Rural development in bangladesh Assignment

Rural development in bangladesh Assignment Words: 1396

Now I am going to describe what information I have collected from there. Model is a representation of a system that allows for investigation of the specific matter of that system and in same cases prediction of future outcomes. Models are used in quantitative analysis, technical analysis. Than is the function of that branch of the administrative machinery of public order and tranquility, the promotion of public health, safety and morals and the detection and punishment of crimes are regulated.

Model Thanes have been refurbished in well designed modern buildings comprising adequate number of rooms and space for the officers and visitors and storing of official documents. Modern intercom systems also have been installed in each model Than for better communication within the Than and other people that they are dealing with. Local area network catering three desktop computers, one laser printer, one photocopier have also been installed in each model Than six Willie Talkies, six motorcycle and one pickup van have been provided to each model Than.

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The police of a state in a comprehensive sense embraces its whole system of internal regulation by which the state seeks not only to preserve the public order and to prevent offences against the state but also to establish for the intercourse of citizen with citizen those rules of good manners and good neighborhood which are calculated to prevent a conflict rights to ensure to each the uninterrupted enjoyment of his own. The police is in general a system of precaution, prevention of crime or calamities. Bangladesh Police is the core law enforcement agency of Bangladesh.

It is administered under the Home Affairs of the Government of Bangladesh. It plays the prime and pivotal role in maintaining low and order of the state. Though police is primarily concerned with maintaining low and order assuring security of public life and property. In Bangladesh, the formal and organized policing with varieties of activities as of today has come to this stage though lots of evolutions and developments across the long time. Its business may be distributed into eight distinct branches. Police are for the prevention of offences. Police are for the prevention Of calamities. Police become helps during epidemic diseases.

Charity should be the characters of police. The police of model Than can easily communicate with entire people of that area. Police give predation when a function of amusement is organized. Traditional Than: Traditional Than is burdened with many problems. Here low and order situation is not under control maximum each are not handles with proper way. Most other convicted are soared for the sake of many. Mast of the cases people do not get Justice from police officer. Police officers take bribe from the people when they go to look into the cases. It is impossible for the police to keep entire.

It becomes very impossible for them to control crimes and offences property. There becomes a large area belonging to traditional Than. People become prey to harassment when they o to police station to solve their problems. Police officers think that it is there fundamental right to take bribe from general people. Traditional Than is technologically backward. Traditional police officers get chance to remain idle in spite of having much more work. Information technology has not been improved in a large way. This is an age of technology. Most of the police officers of traditional Than are corrupted.

Corruption is a daily activity of traditional Than. Characteristics of Model Than: The word model we use in case of special Than that one has special power, kill and detection process to control the whole area including that Than. The police are a constituted body of person empowered by the state to enforce the law, protect property, given security. Model Than is established in the specific places, where there is need of extra law maintenance and extra protection and security. It is established in the important zone where commercial activity, the intension of crimes and offences are high.

Model Than is established for a minor area so that police officers can keep immediate communication with the public belonging to that area. There are many model Thanks in Bangladesh specially in Dacha city, Utter model Than, Raman Than, Checkable Than are example of model Than. The model Than embraces the principle of ;pro-people, service- oriented policing”. This is both a philosophy (a way of thinking) and an organizational strategy (a way to carry out the philosophy). The philosophy emphasizes both reforming the police and refurnishing their public image.

Going beyond a narrow focus on crime, a partnership between the police and the people they serve is at the heart of this philosophy. Visitor to the Model Thanks can expect to meet police personnel who are professional, courteous and efficient. Personal are most cooperative: they listen with patience to the complainant and provide helpful responses to multifarious queries. This scenario is very different from the recent past when victims were often sent back by policemen stating that the scene of crime was not under their Jurisdiction. A reorientation of attitudes towards people friendly service is clearly visible.

The usual armed sentry just outside a police station, who puts off the casual visitor, is missing. This is obviously with a view to lending a friendly ambiance to the place. This is a revolution is it self. At the reception desk, a duty officer is assignment to receive complaints. Immediately after the reception there is a desk where a policewoman receives complains on atrocious women. This is again an innovation that should be received well in a country where ill treatment of women is shamefully rampant even in urban centers. A range of police services to citizens are provided in congenial atmosphere at the model Than.

In addition to dealing with common crimes, they also act as enters for community-oriented schemes for combating domestic violence, helping the aged and providing legal aid. Also taken up is drug De-addiction campaigns and counseling for women. The Model Than also acts as community service-UCM- information centers to help with verification for the issue of passport, to provide ;no objection certification” for arms licenses, grant permission for religious and political processions and to deal with requests for security arrangements. Law and Order situation: Law and order situation of model Than is very positive and under control.

Here the police officers are very highly experienced to enforce law to control law and order situation. The police of model Than are highly skilled and sincere to their duties . The can entirely communicate with people efficiently and effectively . They can take immediate action where crimes and offences are being occurred. Few days ago I went Attar model Than to gather information about Than and to know about the function of model Than from special police officer. He gave me some information about model Than. I saw that Attar model Than is well furnished and technologically developed.

I saw six computers kept in the desks. I saw many motorcycles and a pickup van standing there. The SP informed me that they are able to take immediate action to the criminals, culprits and miscreants by going that places where crimes and offences are being committed. The tendency of taking bribe is low here. That is why criminals do not take any chance to regulate and motivate the police officers by showing the greed of bribe. As Utter model Than has been established based on small area, they can communicate with people very easily, and protect them efficiently and effectively.

The criminals hardly dare to commit crime in the area under model Than. Model Than is developed with information technology. They can get information from people very easily and take proper action against corrupted people. Police is the main law enforcement agency of specific area to provide service to all citizens of that area and make a better safer place to live and work. If also upholds the rule of law, ensures safety and security of citizens, prevents and detects crime, brings offenders to Justice and maintain peace and public order. It is administered by interior ministry of the government of Bangladesh.

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