Introduction to finance Assignment

Introduction to finance Assignment Words: 755

This course requires quantitative analysis. It is therefore imperative that students acquire his or her own calculator. This calculator must be able to perform financial calculations such as time value of money, net present value, and internal rate of return. During tests and examinations, the sharing of calculators will be strictly prohibited. Suggested Supplemental Materials (if applicable):

In this class we will use the Model (or other) Learning Management System. The site will contain power point slides, problem sets and other materials relevant to the course. Please note that the lecture slides are an outline of what will be covered in class and will not contain examples or solutions to problem sets done in class. It is the student’s responsibility to check online for slides, problem sets, materials and announcements on a weekly basis. Students are also responsible for checking their student email (this is the email assigned to you by the school) for other important information.

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Course Description: This is an introductory course in finance. Students learn how to value assets and businesses given forecasts of future cash flows. The course also concentrates on the risk characteristics of different asset classes. The first part of the course (week 1 to 41) focuses on acquiring understanding of basic concepts and principles of finance. The second part of the course deals with Time Value of Money, and Bond and Stock Valuation. The third part of the course introduces students to Capital Budgeting and Financial Planning.

The final part of the course introduces students to Forecasting and Capital Management. This course will combine the theoretical underpinnings of finance with some real- world examples, and may including several case discussions. Course Rationale: The rationale is to introduce the student to basic concepts and methods of finance. These concepts are the basic knowledge for either a career in corporate finance or further education in the area of investments, real estate, banking, and insurance.

It is also an excellent primer for non-finance majors wanting to familiarize with the world f finance. Course Goals: The primary goal of this course is to impart the knowledge to allow students to intelligently identify and solve practical business problems. To achieve this goal, it is crucial that students have a sound understanding of finance theory. As such, the course will be theoretical in nature, often requiring rigorous quantitative analysis. Upon completion of this course, students should have acquired: 1 .

A basic understanding of fundamental finance theories, e. G. , time value of money. 2. The ability to apply finance concepts to real finance problems. . A firm command with finance terminology. Instructional Procedures: Classes will mainly be conducted in lecture and small group settings. Classes will involve students and instructors in creative activities. There will be frequent discussions on the course materials. There will be discussions on current topics, local and international, as they relate to business finance.

Late assignments will be penalized by 5 point off for each day the assignment remains outstanding. Assignments more than 5 days late will receive no credit. All quizzes will be done online unless otherwise stated. The purpose of quizzes is to alp students keep current with the course content and assess knowledge of concepts in the course. The lowest two (2) quiz scores will be dropped. Midterm and Final Exam: These assessments will consist of True/False, multiple choice, and full-length computational questions.

Any changes to the assessment date and testing format will be announced before the scheduled assessment date. Attendance: Attendance will be taken at every class. If a student is not present while the attendance is in progress, the student shall be considered absent. It is the student’s responsibility to attend all classes. Students must inform the lecturer if he or she will be late or absent. Make Up Tests: Students are required to take all tests and exams.

If a student misses a test for a justifiable reason (these reasons are limited to illness, death of an immediate family member, work obligations) he or she must bring valid documentation supporting their request for a make-up test no later than the next class meeting. In the case of work obligations, documentation from the employer must be submitted at least two days before the scheduled test. Please note that such documentation does not automatically guarantee 4 that the lecturer will grant the make-up test; the request for valid documentation simply helps the lecturer make a decision on same.

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Introduction to finance Assignment. (2019, Nov 23). Retrieved January 22, 2025, from