How to Fix Laziness of Grade IV Pupils? Assignment

How to Fix Laziness of  Grade IV Pupils? Assignment Words: 1402

Part of the teachers’ concern relates to uncertainty as to what approaches are most reasonable and effective. The need for confidence regarding the Impact of particular strategies is important to teachers given that the ability to manage pupils effectively is a critical component of their sense of professional identity (McCormick & Shih, 19991 and that “disciplinarian” ranks third, after ;leader” and “knowledge dispenser” in the metaphors teachers provide for their work. Based from my observation of my day to day dally teaching activities with my pupils I have found out that problems exist with my pupils.

Most of them are lazy. Why did I say this? I asked them for Instance, to copy certain Important key notes o the board or even in their book out of 28 pupils only 30% follow, I gave them assignments when I checked it only 1 5 pupils out of 28 did their assignments, during discussion few were only listening some are doing something. In this situation I decided to conduct an action research in order to determine its main cause and discover the best strategies and techniques to solve this problem. II. PROBLEM There are many reasons why pupils are lazy in their activities in school.

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The following are the possible causes of this problem: 1. Lack of interest A pupil is said to be in a lazy state of mind with respect to a task when he is not properly motivated to do the task. Lack of motivation to do a task can spring up from many causes such as physical lethargy, lack of reinforcement In the form of rewards, failure to value the reward Intended for the task appropriately, preoccupation of mind with some other things which is Important to the person concerned, lack of interest in executing the task, all can be regarded as the cause of laziness. . Environmental Factors There are many disturbance inside the classroom such as noisiness of their allocates, physical appearance f the classroom, not related task given to pupils and etc this would be great factors that contribute to motivate them concentrate on their studies. 3. Lack of parental guidance Follow up of parents is very necessary. It is very important parents need to offer time asking their children about their performance or how they are doing in the school? Children will feel motivated if they were guided by their parents.

Ill. GENERATION OF ALTERNATIVE SOLUTION Combinations of one or more strategies and techniques comprise most of the available approaches laziness: 1 . Lack of interest is the sole cause of laziness. Because, once you got Interested laziness. Lack of interest can be cured only by injecting interest. But injecting interest is not an easy task as interest is closely connected to reward one gets from the task. It may be subjective rewards like satisfaction, self esteem, recognition etc. Or external rewards like money, position.

Laziness can be rooted out only by catering to the former type of rewards. In the case of later, once reward is withdrawn interest start fading. In the former case, there is possibility of raising the person to such a level hat he starts enjoying execution of the task in the long run. 2. Effective Classroom Management Classroom management is a skill that is not only learned but practiced daily. The following are the tips which is very helpful to the teacher: a. It’s Easier to Get Easier Many teachers make the mistake of starting the school year with a poor discipline plan.

Students quickly assess the situation in each class and realize what they will be allowed to get away with. Once you set a precedent of allowing a lot of disruptions, it can be very hard to start better classroom management and discipline techniques. However, it is never tough to get easier as the year goes on. While you don’t have to follow the adage, “Never smile until Christmas,” it does have its merits. B. Fairness is Key Students have a distinct sense of what is and what is not fair. You must act fairly for all students if you expect to be respected.

If you do not treat all students equitably, you will be labeled as unfair students will not be keen to follow your rules. Make sure that if your best student does something wrong, they too get punished for it. C. Deal with Disruptions with as Little Interruption as Possible When you have classroom corruptions, it is imperative that you deal with them immediately and with as little interruption of your class momentum as possible. If students are talking amongst themselves and you are having a classroom discussion, ask one of them a question to try to get them back on track.

If you have to stop the flow of your lesson to deal with disruptions, then you are robbing students who want to learn of their precious in- class time. D. Avoid Confrontations in Front of Students Whenever there is a confrontation in class there is a winner and a loser. Obviously as he teacher, you need to keep order and discipline in your class. However, it is much better to deal with discipline issues privately than cause a student to ‘lose face’ in front of their friends. It is not a good idea to make an example out of a disciplinary issue.

Even though other students might get the point, you might have lost any chance of actually teaching that student anything in your class. E. Stop Disruptions with a Little Humor Sometimes all it takes is for everyone to have a good laugh to get things back on track in a classroom. Many times, however, teachers confuse good humor with sarcasm. While humor can quickly diffuse a situation, sarcasm may harm your relationship with the students involved. Use your best Judgment but realize that what some people think as funny others find to be offensive. F.

Keep High Expectations in Your Class Expect that your students will behave, not that they will disrupt. Reinforce this with the way you speak to your students. When you begin the day, tell your students your expectations. For example, you might say, “During this whole group session, I expect you to respect each other’s opinions and listen to what each person has to say. ” g. Overplay Free time is something teachers should avoid. By allowing students time Just to talk each day, you are setting a precedent about how you view academics and your subject. To avoid this, overplay.

Write additional activities into your lesson plans Just in case your main lesson run short. When you have too much to cover, you’ll never run out of lessons and you will avoid free time. You can also fill up any left over time with mint-lessons. H. Be Consistent One of the worst things you can do as a teacher is to not enforce your rules consistently. If one day you ignore misbehaver and the next day you Jump on omen for the smallest infraction, your students will quickly lose respect for you. Your students have the right to expect you to basically be the same everyday.

Moodiness is not allowed. Once your lose your student’s respect, you also lose their attention and their desire to please you. I. Make Rules Understandable You need to be selective in your class rules (no one can follow 180 rules consistently). You also need to make them clear. Students should understand what is and what is not acceptable. Further, you should make sure that the consequences for breaking your rules are also clear and known beforehand. J. Start Fresh Everyday This tip does not mean that you discount all previous infractions, I. E. F they have three tardiest then today means four. However, it does mean that you should start teaching your class each day with the expectation that students will behave. Don’t assume that because somebody has disrupted your class everyday for a week, she will disrupt it today. By doing this, you will not be treating him/her any differently and thereby setting her up to disrupt again (like a self-fulfilling prophecy. 3. Inform parents about their roles and responsibilities in educating their children wrought PTA meetings. Parents play the most vital role in the progress of their children.

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