Personal Development Assignment

Personal Development Assignment Words: 9410

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Learning is a development that takes places not only for the benefit of the personal life but also for the professional life. Doing a reflective practice is not a new concept in the world today. Johns and freshwater (1998) describes that there is a lot of value due to the reflective practice as a means of learning and that it is the process of studying about the self and triggered by the asking oneself about their actions and values that they follow during their day to day activities.

The learning could take place either through the conscious level or through the sub conscious level. But then the main learning would come in only when an individual interacts with the external environment and not just within the self. The learning process involves a cycle which involves 4 major processes: • Concrete experience (trying to do something or having a prior experience) • Reflection observation (reflecting on the experience faced in the past) • Abstract conceptualisation (learning from the past) • Active experimentation (planning out what you have learned)

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The learning occurs within the individual and thus there has to be an appropriate environment which would favour the individual to learn during the process and appropriate techniques should be used for the learning process. Reflection through the logs is one of the techniques through which the previous experiences could be evaluated. In my personal experience, the logs have helped me look at the incidents and analyse them in the way that I have never thought of before and the areas that the individual such as I could improve upon.

It helped me look into the future as to the areas that I would have to look upon to develop myself to go up the ladder. The learning logs thus were a visual representation of the past experiences and the learning that I had to do in the process of time. In addition to the learning logs, the peer assessments helped me to understand the weakness that I would not have understood on my own as the group activities helped each one of the group members analyse each other through those activities and bring out their strengths and weakness.

The group works that were involved during the process of personal development helped us to discuss on what each one of us do to overcome our weakness and regain our strengths and thus make sure we take the necessary steps for the future development before we involve ourselves in full time jobs at a higher levels than what we used to be in. INTRODUCTION Wilson (1999, P. 8 cited in Beard, C. , Wilson, J. , 2003) has defined learning as: “… A relatively permanent change of knowledge, attitude or behaviour occurring as a result of formal education or training, or as a result of informal experiences. “

Workplace learning or learning through schools and learning help in not only the personal development but also organisational change. Kolb (1984 cited in Winch, A. , Ingram, H. , 2004) has put forward that the observation and reflection process is the critical 1st step in the learning process through experience. Without appropriately reflecting the experience and expressing into words, any learning would be fade away and opportunities are wasted to widen one’s knowledge. Thus any lifelong learner needs to keep a record of their learning and reflecting on the process allowing the process to be analysed.

In the future, while working in the organisation would mean that each employee would be moving forward to reach to goals of the organisation and the targets that are given for each individual to achieve. Learning could come into an individual’s life at either a conscious or sub conscious level and individuals might not realise some of the learning that they have during the work life. In any organisation, an individual always have to be working in groups and have appropriate contacts with the other individuals. While arrying out the daily activities within the organisation, the individual who tries to explore and find new ways of doing their routine activities are the ones who learn more through their experience. Thus in short, experiential learning could be said to take place when an individual is said to undertake new activities or ways of doing things while undertaking some responsibilities. The learning mainly would take place when an individual is interacting with other individuals within given environment than learning within themselves.

Figure 1 shows 3 main ways in which the learning process could be made effective: • Focus to plan an appropriate path for the learning process • An environment which helps learning process • Techniques which make learning to be proficient [pic] Figure 1: Learning as a process (Buckler, 1996) During the period of time, a philosophical theory known as experiential learning came into practice which was based on the notion that person who has experienced the external environment and thus make sense of the experiences that they face.

Various models based on experiential learning have been put forward during the years including Kolb (1984, Appendix 1), Gibson et al. (1985) and Aristotle (1946). According to Buckler (1996), it would be best if learning process is done in 6 different stages (Figure 2) which he described as: • Ignorance wherein it is the first stage which everyone would fall under • Awareness is a stage in which motivation would be needed for the individual to gain sufficient knowledge of the subject. Understanding which increases with the increase in the depth of knowledge one acquires • Commitment comes in where an individual would have the essential interest and curiosity for learning further. This is essential for learning as a lack of this has led to failure of training in many organisations. • Enactment in which environment have to be providing for bringing creative solutions to the problems, thus bringing in the probability of innovation. • Reflection where actions, outcomes and theories are assessed and deep learning takes place. [pic] REFLECTION THROUGH LEARNING LOGS

The log has helped in the process of reflective learning as it helps individuals utilize self descriptive words. These include being frustrated, a feeling towards something or even to extend of being satisfied. The process of experiential learning comes in when people reflect on experience and it could be don’t through logs. Thus logs help in creating the relation between observation and action and experience and concept. Thus logs replicate the experiential learning cycle as depicted in the diagram: [pic] The above diagram reflects the experiential learning model put forward by Kolb (Refer to Appendix 1).

Logs have thus helped an individual such as me to keep a record of the learning as and when it occurs and thus is able to reflect on the learning. A number of logs have been put forward which helped me analyse the logs in parallel. After joining Leeds Metropolitan University, I have discovered that logs have helped me look back at incidents which I have never reflected upon and see as to how and why things went wrong, the way it did. First of all, I started reflecting on my decision on the degree that I had pursued and the factors that had made me take the decision that I did at that time (appendix 12). he decision of doing an MBA itself was indirectly influenced by my friend who suggested that I do my MBA so as to be able to make advancement with regards to my career. I decided to take in the opportunity leaving the option of 2 job offers that I had (refer to appendix 9). Though it turned out to be a hard decision in my case, it did give me an exposure of international experience that I needed. Before leaving my country and coming to UK, I was under high expectations of making sure that I am interacting with people of different community. There are various factors why I choose he university and UK as a destination for doing MBA. • First was the value of the degree that it would have once I get back home • 2nd major reason for me to choose the field was to get an exposure of different learning styles here in universities as compared to the institutes in my country. • I had a perception that coming here for MBA would help me get a more practical exposure of the industries around me and thus help me to make me rethink about the career field and the industry I should be choosing. Coming over here to UK have been an experience in many ways such as: • I lacked the ability to go in for research work.

Coming to UK for studies did give me an insight as to how to do a research work. I have never had such an experience when I was in my country, be it during my graduation or through my work life • Studies in UK were also quite different. I have always had the experience that it was ok for an individual to copy the work of another without actually referencing the original work. Here, the rules were different and thus allowing me to actually go through academic articles and evaluate what I am reading rather than bluntly copying the work or memorizing what the others research work was all about. As my friend is planning to move into business, I always wanted to help him with regards to his business after a few years of regular work and getting a start up capital for the business. The entrepreneurship module did give me a huge insight as to how a business plan is being made and gave me an idea how to start a business. Thus, the module did get me more interested in setting up my own business than just going a normal office work. • My expectations of more practical work such as assignments and field work did fail when the university announced that they do have exams for certain of the modules.

In the 1st semester, we had about 4 exams out of the 6 modules that we had to do and it did turn out to be a disappointment as I was hoping that doing the assignments would help me go through various individual’s work more and thus derive a work on my own with the support of many academic articles and books and any other sources of work. • The major benefit though for me after coming to UK would be that it did help me to benefit my language skills and the ability to interact with diverse people. It helped me look into how different cultures work and recover from cross culture shock.

Thus, I learned cross culture capability (Refer to Appendix 14) is an important skill that I would have to adapt with in the present century. During my evaluation of the logs, I discovered that I had lacked the ability to be able to make sure that all the important matters have been properly looked into and made sure that any trip that have programmed or any plan that is made with regards to business or personal life is made properly (refer to appendix 2). Reflecting on the incident taught me that I should make sure that no plans are affected due to my ignorance.

The incident might have happened in personal life but it could happen in my career in the future. After coming for MBA and looking on the way people worked here, I have began to realize the very importance of time management (Refer to Appendix 15) which many people have managed to keep in UK and the capability which I have lacked earlier (Refer to Appendix 3 and 5). The need have helped me look into the need of managing my time for various activities in the busy work life that I would face, not only in the academic terms but also in terms of the career development.

The main challenges that I have had to face with regards to the time management are to: • Realize what I really want • Prioritize the wants • Create self discipline Getting myself into the appropriate time management has helped me in many a ways which include: • Reduce stress level that I have had to face • Improve my performance towards various works • Create work and personal life balance and thus gain a better control over life • Have better confidence of the work that is being done While doing reflection of my experiences through logs, I discovered that I have been under the powerful influence of stress in the past.

I have never been able to control my stress at an appropriate level under various occasions such as one in appendix 4. Thus I really needed to go through stress management (Refer to appendix 16). Thus during the period of time, I was under pressure and under the transaction period between myself and the external environment (Refer to the transaction model in appendix 16) and it was fortunate that there were circumstances and people who helped me cope with stress and insisted on the various stress management programs such as yoga to help me cope with stress.

Thus, in effect, when I joined for MBA, when the pressure of deadlines of assignments came in while I was working part time, managing my stress appropriately helped me through my journey so far in MBA and it became a major important factor while I am putting myself forward for work in the future. Equally important is the ability of being aware of the situation that surrounds an individual. I did find it vital during the period while I was reflecting on my previous experiences (refer to Appendix 7).

I did find it necessary that as a future manager and later managing my own business, I would need to be aware if what is happening around me and be able create a safe environment not only for myself but also for my organisation and I can’t be ignorant of what is happening around me. Also, I was never careful about the concept of savings and keeping the funds of any unexpected future (Refer to appendix 6) and reflecting on the experience did teach me that the importance of keeping as much of the savings as possible, with regards to career if I have to be a future entrepreneur and for the savings of the family.

Another major factor that I reflected upon during my experience while reflecting through the logs is that I lacked the sight of safety management when I am with my colleagues (refer to appendix 8, 10, 11 and 13). Different occasions have taught me that I have failed to keep my safety as a priority which could affect the way things worked at work as well as in personal life. Thus, looking at the personal learning through the logs, I have learned that there are certain factors that I should consider while going in for work. Soon after the course ends, I have plans to apply for a bank job, in managerial level position.

Considering my past experience (refer to the CV in appendix 17), I do believe that I have learned quite a lot about the banking industry and have learned immense about the work that I had to do. Along with the knowledge I acquired through my MBA, along with the work experience, I hope to benefit in getting through a managerial job in the future. CONCLUSION Thus, to conclude, the entire learning process have got me involved to know how the different experiences around me helped me to evaluate myself in comparison with the rest and what each one of the experience holds in front of me.

Without reflecting on my past, the learning that I could have achieved through this process might have been neglected and the mistakes that were committed in the past could have been repeated in the future if the incidents were not reviewed. Thus, with the learning process being recorded each time, I could evaluate even in the future work which would help me evaluate the work that I am doing. BIBLIOGRAPHY Alsop A & Ryan S (1996) Making the most of fieldwork education: A practical approach. Stanley Thornes, Cheltenham. Arndt, J. 1985) On making marketing science more scientific: role of orientations, paradigms, metaphors, and puzzle solving, Journal of Marketing Vol 49, pp18-23. Arndt, M. J. , & Underwood, B. (1990). Learning style theory and patient education. Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, 21(1), 28-31. Barclay, J. (1996), learning from experience with learning logs, Journal of Management Development, 15(6), 28-43 Baumgartner LM (2001) An update on transformational learning. New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education. No89:15-22. Jossey-Bass, San Francisco. Beard, C. , Wilson, J. P. 2003), The Learning Combination Lock- An experiential approach to learning design, Journal Of European Industrial Training, 27(2), PP. 88-97 Boud D. Keogh R. Walker D. (1985) Reflection: Turning experience into learning. Kogan Page, London. Boyd E & Fales A (1983) reflective learning: the key to learning from experience. Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 23 (2): 99-117 Bruner, J (1987). Life as Narrative, Social Research 54: 11-32. Butterworth, T. , Faugier, J. , and Burnard, P. , (eds) (1998) Clinical Supervision and Mentorship in Nursing (2nd ed). Chatman, S (1978). Story and Discourse.

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Looks for the meaning of things. • Abstract conceptualization (thinking): Logical analysis of ideas and acting on intellectual understanding of a situation. • Active experimentation (doing): Ability to get things done by influencing people and events through action. Includes risk-taking. APPENDIX 2 |Name: Arun Dath. M. S. Learning log 1 Date: 24-10-09 | |Description of experience: | |My first flying experience was not so pleasing.

When I went to purchase the ticket at the local airline office, there was some| |problem with the online booking and they convinced me to take the manual ticket. When I reached the airport to board the | |flight, I came to know that my ticket was cancelled due to the negligent approach by the airline staff. I tried to contact the| |airline staffs there who were not willing to help. After that I had a heated discussion with the call centre and only after | |ten hours I got the confirmation and in the meantime I missed my first flight. | | |Important Observations: | |As it was my first journey I felt like I cannot travel that day and my dreams about doing an MBA in UK is closing down. For a | |while I couldn’t know what to do and I was getting emotional. The airport staff and the airline authority were not willing to | |accept their fault and they tried to put the blame on each other. I even oticed that there were few more people like me who | |missed the first flight due to some other mistakes from the airline staff. Such actions provoked me in getting angry with the | |staff. | | | |What I learned: | |I know that sometime am having a tendency to play with my luck. I learned that I should do the required follow-ups before | |going into such important journeys. |Relationship to theory: | |Social theory of ignorance | |Behaviours to change: | |Believing that everything will be ok without putting some effort in clarifying about the confirmation. Always I should try to | |make sure that things are done perfectly before such journeys which we should do from our side. |How: | |Next time when I prepare for such flights, I will definitely do the required follow-ups and make sure that my ticket and all | |is perfectly alright. | APPENDIX 3 |Name: Arun Dath. M. S. Learning log 2 Date: 31-01-10 | |Description of experience: | |Because of some delays in getting sanction for my education loan, I applied for my UK visa late.

As a result, the visa arrived| |just two days before the class began. I hardly got time to finish my purchases and my employment responsibilities. The day | |before I left India, I went out to make a few purchases and for my medical results. When I went to the hospital to get the | |results, my friend took the car to the parking bay. At that time unfortunately a bus came and collided with my car, causing | |severe damage to it. Though the bus driver accepted initially that it happened due to his mistake, but later on he changed his| |stand. It resulted in the matter to be handed over to the police.

As I had to leave the country that night, the police officer| |suggested for reaching a compromise with the driver. But the compensation that the driver offered was very negligible in | |comparison with the expenses that I had to bear for the repair. As there wasn’t enough time to reason out with him, I decided | |to bear the expenses. But in the meantime I lost five valuable hours. | |Important Observations: | |Due to the delay in sanctioning of the loan, my visa application got delayed.

I was not sure that whether I would get the visa| |on time. So I couldn’t pre plan any purchase before my departure from India to UK. Finally the visa came two days before the | |class began. So I started panicking that I haven’t done the purchases and also I haven’t got relieved from my official | |responsibilities. Also with the limited amount of time I had to book my flight ticket. Booking at the last moment caused me to| |pay much more for the ticket than what would have been the normal cost. |What I learned: | |I learned not to relay completely on one bank for getting the education loan rather than looking for alternative options | |foreseeing any delays or rejection possibilities. I failed in pre planning for the purchases to be done regards to the | |journey. I also learned that instead of arguing with the bus driver, I would have saved a lot of time if I would have decided | |to bear the repair expenses for my car in the initial stage itself. |Relationship to theory: | |Time management | |Behaviours to change: | |The main change that I have to bring forward is to make plans well in advance with regards to the purchases for my journey and| |booking of flight ticket for such an important travel.

I also need to recognise the way of managing time as I lost five hours | |of my valuable time in arguing rather than utilising the time to make any necessary purchases. Last but not the least I | |learned not to depend on one single source for the loan, but always should look out for the alternatives. |How: | |I decided to keep a note in my book or in my PC with regard to any future plans that I would be having. This would also help | |me in managing the time properly as I would have made a clear cut listing of jobs to be done at different times. I also would | |consider the opportunity cost regards to the jobs undertaken or any arguments that I faces. | APPENDIX 4 |Name: Arun Dath M.

S Learning log 3 Date:03/02/2010 | |Description of experience: | | | |Before joining for MBA, I was working under the business loan session in Fullerton. The company offered a trip to Thailand to | |that employee who brought in the most amount of profit to the business loan department.

As my efforts during 2 months of my | |work brought in the most amount of profit, I won the trip offered as a reward and a momentum. But unfortunately, I could not | |accept the trip to Thailand as I did not have the passport to make the trip and receive the momentum. So, the employee who | |achieved the 2nd most in terms of profit for the department was send instead of me for the trip and received the momentum in | |his name. |Important Observations: | | | |Due to the lack of an important document such as the passport, I lost an opportunity, not only to make a trip to a country I | |have never been to before, but also a momentum which is a memory to the accomplishment I had achieved due to my hard work. I | |felt very disappointed as the recognition for my work was never credited by the company due to the lack of passport. I did not| |feel that the company ustified the contribution I made for the company. | |What I learned: | | | |The main lesson I learned was that we are living in a world wherein we would be working in companies which might require us to| |travel beyond the territories of one’s own country for work. Thus, I learned that getting the necessary documents that would | |be needed with regards to work should be prepared in anticipation of the future. |Relationship to theory: | | | |Stress management | |Behaviours to change: | | | |The main behaviour I have to inculcate is to foresee the essential documents that are needed with regards to work as well as | |any personal needs.

I failed to get an essential document despite getting a full time job. Thus, to avoid making any mistakes | |I should make a note as to the main needs and ensure that I receive them at the earliest possible time. | |How: | |I would enquire the necessary documents that would be needed with regards to work as well as personal needs in advance so as I| |would not have to struggle to get them at a later stage. | APPENDIX 5 |Name: Arun Dath. M. S.

Learning log 4 Date: 31-01-10 | |Description of experience: | |I joined for my post graduation eight years after completing my graduation. I was faced with my first exam in MBA which proved| |to be a tough experience for me. I was unable to complete my finance exam. I couldn’t attend the theory question which weighed| |25 marks and managed to attempt only the numerical problem question, which I was unsure of.

Thus I was unable to clear my | |first exam as I didn’t attempt the question I was very sure of and did the question which was tougher and took me much longer| |to complete. | |Important Observations: | |I was writing an academic exam after eight long years and thus I had lost touch on how to go about answering the question. I | |do feel that I failed in the first exam because I did not try to do the question which I knew I could score. If I had done | |that, I would have managed to clear the first exam.

I had lost that paper for just seven marks and I was sure I could have | |made it up for the exam if I would have attended the exam according to what I knew. | | | |What I learned: | |I learned a new lesson that during any exam, I should go through each and every question before starting the paper and mark | |which question I should do first and which I should do later. Now I see that doing something that I have never learned to do | |would only cost me my career.

Given any task to me, I should not attempt any skill that I haven’t learnt to do. | |Relationship to theory: | |Time management | |Behaviours to change: | |The main behaviour that I have to bring in is to plan my time for different tasks as and when I get them. I have to pre plan | |as to how much time I would put in for each question when I am attempting an exam. I failed to do that in exam.

Despite | |getting ten minutes time to go through the paper, I didn’t plan out which question to attempt first and how much time I should| |allocate. Thus when I get the opportunity next, I would this mistake. | |How: | |I would keep the task in front of me and go through the task very carefully to evaluate which way I should attempt the | |question depending on my knowledge. Then I would mark as to which way I should be attempting the task to make sure I achieve | |the highest possible result.

Also I have started to read books on time management so as I would have more knowledge on how to | |manage my time for different tasks. | APPENDIX 6 |Name: Arun Dath. M. S. Learning log 5 Date: 21-12-2009 | |Description of experience: | |During the first week of December last year, my father was admitted to hospital on his insistence as he was having severe | |headache.

Despite 2 days of stay in the hospital, intensity of the headache did not reduce and MRI scan was done soon after. | |Through the scan, the doctors found that he had Cerebral Aneurysm (A burst blood vessel in the brain). An operation was urgent| |but with just fifty percentage chance of success. The doctors did mention that there would be chances that he would face some | |physical defects such as paralysis or eye sight loss if the operation was a success. |Important Observations: | |When the operation was announced urgent, the family was faced with financial difficulties as there were lot of expenses | |incurred for my education as well for my stay in UK and with my father not working, everything depended on me for financial | |expenses of the household and the operation.

I had already taken funds from various sources for my expense in UK. Since the | |expense of the operation was huge, I did find it hard to find immediate liquid cash for it. I had to use fund sources such as | |wife’s jewellery to get further loan from bank. Also, I was under the pressure of keeping up with studies and my father’s | |operation only increased the level of pressure due to the financial issues as well as success factor of operation and it’s | |after effects.

I, also, had to make sure that the rest of family members and immediate colleagues did not panic under any | |circumstances. | |What I learned: | |As I was faced with a situation of pressure, the incident taught me how to keep myself under control when I am faced with a | |situation of pressure. I also learned how to arrange funds immediately when the pressure arouse for various payments. |Relationship to theory: | |Fund management | |Behaviours to change: | |I have to make sure that there is enough savings in terms of liquid funds or any fund which could be liquidated immediately so| |as my family and I could meet the immediate expenses as and when it comes.

I learned how to give moral support to the people | |concerned and I have to make sure that I give positive attitude to people so as my family members could look after the | |operation procedures. I do need to learn how to take up pressure and not let myself stress due to increase in the pressure | |level. | |How: | |I have started learning how to do yoga so as to help myself control the stress level. I, also, am watching various meditation | |videos through You tube and other sites and have started practicing based on the instructions.

I have started a separate | |account wherein I put certain amount of money earned each month so as to meet any unexpected expenses that my family or I | |face. | APPENDIX 7 |Name: Arun Dath Learning log 6 Date: 12-02-2010 | |Description of experience: | | | |I had joined KFC for a part time job in February this year.

It was my first day at the training when the global strategy | |results were published in Xstream. As I was at work, I was unable to access the internet and wanted to call one of my batch | |mates to know my result. I had asked for permission from my manager to make an important call. During my conversation, I | |accidentally started making conversation in the area where mobile phones were restricted. The manager was not very pleased | |with me, making the conversation where usage of mobile phones was prohibited.

It did cost me my job at the end of the day. | |Important Observations: | | | |I had failed to look into the location as to where I was making the conversation and I broke the rules with regards to work. I| |lacked the observation skills while making the conversation and was not keeping myself aware of the surroundings and the | |situation at the point of time. |What I learned: | | | |I had learnt that I should make myself more aware of the place that I am in, while doing anything. While at work, I should | |learn how to prioritize what comes in as more important and make sure I do not disappoint the authorities on the first day of | |work by breaking any rules. |Relationship to theory: | | | |Situation awareness | |Behaviours to change: | | | |I should make myself aware of the rules before getting into the job concerned and make sure I keep myself aware of the | |surroundings while doing any work or even if I do anything beyond work, I make sure that it is well within the rules and | |regulations of the organisation. |How: | | | |I would just follow the organisational behaviour which I learnt through my MBA so as I do not loose concentration as what is | |happening around me and I keep myself aware of what is happening and the place that I am in. | APPENDIX 8 |Name: Arun Dath Learning log 7 Date: 14-02-2010 | |Description of experience: | | | |Before returning home from work in India, I went out with friends to a bar soon after work. It was late before I started from | |the bar and head straight back home. It was late night and was raining real hard that night.

As I was drunk, I lost my | |concentration and fell off the bike when it skidded due to rain. Fortunately, there was no vehicle coming from behind and | |thereby, I was safe and escaped with just minor injuries. | |Important Observations: | | | |I did panic for a while as I was all alone on the way back home and there were no people who were there for at that point of | |time. I was worried if I had got myself seriously injured but I was fortunate that I survived with just minor injuries.

The | |next time, I should not get myself drunk before riding back home. If I was careful not to do that, the accident would not have| |happened. I was fortunate at that point of time that nothing major happened. It would not happen at every single point of time| |and I would not be able to take the same risk. | |What I learned: | | | |I should not ride my bike soon after drinking. If I have to ride, then I should make sure I would not drink as it would affect| |the style of my driving. |Relationship to theory: | | | |Safety management | |Behaviours to change: | | | |I should make sure that if I hang out with my friends after work, I should keep myself alert as to whether or not I would ride| |my bike soon after. I have to keep myself aware of my safety first before anything else. | |How: | | | |When I decide to hang out with friends the next time, I would first enquire as to where we are going and see what my situation| |would be if I go out with them. Unless I ensure that I would not in any way be affected in any negative way, I would not take | |the risk of going out with them. | APPENDIX 9 Name: Arun Dath Learning log 8 Date:02/02/2010 | |Description of experience: | |Before deciding on my career in MBA, I had an option between choosing a bank job in Saudi Arabia, Dubai and doing a course | |here in Leeds Metropolitan university. I particularly chose this course rather than choosing the bank job as I felt I would be| |placed with much better career options in front of me than trying for another option. I had an opportunity to do a MBA in 2002| |after I finished my under graduation but I did choose that option at that point of time. Today, as I choose this option, I do | |think that I should have done my MBA then rather than waiting for so many years for it.

I would have been in a much better | |position today than what I would have been when I left my last job. | |Important Observations: | |When I had 3 options in front of me, I was confused as to what to do. I wanted to move to the gulf for a job but when I got | |the opportunity I was lost as I had got the MBA option which would have helped me gain a better option in the banks than what | |post I had got in the gulf. But finally I choose the MBA as I did not want to loose the opportunity which I had lost few | |years back. I did feel upset after a period of time when I did not join for MBA when I first got he opportunity and did not | |want to go through the same guilt by loosing this opportunity either. | |What I learned: | |Through this, I learned that in life, we might have to loose certain opportunities to choose some other which might be better | |for an individual. I had to make my choices while being in a circumstance where I was fortunate to get 3 options in front of | |me when there were people who were struggling to find even one job to keep in hand. It taught me to look for the best | |opportunity for me and learn to look at which option would be the best for me. |Relationship to theory: | |Decision theory | |Behaviours to change: | |I should be careful of not having to loose out on opportunities as and when it comes as I had lost a great deal of time and | |value in my career when I did not make the most out the good opportunity that I had in front of me a few years back. I should | |be able to make sure I evaluate the opportunity that comes in front of me before I decide on whether or not to take it | |How: | |I have started carefully analysing every situation and options that have started coming in front of me, be it of the course | |and how to go about doing the course or even the choices that I get in the part time as well as full time jobs. | APPENDIX 10 Name: Arun Dath Learning log 9 Date: 12-01-2010 | |Description of experience: | |To celebrate the 2008 new year, 8 of my childhood friends and I decided to go for a trip to Parambiakkulam. Despite having | |cold, I went with my friends for celebration. I even failed to take any medicines with me for the cold. For a difference, we | |went to a wild life sanctuary during the trip. We were staying in a small cottage for 2 days and spend the days roaming in the| |forest region. Not taking into consideration that I was not well, I drove the vehicle that we had taken for making the trip. |At the end of the trip, I became really tired driving through the roads of the forest as the drive was tough due to the number| |of hairpins on the road. Though we enjoyed our 2 day trip, I landed in the hospital for a week on return as the cold turned | |into high fever. | |Important Observations: | |I had failed to take any precautions for my illness. Due to it, I had to suffer high fever which made me not only pay for the | |hospital expenses for a week but also suffer by being on bed for the entire week. What seemed to be a grand entry to new year | |with my childhood friends, made me go through the pains of sneezing and tiredness.

As I am not the type of person who stays on| |bed doing nothing for a long period of time, this seemed like a torture to be bed ridden for a week and not being able to go | |for work until I had recovered. | |What I learned: | |During that period, I learnt not to do any work or go for any trip with friends during the period that I am not well until and| |unless I have recovered from the illness or I take necessary precautions for curing the disease that I have even if it is as | |minor as a cold. The incident taught me that no matter how small the disease might seem, I should not take it easy as it could| |turn into something major if I don’t correct small ones as and when it comes.

If I ever have to relate this incident to my | |work life, this incident have taught me that if there is any small issue that occurs at work, I should take necessary steps to| |correct it immediately rather than delaying it and taking the matter easy when it comes. | |Relationship to theory: | |Behavioural safety management theory | |Behaviours to change: | |I would definitely have to make sure that I consider my situation as a priority over others and make sure that while making | |any trip, I take the necessary precautions for my safety first so as I would not have to suffer either during the trip or | |after that. I should thereby, make sure I look at the activities I ould be involved in before making the trip so as I could | |make sure that I am not strained during the trip and weaken my physique during the period of time. | |How: | |The main method I would be adopting during the trip is to carry a first aid kit or any sort of necessary medicines that would | |be required for me to go for the trip. For that, I should make sure I note the place that I am going to and the activities | |that I am likely to be involved in so as I would know what kits have to be with me for the trip or if the necessary aid would | |be available at the location that I am going so as I could make sure I am keeping myself fit for the trip. | APPENDIX 11 Name: Arun Dath Learning log 10 Date: 03/12/2009 | |Description of experience: | | | |My friends and I made a trip to Thommankuthu. The plan seemed fabulous but it nearly turned out to be a danger. Some of my | |friends were drinking alcohol for the first time. During the period when we were drinking and enjoying ourselves, one of my | |friends, suddenly, jumped from his place and nearly started running towards the waterfall. But fortunately for him, he tripped| |on a stone and fell just before he could reach the waterfall. If he had reached the waterfall, he would have lost his life in | |the process and that would have put an end for any future trips. |Important Observations: | | | |My friend had nearly lost control over himself when he was drunk and was not aware of the consequence of running towards the | |waterfall when he was drunk. It was just chance that he did not loose his life in the process but he had injured himself | |during the incident. | |What I learned: | | | |We should remember the location that we decide to drink and the limit to which we drink.

As grace just saved him at this point| |of time, it necessarily does not have to happen every single time. Thus we learnt not to loose our control in the limits that | |we do anything. | |Relationship to theory: | | | |Deindividuation – theories about behaviour | |Behaviours to change: | | | |First of all, we should learn how to control our drinking limits.

It nearly put not only my friend but also the rest of us in | |danger in case his life was in at risk and under the control of the waterfall. We should also make sure we do not drink in | |locations where we could endanger ourselves and should learn as to what we should at appropriate locations. | |How: | | | |We have started to control the limits of drinking at occasions and making sure none are encouraged to go beyond their | |limits. We have also started to observe the location that we are in before we take any drink | APPENDIX 12 Name: Arun Dath Learning log 11 Date: 15-12-2009 | |Description of experience: | | | |After I finished my 10th grade in India, I wanted to go for Industrial Training Institute (ITI) to do a diploma course in | |electronics. But my father was reluctant to send me for the course and thus, I was forced to get a proper degree. Thus, I | |finished my 11th and 12th grade which was then called as pre-degree and then got economics degree. I finally got a job in a | |bank. After I got into the bank job, I realised that it was a good decision that my father made in refusing to let me go to | |ITI as I would have landed as TV mechanic. |Important Observations: | | | |I was furious, initially, that I was unable to go for the course that I wanted to do initially. I didn’t realise at that point| |of time as to why my father was insistent that I join a regular course than ITI. It was only after I got into the job market | |after my under graduation that I realised the difference in value of doing electronic course in ITI and regular bachelor. I | |would not have enjoyed the job that I would have got soon after getting the diploma. But it turned out that I was lot happier | |with the bank work. |What I learned: | | | |When I made the initial decision to go for diploma course, I realise now that I was quite young and did not have proper | |experience or knowledge as to what prospects would lay for me in the future and what career I should be taking up. My father, | |realising that my potential did not lie in the career ITI would land me up in, insisted on going for regular course. It taught| |me that I should not jump into learning just about any course without appropriate research on the career path that any degree | |or diploma would take. I also learnt that I should have a clear goal as to what I should do next before I make a decision on | |my career. |Relationship to theory | |Social cognition career theory | |Behaviours to change: | |I should make sure the next time I make a decision on career; I should not jumpstart and make any career base decisions. I | |should be more careful in knowing about the career options that I have in front of me and what I really want to get out of my | |life. Thus, I should be able to make appropriate research with regards to any decision I would have to make in uture | |How: | |I have started to make sure that before making any important decision with regards to career, I do a research through internet| |and ask people around as to the career options and see what the opinion of various individuals are before I make my decision | |on the career path that I take. | APPENDIX 13 |Name: Arun Dath Learning log 12 Date:01/12/2009 | |Description of experience: | | | |I always loved to learn swimming. I finally got involved in swimming lessons.

Two months after I started to swim, I decided to| |try diving. I tried to dive without using any ear plugs or any protection for my ears. It turned out to be a huge mistake as I| |suffered an ear infection and I was under medication for 2 years soon after. Ever since that day I had to be very careful with| |the way I treated my ears. | |Important Observations: | | | |I was quite excited about gaining a skill of swimming and diving that I failed to make sure I had any safety measures for | |swimming.

Soon after trying to dive, I did suffer huge pains due to ear infection and I regret the day that I failed to make | |sure I had necessary protection while swimming and diving. | |What I learned: | | | |Due to this incident, I understood that I should not risk my health and not use ample amount of protection while I am having | |my fun doing various activities. That day taught me that I am blessed not to suffer any physical barriers until then and I | |have just made my ears more sensitive due to my carelessness. |Relationship to theory: | | | |Behavioural safety management theory | |Behaviours to change: | | | |I should realise that I should take safety measures whenever needed and lack of it was causing me to have health issues which | |have deeply affected my physic. Thereby, I should search as to what precautions I should be taking when I am going to do any | |indoor or outdoor activities. | |How: | | | |I have started making a note of the necessary items I would require for the various exercises that I am doing. Thus, I would | |be able to make sure that I buy the necessary items well in advance before I get involved in any activity. | APPENDIX 14 CROSS CULTURE CAPABILITY

With the globalisation of the various economies, the cross culture issues have become a major study in the world as of today. With regards to the cross cultural capability, there are certain different perspectives that have come out in the world today which include: • Cross cultural sensitivity • Cross cultural business skills • International management competence APPENDIX 15 TIME MANAGEMENT Time is duration of sequence of events. In today’s world, change, diversity and complexity is changing and increasing at an incredibly fast phase. Hence the ability to handle the situation in time is becoming a critical factor, be it at work life or at personal life.

The very purpose of this time management is to: • Obtain maximum value-adding outer results in a minimum interval of time- that is to say, do less and accomplish more. • To have more productive time in our lives • To think and act at proper timing There are various models which could be followed for effective time management and Steve Covey have put forward time management matrix as a mindmap. [pic] Here the main effective way of managing the time according to the map is: 1) Manage the Quadrant of Necessity the best possible way that one can 2) Focus on the Quadrant of Quality and Personal Leadership for it makes the Quadrant of Necessity more under one’s control and helps the individual aim at his goals. ) Be Careful of the Quadrant of Deception because activities in this quadrant may appear urgent when in fact they are not. Too much time here will slow your progress towards reaching your goals. 4) Avoid the Quadrant of Waste as far as possible. APPENDIX 16 STRESS MANAGEMENT Stress is something that one could describe as fight or flight management. in such a situation, the following could occur: • Pulse rate quickens, blood pressure increases. • Breathing quickens in an attempt to increase the oxygen level in the body • Blood sugar production increases. This is mainly due to the attempt to quicken metabolism to release fats and energy into the bloodstream. Stress could be either Physical, mental or situational.

Physical stress can be through overwork lack of rest and a poor diet etc. Mental stress could be depending on the state of mind which involves hopes, fears and regrets. Situational stress is derived from the interaction with the outside stress. In my situation, it was a situation of situational stress which was due to my father’s illness. This was external in nature which involved in me playing the role of a son, a husband and a father of a child which made me stressed and needed me to take a control of the entire situation. Transactional model [pic] The above diagram shows the transactional model of stress put forward by Lazarus and Folkman.

If a threat is perceived, an individual goes through the possible solutions to be able to cope with the stress situation. How the person evaluates the situation depends on the past experience of coping stress and the ability of the individual to cope with it. If a per

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