Personal Leadership Development as a Strategic Manager Assignment

Personal Leadership Development as a Strategic Manager Assignment Words: 1174

Personal leadership development as a strategic manager Introduction This unit is about understanding the strategic skills required to enable an organization to achieve Its ambitions. It requires you to demonstrate that you are able to Identify and manage organizational skills requirements and personal leadership development and evaluate the effectiveness of the results. The unit Is also about understanding how to create a staff welfare environment aligned to organizational values. Scenario Learners may use their own employment context, or that of another organization with which they are very familiar, to base their assignment.

However, in the case that they are not able to do so, please use the below scenario:- You are a senior manager In a business unit of a medium sized enterprise, with functional management and organizational leadership development responsibilities. Please select and research an organization of your choice to identify its vision, strategic goals and objectives, and welfare culture. Provide brief details of your research in a summary of between 200 and 250 words which are in addition to the suggested word counts. SE the results of your research to answer the tasks below.

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Task 1: Analyses the balloons and strategic objectives of your organization or those of an organization of your choice, and evaluate the managerial and leadership competencies required to deliver the strategic ambition over the period of the plan. Management theory. Present the conclusions of your analysis, identifying the four most significant skills the organization needs to enhance in the next year to begin to deliver the strategic direction. In addition, identify at least three new skills the organization will be likely to need to enhance in the next 3-5 years to achieve strategic ambitions.

Discuss the implications of the skills gaps you have identified. Guideline word count: 900 – 1,000 words A. C. 1. 1 – Analyses the strategic direction of the organization A. C. 1. 2 – Evaluate the strategic skills required of the leader to achieve the strategic ambitions A. C. 1. 3 – Assess the relationship between existing, required and future skills to achieve the strategic ambitions Task 2: Describe at least three different methods of developing strategic leadership skills ND relate these to differing individual learning styles based on one of the well known models. Guideline word count: 400 – 450 words A. C. 2. – Discuss the opportunities to support leadership development Task 3: Using at least two different analysis frameworks, assess your own leadership skills against those required by the organization now and in the future, and identify areas for development for the next three years. Determine the methods most appropriate to meet each of these development needs, showing that you understand your arsenal learning style by the completion of an appropriate analysis exercise. Describe how and when you plan to meet these development needs over the next three years, and detail the outcomes you hope to achieve as a result of the development plan.

Describe at least three actions you have taken to develop your leadership skills in the last six months, and analyses the progress you have made as a result. Review the impact of recent external influences on strategic goals and identify what new challenges these present for leadership skills development, updating the plan with new actions required. N.B.. You may complete this task by means of a comprehensive personal development plan with SMART objectives and tangible outcomes that has also been reviewed and studies. Guideline word count: 600 – 650 words A. C. 2. – Construct a personal development plan to direct leadership development A. C. 2. 3 – Devise an implementation process for the development plan to support achievement of strategic objectives A. C. 3. 1 A. C. 3. 3 A. C. 3. 4 Task 4: – Assess the achievement of outcomes of the plan against original objectives – Review the leadership development plan Update the leadership development plan Taking the results of the personal development plan you have produced in Task 3, analyses how your development has contributed to the performance of your own department and to the strategic ambitions of the wider organization.

Discuss where the development has made a greater contribution than originally envisaged, and where the contribution has been less than expected, giving reasons for the variances. Guideline word count: 300 – 350 words A. C. 3. 2 – Evaluate the impact of the achievement of objectives on strategic Task 5: Provide a broad, high level interpretation of the influence a staff welfare environment can have on the achievement of organizational objectives.

Include reference to relevant legal duties and obligations. Evaluate yours or your chosen organization’s welfare culture. Give practical examples of the commitment to staff welfare and identify any areas for improvement. Analyses the impact a commitment to staff welfare has on strategic objectives and on organizational values, staff morale and motivation. Guideline word count: 950 – 1,050 words organizational objectives A. C. 4. – Discuss how a staff welfare environment can affect achievement of A. C. 4. – Consider the influence of a corporate commitment to staff welfare on the development of organizational values CM Membership Benefits CM is the only chartered professional body in the I-J dedicated to management and leadership. Membership of the CM is designed to work for you and your learners during management studies and then beyond this on a day-to-day basis to aid the overall progression of your management careers. This comes to life with our tailored online support – via www. Managers. Org. K/ practical-support/study-support.

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Personal Leadership Development as a Strategic Manager Assignment. (2018, Sep 23). Retrieved March 28, 2025, from