Leadership in the Early Yearsr Assignment

Leadership in the Early Yearsr Assignment Words: 3080

As a leader within the Early years setting several skills and qualities need to be learnt and portrayed in order to achieve best practice and positive outcomes for all involved. As a leader having enthusiasm and motivation is a key asset .

As a leader staff should want to aspire to you, you need to be there role model and lead by example this is supported by Catherine Arid who once said “If you can’t be a good example, then you’ll Just have to be a horrible warning” If a leader is a horrible warning staff will not wish to follow there rules or ways of working, they will have title respect for the leader and may rebel causing negative practice.

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As a leader it is a key responsibility to be up to date with framework and policies such as EYES (2008) and ensure staff are implementing this in to practice this complies with The department of Education who state “All providers are required to use the EYES to ensure that whatever setting parent’s choose, they can be confident their child will receive a quality experience” As a leader commitment and consistency are required to improve skills this can require a great deal of effort from staff and is suggested by Mass (1985) that only “a elect few inspire extraordinary achievement” Qualities such as empathy, understanding, perseverance, communication and teamwork are beneficial to the role. Knowledge of team dynamics is an advantage to ensure the team bonds well and works towards goals.

These skills can be built upon in time. People can learn to become better leaders which is supported by behavioral theories of leadership that suggests great leaders are made – not born and links in with relationship theories, known otherwise as transformational theories, that concentrate upon the inspections formed between leaders and followers also seen as teamwork this again requires a leader to be a good role model. When working upon and writing this assignment Ethical considerations were taken in to account and implemented in to practice. As a practitioner it is key to ensure anyone who accepts to participate in any group work complies willingly and welcomes the proposition.

Any one who complied in any part of this assignment was made aware of their rights to remain confidential and to access and withdraw data at any stage to follow the Data Protection Act (2008 ) that states the “Right to prevent recessing likely to cause damage or distress” Health and safety needed addressing when composing a training session to ensure those involved were kept from harm in a safe training environment which is a legal requirement under the Health and Safety at Work Act (1974) that suggests a leader of a service is required to minimize the risk of harm occurring to anyone involved – therefore risks needed reducing such as ensuring the training room was warm, comfortable well lit and accessible to all .

This links in with The Equality (Act 2010) ensuring the training was open to anyone ho wished to participate – All staff were invited and informed with sufficient notice. Permission and authorization trot management was sought bettor providing training and views and discussions taken place during the training were kept confidential. Staff development is needed continuously to achieve the best possible outcome in light of current best practice. A key area that was identified in the Children centre was the lack of training in communicant-Zion of speech and language with hearing and non hearing children and the different ways this can be achieved.

Therefore the raining to be provided was related to Baby sign – a session teaching staff the basic signs and also making them aware of benefits and of any cons of Baby sign to enrich their cur-rent knowledge and then be able to pass this on to other professionals and families. When looking at The training needs analysis of the setting it was apparent that staff were not required in mandatory training to learn communication skills or signing skills therefore very few staff were ex-pertinence in any training of this sort, however the training was not only to benefit the staff, something was needed to benefit all involved in the service, parent’s children and staff.

The reason for this being is that in research it has been evidenced that learning sign language has a positive impact on the social skills of both hearing and non hearing infants and can potentially improve their ‘Q. When small chili-deer are able to use baby sign adults are able to communicate with them at an earlier milestone in life than when they are not yet capable of producing understood speech, which needs a lot of control of breathing and development of the vocal muscles. It was agreed that Baby Sign can be used by al and would be an excellent form of communication to develop and utilities. Not only would it benefit those involved but it may help staff to clarify the huge and ever rising debate on Baby Sign when asked by families and make individuals aware of its impact on children’s development.

The Baby sign training could then lead to staff running courses on baby sign being a creative and imaginative way to fulfill the Early Years Foundation Stage guidance and an opportunity to provide a service in new areas of the children centre remit raising awareness of the service and offering support. All children learn at different rates and most providers in early years tend to focus activities on pre-school age – having staff trained on Baby sign and running courses would enable staff to focus on developing skills with younger children as early as babies following the FEES(2008) that states “Every child is a competent learner from birth “.

Not only would this training be beneficial in staff learning communication skills it also could enhance confidence, this would be seen when staff were able to use the signs learned and feel at ease showing them to others, It could benefit team alluding as staff could work together in learning new signs and teaching and practicing them to each other. This training could be seen as interactive and fun more so than some of the mandatory training sessions staff have to attend regularly, Ana De variety in to the working elite. When looking at how effective the training was it would be a fair Judgment to say it was a success the reasons to support this view would be the training met the majority of the objectives set out and these were apparent in the evaluation forms completed by those who participated. The objectives were met as they were set out ell and clear in the beginning. These objectives were SMART objectives, being specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and timed.

The objectives were for individuals to work together to learn new signs, this being specific and measurable, during and after the training in-audiovisuals had been able to demonstrate that they had learnt key signs these being realistic and timed. The aim was also to increase and raise awareness of benefits that baby sign has to offer, the key issues were raised in discussion when the individuals had the opportunity to ask questions at the ND and a small debate arose- this was beneficial as points that were risen were then discussed in depth. This is a vital part of delivering training as question and answer time allows the opportunity for the trainer to identify any areas that need to be revisited.

A positive area identified when reflecting upon the train-ins was that it catered for different learning styles, not only did it cover spatial intelligence learning styles that Throne et al (2007) suggests picture images and symbols are required of which was used in the training to deliver the teaching of signs . T also catered for musical intelligent learners as it in-clued a singing and learning section and also supported those who favor bodily-Kinesthesia learn-ins styles as it required the use of hand gestures and interpersonal intelligence styles as submitted by Throne et al that these styles require communication whilst learning and group learning which was the main focus in the training of baby sign that was delivered, therefore this type of training met a variety of individual learning styles that would suit several of the participators enabling sufficient learning for the majority.

When looking at areas that want so effective the first training delivery made it apparent how IM-portent preparation was as during the first training there wasn’t sufficient hand outs for individuals to take home which reflected negatively on the evaluation. Preparation is key which is supported by Throne et al who voiced the trainer needs to “ensure that all participant material is completed and ready for use” (Throne: 2007:pop) ensuring the materials were complete would have allowed individual-LULAS to have a resource to reflect upon after the session and also if they didn’t eave to share the re-sources the information may have been absorbed more. An area identified as not successful was con-evidence, when delivering training confidence is needed in order for the observers to feel comfortable with the content and fell that the trainer is passionate and has a sound understanding of the context.

When delivering the training it was identified that due to nerves the context was delivered faster than suitable however these areas that were slightly rushed were then revisited in the question and answer time. S SE “There are a number to tattoos that contribute to nigh quail revision – and the most important is the quality of the workforce” the way the workforce can be of quality is con-stagnantly reviewing the staff capability and what training can better benefit this. Other reasons as to why training for staff is so important is numerous, one being is it is to meet training requirements, It is policy that regular training is provided to staff on varied topics to meet health and safety regulations and to have sound knowledge in the field they work in.

A regulation in early years is for staff to be trained to specific levels these are stated by The EYES 2008) as “well-qualified and experienced staff are appropriately trained, with up-to- date skills and qualifications; who are motivated and supported to further raise their skills and qualification level to level 3 and beyond” A positive reason for training is that it can increase Job satisfaction and morale among employees and enhance employee motivation If a staff member achieves the stated qualification not only do they feel better in themselves they portray as more confident and enthusiastic and encourage positive change in the workplace. Training enables staff to apply new methods of best practice to the setting instead of instantly using the same techniques that can become boring and non motivating.

Training therefore is vital and is supported by framework providers such as the EYES (2008) that suggests training helps us to identify what we have achieved and where we need to apply more effort to achieve best possible practice. Training can reduce employee turnover and enhance the image of the company positively. Reward and recognition can both be gained by staff attending training which should deliver some form of improvement in performance using both together in harmony can be tie dramatic and create positive changes. Employees who have a extensive range of training are more capable to assume more control over their Job role. They do not require as much supervision, this enables more time for management to paretic-pate in other tasks. Trained employees are more able to answer and support service users building bet-term loyalty.

These employees may have a better understanding of the business and may complain less about the role and aims of the Job, they may be more satisfied, and motivates this together holistically leads to better management-employee and service user legislations. If training isn’t made available to staff and the setting they may have negative attitudes towards practice, feel undervalued and not treated equally. The staff may produce peer quality and unsafe work that can lead to serious problems, not only will this reflect negatively on the company it may lead to legal action. An untrained teacher can promote bad behavior or pass on incorrect knowledge to students and staff.

The setting will not be seen as a developing setting and may not be aware of policies and frameworks that need applying to settings to improve practice and meet isolations. When staff work for a company training can be a way to earn respect as the individual tells valued to be chosen to attend training this is supported by J. Robinson (2011 www. Grassroots]exciting. Co. UK) who suggests behavior can be bought and bribed however company Loyalty has to be earned which can be done through offering training. Trained staff are more loyal to the company therefore if staff are not offered training they may look for better opportunities that offer training and career progression causing a high staff turnover which also costs the company money and time.

Staff having training enables management to have an understanding of the level staff are working and learning at, this then allows the employers and employees the opportunity to identify the next building block for learning and areas they can improve upon within their professional development. When looking at Erosion’s physic social theory (Erikson: 1968: cited womanliness’s. Com) it relates well to training and the learning stages especially stage 7 of adult hood, when adults portray generatively , acts of love to improve the future which Erikson suggests that teaching and training is part of an act that can infinite others. Career and work are the most important things at this stage off person’s life so it is important for companies to provide training to enrich and meet this need.

Middle adulthood is the time when people can take on more responsibilities and have control over their life and work, which is key when improving and developing professionalism in the work place. In summary by staff attending training sessions regularly there are desirable results for the company and they will come about automatically. Employee’s attending a well- designed and implemented training event creates better working result. By ensuring that staff keep their knowledge and skills up-to-date and that they remain completely competent to perform their duties correctly, is essential for services. An excellent training session benefits all, the service, members of staff and its service users.

Photocopy of summary pages Reflective Leadership is setting a new direction or vision for a group that they follow, a leader is the main point for that direction, they need to be enthusiastic, encouraging and understanding with pa-thence, which was displayed in the training provided on baby sign. Therefore it is apparent the role of the training that was revived was suited well to the qualities of a leader, it was a vision of how baby sign can be beneficial, not set in stone or compulsory like mandatory training that is policy. Leader-ship is about setting a new direction for a group; management is about directing and controlling AC-cording to established principles. The leadership qualities that are required to make a good leader can vary in different services. They are dependent upon the situation. Companies need leaders who are able to support the company, support its ethics, principals and aims.

A leader who is seen to be ‘do- Eng things is using action, hands on leadership this style was used to deliver baby sign. Listening skills were developed when communicating with the class to enable better learning outcomes and list-teeing skills and confidence was needed to reign the group in when required, being able to listen to questions and have empathy and understanding and view things in different perceptions improved the delivery of the course. Another improvement to be looked in to more depth in future would be the lay-out and presentation of the slide show it self, font sizes and pictures would need o be more clear and at a visual size for all viewing.

It was key to find a style and format of training that matched the leadership style possessed as this would value what was on offer. Baby sign was suited to the leadership style as it was hands on and required good communication between leader and class. Qualities required were honesty, confidence, and sound knowledge these were developed more each time the training was practiced. A small amount of managerial style was required when evaluating the learning outcomes achieved from the training as it was to look at effectiveness in relation to staff and the business, cooking at if it warrants time and fees if any, and how this can be implemented in to the setting.

Leaders need enthusiasm and motivational skills to enable goal achieving; this was to encourage others to want to aspire to the leader. It took commitment and consistency to practice and improve the training. Group dynamics were needed to enable the group to work well together as a team and for them to engage in the activities, this required good observational skills. When reflecting upon training it was apparent that the basics needed to be in place for individuals to achieve the outcomes, not to assume the individuals new what to expect or feel confident immediately when participating this needed to be build upon from scratch like Mascots hierarchy of needs theory (1954 cited womanliness’s. Mom) that the key basic points need to be in place for successful learning. Such as making the learner feel comfortable and safe before they can feel confident and build there self esteem to Join in training, and they can only then start to develop their skills from the training which is the very top of the pyramid under self-actualization where the individual can then problem love and learn. Therefore in order to achieve this in training the trainer needs to be supportive and have clear objectives from the start, have logical structure that was easy to follow and have empathy with the group, be flexible and aware of individual’s needs and differentiate the training in order to suit all genres of people.

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Leadership in the Early Yearsr Assignment. (2021, Mar 16). Retrieved February 23, 2025, from https://anyassignment.com/samples/leadership-in-the-early-yearsr-7500/