Mfi-Survey-Questionnaire Assignment

Mfi-Survey-Questionnaire Assignment Words: 3838

Questionnaire No. _______ NATIONAL ANTI-POVERTY COMMISSION ENHANCING ACCESS OF THE POOR TO MICROFINANCE SERVICES IN FRONTIER AREAS Questionnaire for Microfinance Institutions( MFIs) DATE: TIME STARTED: TIME ENDED: ENUMERATORS NAME: TO BE FILLED UP BY THE RESPONDENT(S) 1. Name of the Organization:______________________________________________________ 2. Acronym: ___________ 3. Address: ____________________________________ (building number , street, zip code 4. ________________________ City/town/municipality 5. Province: ________ 6. Telephone (Area Code) _______ (Office)_________________ (Cell )_____________________ 7.

Fax Number: ____________________________________ 8. E-mail Address: __________________________________ POSITION(S) OF RESPONDENT(S) AND NAME(S): 9. 10. 11. To be filled up by Enumerator(Branch Level): 12. What percentage of the surrounding area has electricity_______% Availability of communication facilities 13. Land line connection: yes………1 no………. 2 14. Cellphone services: yes………1 no………. 2 15. MFIs Branch office approximate distance (in kilometers) to nearest client(s) ______kms. 16. Is there regular land transportation (indicated by public transport such as jeepneys, tricycles, other means of road transport) yes………1 no………. 17. What percent of your clients walk to your office or meeting location? ________% NATIONAL ANTI-POVERTY COMMISSION TA 4544: ENHANCING ACCESS OF THE POOR TO MICROFINANCE SERVICES IN FRONTIER AREAS 1 Questionnaire No. _______ MODULE I- VISION,MISION,GOVERNANCE & MICROFINANCE OPERATIONS I. ORGANIZATIONAL ASPECTS A. ORIGIN AND MISSION What year was your organization 18. founded? ________ 19. registered? _______ 20. Do you have a mission statement? (yes=1 no=2) _____ If yes, may I have a copy please. B. REGISTRATION Is your organization registered with : 21. Cooperative Development Authority (yes=1 no=2) ____ 22.

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Securities and Exchange Commission (yes=1 no=2) ____ 23. Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (yes=1 no=2) _____ C. BOARD OF DIRECTORS 24. Do you have a Board of Directors? (yes=1 no=2) 25. Number of members 26. Selection Process (1=Elected, 2=Appointed, 3=Invited/ Independent) 27. Service Term (1=1year, 2=2 years, 3=Other) 28. Number of Consecutive Terms Permitted NATIONAL ANTI-POVERTY COMMISSION TA 4544: ENHANCING ACCESS OF THE POOR TO MICROFINANCE SERVICES IN FRONTIER AREAS 2 Questionnaire No. _______ 29. How many times has the Board met in the last 12 months? _______ Which of the following are existing Board committees? yes=1 no=2) 30. 32. 34. 36. Audit Committee Risk Management Committee Governance Committee Others If yes, number of meetings in the past 12 months 31. 33. 35. 37. If others, please specify: ____________________________________________________________ ________________ ____________________________________________________________ ________________ D. AFFILIATIONS Is your organization affiliated with the following: (yes=1 no=2) Local Federations/Associations/Networks 38. Microfinance Council of the Philippines (MCPI) ____ 39. Rural Bankers Association of the Philippines (RBAP) ____ 40.

National Confederation of Cooperatives in the Philippines (NATCCO) ____ 41. Others/Regional Federations (Please Specify) International Network Organizations 42. OPPORTUNITY International (yes=1 no=2) ____ 43. Women’s World Banking (yes=1 no=2) ____ 44. Grameen Trust (yes=1 no=2) ____ 45. Others(Please Specify)______________________ Have you ever received financial capital or subsidy for your organization from: (yes=1 no=2) 46. international donor/ funding agencies: ____ 47. government ____ 48. religious organization/foundation ____ 49. international non-government organization (NGO) ____ 50. ther grants, donations or subsidies ____ NATIONAL ANTI-POVERTY COMMISSION TA 4544: ENHANCING ACCESS OF THE POOR TO MICROFINANCE SERVICES IN FRONTIER AREAS 3 Questionnaire No. _______ E. MFI PROFILE What services do your offer (yes=1 no=2): 51. Loans ____ Savings: 52. passbook savings ____ 53. term deposits ____ 54. required savings linked to loans (capital build up) ____ 55. Remittances: ____ Insurance: 56. health ____ 57. life _______ 58. accident ____ 59. non-life (e. g. property) ____ 60. others(specify)____________ Training: 61. Financial literacy ____ 62. Business Development Support (BDS) Services: ____ 63.

Gender and social issues ____ 64. Heath and nutrition ____ 65. Environment ____ 66. Other training: ____ 67. Other Services Please specify __________________________ Insurance: 73. health ____ 74. life ____ 75. accident ____ 76. non-life (e. g. property) If not yet provided, do you plan to offer (yes=1 no=2): 68. Loans ____ Savings: 69. passbook savings ____ 70. term deposits ____ 71. required savings linked to loans (capital build up) 72. Remittances: ____ ____ ____ Training: 77. Financial literacy ____ 78. Business Development Support (BDS) Services: ____ 79. Gender and social issues ____ 80.

Heath and nutrition ____ 81. Environment ____ 82. Other training: ____ 83. Other Services Please specify __________________________ Is this the 84. main office (yes=1 no=2) ____ 85. branch office (yes=1 no=2) ____ 86. main and only office (yes=1 no=2) ____ NATIONAL ANTI-POVERTY COMMISSION TA 4544: ENHANCING ACCESS OF THE POOR TO MICROFINANCE SERVICES IN FRONTIER AREAS 4 Questionnaire No. _______ For this Office(Branch) (As of June 2005) For Organization as a Whole (As of June 2005) Present Status a. Number of Offices Regional Offices Branches Extension Offices Others__________ b.

Number of Staff Senior Manager(s) Middle Manager(s) Branch Manager(s) Bookkeeper(s) Cashier(s) Loan Officer(s) c. Number of areas covered Provinces Municipalities d. Number of Borrowers % Women % Men % Indigenous People(IP) e. Number of Savers % Women % Men % Indigenous People(IP) f. Number of Active Clients g. Amount of Loans Outstanding (P) h. Amount of Savings Deposits i. Amount of Capital Build Up j. Portfolio at Risk ( %) l. Past Due Ratio(%) Goal for Next Year Goal for Next 3 Years Present Status 87 90 93 96 99 102 105 108 Goal for Next Year 88 91 94 97 100 103 106 109 115 121 127 133 139 145 151 157 163 169 175

Goal for Next 3 Years 89 92 95 98 101 104 107 110 116 122 128 134 140 146 152 158 164 170 176 111 117 123 129 135 141 147 153 159 165 171 112 118 124 130 136 142 148 154 160 166 172 113 119 125 131 137 143 149 155 161 167 173 114 120 126 132 138 144 150 156 162 168 174 177 183 189 195 178 184 190 196 179 185 191 197 180 186 192 198 181 187 193 199 182 188 194 200 201 207 202 208 203 209 204 210 205 211 206 212 213 219 225 231 214 220 226 232 215 221 227 233 216 222 228 234 217 223 229 235 218 224 230 236 NATIONAL ANTI-POVERTY COMMISSION TA 4544: ENHANCING ACCESS OF THE POOR TO MICROFINANCE SERVICES IN FRONTIER AREAS 5

Questionnaire No. _______ E. BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT PLAN 237. Do you have a business or development plan? (yes=1 no=2) ____ 238. Written ____ 239. Unwritten____ 240. Did you receive any assistance in preparing your business plan? (yes=1 no=2) ____ 241. Do you need business development support services to achieve your goals? (yes=1 no=2) ____ For effective and efficient service at the branch level, what do you consider, as the optimum level of: Group Lending Individual Lending Loan Officer to client ratio? 242. ____________________ 243. ____________________ To attain the future plans, what resources do you need to have or to augment? MULTIPLE RESPONSES) (yes=1 no=2) 244. Financial resources for re-lending 245. Financial resources for operating expenses 246. Financial resources for capacity building 247. More staff 248. Better trained staff 249. Office equipment 250. Office space 251. Vehicles 252. Computer software 253. Computer hardware 254. Others (SPECIFY) And from where do you intend to source the financial resources you need? (yes=1 no=2) 255. Raising more donor (international) resources ____ 256. Increasing borrowings from soft loan sources ____ 257. Increasing borrowings from commercial sources ____ 258.

Raising more CBUs/savings ____ 259. Deposit mobilization (for banks and coops) ____ TO ASK ABOUT OPERATIONAL AND FINANCAL SELF- SUFFICIENCIES. TO SOME MFIs THIS MIGHT BE A SENSITIVE INFORMATION, BE CAREFUL AND POLITE IN ASKING. Let’s talk about self-sufficiency measures. Based on your current level of operation, would you say that you have attained: (yes=1 no=2) 260. Operational Self-sufficiency ____ 261. Financial Self-sufficiency ____ NATIONAL ANTI-POVERTY COMMISSION TA 4544: ENHANCING ACCESS OF THE POOR TO MICROFINANCE SERVICES IN FRONTIER AREAS 6 Questionnaire No. _______ F.

MANAGEMENT of MICROFINANCE OPERATIONS For which of the following aspects of operation do you have a written manual? (yes=1 no=2) (MULTIPLE RESPONSES) 262. Personnel ____ 263. Operations ____ 264. Credit Policies and Procedures ____ 265. Audit ____ 266. MIS ____ 267. Accounting ____ 268. Others (SPECIFY) ______________________ For the following activities, please specify where FINAL decisions are made: BOD Committee Home Branch Office 269. Deciding on where Expand 1 2 3 4 operations 270. Hiring of Manager 1 2 3 4 271. Hiring of Staff/Loan Officer 1 2 3 4 272. Firing of Manager 1 2 3 4 273. Firing of Staff/Loan Officer 1 2 3 4 274.

Approving Staff Promotion 1 2 3 4 275. Approving the branch 1 2 3 4 budget 276. Signing of Cheques 1 2 3 4 277. Approve clients’ Loan 1 2 3 4 278. Releasing loan proceeds 1 2 3 4 279. Approving debt write-offs 1 2 3 4 BOD Loan Approval limits Loan Disbursement limits 280 285 Others (VERBATIM) 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Others (Specify_____) 284 289 Committee 281 286 282 287 Head Office 283 288 Branch Performance standard for MFIs: Are you familiar? (yes=1 no=2) Do you use? (yes=1 no=2) 290 291 PESO 292 293 CAMELS 294 295 PEARLS 296 297 Coop PESOS 298 299 Others If others, please specify _______________________________________________________

NATIONAL ANTI-POVERTY COMMISSION TA 4544: ENHANCING ACCESS OF THE POOR TO MICROFINANCE SERVICES IN FRONTIER AREAS 7 Questionnaire No. _______ In your opinion, what are the problems facing your microfinance institution in serving the hard to reach or frontier areas (MULTIPLE RESPONSES) (yes=1 no=2) 300. Security/Peace and Order Situation ______ 301. Travel time to clients ______ 302. Lack of business opportunities ______ 303. Lack of basic infrastructure ______ 304. Inadequate information about clients ______ 305. Lack of trained personnel ______ 306.

Inadequate financial resources ______ 307. Others (PLEASE SPECIFY) __________ ______ II. MICROFINANCE STAFF A. EDUCATION LEVEL AND TRAINING Please indicate the education background of your microfinance staff (yes=1 no=2) Educational Attainment Managers Accountants/ Loan Cashiers Bookkeepers Officers 308 309 310 311 Some High School 313 314 315 316 Completed High School 318 319 320 321 Vocational 323 324 325 326 Some College 328 329 330 331 Completed College 333 334 335 336 Some Graduate 338 339 340 341 Completed Graduate 343 344 345 346 Microfinance Training/Experience


MICROFINANCE STAFF TRAINING (1=Need, 2=Provided Internally, 3=Provided by Outside Source, 4=Not Applicable/No Need) Accountants/ Loan Managers Bookkeepers Officers Cashiers Other Staff 348 349 350 351 352 Financial Management 353 354 355 356 357 Personnel Management 358 359 360 361 362 Computers 363 364 365 366 367 Gender 368 369 370 371 372 Accounting (Advanced) 373 374 375 376 377 Delinquency Collections 378 379 380 381 382 Financial Literacy 383 384 385 386 387 Environmental Risk Assessment 388 389 390 391 392 Basic Orientation on the Job 393 394 395 396 397 Basic Management on MFI Operations 398 399 400 401 402 Branch Operation Course 403 404 405 406 407 Internal Control and Audit Course 408 409 410 411 412 Basic Branch Monitoring and MIS 413 414 415 416 417 Basic Accounting and Record Keeping 418 419 420 421 422 Group and Center Management 423 424 425 426 427 Branch Outreach Management 428 429 430 431 432 Credit Management 433 434 435 436 437 Delinquency Management 438 439 440 441 442 Others (SPECIFY) ___________ NATIONAL ANTI-POVERTY COMMISSION TA 4544: ENHANCING ACCESS OF THE POOR TO MICROFINANCE SERVICES IN FRONTIER AREAS 9 Questionnaire No. _______ B. COMPENSATION AND INCENTIVE SYSTEM LET’S SHIFT TO THE TOPIC OF COMPENSATION AND INCENTIVES SYSTEM. SOME MICROFINANCE INSTITUTIONS GIVE CASH INCENTIVE TO LOAN OFFICERS BASED ON GOOD COLLECTION RATES. OTHERS GIVE CASH INCENTIVE TO LOAN OFFICERS BASED ON THE NUMBER OF CLIENTS AND COLLECTION RATE.

Which of the following benefits do you have in your organization? (yes=1 no=2) Manager Group I Benefits Communication Allowance Representation Allowance Transportation Allowance Meal/Food Allowance Rice Allowance Clothing Allowance Group II Benefits SSS Membership Leave Credits 13th Month Pay Private Health Care Retirement/Pension Plan Life Insurance Educational Plan Salary Loan Housing Loan Car/Motorcycle Loan Group III Benefits Profit-Sharing Car Plan Housing Plan Bonuses other than 13th month pay Trainings/Scholarships Others (Specify) ___________ Accountants/ Bookkeeper 444 449 454 459 464 469 474 479 484 489 494 499 504 509 514 519 524 529 534 539 544 549 Loan Officer Cashier Other Staff 43 448 453 458 463 468 473 478 483 488 493 498 503 508 513 518 523 528 533 538 543 548 445 450 455 460 465 470 475 480 485 490 495 500 505 510 515 520 525 530 535 540 545 550 446 451 456 461 466 471 476 481 486 491 496 501 506 511 516 521 526 531 536 541 546 551 447 452 457 462 467 472 477 482 487 492 497 502 507 512 517 522 527 532 537 542 547 552 NATIONAL ANTI-POVERTY COMMISSION TA 4544: ENHANCING ACCESS OF THE POOR TO MICROFINANCE SERVICES IN FRONTIER AREAS 10 Questionnaire No. _______ Can you please give information on the basic monthly salary provided to your microfinance staff. All information you will provide shall be held confidential. 553. Manager 554. Accountants/ 555. Loan 556. Cashier 557.

Other Staff Bookkeeper Officer 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Below 6,000 6,000-10,000 11,000-15,000 16,000-20,000 21,000-25,000 26,000-30,000 Above 31,000 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Below 6,000 6,000-10,000 11,000-15,000 16,000-20,000 21,000-25,000 26,000-30,000 Above 31,000 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Below 6,000 6,000-10,000 11,000-15,000 16,000-20,000 21,000-25,000 26,000-30,000 Above 31,000 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Below 6,000 6,000-10,000 11,000-15,000 16,000-20,000 21,000-25,000 26,000-30,000 Above 31,000 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Below 6,000 6,000-10,000 11,000-15,000 16,000-20,000 21,000-25,000 26,000-30,000 Above 31,000 If commissions, raises, or other incentives are offered to staff, please indicate the basis for determining. (yes=1 no=2) Manager Profits Tenure Performance appraisal No. of active clients Repayment rate Delinquency rate Amount of loans disbursed Amount of loans outstanding No. f CBU contributors Judgment of management Others (SPECIFY) ________ 558 561 564 567 570 573 576 579 582 585 588 559 562 565 568 571 574 577 580 583 586 589 Loan Officer 560 563 566 569 572 575 578 581 584 587 590 Other staff Based on your observations, do you find the incentives for your microfinance staff effective in achieving the following? (yes=1 no=2) 591. Increasing number of clients _______ 592. Increasing CBUs/savings _______ 593. Lowering client drop out rate _______ 594. Reducing staff resignation _______ 595. Improving Portfolio Quality _______ 596. Others(Specify) _______ 597. Do you have a staff appraisal system? (yes=1 no=2) ______ 598.

In the past 12 months, how was your staff turn-over? 1=High 2=Moderate 3=Low NATIONAL ANTI-POVERTY COMMISSION TA 4544: ENHANCING ACCESS OF THE POOR TO MICROFINANCE SERVICES IN FRONTIER AREAS 11 Questionnaire No. _______ 599. If high turn-over, please describe factors contributing to this. III. FINANCIAL RESOURCE MOBILIZATION A. SOURCE OF FUNDS for MICROFINANCE Please tell me about the sources of your: (MULTIPLE RESPONSES) (yes=1 no=2) PRESENT OPERATIONAL LOAN FUND EXPENSES Grants and donations from donor agencies Grants, donations and contributions from individual donors Deposits CBUs generated from members Stockholders Investment Income (e. g.

T-bills, stocks) Soft loans Loans from Commercial Sources Interest Incomes from MF Operations Interest earnings on bank accounts International investors (social & commercial) Others (SPECIFY) ____________________ 600 604 608 612 616 620 624 628 632 636 640 644 601 605 609 613 617 621 625 629 633 637 641 645 FUTURE OPERATIONAL LOAN FUND EXPENSES 602 606 610 614 618 622 626 630 634 638 642 646 603 607 611 615 619 623 627 631 635 639 643 647 NATIONAL ANTI-POVERTY COMMISSION TA 4544: ENHANCING ACCESS OF THE POOR TO MICROFINANCE SERVICES IN FRONTIER AREAS 12 Questionnaire No. _______ D. ACCOUNTING SYSTEMS AND MIS 648. What type of Accounting system does your organization use? 1=Cash Basis 2=Accrual Method 649. Is your accounting system automated? (yes=1 no=2) _______ 650. Do you maintain accounts for your microfinance operations separate from your accounts for your non- microfinance projects? (yes=1 no=2) _______ 651.

Does your accounting system require each branch(MF Operation) to make its own balance sheet and income and expenses statements? (yes=1 no=2) ______ 652. How often does a branch prepare its financial statements? ______ 1=Monthly 2=Quarterly 3=Semestral 4=Once a year 653. Do you have a Management Information System? (yes=1 no=2) ______ What data do you collect in your system (manual or computerized)? MULTIPLE RESPONSES(yes=1 no=2) 654. Number of loans disbursed ______ 655. Amount of loans disbursed ______ 656. Number of loans outstanding ______ 657. Amount of loans outstanding ______ 658. Amount of loans repaid ______ 659. Amount of loans in arrears ______ 660. Aging of loans in arrears ______ 661. Portfolio at risk ______ 662.

Number of active borrowers ______ 663. Number of CBU/Savers clients ______ 664. Amount of CBU/Savings generated______ 665. Balance sheet ______ 666. Income and expense statement ______ 667. Number of male clients ______ 668. Number of female clients ______ 669. Others ______ For others, please specify _________________________________ NATIONAL ANTI-POVERTY COMMISSION TA 4544: ENHANCING ACCESS OF THE POOR TO MICROFINANCE SERVICES IN FRONTIER AREAS 13 Questionnaire No. _______ Who uses the reports generated from your management information system? (yes=1, no=2, does not apply=3) 670. Executive Director 671. Board 672. Branch Manager 673. Donors 674. Creditors 675. Others _____ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ For others, please specify ____________________________________ For each group of information, please indicate the frequency of reporting. (1=Monthly, 2=Quarterly, 3=Semestral, 4=Annual) 676. Data on loans 677. Aging on loans 678. Data on deposits/CBU 679. Financial statements ______ ______ ______ ______ E. INTERNAL CONTROL AND AUDITS Which of the following practices does your organization follow in relation to Audits? MULTIPLE RESPONSES (yes=1 no=2) 680. Employs services of an External Auditor 681. External Audit is part of compliance to regulators requirements 682. Internal Audit system in place 683.

A unit or a full-time staff is in charge of Internal Audit 684. Internal Audit in the branches was regular in the last 12 months 685. Number of Staff in Internal Audit 686. Frequency of Internal Audit (No. of times per year) ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ Does your internal audit include: MULTIPLE RESPONSES (yes=1 no=2) 687. Cash counts petty cash fund 688. Spot checks bank books and ledgers 689. Spot checks meetings of groups 690. Checks if accounting procedures are followed 691. Checks if loan releasing procedures are followed 692. Checks if loan documents and requirements are followed 693. Checks if administrative procedures are followed 694.

Spot checks if reports are accomplished correctly 695. Verifies loan transactions with sample borrowers 696. Spot checks if collections are deposited in the bank 697. Reconciles deposit slips with collection report 698. Others (please specify)__________________________ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ NATIONAL ANTI-POVERTY COMMISSION TA 4544: ENHANCING ACCESS OF THE POOR TO MICROFINANCE SERVICES IN FRONTIER AREAS 14 Questionnaire No. _______ 699. Please briefly describe any other internal control measures you practice. (VERBATIM) 700. As a policy, when it comes to managing cash balances, what practices your organization follows (MULTIPLE RESPONSES). =Minimal balance is kept in the vault or cash box 2= Minimal balance is kept in a depository bank 3=An officer keeps the cash 4=Cash counting is done to reconcile the actual amount available with the record 5=Petty cash officer is regularly audited 6=Collectors are bonded 7=To withdraw funds from the bank, or to issue a check, at least 2 signatures are needed NATIONAL ANTI-POVERTY COMMISSION TA 4544: ENHANCING ACCESS OF THE POOR TO MICROFINANCE SERVICES IN FRONTIER AREAS 15 Questionnaire No. _______ MODULE II-MICROFINANCE SERVICES AND CREDIT POLICIES A. LENDING PROGRAMS AND CREDIT POLICIES What basic lending methodologies are you following? (MULTIPLE RESPONES) (yes=1 no=2) 701. Grameen Bank ______ 702. ASA Methodology ______ 703. Village banking ______ 704. Individual lending ______ 705. Others (PLEASE EXPLAIN)______ ______________________ TYPE OF LENDING PROGRAM 706.

What are the Eligibility Criteria you use in screening clients? (VERBATIM) 707. Do you verify? If yes, how? 708. How would you assess the screening process in terms of cost? 1 2 3 4 5 Very expensive Somewhat expensive Somewhat inexpensive Very inexpensive Others (SPECIFY) ___________________ 709. How would you assess the screening process terms of its effectiveness for outreach? 1 2 3 4 5 Very effective Somewhat effective Somewhat ineffective Very ineffective Others (SPECIFY) ___________________ NATIONAL ANTI-POVERTY COMMISSION TA 4544: ENHANCING ACCESS OF THE POOR TO MICROFINANCE SERVICES IN FRONTIER AREAS 16 Questionnaire No. _______ Please provide details on the loan terms and conditions:

LOAN TERMS AND CONDITIONS Minimum Loan Amount Maximum Loan Amount Loan Purpose Maturity (months) Interest Rate (indicate % per annum) Interest Rate 1=Based on Declining Balance 2= Add-on Interest Computation 3= Others Specify______________ Interest Payment 1=deducted from loan proceeds 2=not deducted but included in weekly/regular payments 3= not deducted but lumped in final payment Fees and Charges (% per loan or if in pesos, specify amount) Fees and Charges 1=deducted from loan proceeds 2=not deducted, paid up front 3=included in weekly/regular payments 4 =If others, please specify __________ Insurance 1=Death & Accident Benefit 2=Medical & Hospitalization 3=Crops/Livestock/Property 4=Loan Mortgage Redemption 5=If others, please specify __________ _____________________________ Insurance Payment 1=deducted from loan proceeds 2=not deducted, included in amortization payments 3= not deducted, paid up front 4=lumped in final payment 5=If others, please specify __________ Other Charges (Specify) Product 1 Product 2 Product 3 Penalty Calculation Method: 1=Percentage of Amount Past due 2=Fixed amount 3= If others, please specify ___________ _____________________________ NATIONAL ANTI-POVERTY COMMISSION TA 4544: ENHANCING ACCESS OF THE POOR TO MICROFINANCE SERVICES IN FRONTIER AREAS 17 Questionnaire No. _______

Security /Collateral Required(Multiple Responses) 1=Chattel mortgage 2=Co-maker 3=Pledge of an asset 4=Guarantee of an institution 5=Assignment of Standing crop 6=Post-dated cheque 7=Savings hold out 8=CBU 9=Group guarantee 10= Others If others, please specify ___________ ______________________________ 11=No security/collateral Payment Mode Indicate if: 1…Daily 2…Weekly 3…Monthly 4…Quarterly 5… Others If others, please specify ___________ _____________________________ Loan Collection Method 1=Group/Center Collection meeting 2=Individual Collection thru collectors 3=Deposit of Loan Payment to MFI depository bank account 4=Over the counter payment to MFI office 5=Others If others, please specify ___________ _____________________________ Processing Time on Loans with complete document for New Loan (No. of Days) Processing Time on Loans with complete document for Repeat Loan (No. f Days) Does this loan product have: Voluntary Savings Component (yes=1 no=2) Compulsory Savings Component(CBU) (yes=1 no=2) If YES, in CBU indicate whether: 1=Fixed amount with Minimum 2=Percentage of Loan Amount 3=Others If others, please specify ___________ _____________________________ NATIONAL ANTI-POVERTY COMMISSION TA 4544: ENHANCING ACCESS OF THE POOR TO MICROFINANCE SERVICES IN FRONTIER AREAS 18 Questionnaire No. _______ Frequency of Contribution of Voluntary Savings or CBU 1=Daily 2=Weekly 3=Monthly 4=Others If others, please specify ___________ Maintaining Balance (Specify Amount or as Percentage of Loan Amount) Method of Collection of Savings or CBU 1=Deducted from loan proceeds 2=During loan collection 3=Deposited any time 4=Others If others, please specify ___________ ____________________________ Interest Paid(% per annum) Voluntary Savings CBU/Forced Savings Policy on Withdrawal of CBU (Multiple responses) 1=Withdrawable on specified time/days 2=Non-withdrawable until member resigns 3=Withdrawable upon payment of total Loan 4=Others If others, please specify ___________ _____________________________ Documents Required from Clients (Multiple Responses) 1=Photo IDs 2=Government issued IDs 3=Barangay Clearance 4=Business Permits 5=Loan Application 6=Others If others, please specify ___________ _____________________________ Incentives for Prompt Payment (yes=1 no=2) If incentives, please specify ____________ __________________________________ NATIONAL ANTI-POVERTY COMMISSION TA 4544: ENHANCING ACCESS OF THE POOR TO MICROFINANCE SERVICES IN FRONTIER AREAS 19 Questionnaire No. _______ 710. What is your definition of a past due loan? (VERBATIM) 711. Have you experienced any late payment problems in the past 12 months (yes=1 no=2)________ 712. What factors do you believe cause the late payment problems? (VERBATIM) 713.

What steps did your institution take to resolve these late payment problems? (VERBATIM) 714. Do you consider a loan at risk if one amortization payment is past due? (yes=1 no=2) ____________ Based on your organization’s standards, what do you consider as problematic loan? 715. Past Due Ratio 716. PAR % % 717. Do you have a loan loss provision policy? That is, do you provide allowance for doubtful accounts and bad debts? (yes=1 no=2) _______ 718. (IF YES) Please explain briefly your loan loss provision policy (VERBATIM) NATIONAL ANTI-POVERTY COMMISSION TA 4544: ENHANCING ACCESS OF THE POOR TO MICROFINANCE SERVICES IN FRONTIER AREAS 20 Questionnaire No. _______

Do you have written guidelines for any of the following areas? (MULTIPLE RESPONSES) (yes=1 no=2) 719. Operations ______ 720. Credit policies, procedures ______ 721. Savings and CBU policies ______ 722. Client training ______ 723. Others (Please specify)_______________________________________ C. CLIENTELE/MARKET Do you target any of the following specific groups of clients? (yes=1 no=2) 724. Gender: 725. Geographic location: 726. Indigenous People 727. Basic Sectors Male______ Rural______ ______ ______ Female____ Urban______ Both Male & Female______ Both Rural & Urban_____ 728. Do you reach out to hard to reach areas? (yes=1 no=2) _______ 729.

In your estimate, what percentage of total potential market/clients do you currently reach through microfinancial services? ______% 730. In your estimate, what percentage of total potential market/clients in hard to reach areas do you currently reach? ______% 731. Do you conduct area scanning or market study before you enter a new area? (yes=1 no=2) _______ 732. Are you monitoring the impact of your microfinance activities on your clients? (yes=1 no=2) _______ 733. What impact indicators do you use? (MULTIPLE RESPONSES) 1=Family income 2=Savings 3=Assets 4=Growth of business 5=Employment generation 6=Number of microenterprises 7=Others (please specify) _________________________________

NATIONAL ANTI-POVERTY COMMISSION TA 4544: ENHANCING ACCESS OF THE POOR TO MICROFINANCE SERVICES IN FRONTIER AREAS 21 Questionnaire No. _______ 734. How does your organization use the results? 735. When clients access your financial services, what information/forms do you provide to ensure that they are well informed of their rights and obligations? (OPEN ENDED) _1__________________________________________________________ _________________________ _2__________________________________________________________ _________________________ _3__________________________________________________________ _________________________ _4__________________________________________________________ ________________________ _5__________________________________________________________ _________________________ 736. Do you consult clients to make your MFI’s policy directions responsive to their needs? (yes=1 no=2) ______ 737. Are there mechanisms in your organization to ensure that clients’ interests are represented? (yes=1 no=2)_______ If YES, what are these? ____________________________________________________________ _ 738. What factors do you consider in designing financial services for your clients? (ALLOW MULTIPLE RESPONSES) ___________ 1=Profitability 2=Feedback from clients 3=What our target market demands 4=Mandate of institution 5=Others (please specify) _________________________________________________________

NATIONAL ANTI-POVERTY COMMISSION TA 4544: ENHANCING ACCESS OF THE POOR TO MICROFINANCE SERVICES IN FRONTIER AREAS 22 Questionnaire No. _______ What non-financial services do you currently offer or plan to add to serve your clients? (MULTIPLE RESPONSES) (yes=1 no=2) Currently Offered Plan to Add 739 740 Financial Literacy Training 741 742 Skills Training 743 744 Business Mgmt Training 745 746 Record Keeping Training 747 748 Marketing 749 750 Market Referrals 751 752 Market Linkaging 753 754 Technology Transfer 755 756 Technology Improvement 757 758 Technical Assistance 759 760 Others (please specify) _____ ________________________ 761. Please describe services currently offered 762. Please describe services planned to be offered

Thank you very much for your time and the valuable information that you provided about your organization. Are there questions that you think I forgot to ask or any other information that you would like to share that you think important for your organization? ____________________________________________________________ _________________________ ____________________________________________________________ _________________________ NATIONAL ANTI-POVERTY COMMISSION TA 4544: ENHANCING ACCESS OF THE POOR TO MICROFINANCE SERVICES IN FRONTIER AREAS 23 Questionnaire No. _______ MFI PROFILE (TO BE GIVEN TO MFI SEPARATELY) For this Office(Branch) (As of June 2005) For Organization as a Whole (As of June 2005)

Present Status Number of Offices Regional Offices Branches Extension Offices Others__________ Number of Staff Senior Manager(s) Middle Manager(s) Branch Manager(s) Bookkeeper(s) Cashier(s) Loan Officer(s) Number of areas covered Provinces Municipalities Number of Borrowers % Women % Men % Indigenous People(IP) Number of Savers % Women % Men % Indigenous People(IP) Number of Active Clients Amount of Loans Outstanding (P) Amount of Savings Deposits Amount of Capital Build Up Portfolio at Risk ( %) Past Due Ratio(%) Goal for Next Year Goal for Next 3 Years Present Status Goal for Next Year Goal for Next 3 Years NATIONAL ANTI-POVERTY COMMISSION TA 4544: ENHANCING ACCESS OF THE POOR TO MICROFINANCE SERVICES IN FRONTIER AREAS 24 Questionnaire No. _______ A. EDUCATION LEVEL AND TRAINING (TO BE GIVEN TO MFI SEPARATELY) Please indicate the education background of your microfinance staff (yes=1 no=2) Educational Attainment Managers Accountants/ Loan Cashiers Bookkeepers Officers Some High School Completed High School Vocational Some College Completed College Some Graduate Completed Graduate Microfinance Training/Experience Other Staff B.

MICROFINANCE STAFF TRAINING (1=Need, 2=Provided Internally, 3=Provided by Outside Source, 4=Not Applicable/No Need) Accountants/ Loan Managers Bookkeepers Officers Cashiers Other Staff Financial Management Personnel Management Computers Gender Accounting (Advanced) Delinquency Collections Financial Literacy Environmental Risk Assessment Basic Orientation on the Job Basic Management on MFI Operations Branch Operation Course Internal Control and Audit Course Basic Branch Monitoring and MIS Basic Accounting and Record Keeping Group and Center Management Branch Outreach Management Credit Management Delinquency Management Others (SPECIFY) ___________ NATIONAL ANTI-POVERTY COMMISSION TA 4544: ENHANCING ACCESS OF THE POOR TO MICROFINANCE SERVICES IN FRONTIER AREAS 25 Questionnaire No. _______ COMPENSATION AND INCENTIVE SYSTEM (TO BE GIVEN TO MFI SEPARATELY) Which of the following benefits do you have in your organization? yes=1 no=2) Manager Group I Benefits Communication Allowance Representation Allowance Transportation Allowance Meal/Food Allowance Rice Allowance Clothing Allowance Group II Benefits SSS Membership Leave Credits 13th Month Pay Private Health Care Retirement/Pension Plan Life Insurance Educational Plan Salary Loan Housing Loan Car/Motorcycle Loan Group III Benefits Profit-Sharing Car Plan Housing Plan Bonuses other than 13th month pay Trainings/Scholarships Others (Specify) ___________ Accountants/ Bookkeeper Loan Officer Cashier Other Staff NATIONAL ANTI-POVERTY COMMISSION TA 4544: ENHANCING ACCESS OF THE POOR TO MICROFINANCE SERVICES IN FRONTIER AREAS 26

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Mfi-Survey-Questionnaire Assignment. (2021, Oct 07). Retrieved February 23, 2025, from