Personal Responsibility Assignment

Personal Responsibility Assignment Words: 870

Personal responsibility is about the integrity to make the choice to do our own work. Therefore, shortcuts that cheat us and take away from the learning experience should be avoided. The reward of hard work and an honest effort is a better understanding and greater appreciation for the subject Schools should work to create a culture of academic honesty. Professors, staff, and students must understand that integrity and honesty are valued qualities to be nurtured and maintained. Those who truly value learning, never even consider cheating. That is academic integrity (ISAAC, 2007).

A student must have the courage to own both the good that is accomplished and the mistakes made along the way. The mark of a mature student is to learn from these mistakes and continue to improve. A positive attitude displayed towards constructive criticism is essential in order to achieve the necessary improvements. Personal responsibility is a virtue that should apply to a student’s thoughts, feelings, and actions. Ultimately, with sufficient resources available, the time and effort a student contributes will determine their amount of success.

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Members of the School of Education and Human Development at George Washington University wrote Recent scholarship has emphasized the importance of student effort and involvement in their academic and co- curricular activities as the decisive elements in promoting positive college outcomes. As colleges have struggled to extend opportunities, an accompanying expectation for students to assume responsibility for their own education often has been lacking. Institutions must work to create a climate in which all students feel welcome and able to fully participate.

It is equally important to nurture an ethic that demands student commitment and promotes student responsibility. Students can contribute to their own learning and to the development of a campus climate in which all can grow and learn (Davis ; Muriel, 1993). Some classes will be more stimulating to a student than others. Often there are required courses in a subject of less personal interest. The responsible student will display the same attitude and dedication to these classes as in the ones enjoyed the most.

For example, subjects such as math may not seem as relevant to an English degree as 20th entry English literature, but they should receive the same level of commitment. A student must set aside both resources and time to complete assignments. For example: An on-line student can have the best computer with all the right software and it won’t do a bit of good if they begin working on their thesis two hours before the due date. At the same time, a student can have a week to dedicate to writing their thesis and it won’t do them any good if they cannot get to a computer to submit it to the Professor.

Before students begin a course they should ensure they have both the time and sources necessary to succeed. When assignments are too difficult, or grades are lower than expected, some students look for others to blame. To quote from California State University, Chic’s recent guidelines for new students “DO NOT BLAME OTHERS FOR YOUR ACADEMIC PROBLEMS. A large number of students blame others for their failure. This is a cop-out for ineptitude” (USC, 2011-2012). Students who have accepted personal responsibility will look into themselves to find the motivation to achieve their academic goals.

For those who want to get the most from their university experience blaming the lack of time, work, family obligations, the instructor, or the university, is not an option. In order to practice personal responsibility in my education I will do my best to follow the five guidelines outlined by members of the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching. Five Key Dimensions of Personal and Social Responsibility (Colby & Sullivan 2009) 1. Strive for excellence: I must do my best at all times.

If at the end of the day I can say I have done everything possible with what I have, can accept the outcome with my head held high. . Cultivate personal and academic integrity: I will get what I put into my education. If I cheat and plagiarism from others it hurts me and my team members. In order to be truly proud at the end of this long hard process I have to be able to say I DID IT. I copied it doesn’t have the same ring to it. 3. Contribute to a larger community: Working within my team is important. Together we can achieve a better outcome than we could separately.

Working with diverse people we can learn from and strengthen each other. 4. Take seriously the perspectives f others: We are all different and look at the world through our own experiences. Nobody has all the answers and everyone has strengths and weaknesses. The trick is to use our strengths to help others while accepting help to strengthen our weaknesses. 5. Develop competence in ethical and moral reasoning: need to gain confidence in my ability to think things through using all available information. I must hold myself to the highest moral and ethical standards both in the academic world and life in general.

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