be taken at the central level should be submitted to the Principal by 20th August and 5th March for the 1st and 2nd Parent-Teacher meet respectively. Preparation of Action Plan: The action plan in this respect should be subsequently prepared by the Head in consultation with the Principal. The same should be implemented scrupulously and the records be maintained.

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School Life and College Life Assignment. (2022, Feb 27). Retrieved March 12, 2025, from