Handbook Assignment

Handbook Assignment Words: 1058

The dynamic program focuses on how innovative enterprises conduct business in contemporary society. It explores and applies the practices these enterprises adopt to succeed in a highly volatile and competitive global environment. By focusing on business processes, Scam’s Strategic Leadership Program equips the prospective CAM with the strategic management capabilities demanded by today’s leading enterprises. 2013 Certified Management Accountants of Ontario.

All rights reserved. Registered Trade-Marks/Trade-Marks are owned by Certified Management Accountants of Canada. Used under License. Competency Map Definitions Roles of the Management Accountant in Relation to Sustainable Value Performance Dimension Conformance Dimension Creating Value: Creation of strategies, plans, policies, mission statements, value propositions, governance structures and other entitles that define a sustainable path for the organization. Preserving Value: Implementation and maintenance of policies and mechanisms that protect the organization against internal and external risks and unsustainable business practices.

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Use of established strategy mapping and development methods. Strict adherence to professional standards, codes of conduct, and accepted governance procedures. Strategy options. Application of organizational structures to the planning process. Identification and resolution of business problems. Management of financial resources. Establishment of goals and objectives. Enabling Value: Use of tools and resources to implement and realize the strategic plan for sustainable value. Measurement and assessment of all relevant costs. Classification and allocation of funding. Management and optimization of sustainable venue streams.

Measurement and management of performance against specified objectives, including compensation and incentives. Reporting Value: Formal communication to stakeholders and the general public on how the organization has delivered sustainable value. Drafting of financial reports, shareholder communications, press releases, and employee announcements. Not-for-profit and public sector reporting. Financial analysis through the application of accepted conventions, ratios and benchmarks. Development of information technology as an enabler. 0 2013 Certified Management Accountants of Ontario.

During the Interactive Sessions, Candidates discuss problems and cases both in small groups and in the large group, with presentations to the full group. Candidates are expected to be able to discuss the issues, share their views and insights and provide relevance to the topics through personal experience in their individual organizations. At the start of Year Two, Moderators will assign Candidates to permanent small groups of 3-6 candidates within the large group to work on the group assignments as well as the Board Report. Each of the Modules requires approximately 75 hours to complete. To develop the

Candidate’s integrative, analytical and report writing skills, a variety of assignments are included. 2. 3 Session Locations & Meals The Interactive Sessions are held in major centers throughout the province. All sessions are held in hotels and learning centers as indicated on the schedules included with the enrolment information for the Program. Locations are subject to change. Confirmations regarding the exact location and time, as well as any pertinent instructions, are posted to the Professional Programs (CUP site) discussion board at least two weeks prior to each Interactive Session.

Candidates should check the Bessie regularly for notices and also ensure that their email address is set to accept mail from CAM Ontario, as spam filters often send communications to Junk mail folders. Breakfasts, lunches and coffee/Juice breaks are provided at all Interactive Sessions. Special dietary substitutions can be requested in advance of the sessions; however CAM Ontario may not be able to accommodate all requests. Additional costs may apply to special entrees. CAM Ontario will take every necessary precaution to prevent cross contamination regarding food allergies or food sensitivities.

However, CAM Ontario assumes no ability should there be an allergic reaction of any kind. 2. Strategic Leadership Program (continued) 2. 4 Material All readings, reports, and assignments are to be downloaded from the Professional Programs website (CUP site) at www. Cam-cup. Com. This is a CAM Canada-run website common to all Provinces. Candidates are granted access to this website by CAM Ontario in advance of the Orientation Session and will be notified via email regarding their log in instructions and profiles. 2. 5 Assignment Submissions During the SLP there are approximately two assignments per module submitted to a

National marking team for marking and feedback. Other assignments during the Modules consist of on-line discussions, business application reports, preparation for and participation during the Interactive Session, and are evaluated by the Moderators. (See section 3. 13). Assignments that require submission to the CUP site must be uploaded in order to be accounted for and marked. It is strongly recommended that students ensure that their assignment has been successfully uploaded to the CUP site, as CAM Ontario will assume no responsibility for assignment upload errors. Submission of assignments is mandatory in order to remain in the SLP.

Late reports will be subject to assessment reductions. Candidates who submit an assignment substantially after the deadline may be subject to a late marking fee. Candidates who receive an assessment of “Below Expectations” on two reports will be required to perform remedial work including re-submitting the assignment to the Moderator’s in order to remain in the SLP. Candidates experiencing difficulty in completing an assignment may request an extension of the due date. Extensions are only granted in unusual circumstances such as illness or bereavement. Normal employment related obligations (I. , month and year-ends, tax season, special projects) will not be considered. Candidates must submit in writing a request to CAM Notation’s Candidate Support Representatives at least 48 hours before a due date to request an extension. If an extension is warranted, supporting documentation may be required. Permission to submit a report or assignment late affects only that report. Candidates who experience technical difficulties uploading assignments on the CUP website must e-mail support@cma-cpp. Com for assistance. Assignments due before an Interactive Session must be completed to be eligible to tend that session.

Candidates who are ineligible to attend an Interactive Session will be contacted by CAM Ontario. The Moderators will evaluate the totality of Moderator-marked assignments and Interactive Session participation for each Module, and will provide an overall assessment. If any this assessment is deemed to be “Below Expectations”, at the discretion of CAM Ontario, the Candidate will either be removed from the SLP or will be given the opportunity to complete an additional assignment that will be marked by the Moderator’s. In addition, the Candidate will have to achieve a grade of “Meets

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Handbook Assignment. (2021, Jun 05). Retrieved February 23, 2025, from https://anyassignment.com/samples/handbook-8048/