Management in Organization Assignment

Management in Organization Assignment Words: 1106

How do they influence individual behavior and vice versa? Organizational Behavior (B) is the academic corpus of knowledge that has been produced by social scientists investigating the preceding questions. These areas of study are integrated in the Managing People unit. Specifically, B is concerned with the study of human behavior (both at the individual and group level):within formal organizations, and the study of the behavior of organizations as distinctive social entities. Human Resource Management: (HARM) is the study of professional and strategic practices.

HARM is concerned with the guiding philosophy of employment in an organization and practices such as recruitment, performance management, development and reward. Aims: The aims of the unit are to provide you with a repertoire of concepts, which will make Judgments about your behavior, and that of others, and can seek to influence organizational phenomena effectively. In addition, the purpose is to provide an understanding of modern organizations in terms of the management of people, the strategies and processes of HARM, and to provide the basis for a critical review of HARM yester and techniques.

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In short, the aim is to facilitate students in developing the knowledge about BOB/HARM that general managers need when working in current business/ organizational situations. The unit is based around three central and interrelated themes affecting B and HARM: 1 The impact of information and communications technology on work and work organizations; 2 The emerging organizational forms, a combination of flatter, simpler and more flexible organizational structures; 3 The changing nature of the employment relationship.

Objectives During the unit, the objectives are to: Ђўdiscuss the different ways of understanding organizations and show how a multiplicity of perspectives can be used to make managerial action effective •suggest concepts, frameworks and models for understanding organizational phenomena at the level of the individual, the group, and the organization. Ђўfacilitate participants in reflective thinking which, while it guides you towards specific actions with respect to particular organizational problems, also stimulates a critical dissection of organizational reality •stimulate reflective action, and participants will be encouraged to explore ways as to owe this can be achieved in organizational contexts •develop an understanding of the impact of people management on organizational performance • stimulate critical reflection on techniques of HARM. Ђў be aware of the connections between different topic areas, and their implications for practice • understand the models of HARM, and the impact of HARM on organizational • understand the issues of application of the various techniques of HARM Learning Approach The unit will use a variety of teaching and learning approaches including: self- assessment exercises, group work, lectures, discussion and case studies. The aim is to maximize participation and interaction.

Participants should come prepared to share their ideas and experience, and to learn from their peers. Provisional Course Outline and timetable Session 1 16. 00 hours start Introduction to module Introduction to assignment Making sense of Organizations Reading MIMI Chapter 1 Bellman & Deal Chapters 1 to 4, 16 McKenna & Beech Chapter 3 & 4 Session 2 The Structural dimension Culture MIMI Chapter 3 Bellman & Deal Chapters 12- 14 Session 3 Power MIMI Chapter 4 Bellman and Deal Chapter 9 Managing change MIMI Chapter 6 McKenna & Beech Chapter 4

Bellman & Deal Chapters 18 and 9 Session 4 MIMI Chapter 5 Bellman & Deal Chapter 17 Session 5 Managing people strategically: the role of HARM- Motivation Engaging and empowering employees (modern motivational approaches) MIMI Chapter 7 McKenna & Beech Chapters 1, 2 and 12 Session: 6 New issues and new approaches in MIMI Chapter 8 McKenna & Beech Chapter 7 Provisionally 12- 2 From Performance Appraisal to MIMI Chapter 9 McKenna & Beech Chapter 8 Texts Essential MIMI Core Learning Materials Bellman, L. G. & Deal, T. E. (2008). Reframing Organizations: Artistry, choice and leadership (4th edition). London: Josses-Bass.

McKenna, E. & Beech, N. (2008). Human Resource Management: A Concise Analysis, London: Pearson. The main Journals which can be accessed via the IBIS site include: Harvard Business Review, Academy of Management Human Resource Management Journal Human Resource Management International Journal of Human Resource Management Personnel Review New Technology, Work and Employment Work, Employment and Society Also useful articles can be found in the Economist and similar Journals Web sites: Free research, surveys and other reports can be downloaded from a number of web sites, most notably: www. Cupid. Co. UK

A combination of effectuates, bedposts and surveys covering areas of: change, recruitment and selection, employee engagement (motivation, psychological contract, employee commitment), etc. Www. PWS. Com A range of surveys, look for their series of Global CEO surveys and also future looking issues A similar range of business related studies (e. G. Rethinking the Business Model (2006)) w•MN. ‘. Manage. Com put this as one of your favorites, you will find you use it for most modules! Www. Sad. Org. UK (Sector Skills Councils – employment profiles and labor market issues for the main business sectors, including contact centers) www. Deeds. AC. UK/sorrowfulness (look hard enough and you should find a series of reports relating to modern work and to contact centers Assessment: 2 elements of assessment weighted 50/50. Restricted Open Book Exam The books that can be taken in are: MIMI Core Learning Materials Volts 1 and 2 Bellman and Deal, Reframing Organizations McKenna and Beech, Human Resource Management: A concise Analysis 3 questions to be answered in 3 hours, one from each section. Section A: compulsory question which requires students to integrate their thinking from across the unit and consider the practical application of ideas.

Section B 2 To what extent has the impact of new information and communication technologies renewed rather than rendered obsolete the traditional principles of ark and organizational design outlined by Taylor and Weber? 3 How, and to what extent, can organizations successfully change their corporate cultures to significantly improve their competitive advantage? 4 In the current age of continuous change which change models offer the organization the greatest probability of successfully implementing major change? Increasingly modern organizations are using employee engagement surveys to understand employee attitudes. Does this mean an understanding of the main theories of motivation is no longer relevant? Section C considers people as the key resource’ (McKenna & Beech 2008). How and to what extent does current management practice support this view? 8 All the evidence suggestions the interview is one of the least reliable and valid, but most popular of method of selection.

What are the main problems with the interview, how can these be overcome and what are the main benefits of the interview to the modern organization? 9 ‘More an organizational curse than an organizational panacea. ‘ To what extent is this an apt description of the performance management systems in most modern organizations? 10 To what extent are modern management methods making work more rather than less stressful? End of Question Paper

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