How to Raise an academically Successful child Assignment

How to Raise an academically Successful child Assignment Words: 1580

How to raise an academically successful child All parents want their children to succeed academically. But not all parents know how to accomplish this. With all the distraction in today’s society that a child must avoid it can be difficult. Academic success starts in early childhood. This is why firm parenting and an early emphasis on the importance of education are necessary. I will focus on how musical arts, strong parental guidance, and setting high expectations for your child will help them to succeed academically.

Music education has many benefits and all children should be involved. Its biggest benefits are success in increasing intellect, culture, school and life (AM’). Music can give your child an intellectual superiority. “Music simply stimulates parts of the brain that are related to reading, math and emotional development” says children’s music specialist Meredith Levande. Memory is also enhanced through musical arts. Engaging at an early in music helps with learning. Constant memorization will help stimulate brain development (Caren-Marturet).

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Being part in a music group will help build a child’s social skills. They will learn discipline, teamwork and be able to lead thers. Which are all important life skills (Caren-Marturet). Self-Reliance is also raised through practicing music. Every child will not be good when they begin. But with lots of practice they will become more confident in their own abilities. Many children today have very little patience, if any at all. They want everything instantly. Being part of a music group will help them to develop patience.

In a musical group everything it is all about timing. If everyone played when they felt like it the music would not come together correctly (Caren-Dotson). Studying also requires lots of patience. As a child progresses through school, hours of studying will be needed every night. If the patience is not present the child will struggle to stay focused and lose interest. All children need to relax after a long day and most choose television, video games, and internet. None of which stimulate the brain like playing music. Learning never stops when studying music.

As a child progresses the music becomes more difficult, constantly presenting a mental challenge (Caren-Jolkovsky). Music helps a child express themselves. According to Michael Jolkovsky, a psychologist who specializes in musicians,” it gives pleasures and nuances of motional life for which there are no words”. Children learn to get past their apprehension and take chances through music performance. A child must take chances in order to grow. Music boosts mental health and can keep children out of trouble later in life (Phillips).

Music is a major part of our society and should be part of every child’s education. By introducing your child to music lessons, they will learn to develop skills that could help them easily learn new imagination and shape their own individuality through music. A sense of respect for all art forms is gained. Students who are involved in music score higher on SAT and are more interested in pursuing college education (Phillips). This could be attributed to the skills it teaches such as concentration, discipline, cooperation, and setting goals.

All of which are needed to succeed in the real world. A child’s educational production is lifted when a parent takes an active role in their child’s education. “Chinese parents spend approximately 10 times as long every day drilling academic activities with their children”(Chua pg. 54). The more involved a parent is it will have a greater effect on the child’s schooling. Parents should be encouraged to read with their children on a daily basis. They should also talk about the reading. Lots of challenging questions should be asked that will make a child expand thoughts on what was read (Chin).

Children of parents who take the time to sit down and read with them read much better than those who don’t. A child that has had much practice at home will have the self-esteem needed to read and volunteer willingly in class. Motivation is the key here. Motivated children choose more difficult tasks, they will begin them without a need for a push from parents, make a better ttempt and pay better attention. Leading to improved behavior towards education and a greater likeliness of academic success (Seven). Helping kids with homework is very important.

Your child needs an area with good lighting to do homework and study. All tools should be made available. This area should not have any distractions such as television, music and games (Seven-3). Parents should check homework daily and make sure it is correct by going over answers with child. When a child is struggling in certain areas of the homework the teacher should be notified of problem areas (Chen). Parental involvement has a big impact on a child’s classroom behavior. A child who knows that the parent and teacher are in constant contact will be less likely to act out in class and complete assignments.

Parents who push the value of education and make it fun will effect a child’s feelings towards school. “Parents need to foster the idea that learning is fun” (Chua pg. 53). A child raised to think this way will enjoy education and become a leader in class. It is important that a parent stay involved from preschool to high school. No matter how old a child is parental involvement has a strong impact. Most parents are involved a lot during elementary, but toward middle and high school they involve themselves less. It is important a parent is involved during later years (Chen).

High school students are less likely to drop out and more likely to attend college when a parent encourages academic success. “Academic achievement reflects successful parenting” (Chua pg. 53). A college degree is very important in todays society and it is the parents’ Job to help their child understand this importance. Setting high expectations for your children is the key to academic success. If a child is a “c” student, they should be ncouraged to get a’s and b’s. Teaching kids not to settle for anything less than the best is essential in setting high expectations. High achievement always takes place in the framework of high expectation” Charles F. Kettering. A child should be sat down and told what is expected of them. Future goals should be talked about in depth. The goals intended should be fair and easy to understand. Children should understand that they are going to be responsible for their success and failure. The will pay off with good grades and be rewarded. Children should know to act civilized at all times while in school. Horseplay and be class clown are not acceptable behaviors. They are in school to learn and should respect teachers and fellow students.

Participation is a requirement and teachers should be asked about the student’s classroom conduct and involvement (Expectations). When children do not meet expected goals punishment should be given. T. V, video games and time with friends should be taken away. This should help a child get back on the right track and stay focused on what is really important. Children always need encouragement to strive for the best. Your child should understand from an early age that attending ollege is a main goal and they are expected and encouraged to seek higher education and do well.

High expectations are the key to Amy Chua’s daughter’s academic successes. Chua’s daughters were never allowed to get any grade less than an “A”. Anything less than an “A” or no. 1 position lead to excessive drilling until grades were improved or number one position was held again. She demanded perfection and wouldn’t allow her daughters to settle for anything less. “Chinese parents demand perfect grades because they believe their child can get them” (Chua pg. 55). Chinese parents have 100% percent confidence in their child’s own ability to e perfect in all academics.

When the goal is not met, Chinese parents believe their children are not applying themselves to their full potential. Where-as a western parent would think the subjects being studied are too hard. Showing little confidence in their child’s ability, which is not good for the child’s self-esteem. By showing and telling kids they are capable of tasks put before them. By setting the bar high a child will learn to reach for their goals and succeed all around. With more people in the U. S. the number of children increasing, and more Jobs requiring degrees, academic uccess is very important in todays society.

It leads children down a positive path, and creates a bright future. But without the parent their pushing the child toward academic achievement, life can be a struggle. I believe musical arts will give a child a mental step ahead of their peers. Also strong parental guidance is necessary to keep the child focused on academics, and setting high expectations help children reach their life goals. Works Cited “American Music Institute” Benefits of Music. 2012. Web. Feb 15, 2013 Campbell, Kim “Expectations: Do You Have Them? Do Students Get Them” NASSP Apr 2012. web. Feb 24 2013

Caren, Sarah “10 Ways Music Benefits Children” She Knows Parenting March 23, 2010. web. Feb 15, 2013. Chen, Grace “10 Ways Parental Involvement Improves School Performance” Public school Review. NOV 29, 2012. web. Feb 18, 2013 Chen, Grace “Parental involvement is Key to Academic Success” Public School Review Mar 25, 2008. web. Feb 18, 2013 Chua, Amy “Why Chinese Mothers are Superior” Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother. 2011. The Blair Reader. Print Koklanaris, Maria “Seven Proven Ways to Motivate Children to do Better in School” Phillips, Carolyn “12 Benefits of Music Education” Children’s Music Workshop 2012. web. Feb 15, 2013

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