History syllabus Assignment

History  syllabus Assignment Words: 680

The survey takes a critical and analytical perspective to study the convergence of peoples from North America, and the American Continent, Europe, Asia, and Africa to form a distinct multicultural society. The survey will cover the persistence and change of fundamental values and beliefs within the United States. This will include the study of the country’s industrialization, women’s movement, western expansion and the manifest destiny ideology. Special attention will be paid to the formation of slavery in this society. Lectures will be more thematic than chronological.

Student learning Outcomes: Upon completion of this course, students will be able to: 1 . Analyze the political, economic, cultural and social developments in the U. S. History from pre-colonial times until Reconstruction. 2. Compare and contrast the experiences of Europeans and European Americans to those of Native Americans, African Americans, and immigrants. 3. Recognize and articulate relations between historical abstract concepts and particular facts. 4. Analyze the causes and effects of particular historical events. Course Requirements: 1 . All students are expected to attend class on a regular basis.

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Students are responsible for all material covered in class, including documentaries. It is the students’ responsibility to make arrangements to get assignments and lecture notes from another student when absent. 2. One (1) midterm essay exam, three (3) textbook heaper summaries, one book review, and one final essay exam, will determine the students’ final grade. You must complete all course requirements without exception, and you must present the final exam to pass the class. 3. No make-up exams will be given after the dates of the course outline.

The analysis is the heart of the review and TTS major focus should be the interpretations of the people, places, and events provided by the author. The following questions should be considered carefully as you prepare your review. 1. What appeared to be the purpose of the author? 2. What kind of audience was the author seeking? What was the audience’s intellectual level? 3. What group of people will read this historical document now a day? What is the audience’s intellectual level? 4. What sources were used in preparations of the book? 5.

Have those sources been used responsible? 6. How balanced was the book? Were conflicting interpretations given fair treatment? . How has the book affected your understanding of its subject? 8. Would you recommend it to a friend or family member? Why or Why not? Book reviews should be 5 to ah pages long No direct quotations from the book: your analysis should reflect your understanding of the book. H page a brief biographical sketch of the professor writing the introduction to the book—a background on his/her professional life and publications. Page summary of the book ah-4 pages your analysis— your opinion, interpretation of the book. Grade A: Your exam: Starts with an introduction that demonstrates a thorough knowledge of the historical epics, gives a strong background, and presents a strong thesis. Develops the topics in order. Uses strong details, quotes from class lectures, textbooks, handouts, and documentaries and uses other sources as well. Provides a historical analysis of the topics in a logical progression and stays focused.

Ends with a conclusion that clarifies the significance of your topics. Analysis is historical and academic—college level— words are used correctly. Reads very smoothly and coherently. Grade B: Your exam: Starts with an introduction that shows some understanding of the historical topics. Gives some background and has an adequate thesis. Presents a thoughtful response to the historical topics, using appropriate reasoning, and partially provides a historical analysis that is accurate.

Develops the topics using appropriate details, and some quotes from class lectures, textbooks, handouts, and documentaries. Uses an analysis that is not fully historical, but the exam is structured enough to follow through. Grade C: Your exam: Presents an insufficient response to the historical topics. Using superficial analysis and has a weak point of view based on “common knowledge” instead of historical and academic—college level. Uses logical analysis, but the supporting evidence is general ND imprecise with few examples or facts.

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History syllabus Assignment. (2022, Apr 01). Retrieved March 4, 2025, from https://anyassignment.com/samples/history-syllabus-11327/