Lesson Plan Assignment

Lesson Plan Assignment Words: 2813

Grade Level: 10thth Grade Literature Focus of Unit: NON-FICTION Theme or Title of Unit: Heroes in Reality – What are the differences between hero in reality versus the traditional fictional concept of heroism? Stage 1 – Desired Results Priority Standards: Reading ELACC9-101 ELACC9-10RL2 ELACC9-10RL3 ELACC9-10RL4 ELACC9-10RL5 ELACC9-10RL7 ELACC9-10RLIO Writing ELACC9-10W1 ELACC9-10W2: ELACC9-10W3:a, d, e ELACC9-10W4 ELACC9-1-W5 ELACC9-10W7 ELACC9-1-W9 ELACC9-10WIO Language ELACC9-10L1 ELACC9-10L2:a, c, d ELACC9-10L4: a, b, c, d ELACC9-105: a, b ELACC9-106:

This skill will be taught through this unit as well as through the supplemental vocabulary units. Speaking and Listening ELACC9-10SL1 ELACC9-10SL3 ELACC9-10SL6 Meaning Students will know and understand… Students will understand characteristics of Ancient Greek drama, and the purpose of the Dionysian plays culturally to the Ancient Greeks in the Golden Age, specifically in mythology, which they saw as their history, provided insight into their own understanding of morality, decency, and leadership. Students will understand how Oedipus and Antigone are characterized as heroic to the Ancient Greeks.

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Students ill understand the concept of the tragic hero, according to Aristotle, and be able to apply this definition to various literary and historical characters, specifically to the text of Antigone and Night. Students will understand the archetype of the fairy tale, in reference to The Princess Bride. Students will understand and apply characteristics of Modernism, in reference to Night. Students will understand the elements of the HERO archetype, and be able to analyze a traditional hero in Prince Westley, a feminist hero in Antigone, tragic hero in Creon, and finally, a real life example of a survivor hero in Elie Wiesel.

Students will understand the effect structure plays in communicating theme and elements of quests, including drama, frame tale, and first person biographical account. Students will understand the function of archetypes, motifs, metaphor, and symbolism in literature, particularly in relation to how they function in non-fiction as compared to fiction. Students will understand how to determine character through author’s use of direct/indirect characterization in The Princess Bride, Antigone, and Night. Students will understand how irony and farce function in The Princess Bride, analyzing how they reveal lements of Social Satire.

Students will understand the different types of conflict and how they demonstrate theme in literature, especially antagonizing and challenging the Hero on his Quest. Students will be introduced to the modern era of literature and how WWII brought in this darker era of history and therefore literature, as revealed in element Night. Students will identify the genre of literature, the Memoir, as a sub-genre of non-fiction. Students will understand the basic fundamentals of Socratic Methods and philosophical thought.

Students will be able to analyze hematic quotations from the works of this unit for their significance to the work and to other works in the unit. Students will recognize specific allusions, especially in Antigone, and be able to explain and analyze their significance. Using textual evidence, students will be able to: Identify and explain elements of tragedy, analyzing cause and effect relationships of the hero’s actions. Outline and apply the 5 stages ofa Quest as they appear in major and minor works of this unit. Assess the qualities of heroes in the three major works, and evaluate the possible anti-hero of each work.

Criticize Hitler as an anti- ero in the work Night. Explain thematic connections between works, especially regarding the changing definition ofa hero. Using Aristotle’s definition ofa tragic hero, be able to determine who the tragic hero is in Antigone and apply its definition to characters. Analyze and write to show understanding of themes in literature and the historical concerns of the unit. Analyze the structure of the three works and discuss how the structure affects the audience’s perception of events, characters, and themes. Evaluate the author’s purpose in utilizing the following archetypes: The Mentor, The Hero, The

Feminist Hero, Freudian theory as related to the Oedipus Complex in Antigone and frame tale considering: 1) How the two stories are related, 2) How the story of the Grandfather telling the story to his grandson relates to any of the story lines 3) The type of story the Princess Bride is and its place in western culture Analyze the numerical archetypes . Students will choose one of these and explain how the meaning of this number works in the situation from The Princess Bride. Students will identify and explain one fairy tale allusion in The Princess Bride.

Considering haracter archetypes students will choose a character for each archetype from The Princess Bride in a chart and then explain in writing their understanding of the chosen archetype in connection to his/her role in the video. Considering what students have learned about the Quest archetype, they will choose one main character from the Princess Bride (besides Westly) and then write a long paragraph explaining those elements and how they work in the example. Interpret the theme of the poem “First They Came for the Jews” by Pastor Martin Niemoller Explain theme of the speech “The Perils of Indifference” by Elie Wiesel.

ADDITIONAL NIGHT TASKS HERE Understand and acquire new vocabulary. Participate in student-to-student and student-to-teacher interaction Identify and explain literary and historical terms associated with all texts. Analyze symbols, fgurative language, and themes in the works in short writing assignments and in a longer essay. Identify loaded language in a nonfiction text, and evaluate the persuasive rhetorical devices in the text. What discrete skills and processes should students be able to use?

Developing thesis statements and central ideas to create focus in an argument Using support material rom the text to create an argument Grammatical skills especially organization and complex sentence structure in writing. Syntax/Diction/Tone in creating an argument – esp denotative and connotative meanings of words and euphony, cacophony, and imagery Make connections between their lives and events/circumstances of the texts. Use critical thinking skills to analyze fiction, poetry, and non-fiction texts Use historical criticism to address themes in fiction and non-fiction works Essential Questions: Students will keep considering…

How do archetypal characters symbols and plot patterns develop the concept of the Feminist Hero in the play Antigone? How do archetypal characters symbols and plot patterns develop the concept of the Tragic Hero in the play Antigone? How does the author’s use of loaded language affect the reader’s interpretation of character in Antigone? How does Aristotle’s definition of a tragic hero apply to the characters of time? When does a character’s positive personality trait become a tragic flaw? How does the construct of the frame tale enhance meaning in a work? How do various cultures recognize or reward their heroes?

How do small acts characterize heroes according to the non-fiction works we read? Can man outrun his destiny or fate, according to ancient Greek literature? How does imagery play a role in communicating meaning in a work? How does the resolution of conflict demonstrate meaning in a work? How does the author’s use of “loaded language” (denotative and connotative diction) set the tone for a passage or make an argument more persuasive? How does the archetype of the quest act as a recurring framework in literature? How do character archetypes develop theme? How does Night fit into the post-modern era of literature?

What does it say about odern times that it focuses on a character who has to undergo so much personal struggle to survive and include so much graphic violence? What are the advantages, disadvantages, or dangers of telling a story with such graphic realism? How are the Jews desensitized to the violence they experience, and what does this say about human nature? Why does Elie Wiesel repeat the title word “Night” in the text, and how does this archetype demonstrate meaning in the work? How does the author’s use of irony create compression in the works of this unit to communicate theme? Vocabulary: Language of the Standards

Prior Knowledge Vocabulary; Extended Vocabulary PRIOR KNOWLEDGE VOCAB: Plot, conflict, Inciting Incident, Rising Action, Climax, Falling Action, Resolution, Denouement, Symbolism, Allusion, Point of View, Narrator, Tone, Irony, Paradox, Imagery, Oxymoron, Metaphor and Simile, Archetype, and Theme and other figurative language. Tier 2 and Tier 3 Vocabulary Study (LOTS) EXTENDED VOCABULARY – -rragtc Hero, Ferntntst Hero, Fairy Tale/Kid Lit archetype, Euphony, Cacophony, Allegory, Loaded Language and Tone, Figurative Language, rhetorical technique, Socratic Method, Criticism, Foreshadowing, Flashback, Syntax,

Diction, Structure Vocabulary in Context – students will learn new words through their close readings. Suggested Reading Resources-Based on Text Complexity Demands, Practice Texts, and Enrichment Texts Extended Text: Night by Elie Wiesel Antigone by Sophocles Required Shorter Texts: “The Myth of Oedipus” – Ancient Greek Mythology “How Boys become Men” – Jon Katz article published for Glamour magazine. “Life Size Barbie’s Shocking Dimensions” – article with Photo – CBS “First They Came for the Jews” – poetry – Pastor Martin Niemoller “Hitler’s First Photograph” – Poetry –

Wislawa Szymborska “The Perils of Indifference” – speech by Elie Wiesel – Milennium Lecture Series at the White House – 1999 Additional Shorter Texts: ” Ex-Gefangerners Nightmare” – Anonymous – poetry “My Sorrow’ by Isabella Leitner – Memoir “To the Little Polish Boy Standing With His Arms Up” – poetry- Peter L Fischl “Anti- Nazi Movement Still Inspires: Germans recall rare courage of White Rose” – Bob Keeler – Article from Newsday ” Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech 1986″ Elie Wiesel Close Read Texts: Passages from Night – Fire woman in train test Angel child hanging Soup Tasted ike corpses Passages from Antigone – Prologue and Allusion of Danae Ode close read in class, Test – Tireseus Mentor argument “The Perils of Indifference” – speech by Elie Wiesel – Milennium Lecture Series at the White House – 1999 First They Came for the Jews – poetry – Pastor Martin Niemoller Media Resources Websites: Videos: The Princess Bride (Movie) United Streaming – Oedipus Tragic Hero video Valkary historical documentary “Freedom Writers”- Movie Elie Wiesel Interview with Oprah at Auschwitz Other Resources Heros and Archetype Review Powerpoint, Power point Chapter on Fairy Tales archetype – How to Read Lit Puppet Show – Oedipus Myth Power point presentation on background information about Night and the Holocaust Propoganda in Nazi Germany Powerpoint Instructional handouts related to the Golden Age of Athens and Greek Tragedy Archetype instruction handouts and movie viewing guide Suggested Writings Connected to Readings: Informative/Explanatory: Writing Assessments: The Princess Bride 1. Apply and analyze – what is the purpose of the frame tale?

Consider the following ideas in your anaylsis: 1) How the two stories are related, 2) How the story of the type of story the Princess Bride is and its place in western culture 2. Writing Assessment – What numerical archetype would apply to the circus people, who kidnapped Princess Buttercup, and the number of dangers as seen in the Fire Swamp? Choose one of these and explain how the meaning of this number works in the situation. 3. Identify and explain one fairy tale allusion in The Princess Bride. 4. Considering what you have learned about character archetypes, choose a character(s) for each archetype from The Princess Bride. In the chart below, explain and provide specific examples of how the chosen character(s) fits the archetype. Some characters may be used more than once.

Your explanation should demonstrate nderstanding of the chosen archetype in connection to his/her role in the video. 5. Considering what you have learned about the Quest archetype, choose one character (besides Westly) from The Princess Bride, fill out the five stages of the quest in the chart below, and then write a paragraph explaining those elements and how they work in the example. 1. How is Antigone breaking traditional gender roles for women in ancient Greece? How is Ismene her FOIL? 2. Complete the planning chart, and determine whether each of the main characters in Antigone fits Aristotle’s definition of a tragic hero. Your essay will revolve around

ONE of these characters (you choose). Your Job is to explain why this character either IS or IS NOT the tragic hero of the play. You must decide which character you will write about and describe either how that character fits the definition, or does not. Write two well-developed paragraphs (in the format described below) using examples to PROVE your analysis. Writing Assessments: Night 1. Quote irony explanations (Night) 2. Journal Entry (Night) 3. Elie Wiesel once said, “Just as despair can come to one only from other human beings, hope, too, can be given to one only by other human beings. ” Which details rom the selection give you reason to be hopeful about humanity.

Research Project: Choices Group presentation – Art, Short Story, Poetry, Film, Propaganda MLA Citations – Annotated bib style – group Routine Writing: Take notes on Archetype, Fairy Tale, authors, and background information Analysis responses to close reading and discussion prompts Short answer responses on quizzes and tests. Annotation of close reading texts Stage 3: Balanced Assessment Plan Pre-Assessment/Diagnostic: What pre-assessments will you use to check student’s prior knowledge, skill levels, and potential misconceptions? Opinionaire – Students will discuss thematic and opical issues prior to the readings Antigone Anticipation Guide Night Pre-discussion Students will participate in student-to-student and student-to-teacher led discussions re: short texts, poetry, and informal novel discussions.

Barbie article and John Katz article discussions Summative Assessments: Research Project – Holocaust Issues Test – Antigone Socratic Circle Quizzing – 2 with Night and 2 with Antigone (including Mask Project), 1 Princess Bride Test – Night Vocab Quizzes 1-3 Test – The Princess Bride ICE IN DEBATE- Performance Tasks: How will you know that students have mastered the standard(s)? Written assessments All formal assessment on the novel and extended readings will be standards-based and ask students to address the standard at the application/assimilation/adaptation levels. (See writing assignments above) How do you isolate any standard that is not mastered and then use the data to provide intervention and remediation? Various components of the assessment should be targeted towards specific standards.

How will you provide remediation and intervention on standards that are not mastered? Re-teach/remediate. Provide similar assessment opportunities that address the same skills. Provide access through the media center to the novel as a ound recording. This will assist students who have low reading comprehension skills. The students have access to the on-line textbook. All textbook selections in this unit can be listened to through the student interactive text. How will I measure the DOK levels of my questions? Quiz/test level questions correspond to DOK levels 2-4. Performance Task: How will students demonstrate or show evidence of their understanding through complex performance?

Close Reading Assessments: Students will be given a select passage to read/annotate/mark. Students will identify all relevant literary devices in the passage. Students will evaluate and explain the relevance of the literary passage and how they work to develop characterization/themes/tone/etc. Minor Writing Assessments: Students will be given thematic/critical analysis based questions over short and longer texts identified above. Final Writing Assessment: Students will synthesize information from the unit – teacher choice from three options outlined above. Students will take comprehensive tests over the unit – 2. WEEK 1: Students will be introduced to the Fairy Tale as an archetype.

Students will review the elements of the Quest as an archetype and work to define what the traditional eaning ofa HERO is. * Take notes on how Fairy Tales offer a framework for understanding, even in modern literature. * Archetype Notes/Re-teaching: Students will take notes on archetypes and archetype patterns focusing on views of the hero and the hero’s quest. * Hand out a viewing guide for The Princess Bride. Students will work on answering these questions as they watch the movie. As they way, the video will be stopped for instruction on key elements including : frame tale elements, archetypal elements, elements of the quest, and traditional views of the hero.

WEEK 2: Students will take writing test over the movie. See above for questions. Antigone – Background info, Sophocles, Greek Drama, Myth of Oedipus week 3 : Antigone – Prologue, Scene 1, Scene 2 with quiz and writing on the foil Week 4 – Antigone – Scene 3, 4, 5, and Exodus with quiz and writing on tragic hero; Mask Project Week 5 – Antigone Test Night – background Motifs symbols themes Non-fiction selections week 6 – Chapters 1-4 of Night with quiz and writing. Close Read selections and quotes analysis Week 7: Chapters 5-9 of Night with quiz and writing. Close Read selections and quotes analysis. Week 8 – Research Project Presentations and Socratic Circle Activity Week 9 – Test, Semester Exam

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Lesson Plan Assignment. (2018, Oct 24). Retrieved February 22, 2025, from https://anyassignment.com/samples/lesson-plan-3-1627/