Research Report into talent management Assignment

Research Report into talent management Assignment Words: 2568

Within this research there is an exploration Of what is understood by the terms talent’ and ‘talent management’, while considering the implications and outcomes for individuals and organizations when an inclusive or exclusive approach is taken. Equality and Diversity is therefore an integral part of the concussion and analysis, however this will be taken beyond the nine protected characteristics as stated within the Equality Act 2010.

There are aspects of identity not covered by nondiscrimination legislation that impact on an individual’s life chances, for example, socio economic status and class – so the impact of the relationship and intersections between different aspects of identity will also be considered. The role and expectations of the educational provider as an employer within any particular community may be considered relevant by organizations, taking into account the local labor market and economy.

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This offers a reflection of the expectations on educational providers to offer equality of opportunity to all learners and going beyond this, actively working to narrow the inequalities in achievements evidenced between different groups. The recent report called the ‘Anatomy of Economic Inequality’ published in 201 0 by the National Equality Panel stated in their concluding themes that: 0 Some of the widest gaps in outcomes between social groups have narrowed in the last decade, particularly between the earnings of women and men, and in the educational qualifications of different ethnic groups.

C] However, there remain deep-seated and systematic differences in economic outcomes between social groups across all of the dimensions we have examined – including between 31 Page men and women, between different ethnic groups, between social class groups, between those living in disadvantaged and other areas, and between London and other parts of the country. This may illustrate that the active approach taken by educational providers to narrowing the gaps has been effective.

It perhaps offers evidence of the positive impact that may result if talent management strategies take into count similar considerations of socio economic status and acknowledged under representation from different groups. This approach would be in keeping with the views of KICK society, found in the survey Changing Attitudes to Equality (201 0): A significant majority priorities an equal and just society with strong values of equality as a goal, and this proportion is slowly increasing but remains slightly lower than EX. averages.

The presentation of this research offers a framework for raising questions and discussions on talent management within any provider, so that a common understanding of the language can be negotiated ND agreed upon for any specific organization. It identifies key areas for exploration and inclusion in talent management strategies and in doing so a framework that informs organizational development is offered. The success Of any Strategy or policy generally relies on its effective implementation.

A range of factors will mediate this; however the culture and talent mindset that is found in the organization will be critical. So this research integrates evidence that illustrates this point and in doing so raises potentially different perspectives of analysis and action for providers to consider. The current environment has increased the complexities that any provider needs to consider, with change and organizational transformation being central. Therefore a key question within this element of the research is to reflect on how decision-making power works within the senior management team?

How influential are human resources within the fundamental strategic planning activities and processes? In a global survey of 758 companies, 86% consider HER as strategic business partners. (ACE report, 201 1). The role for human resources within the context of facilitating and enabling a talent mindset and talent management is critical. Discussions on leadership development are often inherent within the topic of talent management. 41 Page This research seeks to clarify the potential differentiation that can be made and why this is an important part of the development of a talent management strategy.

Section 1 Introduction and background to the project 1. 1. This review has been commissioned by the Learning and Skills Improvement Service (LSI) as stage one of an expansive collaborative project initiated in recognition that effective talent management is a critical success factor for the learning and skills sector, particularly in an economic climate that emends resilience and a willingness to be open to different perspectives and potential solutions.

This is in alignment with the report from CHIP in 2009 that highlighted ten cases studies, Fighting Back through Talent Innovation, and to further support the findings of the recent LSI report, Leading and managing in recession: same or different skills? The review presents contemporary research and case studies, from the public and private sector, as is relevant to the topic identified as talent management. This review considers what talent management means, why is it used and hat planned or expected outcomes are to be achieved using it?

The importance of language and the benefits of creating a common understanding are central to this project and being able to effectively identify the outcomes it has within the sector in supporting quality improvement. Therefore the term ‘talent management’ is considered and a working definition offered to L SIS to use and potentially apply to the sector. In doing this, a perspective is offered on the development of this term and its current meaning. 1. Integrating equality and diversity Throughout this project, diversity and equality will be a consistent thread of he discussion, analysis and recommended actions. This is in alignment with the research from CHIP, highlighted by the following quote: 5 | page Talent management and diversity need to be interlinked. Diversity should be threaded through all talent management activities and strategies to ensure that organizations make the best use of the talent and skills of all their employees in ways that are aligned to business objectives. Opening up talent for business – Integrating talent management and diversity. 201 0) Diversity implies the inclusion of a wide range of characteristics but is generally now en within the context of the legal framework for equality and the nine protected characteristics ; namely, sex, age, race, disability, religion or faith, sexual orientation, marriage and civil partnership, gender reassignment, pregnancy and maternity.

However it is important to also consider those characteristics not covered by anti-discrimination legislation such as social class, appearance or economic status and their impact on access to employment and progression opportunities within the workforce. One of the outcomes of people who have a low socio economic status is Ewing identified as experiencing poverty. Recently released research from the Joseph Renter Foundation (201 1) identified that outcomes for individuals come from two broad sets of factors: 1.

Informal processes – the texture of everyday life, the decisions and assumptions of individuals, communities and organizations, 2. Wider structures – labor markets, housing options, services, geography, social norms. It then went on to identify the importance of internationality or interactions of the dynamics of poverty with specific protected characteristics, highlighting the need for further research including: L] How ethnicity affects in work poverty – in particular the part played by informal workplace culture and the effects on access to training and qualifications, development and progression in work.

C] The second area was how social networks are linked to escaping from poverty. These factors are relevant to the development and analysis of talent management and the associated organizational objectives and strategies. For example, it has long been recognized that the capacity and capability to access opportunities into and within the labor market are fundamentally affected by a person’s social capital. Some organizations currently recognize this through their talent Equality Act 2010. 1 page management initiatives by providing positive action internship programmer, work shadowing and networking opportunities. The legal framework for equality is a fundamental consideration for all providers. Providers have a general public sector duty to prevent discrimination, advance equality of opportunity and foster good relations between persons who share a relevant protected characteristic and persons who do not share it. The equality objectives that an organization then sets may inform their talent management strategy.

This highlights the potential role that human resources provide within any organization and the development of a talent management mindset and strategy. There is an expectation that they will provide the moral stewardship of an organization and its culture, as was stated by Johnson (2003): All HER practices have an ethical foundation. HER deals with the practical con- sequences of human behaved. With this statement in mind there is an additional aspect that is important to include in this review as creating a talent management strategy will involve the creation of policies and their implementation.

It is in the implementation f such policies that the real equality impact can be evidenced, where the existence and effect of unconscious and perhaps conscious bias is illustrated through effective monitoring and auditing processes. As Gondola (2009) states if it is taken for granted that despite the agreement that stealing is wrong, finances in organizations expect to be audited so as to uncover such behaviors and manage the risks to the business. If it can be accepted that as we are all biased and that sometimes discrimination will occur as a result then it is important relevant auditing is under taken, so uncovering such incidences.

Such standard practices may positively inform an organizational culture that seeks to offer equality of opportunity to its workforce. Prejudice informs our bias so it is relevant to quote recent research from a government report: Changing attitudes to equality (2010) that highlights that: Prejudicial attitudes are mostly hidden and therefore may not be obvious (people keep it to themselves or do not admit to it publicly). Most attitudes are recorded in a way that enables this prejudice to be hidden. 2 S. 149 Equality Act 2010. | Page The reasons for a lack of effective change in representation across most oracles may therefore be subtle to identify, but in taking bias into account it will begin to change how the talent management solutions are identified and implemented. (Gondola, 2009), (Hannah, K. Et al. 2010) We know that bias is having an impact on the development of the workforce as illustrated in the most recent research from L SIS on Age Equality, where it was found that older employees were both less likely to be offered training and development and less likely to expect it.

This is an illustration of how bias operates as a result of a set of assumptions and stereotypes and impacts on potentially imitating the development of talent. 1. 3 Leadership and talent management Within the topic of talent management, the subject of leadership development is often assumed or inherent in the discussion. This research will seek to highlight how these two terms may be differentiated and the potential impact this may have on strategic thinking and planning.

Historically talent management has taken an exclusive approach or been thought to take an exclusive approach, so it is important within the context of leadership development to ask the following questions: Who is selected and who is excluded? How does this inform our organizational culture? How do exclusionary practices impact on inequalities within the workplace, within the provider’s external community? And how is it possible to consider inequalities in isolation of each other?

For example, is it feasible to consider racialists inequalities without also recognizing the role of class, gender and disability? 1. 4 The project described The project is conceived in four stages. The overall outcome is to support providers to take action and develop their organizational capability, through a comprehensive understanding of what talent 3 A review and analysis of age equality practice in the Learning and Skills Sector. (2010) accessed at: http://www. LSI. Org. UK/Services/Publications/ Documents/Ills-age-equality-report-1301201 1 . UDF 8 | Page management is in 2012, why it is done and how it can support effective performance improvement and sustainability for all stakeholders – learners, employers, staff, community and the economy, both local and national. As a result of this project, LSI will seek to audit their current offer of relevant courses and programmer and identify where and how these can be developed and adapted to meet the needs highlighted through this programmer. The four stages of this project are:

Stage 1 : A broad literature review to establish a working definition of talent management, supported by a broad reflection of the development of the concept of talent management, identifying what it means for organizations broadly, in 201 2 and why it is important. The differentiation between talent management and leadership development is part of this review. Stage 2: The development of ‘clusters’ of colleges to peer review what they currently do that can be related to talent management, and asking them to explain why they do it.

In doing this they will consider what works for them and why they e it as successful, identifying the issues that they have faced and what action they took to manage these. In doing this they are expected to highlight areas of common and ongoing challenge. Associates from LSI will provide a critical friend support, drawing together common themes that can then be taken into account and responded to, within the legal framework for equality and diversity.

This will be through the development of appropriate support and highlighted areas where the sector may not be having due consideration in relation to employment law or their public sector equality duty. Stages: L SIS currently offer a range of products and programmer – these will be reviewed to assess their relevance to talent management as identified in stage 1 and audited in relation to both the findings in stage 2 and the expected standards in meeting their public sector equality duty.

This will provide LSI with the information to be able to adapt or develop programmer that are relevant to the sector, meet their needs and provide genuine opportunities to offer improved quality of performance. Stage 4: This will involve the self-examination within LSI against the findings of stages 1 -? 3. The questions posed: does L SIS practice talent management that is shown to work? What do they do? What is the capability that LSI needs across the organization to meet its strategic objectives? What could they do differently to ensure that their talent management practices support the achievement of their strategic goals? | Page 1. 5 Policy context We want to see the FEE sector build on and increase its innovation, responsiveness and its high quality offer to students and employers. ‘ This statement is from New Challenges, New Chances, Further Education and System Reform plan. Building a World Class Skills System. To realize this, the sector will need to maximize all available potential, In every sense, creating the very best performance from those who work in the sector so that their organizations are able to deliver the highest quality of services for learners and employers.

Over the last few years there has been a clear recognition, through national policy and strategy from government that the learning and skills system is acknowledged as a vital resource for the UK economy and central to supporting healthy workforces and businesses. 5 The Learning and Skills Improvement Service as a sector-owned body is ended to support the sector and accelerate their drive for excellence through building the sectors own capacity to design commission and deliver improvement and strategic change.

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Research Report into talent management Assignment. (2022, Feb 17). Retrieved February 23, 2025, from