Moneyball Assignment

Moneyball Assignment Words: 353

This assignment will allow you to answer the following question: How does Billy Bean do it and can we learn from his practices? The essence of the Moneybags project will be for you to write a 4-5 page paper on all of the following: -What is the Moneybags Theory? -In your opinion, does it have merit? -How important are forward thinkers in Sport/Coaching? -Your thoughts on challenging established practices and policies Billy Bean and Peter Brand Peter brand is a Yale graduate in economics

Billy needs players on a tight budget to compete with other teams that are rolling on a big budget like the Yankees. 1/3 Of the budget Billy bean has been through the people who judge players based on their own opinions and thoughts because he was that player Peter brand-knows nothing about baseball but uses statistical analysis to determine players. Determine based on biased reasons of perceived flaws and defects such as age appearance personality Using stats to find value in players that are usually overlooked

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Can’t replace these players can only recreate them- Gambia is power player who gets on base, must recreate his on base number percentage with players. Committee doesn’t agree on his choices saying they were negative people but bean is looking at numbers and they get on base. Kevin Huskily – king of walks Intangibles that only baseball fans understand You cannot predict a guys future because you don’t know and you can’t tell. Moneybags theory- bill James wrote a book of baseball stats bill James never paid or managed Everyone against him including the manager.

Wont play his players continues to play others. Billy bean steps in. Stops playing baseball and plays the numbers. On base percentages Hitting percentages on certain pitches Bean makes the changes and the season has flip flopped On base percentage is everything- it wins games Bad on base percentage means losing Using statistical analysis, small-market teams can compete by buying assets that are undervalued by other teams and selling ones that are overvalued by other teams.

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