Observation Paper Assignment

Observation Paper Assignment Words: 514

The classroom was decorated in a very educational format. The posters on the wall covered all types of information and projects that the kids were working on. The classroom had a turtle as the pet named Lucy. Each child got to take turns taking the pet home on the weekends as a lesson to teach responsibility. The desks were arranged in small groups of 4 and the teacher had her desk at the front of the room. Mrs.. Allured had her class rules posted on the wall next to her desk were all the children could see them. She informed me that they go over the rules every other week as a reminder for behavior in the classroom.

Educational Philosophy The answers to the questionnaire and the interview questions told me that Mrs.. Laurel’s teaching philosophy is progressivism. Progressivism believe that individuality, progress, and change are fundamental to one’s education. Believing that people learn best from what they consider most relevant to their lives, progressivism center their curricula on the needs, experiences, interests, and abilities of students. Progressivism teachers try making school interesting and useful by planning lessons that provoke curiosity (The Foundations of Education Web, 2013).

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Mrs.. Allured loves using real world experiences in projects and assignments so the children can relate even if it is very simple. Mrs.. Allured also loves to get the children interested by using the experiences that they are comfortable with and that they use or see everyday. Mrs.. Allured believes that learning should be an experience, not just an experience but also an active experience. She believes that children should never be bored when they are learning. Application I learned some valuable aspects of classroom elements when I observed Mrs.. Allured’ s classroom.

In my opinion the most important aspect that will be taking away from the experience is classroom management. The way that Mrs.. Allured managed her classroom was very impressive. The classroom was organized, scheduled, and the children new exactly what her expectations were. After talking with Mrs.. Allured for some time realized that she goes over what is expected from the children throughout the school year so they know what behavior is appropriate and what is not. Mrs.. Allured also provided the children with a fun and educational learning atmosphere and the kids were excited to be in school.

The children all mimed to enjoy there time in the classroom even while doing sometimes tedious tasks such as math problems. I will definitely apply what I learned as far as classroom management and making a fun atmosphere for learning into my own teaching technique uh. In conclusion, Mrs.. Allured provided a very informative observation for me. Saw how a classroom can be set up and decorated to provide the children with a very interactive place to learn. I also learned how a teacher could incorporate his or her teaching philosophy into their lesson plan. In all, I gained information on how I would want to teach my students in the future.

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