Personal development plan Assignment

Personal development  plan Assignment Words: 2171

For example when being interrupted during work time and carrying on doing my job mooring any interruptions or distraction. I will review and measure my improvement by having a second opinion from a manager or a higher class employer to see any change in my behavioral performance In any complicated situation. I will take a timeout before reacting a tense situation, In other words I will leave the person or situation that may cause my anger. I will think before speaking. I will ask myself” What am I really angry about” this action will help me to identify the real source of frustration and communicate my anger better.

I will check in my counseling area if they are running a free therapy for anger robbers in order to learn more about my reasons and identify triggers for my anger, and also learn tips and techniques for managing my anger. I will get some exercise (running, swimming, yoga and meditation) to stimulate various brain chemicals that could lead me to an Increase of happiness and more improvement to manage my anger when I m dealing with a difficult customer and as soon a I feel myself becoming heated I will simply request to my colleague to handle the situation. I will practice and apply my improvement to manage my anger.

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When I am in a dated discussion I will listen carefully to what the other person saying and I will take my time before answering instead of saying the first thing that comes into my head. I also will practice and apply my improvement to manage my anger by bringing down my general stress levels with exercise and relaxation like yoga and meditation this activities will help me to reduce my stress and get rid of irritation and anger. I want to improve my communication skills I will recognize success when l’ m able to communicate negative or difficult messages without creating conflict or destroying trust.

An example of recognizing success will be in a situation when the customer I am communicating with can understand the information being communicated. I will review and measure my improvement by observing how the customers acts and feels about what is being said. And also getting a feedback from my boss. I will use body language for example standing up straight, shrouded back this position will shows that I am feeling confident of myself. I will create an environment where everyone can feels free to express opinions, ideas and feelings by clarifying information, to avoid conflicts and misunderstanding.

I will use the right words for example ( Good morning; Thanks you so much for you patience; I am going to do my very best to help you Mrs.. Harness) . And finally I will search in internet from some techniques of effective communication. I will practice and apply my improvement in communication when I have an to deal with my manager, for example I could use a positive body language as an indicator of high self-confidence. Customers complains by listening actively so it will show to the client that I really care about his/ her situation.

I will apply my communication skills when applying for a Job, for example I will speak appropriately , listen effectively and write with clarity and clearly. I would like to improve my time management I will recognize success when I will able to do everything that I need to do without rush. An example of recognizing success will be in a situation when I have to combine the pressure of intensive study with finding the time to do my errands (pays bills, doctor appointment, meeting with my friends, work ….. Etc) I will review and measure my improvement when I will find freedom from deadlines pressure and from stress in general I will use a time log to write down what I need to do in each hour of the day for times f pressure. I will create a daily list to remind me the things (appointments, pay rent, go to library, etc ) that I need to do during the day. I will set goals realistic and achievable but for do this I will examine my present situation and assess what goals are important to me and what action I need to take to achieve my target. I will postpone unnecessary activities ( gym, meeting friend, dates.. Etc) until my assessment is done. I will prioritize my assignments by beginning with the most difficult subject because I will be fresh and have more energy to take it I will implement my time management kill when I have to do my assessment by postposition unnecessary activities ( gym, meeting colleague, dates,.. ….. ) until my assessment is done. I will also implement my time management when I have a lot of things ( pay rent, appointments, meeting friend …… ) to do during the day by creating a daily list to remind me what I need to do during the day. Eke customer complain, training new employee, checking delivery by setting realistic goals and achievable but for do this I will review my present situation and assess what goals are important to me and what actions I need to take to achieve my target. I would like to improve my organization skills I will recognize success when I sort out what I want to achieve. An example of recognizing success will be in a situation where I can combine work, study and social life. I will review and measure my improvement by checking my schedule every day to make sure that I must begin to work towards the deadlines.

I will use a diary to priorities my activities for example I will do first the things that will give me the most benefit ,related to my Job I will do first what my manager needs urgently it could be review the employee’s paper work for human resource kept up o date, organizing food generally, or training an new employee. I will organism my personal area to make sure the space is big enough and appropriate to work. I will create a ‘To Do’ list for each day, then keep the list with me, and refer to it often. I will cross things off when they are being done and completed.

I will look at my planner and notes each night so I’ II be ready for the next day. I will implement my organizational skills when I have a task that must be completed within a specific period of time. An example will be when I have to train an employee I will create a list about what I need to teach him/ her and I will priorities the activities that I have to teach him/ her for instance How the tills work, cleaning operations, dealing with customers complaints. I will practice my organizational skills when I have to organize the manager’s office documents. Or example human resource documents, business records, Curriculum vitae, delivery orders and sales orders by providing a quick, logical system in an alphabetical order. During the day at work, for example to check the delivery order, training new staff, pep human resource documents updated and customer complains by delegating some of my responsibilities to the employees this will saves me time and will motivate, feel valued and respected the employee that is helping me How will I review and measure my improvement?

I would like to improve my customer services. I will recognize success when I’m able to demonstrate a good service to the client. An example of recognizing success will be in a situation where I can calmly handle all customers, even the most negative ones. I will review and measure my improvement by discussing my performance with the costumer, to ensure their complete satisfaction with my service and product. I will be a great listener. This will surely show that I care and want to offer the right solution. I will be calm and have patience.

This will help me to deal with disgruntled and confused customers. I will keep my promises to ensure that any promise I make for a customer can be delivered. To do that I’ll stay up to date with the company policies. And care about their happiness and satisfaction. I will practice and apply my improvement in customer services when I am dealing with the customer, selling a product or providing a service. Also, I will practice and apply my improvement in customers services for example by listening carefully, being calm and patient to solve a problem in difficult situations.

I will practice an apply my customer services improvement by doing more than what a customer expects an example will be giving an extra information about the product , this will show to the client my professionalism and experience. I would like to improve my Computer Skills. I will recognize success when I’m able to understand how programs and software like (Microsoft word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Power Point, My SQL) are being used y the company operators. An example of recognizing success will be in a situation where I can produce business’ memos, letters and spreadsheets.

I will review and measure my improvement in computer systems by being evaluated every two weeks by a high level information engineer. I will take online tutorial to improve my computer skills. I will keep my computer programs updated so I won’t get behind on my technical skills. During the work hours I will consider to ask to my colleague if he could give a specified and useful training to help me to do my Job. I will read computers books to help me improve my knowledge in the I. C. T. World. I will practice and apply what I learnt when my manager asked me to produce a brochures and newsletters to employees.

These tasks often involve the use of publishing software like ( Microsoft Publisher, Adobe Indenting, Aircrafts Print I will also implement what I learnt when I have to keep updated the database for daily operations, such as searching suppliers database and customer database. I would like to improve my ability to be self-started I will recognize success when I get things done, without being told or reminded. An example of recognizing success will be in a situation by being aware of projects and opportunities in my workplace.

I will review and measure my improvement by beginning to compile an impressive list of accomplishments that will show ways of achieving my goals and making worthwhile contributions. I will put my conscientiousness on display by doing my best with tasks and projects. I will be flexible by adapting to change, reapportioning without balking. I will be a social person by being respectful, helpful and by working cooperatively with my colleagues. I will imagine new possibilities in my work place for example get a better position which will give me an extra motivation.

I will practice and apply my ability to be self-started when I talk to my colleagues to find out what they are involved in and offer to assist them with help, even if the task doesn’t relate to my Job. I will show my assertive side by taking the lead even if others don’t follow. I will speak up in a constructive and tactful way when I see an opportunity to improve my workplace and to share some helpful ideas. I will practice and apply my ability to be self-started by starting my projects early. I will recognize success when I will be able to deal with an emergency.

An example of recognizing success will be in a situation where I can reorganize responsibilities in a group task if one member unexpectedly drops out. I will review and measure my improvement in working under pressure when I could maintain a sense of calm and order in situation when I feel like work is getting on top of me. I will learn some techniques from “Manage stress before it manages you” I will develop an understanding of management’s role about reinforcing, supporting and recognizing. I will develop techniques to work with people who are uncooperative.

I will use Bellini’s team roles to help me improve on my natural working style. I will practice and apply my improvement by working under pressure and by managing well in situations when work is unexpectedly busy or short staffed. I will also practice when unexpected events, problems or challenges could often occur, regardless of how well-planned or organized I am . I will apply my improvement in working under pressure when I have to deal with a lot of stress for example in work, exam periods or times of family stress by maintaining a sense of calm and priorities the most important task that I need to finish.

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Personal development plan Assignment. (2018, Sep 23). Retrieved February 23, 2025, from