Rules of Ownership Regarding Medical Records Assignment

Rules of Ownership Regarding Medical Records Assignment Words: 734

Healthcare Legal Concepts HIT261-1003B-01 hase: 3 Individual ProjectRules of Ownership Regarding Medical Records Instructor: Nena Scott September 10, 2010 Abstract We will discuss the common principle about the possession of medical records. I will also explain what the requirements are for the ROI (release of information). Also I will look at the request of amendments, revocation of authorization, and what the timely response mandates maybe (Colorado Tech. Online, 2010). Possession of Health Records The general idea of ownership of health records have changed.

When it was the paper medical records it was the general idea that they were owned by the healthcare provider. Now that we cover electronic health records (EHR’s), it is the thought that the healthcare provider still owns it, although the patient can see their medical record. In the future it will be as though the healthcare provider is trusted with the information for the benefit of the patient. Some states are established, while in other states it may establish by licensing regulations or by judicial decisions. (Chapter 5 e-book)

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Release of information (ROI) logs is also a very important. The purpose of these logs is to provide each individual with an account of disclosures. The ROI needs to include the date it was disclosed, the name and address of person that is receiving the disclosure, a concise narrative of the medical record information being disclosed, and a small account for the principle of it or a copy of the request for the information. This is to help ensure the correct information about the correct patient is being released to the right place or person.

It is also a way to help keep track of what information is going out about each patient at what given time and date. (AHIMA, December 28, 2000) Requesting for an amendment to your medical record is when you find something in your record that you feel is not correct. You can fill out a request form that will go directly to the HIM department. The HIM department will review your request and if they feel that the mistake is there and needs to be corrected they will okay it to be changed.

You are also requesting your personal information to be changed every time the receptionist asks you if your phone, address, and insurance have changed. If they have you are requesting that the receptionist change it so the information will be correct (Health First, 2009). A revocation of authorization is where a patient can change their mind and not want health information going to an authorized party. Although to arrange a revocation the patient is requested to complete the revocation of authorization form.

Once the form is completed and signed the HIM department must be acted on. On the form it must state the date on the form, must be signed, it has to be filed in the chart and a copy and a response to the patient must be done within fifteen working days of the request. (Nesnip, 2010) I think the timely response mandate is the time that is given for the physician to complete the medical record, as well as any amendments made to the health record and if there was any revocation of any authorizations done to a medical record.

From that I have been reading healthcare entities have 15 days to complete the revocation of authorization. They have around the same amount of time to do any amendments that needed completed to the medical record. The ROI (release of information) must be completed in a timely manner as well. References AHIMA. (2000, December 28). Practice brief: accounting and tracking disclosures of protected health information. Retrieved from http://library. ahima. org/xpedio/idcplg?


Colorado Tech. University Online, 2010 (Nena Scott) Homework assignment information. Health First, . (2009). Amendment for health recorda. Retrieved from http://www. health-first. org/patients_visitors/medical_record_amendment. cfm McWay, Thomson. (2010). Legal aspects of health information management. Nesnip, Initials. (2010). Amendment of authorization. Retrieved from http://www. nesnip. org/pdf/privacy/authorization. pdf

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