Problem/Solutions Assignment

Problem/Solutions Assignment Words: 646

Another problem is that there is not enough parental involvement. Finally, the teachers who are depended upon to provide education- they are greatly over-worked and under-paid. This is not good recipe for “equal high quality education for all” (Patterson 2). Thus, in order to solve the problem with education there needs to be equal allocation of funding, more parental involvement, and a reduction in the work load of teachers. Equal allocation attending is the first step to solving the problem with education. What strikes me about the current debate about financing education is that the only time it seems that you hear anything about money not being important to education is when it is in relation to the education of minorities” (Tyler 118). However, this should not be taken sitting down. If funds are allocated equally then access to quality education will be provided for all, One way to ensure access is through the implementation to educational programs. This is impossible without resources Vichy can be expanded with proper or equal funding.

Resources are fundamental in the start-up and continuance of programs with regard to education. In addition to this, equal funding also paves the way for equal opportunities. Tile shouldn’t have a system room When a child Steps foot in a pre-K or Kindergarten classroom that they have vastly different opportunities based solely on their zip code or the community they live in” (Adams S). In taking this Step everyone Will get the opportunity to prepare for life and in turn, to succeed in life.

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Therefore, equal allocation of funding is a necessary step to solving the problem with education. The second step to solving the problem with education is more parental involvement. “Parental involvement in education is an important factor in student achievement” (Gould 29). Participation at school is one way for parents o get involved. For example, they can volunteer; giving aid to both the teachers and the students. Parents can also encourage student participation in-class and in extra-curricular activities. Another way of getting involved is by chipping in at home.

In doing so, parents can assist with homework assignments and help with projects. More importantly, since students spend the majority toothier time with parents, it is up to the parent to instill or stress educational value, WV he solution to the problem will require a concentrated effort by parents who must make education a priority for their children” (Tyler BIB). Therefore, parental involvement is a necessary step to solving the problem with education. The third and final step to solving the problem with education is to reduce the work load of teachers.

Outside of the fact that teachers do not have the tools needed to educate- there is not enough time to get everything done. In fact, “just about the only thing they have enough of is burnout” (Anonymous 60. A lighter work load Will reduce stress. Hiring assistant teachers is a good way to do this. They can take care of things that take away from teachers being able to educate. In addition to reducing stress, a lighter work load can or Will increase teacher to student benefits. For instance, if teachers are motivated and have the time to do exactly what they are being paid for. Hen students can be inspired and pushed to learn. In turn, everyone enjoys the educational experience. “Schools are only as good as the people who teach there” (Anonymous C) therefore, reducing the work load of teachers is a necessary step to solving the problem with education. It is obvious that without education; in this nation, there is no real chance at life. Education opens doors to numerous opportunities for some. Everyone should have equal right to acquire education, as well as, equal opportunity to benefit from education but that is not the case.

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Problem/Solutions Assignment. (2019, Aug 31). Retrieved March 7, 2025, from