It 210 Appendix I Assignment

It 210 Appendix I Assignment Words: 616

Axia College Material Appendix I Currency Conversion Development Assignment—Flowcharts Complete the flowcharts for the assignment above by typing into the textboxes below. Control Flow Diagram—Main Control [pic] Control Flow Diagram—Display Menu | | |[pic] | Control Flow Diagram—Get_Int_Value | |[pic] | Control Flow Diagram—Convert Currency | | |[pic] | Control Flow Diagram—Display_Results |[pic] |

PSEUDOCODE Main Module Declare Selection as an integer Declare CurrencyType as string Declare USDollar as real Declare ConvertedAmount as real Call Display/Selection Module Call Canadian Module Call Mexican Module Call English Module Call Japanese Module Call French Module Call Quit Module Call Output Module End Program End Main Module Display Menu Module Write “Welcome. Please choose one of the following:” Write “Selection 1 = Canadian Conversion” Write “Selection 2 = Mexican Conversion” Write “Selection 3 = English Conversion” Write “Selection 4 = Japanese Conversion”

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Write “Selection 5 = French Conversion” Write “Selection 6 = Quit Program” Selection Module Declare Selection as integer If Selection = 1 Then run Canadian Module ElseIf Selection = 2 Then run Mexican Module ElseIf Selection = 3 Then run English Module ElseIf Selection = 4 Then run Japanese Module ElseIf Selection = 5 Then run French Module ElseIf Selection = 6 Then run Quit Module If Selection < 1 or Selection > 6 Then Write “Invalid selection. Try again. ” Run Display Menu End Else End If End Display/Selection Module Canadian Module

Declare USDollars as real Declare ConvertedAmount as real Declare CurrencyType as string Set CurrencyType = “Canadian Dollars. ” Write “What is the amount in U. S. Dollars? ” Input USDollars Set ConvertedAmount = USDollars * 1. 4680 Call Output Module End Canadian Module Mexican Module Declare USDollars as real Declare ConvertedAmount as real Declare CurrencyType as string Set CurrencyType = “Mexican Pesos. ” Write “What is the amount in U. S. Dollars? ” Input USDollars Set ConvertedAmount= USDollars * 9. 5085 Call Output Module End Mexican Module

English Module Declare USDollars as real Declare ConvertedAmount as real Declare CurrencyType as string Set CurrencyType= “British Pounds. ” Write “What is the amount in U. S. Dollars? ” Input USDollars Set ConvertedAmount= USDollars * 0. 6085 Call Output Module End English Module Japanese Module Declare USDollars as real Declare ConvertedAmount as real Declare CurrencyType as string Set CurrencyType= “Japanese Yen. ” Write “What is the amount in U. S. Dollars? ” Input USDollars Set ConvertedAmount= USDollars * 104. 9200 Call Output Module End Japanese Module

French Module Declare USDollars as real Declare ConvertedAmount as real Declare CurrencyType as string Set CurrencyType “French Francs. ” Write “What is the amount in U. S. Dollars? ” Input USDollars Set ConvertedAmount= USDollars * 6. 2561 Call Output Module End French Module Quit Module Declare QuitConfirm as string Write “Do you really want to quit? Y/N” Input QuitConfirm If QuitConfirm = Y Then Write “Thanks for using Currency Converter. ” Exit Program If QuitConfirm = N Then run Display Menu Else Write “Invalid Input” Call Quit Module End Quit Module

Output Module Declare USDollars as real Declare ConvertedAmount as real Declare CurrencyType as string Display “U. S. Dollars is equal to” “ConvertedAmount” “CurrencyType” Display “Press any key to return to Main Menu” Call Display/Selection Module End Output Module End Program ———————– Begin Display Menu Quit ? Provide exit message Get Int Value Yes No Convert Currency Display Results End Begin List Menu Items Valid selection ? Error 4 : Invalid menu selection No Yes End Quit ? Yes Verify Quit Quit Verified ? Yes Get Selection Verify

Continue With Conversion No Conversion Verified ? No Yes No Invalid Input Illegal Input Prompt For Input Get Input Begin Canadian ? Rate = Canadian Rate English ? No No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Rate = Mexican Rate Rate = English Rate Rate = Japanese Rate Rate = French Rate Rate = 0 . 0 US Value = Rate*Int_Value End Mexican ? Japanese ? French ? Nation = French Currency = Francs Nation = Japanese Currency = Yen Nation = English Currency = Pounds Nation = Mexican Currency = Pesos Nation = null Currency = null Japanese ? English ? Mexican ? Canadian ?

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It 210 Appendix I Assignment. (2021, Aug 14). Retrieved March 13, 2025, from