Marked Completed Assignment

Marked Completed Assignment Words: 1472

Electricity at Work Regulations 1 98B’ These regulations are in place to ensure that all equipment is PAT TESTED and all corticated should be up to date and on display. “Fire Precautions Act 1971” This regulation has been put into place to ensure that all fire equipment is tested and all safety regulations adhered to when evacuation is needed. You must also display all fire certificates. “Reporting of injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013” This regulation requires persons to report major injuries and accidents at work.

To document all accidents and incidents in an Accident book. Equality and Diversity Act 2010″ There are several categories in this act. Age, Disability, Gender reassignment, Marriage and Civil partnership, Race, Religion and Beliefs, Sex and Sexual orientation. Task 2. The range of assessment methods used can vary and can be tailored to the learners needs. Assessment methods. Strengths Limitations Observation ‘practical Chance to view students demonstrating that learning has occurred 4/6 students per assessor. Time consuming Oral questioning Authentic way to assess that learning has occurred.

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Time consuming. Some learners will feel under pressure. Assignments A way to ensure that completing a key part Of learning has occurred. Work to completed outside the class room. Learners not having the resources for works to be carried out in their own time. Exams /tests (independent papers) Traditional form of assessment that leaners will be familiar with. Chance to convey understanding in text format. Learners with dyslexia will struggle causing an E and D problem. Demonstration/simulation Learners can practise work place situations in a safe environment.

Inauthentic experience and unrealistic. Learners may not take situation seriously. ideo Learners can use audio and visual aids. Learners can record and replay in their own time instructions and practical videos that are given in a lesson. Some learners may not have the technology at easy access. Task 3 When planning an assessment there are many key factors to be take into consideration. Action planning make sure your learners know exactly what’s going to happen and action plan with your learners against the awarding body critrea.

Learners could be supplied with recordachievement books so they can mark their individual progress and keep up to date. There are also nline assessments e. g. which is an online resource and record system. The learner must have sufficient time to prepare for an assessment. Learners must have clear instructions, dates, times and be aware of what treatments that they will be doing. Recognising that the learner’s needs are important so gathering as much understanding of the learner is important. Gathering information Of student’s knowledge/understanding through an initial assessment.

Learners can have literacy, numeracy and ICT skills tests prior to being accepted on the course or during the course so that understanding of ny learning needs can be determined. You must make the learners aware of the Appeals Procedure so that they are also aware that they can appeal against the assessors decisions. Feedback is important in an assessment but it must not be negative, just be constructive but positive. You can use a sandwich approach; start with positive feedback, then constructive feedback, the ending on positive note.

Giving the learner a positive action plan and reassurance that it can be achieved. There can be many benefits to apply a holistic approach to an assessment. This can be more tailored to an ndividual’s need, looking at the person as awhole. When learners are engaged in a practical lesson take into account that sometimes there are natural occurring events that take place and can be assessed separately. As an assessor your role is also to insure that all regulations and necessary tests have been achieved prior to the assessment so that it can go ahead as planned.

Task 4 It is important involving the learner and others in the assessment process. Below is a chart showing that all assessors have to be assessed by external sources. Keeping it fair and regulated. E Q A L IQA LIQA ad Internal Quality Assurer IQA Internal quality assessor Assessor Learner The learner should be made aware dates and times that the assessment will commence. This will ensure that they have a positive approach when it comes to the time of the assessment. Getting the learners to assess themselves by giving them a checklist for them to follow will help them grow and gain some independence.

Learners can also assess their peers in a practical lesson and give feedback Assessments can be adapted to meet the needs of individual learners. You can adapt times that the assessment is to take place taking into ccount learner’s work commitments, family commitments and medical commitments. Consider learning styles and apply them to the individuals. You can adapt assessments by providing scribes for learners with dyslexia and people with learning disabilities. Disabled learners needs can be met by taking into consideration the type of disability first, for not all will be practical for hairdressing.

A stool can be provided for learners that are not able to stand for long periods of time. Make sure that all areas are covered when it comes to equality and diversity and do not single a learner out, just making he assessment more adaptable. Task 5 When assessing a learner to ensure that evidence is sufficient, authentic and current you can follow a record of achievement awarding body guidelines. To authenticate work you can use a variety of assessment methods. Oral questioning and practical observation is an authentic way to assess the learners, making sure that both methods are kept up to date.

Another method of assessment is RPC see below. RPL is defined as: “A method of assessment (leading to the award of credit) that considers whether a learner an demonstrate that they can meet the assessment requirements for a unit through knowledge, understanding or skills they already possess and do not need to develop through a course of learning” (Regulatory Arrangements for the Qualifications and Credit Framework – Ofqual/08/3726 Assessment decisions must be valid, reliable and fair so it is essential that all the criteria relates directly to the awarding bodys requirements.

Regularly meeting with other assessors in your chosen field, where you can compare and verify the decisions made by you or others. The internal verification body will also verify he assessors decision. Task 6 Quality assurance in the assessment process is used to keep education at the appropriate levels, by providing clear and measurable standards for both assessors and learners. Habia the (Sector Skill Body) for Hair and Beauty sets the national occupational standards which all awarding organisations follow.

The awarding organisations create their record of assessment books which all EQA’s, IQA’s and assessors follow the assessment criteria within. See task 4. There are certain procedures to follow when there are disputes and complaints. Below is the TLT Academy Learners Appeal Procedure that they follow to deal with any grievances on tutoring or assessment. TLT agrees to undertake to deal with the first level of grievance assessment within 36 hours of appeals being made. Task 7 Assessors must record assessments and the IV must keep all paper work.

Leaners personal data is kept secure and protected under The Data Protection Act (2003) Assessments are recorded and stored on line, this helps assessors and IVs to keep track of all progress. Feedback and questioning is important throughout the learner’s education. The learners need to know if n assessment is competent or non-competent. Questioning is important, you need to ask the learners how they think their assessment went and give them a chance to express their feelings concerning the assessment.

An action plan can be put into force so the learner knows what is expected of them and assessor and learner can keep referring back to the plan. Task 8 To comply with legal issues relating to the assessment you can check with your IV that all polices and procedures are being followed according to VTCT requirements. Assessors must adhere to strict Data protection and make sure hat all computers with information held on are password protected and secure. Technology is a positive contribution to the assessment process.

Skype which is now available through computers, tablets and mobile devices are a great asset. They can be used to conference call, download online papers and access E portfolios. Throughout a learners journey equality and diversity is essential in relation to assessment. Learners are given support in all areas of Equality and Diversity to achieve their goals. Bilingualism in relation to an assessment, the learner can be provided with ascribe, translator or a scribe. This will insure that Diversity and Equality needs are met.

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Marked Completed Assignment. (2022, Feb 23). Retrieved March 11, 2025, from