Mkt strategic marketing Assignment

Mkt strategic marketing Assignment Words: 4329

The primary objective of this course is to help you develop skills and gain experience n analyzing a business’s situation and then formulating, implementing, and monitoring marketing strategy in a competitive environment. The course will focus specifically on issues such as selecting segments in which to compete, developing meaningful points of differentiation and positioning statements, allocating resources, designing products, setting and managing prices, developing and managing distribution strategies, and developing and managing promotion strategies.

Leadership and this Course The Texas MBA program is designed to develop influential business leaders. The MBA Program has identified four fundamental and broad pillars of leadership: knowledge and understanding, communication and collaboration, responsibility and integrity, and a worldview of business and society. In this course, you will enhance your knowledge and understanding of how leaders can use marketing strategy to drive their businesses. Through class discussion, exercises, and a team-based marketing simulation, you will enhance your communication and collaboration skills.

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The development of team and individual assignments will exercise your abilities in responsibility and integrity. ND your teammates to develop and monitor the effectiveness of marketing strategies, including targeting, positioning, and resource allocation decisions. This realistic computer simulation allows you to learn by doing (well, virtually) and to appreciate more deeply (a) the importance of understanding customer needs, (b) the importance of taking a long-term perspective, and (c) the inherent ambiguities in developing strategies in dynamic competitive environments.

Finally, many of the cases and examples involve international companies, affording you a global perspective on marketing strategy. Required Materials Marketers Online PACK (software license) and Handbook: Each student in class must purchase the “Participant Activation Key’ (PACK = License) and Handbook. To do this, go to http://store. Strangulations. Com. Click on “North, Central, and South America”. Then input the following Course ID into the search box: A07675, and click K. On the next page, you will see our course (A07675 Marketers – Strategic Marketing- FIFO – 05140). Click on View More. Here you will have two choices: 1. You can purchase the electronic PACK/Handbook for $50. 00. If you do this, it will take you automatically to a registration page after you pay. From there, you can download the software (Team Software (New Version – 2010)) and the Participant Handbook. 2. You can purchase a hard copy of the PACK/Handbook for $55. 00. It will be mailed to you. The PACK (license number) will be inside the book, in the back cover. Note that you cannot register for Marketers until you receive this. Therefore, it is strongly recommended that you purchase the electronic version.

You can print out the electronic PDF if you wish. The hard copy handbooks will not have resale value because it is the license number that you are purchasing – and it can only be used once. Readings: Some of the readings for this class are available in full text (usually PDF) from Business Source Complete (BBS). For these articles, go to http:// www. Lib. Texas. Du/, then to Research Tools Databases & Indexes to Articles Databases by Subjects Business Business Source Complete, and search on the title of the article (unless otherwise directed in the schedule).

Put the title of the article in quotes. If you get a yellow box that says “Find it at UT”, click on the box and follow the links that have full text. Case Packet: The case packet is available through Study. Net. It includes case studies s well as articles and book chapters which were not accessible via Business Source Complete or had copyright restrictions. Instructions to get materials from Study. Net are included in the last page of the syllabus. NOTE: These articles have an electronic time limit. If you wish to keep copies beyond the semester, be sure to print them out. Whets for assignments, sample marketing plans, and lecture slides are posted on Blackboard. Paperless Assignments: All assignments are to be submitted electronically rather than in hard copy and no later than 5 minutes prior to the start of class. Please send hem directly to Dry. Mackey through Outlook as e-mail attachments using the following file name convention: File Name Convention [Last two digits of Course Unique #]_[Your Last Name and First Initial (or Team #)]_[Assignment name]. Example: 40_Smiths_Case name Example: 40_Teammate_Yr. Mug Plan Blind Grading: MBA-student teaching assistants do the first round’ of grading on all assignments. Therefore all papers in this course are ‘blind graded’. When I send the papers to the Task, I change your name in the file name convention to a number. Therefore, please do *NOT* put your names anywhere on your submissions. Grading and Description of Course Requirements Each student will be evaluated on the following basis: Contribution in class and Quizzes (individual) Case briefs (2 @10% and 15%)- (individual) (required format) 25% Adoption of e-Books Homework Exercise (individual) Peer evaluation – Marketers (individual). Must submit to receive grade) 05% Marketers Bus. Review and Yr. 3 Mug Plan (Team) Marketers Bus. Review and Yr. 9 Mug Plan (Team) Marketers New Team Handcuff Presentation (Team) (All due before 1st presentation) 5% Marketers Performance (Team) 100. 00% All students are expected to be present, punctual, and prepared to contribute to all lass sessions. Because of the commitment to class discussion, learning hinges on your constructive in-class contribution. Constructive contribution does not simply mean “air time,” but rather comments and questions that help advance everyone’s learning.

Specifically, the elements considered in grading class contribution are: Do your comments indicate that you prepared the materials for the day? In a case discussion, do you go beyond repetition of case facts to analysis and recommendations? Do your comments show evidence of assimilating and integrating what has been covered in the course so far? Are you a good listener – do you listen to what others are saying and contribute constructively to enhancing the discussion? Do you make insightful comments or ask thought-provoking questions? In sum: Have you contributed to the learning in the room?

Contribution Scoring: At the end of each class, I will score each student’s contribution on the following scale and post the scores on Blackboard. The emphasis in scoring will be on quality over quantity. In other words, with one “10” comment, you would receive a 10 for the day. With five “8” comments, you would receive an 8 for the day. The scale is: O = absent = present, but no contribution 8= 1 or more average contributions 9= 1 or more insightful contributions 1 or more outstanding contributions Discussion Board Contribution: Occasionally (maximum two times) you may need to miss a class because of interviewing or other obligations.

While full credit cannot be given for in-class contribution on those days, you can earn up to 6 points for case/ lecture days by discussing the lecture, readings, and/or related topics on the Discussion Board in Blackboard. Note that no credit can be given for missing the team presentation days at the end of the semester. In addition, you may feel that o had an important comment that you were not able to bring up in class. On those days, you can earn up to an additional 3 points (for 10 Max. By sharing your ideas/ discussing the topic on the Discussion Board. The thread for this discussion will be titled “Session # Additional Discussion”. The instructions in the thread are: This discussion thread has two purposes: 1) It can be used by students who must occasionally miss a class. If you miss class, you can receive up to 6 contribution points for the day by discussing, in some depth, what you saw as key concepts from the lecture/readings/case discussion that you missed.

The way to get a 6 here is to discuss the topic in depth and perhaps bring in additional material from another article you have found that addresses similar content. 2) It can be used by students who were in class but would like to add to the were not able to bring up in class. In this case, you can earn up to an additional 3 points (for 10 Max. ) for the session discussed. Note that in order to receive credit, your contributions must be completed before the start of the following class. For more information, see Appendix 2, Effective Class Discussion.

Remember, constructive contribution requires that you attend class and thoroughly repaper the materials assigned for each day. I will cold-call. If you do not feel adequately prepared to participate in the discussion and do not want to be called upon, please let me know at the beginning of the class. Quizzes: There will typically be 1-3 quizzes over the course of the semester. The first will be on Marketers readings as identified in the syllabus. The others will be pop quizzes regarding the reading. Each quiz is worth 10 points and becomes part of your overall contribution score.

Case Briefs (2 – 1st = 10%, 2nd = 15%) (Individual Work) To insure high quality discussion on case days, it is critical that all students be well repaper to discuss each case. Moreover, one of the learning objectives for the course is to improve your oral and written communications skills. Therefore, this assignment requires that you write out and submit a 2 page brief for two of the cases to be discussed this semester. The format for the brief is included in Appendix 1 and a sample called “Case Brief Mechanics” is posted in Obscures Documentaries Materials.

Grading criteria for the briefs include the clarity of the recommendation, the depth of analysis and discussion, incorporation of study question elements into that discussion, and the clarity and structure of the argument. Note that the brief has a required format and a page limit of 2 pages (single spaced plus unlimited exhibits provided they are referenced in the text). Papers exceeding the 2 page text limit will be deducted one letter grade (1 point) per page over the limit. The brief must be exclusively your own work.

Therefore, do not discuss the case with others prior to class, examine briefs completed by others, and do not do outside research prior to class. Web and other research, accepting or providing assistance, and looking at previously prepared case briefs are all considered to be violations of the Honor Code and the penalties are severe. All case briefs are due via e-mail attachment, to Kate only (not the TA) using the correct file name convention (Last two digits of course unique#_Electrification’s_ Assignment name) by 8:00 a. M. On the day the case is discussed. Late cases cannot be accepted – no exceptions.

These will be scored as per the Brief Grading Criteria listed in Appendix 1. Note that all students are expected to be prepared to discuss all cases. Therefore, it is possible that you will be called upon to provide a summary of and recommendation/rationale for any case. This assignment will give you the opportunity to work with the Bass Model to predict he adoption curve for an innovation. The exercise can be found in the article on Study. Net called “Forecasting the Adoption of e-Books”. Additional instructions for this assignment are posted in B-Course Documents-Case Materials.

See schedule for due date. This assignment must be exclusively your own work. Therefore, do not discuss the case with others prior to class, examine submissions completed by others, and do not do outside research prior to class. Web and other research, accepting or providing assistance, and looking at previously prepared submissions are all considered to be violations of the Honor Code. Peer Evaluation ( 5%) Your contribution will be crucial for the success of your team. Providing accurate, realistic evaluation of one’s peers (and subordinates) is a key part of any manager’s job.

Therefore, to provide practice in this important skill, you will be expected to provide as accurate an estimate as possible of the contribution made by each of your teammates in your Marketers team. The Peer Evaluation form is posted in Marketers Materials folder in the Documents section of Blackboard. The Peer Evaluation form is due electronically, with the correct file name convention, at the end of our last scheduled class day. Please note that if you do not submit a Peer Evaluation form, you will receive a zero on your own Peer Evaluation, regardless of the scores submitted by your teammates.

Note that it is strongly recommended that you use this form to discuss performance within your team immediately after the first Marketing Plan deliverable. MARKETERS – Two “Business Reviews and Marketing Plans”; New Team Handcuff (Team Work). In a “real-world” setting, marketing managers are expected to conduct periodic (usually annual) business reviews in a methodical/disciplined way and present plans o “management. ” Therefore, there is a great deal of focus on your ability to develop and present logical, dependable strategy.

Your team will develop/submit two Business Reviews with Marketing Plans. Each will be done in presentation format, with detailed explanations/comments, as well as implications, in the Notes sections of the Powering. See Appendix 3 for more details. There is a sample on Obscures Disenfranchisements Materials. The purpose of the New Team Handcuff is to instruct the take-over team on recent performance, drivers of this business, and future plans. What should they know bout this business and what do you recommend they do in the future? See Appendix 3 for more details.

There is also a sample on b. 2. Business Review and Year 9 Marketing Plan 3. New Team Handcuff of Business Review and Year 9 Mug. Plan MARKETERS performance (05%) Your performance in Marketers will be assessed on (1) your company’s cumulative contribution and stock price index compared to other companies, (2) your company’s cumulative change in average brand contribution (BBC) at the end of the simulation, and on (3) whether your company has healthy medium-term prospects by the end of he simulation. However, I reserve the right to evaluate the process from a pedagogical perspective.

Hence, good profitability need not always be as highly rewarded as, for example, the sound use of strategic concepts in a turnaround situation. Grade Distribution The historical distribution of grades has been roughly as follows: 30% As, 5% below B, remainder BBS. Plus/Minus grading applies to this course. Re-grade requests If you believe that you received too little credit for your work, you may submit your work for a re-grade under the following restrictions. (1) All re-grade requests must be vomited with a clear, written statement that explains why you believe the original grade was incorrect. 2) All requests for re-grades must be submitted within 1 calendar week of when the graded work is returned. (3) We will re-grade the assignment, and if we were overly generous we will deduct points. Thus, your grade can go up or down on a re-grade. Final Grades Final grades will be established by rank in class as well as by points. There is no predetermined letter-grade distribution and the class’s overall performance will be used to set cut-offs for the letter grades. Macomb’s Classroom Professionalism Policy The highest professional standards are expected of all members of the Macomb’s community.

The collective class reputation and the value of the Texas MBA experience hinges on this. Faculty are expected to be professional and prepared to deliver value for each and every class session. Students are expected to be professional in all respects. The Texas MBA classroom experience is enhanced when: Students arrive on time. On time arrival ensures that classes are able to start and finish at the scheduled time. On time arrival shows respect for both fellow students and faculty and it enhances learning by reducing avoidable distractions. Students splay their name cards.

This permits fellow students and faculty to learn names, enhancing opportunities for community building and evaluation of in-class contributions. Students minimize unscheduled personal breaks. The learning environment improves when disruptions are limited. Students are fully prepared for each class. Much of the learning in the Texas MBA program takes place during classroom discussions. When students are not prepared they cannot contribute to the overall learning process. This affects not only the individual, but their peers who count on them, as well. Students attend the class section to which they are stirred.

Learning is enhanced when class sizes are optimized. Limits are set to ensure a quality experience. When section hopping takes place some classes become too large and it becomes difficult to contribute. When they are too small, the breadth of experience and opinion suffers. Students respect the views and opinions of their others is unacceptable. Laptops are closed and put away. When students are surfing the web, responding to e-mail, instant messaging each other, and otherwise not devoting their full attention to the topic at hand they are doing themselves and their peers a major disservice.

Those around them face additional distraction. Fellow students cannot benefit from the insights of the students who are not engaged. Faculty office hours are spent going over class material with students who chose not to pay attention, rather than truly adding value by helping students who want a better understanding of the material or want to explore the issues in more depth. Students with real needs may not be able to obtain adequate help if faculty time is spent repeating what was said in class. There are often cases where learning is enhanced by the use of laptops in class.

Faculty will let you know when it is appropriate to use them. In such cases, professional behavior is exhibited when misuse does not take place. Phones and wireless devices are turned off. We’ve all heard the annoying ringing in the middle of a meeting. Not only is it not professional, it cuts off the flow of discussion when the search for the offender begins. When a true need to communicate with someone outside of class exists (e. G. , for some medical need) please inform the professor prior to class. Remember, you are competing for the best faculty Macomb’s has to offer.

Your professionalism and activity in class contributes to your success in attracting the best faculty to this program. Academic Dishonesty I have no tolerance for acts of academic dishonesty. Such acts damage the reputation of the school and the degree, and demean the honest efforts of the majority of students. The minimum penalty for an act of academic dishonesty will be a zero for that assignment or exam. The responsibilities for both students and faculty with regard to the Honor System are described on http:// MBA. Macomb’s. Texas. Du/students/academics/honor/index. SP and on the final pages of this syllabus. As the instructor for this course, I agree to observe all the faculty responsibilities described therein. During Orientation, you signed the Honor Code Pledge. In doing so, you agreed to observe all of the student responsibilities of the Honor Code. If the application of the Honor System to this class and its assignments is unclear in any way, it is your responsibility to ask me for clarification. As specific guidance for this course, you should consider the writing of all case briefs and homework exercises to be an individual effort.

All Marketers-related deliverables will be developed in your teams. Students with Disabilities Students with disabilities may request appropriate academic accommodations from the Division of Diversity and Community Engagement, Services for Students with Disabilities, 471-6259. Schedule: The schedule is attached at the end of this document. In addition, it is posted as a separate document titled “Course Schedule” in b. Honor Code Purpose Academic honor, trust and integrity are fundamental to The University of Texas at Austin Macomb’s School of Business community.

They contribute directly to the quality of your education and reach far beyond the campus to your overall standing within the business community. The University of Texas at Austin Macomb’s School of Graduate School of Business. The Honor System relies upon The University of Texas Student Standards of Conduct (Chapter 11 of the Institutional Rules on Student Service and Activities) for enforcement, but promotes ideals that are higher than merely enforceable standards. Every student is responsible for understanding and abiding by the provisions of the Honor System and the University of Texas Student Standards of Conduct.

The University expects all students to obey the law, show respect for other members of the university community, perform contractual obligations, maintain absolute integrity and the highest standard of individual honor in scholastic work, and observe the highest standards of conduct. Ignorance of the Honor System or The University of Texas Student Standards of Conduct is not an acceptable excuse for violations under any circumstances. The effectiveness of the Honor System results solely from the wholehearted and uncompromising support of each member of the Graduate School of Business community.

Each member must abide by the Honor System and must be intolerant of any violations. The system is only as effective as you make it. Expectations Under the Honor System Standards If a student is uncertain about the standards of conduct in a particular setting, he or she should ask the relevant faculty member for clarification to ensure his or her induct falls within the expected scope of honor, trust and integrity as promoted by the Honor System. This applies to all tests, papers and group and individual work. Questions about appropriate behavior during the Job search should be addressed to a professional member of the Career Services Office.

Below are some of the specific examples of violations of the Honor System. Lying Lying is any deliberate attempt to deceive another by stating an untruth, or by any direct form of communication to include the telling of a partial truth. Lying includes the use or omission of any information with the intent to deceive or mislead. Examples of lying include, but are not limited to, providing a false excuse for why a test was missed or presenting false information too recruiter. Stealing Stealing is wrongfully taking, obtaining, withholding, defacing or destroying any person’s money, personal property, article or service, under any circumstances.

Examples of stealing include, but are not limited to, removing course material from the library or hiding it from others, removing material from another person’s mail folder, securing for one’s self unattended items such as calculators, books, book bags or other personal property. Another form of stealing is the duplication of copyrighted material beyond the reasonable bounds of “fair use. ” Defacing (e. G. , “marking up” or highlighting) library books is also considered stealing, because, through a willful act, the value of another’s property is decreased. See the appendix for a detailed explanation of “fair use. “) Cheating Cheating is wrongfully and unfairly acting out of self-interest for personal gain by seeking or accepting an unauthorized advantage over one’s peers. Examples include, but are not limited to, obtaining questions or answers to tests or quizzes, and getting assistance on case write-ups or other projects beyond what is authorized by the assigning instructor. It is also cheating to accept the benefit(s) of another person’s theft(s) even if not actively sought.

For instance, if one continues to be attentive to an information was accidental and beyond the control of the student in question, one is also cheating. If a student overhears a conversation or any information that any faculty member might reasonably wish to withhold from the student, the student should inform the faculty member(s) of the information and circumstance under which it was overheard. Actions Required for Responding to Suspected and Known Violations As stated, everyone must abide by the Honor System and be intolerant of violations.

If you suspect a violation has occurred, you should first speak to the suspected violator in an attempt to determine if an infraction has taken place. If, after doing so, you still believe that a violation has occurred, you must tell the suspected violator that he or she must report himself or herself to the course professor or Associate Dean of the Graduate School of Business. If the individual fails to report himself or herself within 8 hours, it then becomes your obligation to report the infraction to the course professor or the Associate Dean of the Graduate School of Business.

Remember that although you are not required by regulation to take any action, our Honor System is only as effective as you make it. If you remain silent when you suspect or know of a violation, you are approving of such dishonorable conduct as the community standard. You are thereby precipitating a repetition of such violations. The Honor Pledge The University of Texas at Austin Macomb’s School of Business requires each enrolled student to adopt the Honor System. The Honor Pledge best describes the conduct promoted by the Honor System.

It is as follows: “l affirm that I belong to the honorable community of The University of Texas at Austin Graduate School of Business. I will not lie, cheat or steal, nor will I tolerate those who do. ” “l pledge my full support to the Honor System. I agree to be bound at all times by the Honor System and understand that any violation may result in my dismissal from the Graduate School of Business. ” Appendix 1: Instructions for Case Analyses Case Study Preparation It is imperative that a businessperson be competent in the process of problem loving.

Through the use of case studies this course will develop your skills in analyzing various business problems. Therefore, a basic methodology for situation analysis and decision-making is presented which will useful in most areas of policy making. The major steps in this process are: 1. Define the decision to be made (be specific) 2. Specify selection criteria you will use to choose between the alternatives.

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Mkt strategic marketing Assignment. (2019, Dec 28). Retrieved February 22, 2025, from