Human Resource Management Assignment

Human Resource Management Assignment Words: 2715

Human resource planning is the task of assessing and anticipating the skill, knowledge and labor time requirements f the organization, and initiating action to fulfill or ‘ source’ those requirements. Then requirement is the process whereby an organization communicates opportunities and information to the labor market in order to attract the quantity and quality of potential employees it requires to fulfill its human resource plan. In selection stage organization identify the most suitable candidates who attracted by recruitment efforts.

The next step of the organization is to design a suitable reward management strategy which support the achievement of business objectives, by helping to ensure that the organization can attract, retain motivate competent and committed employees. Employee performance should be monitor and manage in continuous basis in order to provide helpful feedback for employee improvements. Same as moves into and through or within the organization, the way out of the employees also should be managed carefully. Because employees are the only live resource that organization possesses.

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In this assignment your task is to select two companies (at least medium scale) in one industry and carefully study the practical application of the above mentioned process adhering to following learning outcomes and assessment arterial. Assessment criteria Learning outcome 2 – Understand how to recruit employees Pass criteria 2. 1 Analyses the reasons for human resource planning in organizations 2. 2 Outline the stages involved in planning human resource requirements in selected companies 2. 3 Compare the recruitment and selection process in the two selected organizations 2. Evaluate the effectiveness of the recruitment and selection techniques in two organizations Learning outcome 3- understand how to reward employees in order to motivate and retain them Pass criteria 3. 1 Assess the link between motivational theory and reward 3. Evaluate the process of job evaluation and other factors determining pay 3. 3 Assess the effectiveness of reward systems in different contexts 3. 4 Examine the methods organizations use to monitor employee performance Learning outcome 4- Know the mechanisms for the cessation of employment 4. Identify the reasons for cessation of employment with an organization 4. 2 Describe the employment exit procedures used by two organizations 4. 3 Consider the impact of the legal and regulatory framework on employment cessation arrangements. A pass grade will be achieved by meeting all the requirements defined In the ass assessment criteria above. Merit criteria In order to achieve a merit pass the learner must; Ml- Identify and apply strategies to find appropriate solutions. Here the relevant theories and styles identified by the learner needs to be applied in the practical environment.

MM- Select/ design and apply appropriate methods/ techniques. MM- Following the guidelines provided. Distinction criteria In order to achieve a distention pass; Del – The learner must use critical reflection to evaluate own work and justify valid conclusion. * Conclusion needs to be arrived at through synthesis of ideas with clear justification. The validity of results needs to be evaluated using defined criteria. * Self- criticism of approach should be take place. * Realistic improvements need to be proposed against defined characteristics for success.

DO- Take responsibility for managing and organizing activates and adhere to deadlines. Here the students should be undergone an effective thinking process and receptive to new ideas. Innovative and critical thoughts needed to be applying in designing the marketing plan. DO – Demonstrate creative thinking ability which provides evidence on receptiveness to new ideas, effective and lateral thinking. Assignment Guidelines Order of the headings 1 . Cover page 2. Assignment 3. Table of content 4. Executive summery 5. Introduction 6. Body of the assignment 7.

Findings and conclusion Recommendations 8. 9. Annex 10. References Formatting 1. Text font to be ” Times New Roman” and Line spacing 1. 5 lines 2. Font size of body to be 1 opt (except headings) 3. Text should be justified 4. Beginning of each paragraph should be indented 4 spaces 5. The margins on the top, bottom and the right should be 2. CACM and the left hand margin should be 3. 1 CM. 6. The minimum number of words should be 5000 but not more 7000. 7. Answers should be subs edited in “word document format” only. 8. Do not copy and paste from web pages.

If done will be penalized. References 1 . All tables, figures, charts and illustrations need to be numbered and given a reference at the top indented to the left. The related source need to be given below the chart, table etc. And indented to the left hand side. Table 01 : Annual Employee turnover Source: Annual Report 201 1, BBC Company 2. References should be clearly given in a separate page at the end Of the assignment. Students are encouraged to use Harvard method. Plagiarism clause Attached to all assessed student submissions

We, Bill Cabal Deduced number CHICHI no affirm that the attached work is entirely our own except where the words or ideas of other writers are specifically acknowledged through the use of inverted commas and in -text references. This assignment has not been submitted for any other subject at American College of Higher Education. We have revised, edited & proofed this paper submission. I further confirm that I have read & understand the American College of Higher Education center’s rules ; regulations relating to plagiarism ; agree to be bound by them. Signature: Date: 25. 06. 2013

Acknowledgement Firstly would always thank my Almighty for giving me a broader Knowledge for this project. Secondly I would like to thank my parents who push me hard to achieve in educational background, I have to thank ACHE for providing us a Lecturer like Miss. Lease De Silva to this subject who actually expressed his experience to this subject which was very clear for every one of us. Finally I would like to thank my colleagues who helped me out in lot of tough situations to complete this assignment which is my first. Executive Us Mary This Report is based on the HER Management of Metropolitan Group.

All about the Recruitment, Selection, and Reward Management, Job evaluation, performance management and Cessation is included in this report. And overall it talks about how and what are the planning stages, process, procedures, evaluation and legal ; regulatory terms of those relevant subject. Introduction Metropolitan group is one of the foremost business groups in Sir Lankan. This business is existing for past five decades and it has strongly built customer based and it has a huge number of employees working in it. So we are pretty much sure how strong will be the HER Division.

And now we are going to analyze in all parts of the HARM of Metropolitan group. These are the business sectors needed to be controlled by the HARM of Metropolitan. * Metropolitan Office (Pet) Limited * Metropolitan Communications Limited * Metropolitan Computers (Pet) Limited * Metropolitan Telecoms Services (Pet) Limited * Metropolitan Engineering (Pet) Limited * Metropolitan Air Conditioning ; Refrigeration (Pet) Limited Metropolitan Property Holdings (Pet) Limited * Metropolitan Residencies (Pet) Limited * Metropolitan Advance Technology Acknowledgement 6 Executive Summary 7 Introduction 7 2.

Analyses the reasons for human resource planning in organizations. 9 2. 2 Outline the stages involved in planning human resource requirements in selected company 10 2. 3 The recruitment and selection process in the selected organizations 15 2. 4 Evaluate the effectiveness of the recruitment and selection techniques of the organization. 22 3. 1 Assess the link between motivational theory and rewarded 3. 2 Evaluate the process of job evaluation and Other factors determining pay 25 3. Assess the effectiveness of reward systems in different contexts 3. 4 Examine the methods organizations use to monitor employee reference 27 4. 1 Identify the reasons for cessation of employment with an organization 29 4. 2 Describe the employment exit procedures used by the selected organization 30 4. 3 Consider the impact of the legal and regulatory framework on employment cessation arrangements. 31 Recommendations 32 Conclusion 33 References 34 2. 1 Analyses the reasons for human resource planning in organizations.

Human resource planning is a set of plan which is concerned about to take people in, through and then out of an organization, in other words this is the strategy used for the acquisition, utilization, improvement and retention of he manpower to achieve the results the organization requires. This is also a plan which calculates the knowledge and skills of the people as well as the productivity. This process of plan inning will be done by the HER department of the organization and other managers from other division should submit the necessity Of the HER department. Why HARP? Competition: Very often the businesses feel the pressure of expanding and hire more labors in order to be competitive in the market. * Technology: Demand for employees in certain industries is caused, because of the technology advancement. * Increased Customer demand: An increase demand for product and services may require more resources to help produce or deliver services. * Economic: Growth of the economy or lower interest rates cause increased spending, and often increased business opportunities. Changes in the labor market impact your ability to find and keep employees. Workforce changes: These include resignations, terminations, leave of absences, death, change in employment status and retirement. Basically we know, today’s context every organization has adapted to a critical tool named planning to manage the downsizing and redundancies of the organization to its success. Elected company To gain the business objectives and meet the competitive advantage of an organization, so this is why we need to implement Human Resource Planning. Human Resource planning analyzes the present environment and it focuses on the organizations long term goals.

Table 1 Human Resource planning process at Metropolitan Group. Table 2 Basically this is the chart we use at HER department; this is the Human resource forecasting. This is how we analyze our labor supply and demands. And this is the best way to control industry, regulatory, governmental and economic changes to improve the organizational success. There are three steps to follow. 1. Forecasting the demand of labor. 2. Determining labor supply. 3. Determining labor surpluses and shortages. Forecasting the demand of labor These are the areas where we as Metropolitan group consider some factors like. Objectives of the organization. * Staff utilization. * The cost of labor. * Social factors. * Technological factors * Political factors. * Economic factors. * Demand generation. * Growth. * Employee turnover. And to analyze these factors there are various methods used in today’s context, it differs from organization to organization. Like -Managerial judgment, work study method, computerized forecast, etc-. But Metropolitan group has a method to forecast the demand of labor; it is referred as Trend analysis.

This analysis is mainly for the demand of labor forecasts and focus on the employment requirement of the organization. This analysis gives a valid financial statements when comparing over the years, so that’s we intended to use this method for demand of labor forecasts. And some other elements are mentioned below. 1. This analysis calculates the annual sales volume. 2. Total number of employees. 3. And it compares the productivity ratio. Forecasting on the supply of labor Human resource Forecasting on supply of labor is the next step Of an organization after forecasting on demand of labor.

This process runs through internally and externally of an organization. Internally this is the level checking on the availability of transfers, promotions, retirements and recalls of laid employees and externally this the level where the organization checks on the market and recruit new employees. There are some factors to be considered as follows. 1 . Supply and Demands of Jobs. 2. Literacy rate of nation. 3. Rate of population. 4. Industries and expected growth rates and levels. 5. Technological Developments. 6. Compensation system based on Education, Experience, skills and age.

To analyze the forecasting on the supply of labor Metropolitan Group uses the technique named Employee supply analysis. Below are the areas the employees are classified in the organ action. 1 . Function 2. Department 3. Job Title 4. Skills 5. Qualifications 6. Training 7. Age 8. Length of service Performance appraisal results 9. Determining labor surpluses and shortages This is the place where every organization try and close the gap between demand and supply. * Did Demand exceed supply? * Did Supply Exceeds demand? These are the basic two questions asked when we determine the labor shortages and surpluses.

Metropolitan Group analyzes it through the subject of the Labor turn over and retention. This is the calculation of the employer’s gains and losses of the employees. And this process calculates the rate of leaving of employees of the organization and the replacements for them. This can be analyzed using many methods like * Crude labor turnover rate * Labor Stability * Cohort analysis * Half life * Census method * Retention profile But Metropolitan uses the method of Crude Labor turnover rate Number of eaves in a period/Average numbered people in the periods turnover 2. The recruitment and selection process in the selected organizations Recruitment is the process of identifying the needs to employ a new employee for the organization and Metropolitan group advertise the job application forms on the own website, papers, and other websites like Topics, Gigabit, etc as well as giving the contract to the Job agencies like DMS Staffing and Delineating agencies for external recruitment and internal recruitment is done within divisions and other business group of Metropolitan which is a cost effective way for any organization, because if you o that maybe no need of training and development, advertising and other scenarios. Selection is the process to fill the Vacancies of selected positions, Selection process at metropolitan varies according to the position you’re applying for, because one process can’t fit on to all positions, but following tools will be used in certain circumstances. * Interview * IQ and Knowledge Tests * Presentations Basically if you are applying for the post of Marketing Executive at Metropolitan your selection criteria will be only based on three Interviews – Interview with HER department head, immediate superior (That is you’re

Marketing Manager) and with a Person like a General Manager or the CEO of the company and IQ Tests. Suppose if you apply for the post of Marketing Manager, you need to satisfy three criteria that is Interviews, a presentation (a particular topic will be given within the day and to be presented) and knowledge and IQ tests. Behind the scenes of recruitment and selection process of Metropolitan group. Table [3] The Labor Market This is the process of Human Resource where you buy and Sell Labor Job analysis This the process of HER to examine the duties and the responsibility of a job ND anticipate the person or employee required by the organization.

This can be done in two forms- 1. Job Description 2. Person specification Job Description This is the list of working conditions provided by the organizations such as duties, responsibilities, reporting relationship and supervisory responsibilities. Person specification This is a form of the person specification profile in which the organizational requirements list will be given in it to get the appropriate person and to be recruited. Some Sample Pictures of the Job analysis, Job Description and person specification Figure [1 J. Job Analysis 1 Figure [2 ]. JOb Analysis 2 Figure 3. Job Description Figure 4. Person Specification the organization.

Basically Metropolitan group is a foremost business organization in Sir Lankan and we provide the quality and best services and products. Our employees have been carrying exceptional personal and professional skills during the last five decades of this business. Now at the present situation we hire the best in the industry to keep our brand name moving, We use some techniques to do our recruitment and selection process that we discussed earlier to get the right people in the right place and for an instance we say a errors has failed in the interview and his application is rejected, but he shouldn’t worry about that he failed the interview because our recruitment process and our selection process are much more difficult than other organizations, because of the high expectations.

And who ever the person get recruited, he learns and gains a professional interview experience at Metropolitan and suppose he gets selected we assure that the personality is a dynamic, motivated and energetic person. Reward management is the strategy used by any organization to reward employees fairly and equally to enhance the value system of the organization, his process is designed by the company and differs from organization to organization. Nature of this design is to motivate the employees to achieve the objectives and goals of the organization and Motivation is a physiological concept which reinforces the employees of the organization to achieve the set objectives, motivation is an action oriented strategy which satisfies the employees of the organization.

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