Group Interaction Assignment

Group Interaction Assignment Words: 5066

Assallammualaikum, salam sejahtera and salam Satu Malaysia. My dear Chair Person, The chairman and all committee members of Santander Bank and fellow friends. My name is …………………….. and I’m from Softskills Training Consultant will present a speech entitle ‘Problem face in group interaction and way to overcome this problem’. My dear friends, What is group interaction? Groups are a fundamental part of social life. As we will see they can be very small – just two people – or very large. They can be highly rewarding to their members and to society as a whole, but there are also significant problems and dangers with them.

All this makes them an essential focus for research, exploration and action. Just how we define ‘group’ and the characteristics or ideas we use has been a matter of debate for many years. The significance of collectivities like families, friendship circles, and tribes and clans has been long recognized, but it is really only in the last century or so that groups our studied scientifically and theory developed. As interest in group processes and group dynamics developed and accelerated (most particularly since the 1980s) the research base of the area strengthened.

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Not unexpectedly, the main arenas for the exploration of groups, and for building theory about them, have continued to be sociology and social psychology. As well as trying to make sense of human behaviour – why people join groups and what they get from them (both good and bad) – the study of groups has had a direct impact on practice in a number of areas of life. Perhaps the most obvious is work – and the contexts and practices of teams. But it has also acted as a spur to development in those fields of education, therapy, social care and social action that use groups to foster change.

As researchers turned to the systematic exploration of group life, different foci for attention emerged. Some social psychologists, for example, looked at the ways in which, for example, working in the presence of others tend to raise performance However, even more significant than this for group process, is some interdependence in the goals of group members. To get something done it is often necessary to cooperate with others. This definition has the merit of bringing together three elements: the number of individuals involved; connection, and relationship.

When people talk about groups they often are describing collectivities with two members (a dyad) or three members (a triad). For example, a work team or study group will often comprise two or three people. However, groups can be very large collectivities of people such a crowd or religious congregation or gathering. As might be expected, there are differences in some aspects of behaviour between small and larger groupings (see below), yet there remain significant commonalities. When groups are working well contributions build on each other.

This is possible when participants contribute to the discussion in appropriate ways. The following eight categories of contribution can be used as an aid to analyzing patterns of group interaction. A group is two or more persons who are interacting with one another in such a manner that each person influences and is influenced by each other person When other people watch what we do, this impacts our performance. If we are highly trained at something, or it is a really simple task, our performance will often improve. On difficult or new tasks, our performance will be more likely to suffer.

This is called social facilitation, and is caused by arousal, either from people judging us, or from people who are simply distracting us. This effect has been reproduced in many settings, like the workplace and crowded environments. In busy cities, its effect seems to be reduced by cognitive and social factors, such as a sense of control. Members of face-to-face groups share both task interdependence and social interdependence. Primary groups demand more social interdependence, while secondary groups require more task interdependence.

Group socialization consists of the stages of investigation, socialization, and maintenance, while group development usually entails Tuckman’s stages of forming, storming, norming, performing, and adjourning. Tasks can be grouped into additive, disjunctive, conjunctive, and complex tasks. Groups perform better at some tasks, but worse at other tasks than individuals do. Social loafing and poor coordination are reasons for performance reduction. Effective leadership enhances task performance and maintains social interdependence, but is dependent on the situation.

Communication is essential for high productivity and morale, and is changing as a result of technology. Ladies and gentlemen, How To Work With Group Members during Group Discussions When we participate in group discussions, it important to realize that the other members may not share the same views as us. In fact, they may come from a different cultural or ethnic background. Generally, the members of the group will have one of two communication styles, and these are introverted and extroverted. The members who have an extroverted communication form will be outspoken, and will create their thoughts quickly.

They may not function well in group discussions that are too quiet. A member who has an introverted communication form will think quietly. They will often listen to what the other members have to say before making a statement. They enjoy being in group discussions where silent periods are allowed. It is important for all the members of the group discussion to understand these two communication styles, and it is also important for the leader to understand them as well. Both sides need to be properly balanced. It may also be helpful for those with a set style to move out of their comfort zones and try using the opposite communication style.

To do this, introverted people will want to be more vocal about their thoughts, and members who are extroverted will want to silently formulate thoughts within their minds. In many group discussions, the members will designate tasks to other members based on their gender. However, it may be helpful to experiment. Most people choose to use the communication style that they are most comfortable with. Taking on a role that we don’t have experience in will allow we to learn. Because the members of a group discussion may come from different cultures, communication can be challenging.

People who live in other countries will use a communicate in a way that may be different from our country. Some of the differences in communication that we will see among cultures are varying levels of bluntness, assertiveness, and direct or indirect conversation. A discussion group will work well when all the members understand the differences that will exist in communication for different cultures. These differences should be valued, and the members should be able to effectively communicate with each other even if they have cultural differences in their communication style.

If we work hard to get across our point of view without taking the time to listen to others, we may become frustrated. At the same time, we will not help our group if we just quickly go with the flow without stating our own opinion or suggestions. We must find a balance between the two. The best way for a group to communicate is to hold a discussion that will allow them to share all the views of the members. Once they do this, they will move towards reaching their goal, and they will also learn things about each other. As we read this article, we may wander if we are participating in group discussions correctly..

Ask open-ended questions, assist the group in progressing towards a goal, and add information to the discussion as much as we can. When all the members of a group do these things, the group discussion will be successful. It is always important to make sure we recognize the cultural and communication differences of other members. Instead of alienating people who are different from we, take the time to view things from their perspective. In order for group discussion to be useful, everyone must have an open mind. It is also important to learn how to deal with or avoid conflict.

Conflict is something that is best to avoid before it occurs, because dealing with it is more difficult. If conflict and a lack of communication exists within a group, the group discussion will not be successful. Dear friends, Problems in group discussion If we are the leader of a group discussion, there are a number of challenges we will have to face. Being able to successfully overcome these challenges will mean the difference between the success and failure of our group. In this article, I will go over these challenges, and I will present strategies that can allow we to overcome them.

The biggest challenges that we will face in group discussions are avoiding put-downs, connecting solutions, listening for data, and summarizing ideas. Being able to overcome these challenges will bring about successful group discussions. Avoding put-downs are extremely important. Put-downs occur when members of the group ridicule the ideas that are presented by other members. When this happens, it can slow down the productivity of the group, and can stop other members for voicing their own ideas or solutions. One way to solve this problem is to make it clear at the beginning of the discussion that no put-downs are allowed.

Let the members know that if they do not agree with an idea that has been presented, come up with a better idea and present it in a way that does not humiliate the person that they are in disagreement with. Another way to avoid put-downs is to let members know that we appreciate their hard work. This will make the confident, and will encourage them to work harder. The next challenge that we will want to overcome is the connecting solutions or ideas. The goal of most group discussion is to solve a problem. This is especially true for companies that are trying to develop marketing strategies.

In order for them to succeed, it is important for members to make connections regarding the information that is discussed. One common problem that is seen in group discussion is members who create new ideas instead of adding to an idea that has been presented by another member. Often, these ideas will not be related to the other ideas that our raised. This is problematic, because a group will not be able to come up with a relevant solution to a problem if the members keep generating new ideas without building on them.

In the best group discussions, a few members will come up with some good ideas, and other members will contribute to it instead of producing new ideas. When this happens, a poourful solution to a problem can be developed. To solve this problem, the leader can ask one member to give their opinion on an idea or solution that can be used to solve the problem. Once they have presented their idea or solution, the leader can call on all the other members to respond to the idea without creating something new. The next challenge that we will want to focus on is listening for information or data.

This is a challenge that logically follows making connections between ideas. It is important for the members to be able to summarize the information they have learned. When the members are able to summarize the information, this can help the group reach a decision on an idea or course of action. Summarizing information can be difficult if members have not been properly trained. In a nutshell, they will need to go over the central idea of the discussion and summarize any points that have been brought up. It is also important for all members to listen for important ideas.

This is the last challenge that must be overcome. When everyone is attentive, they will be able to respond to ideas by adding relevant concepts that can better allow the group to solve a problem. If the members are not listening to the ideas that are being presented, they will not be able to respond to them effectively, and this can reduce the ability of the group to come up with relevant ideas. A good way to make sure the members are listening to others is to have a person read the text out loud, and then call on the other members randomly to make sure they understand what is being discussed.

This will ensure that they are paying attention during the discussion. Once we are able to overcome these challenges, our group discussion will be effective, and we will be able to develop excellent solutions that can be used to solve a problem. Dear friends, Solving group discussion problem When we are participating in a group discussion, it is important to avoid problems that will stop the group from achieving its goals. If we are the leader or planner, there are a number of things we will want to pay attention to. It is important to make sure the topics are relevant.

Being able to make a connection with the topic we are discussing on a personal level will allow we to reduce the times our members get off topic. If we are the leader, we may want to ask the members questions if we feel that they are starting to get off topic. It is also important to make sure the members understand the assignments that they have been given. The members of the group should know exactly what is expected of them. In addition to this, they should also be aware of the goals that the group intends to reach. To make sure the members understand the assignments, they can write statements or make a list.

It is important for the leader to make sure a schedule is set for the completion of specific projects. Depending on the assignment that is being given to the members, they may need resources that can help them. The head of the group will want to provide members with worksheets that can allow them to write down ideas or solutions. Writing should be an important part of any group discussion, and can help we avoid problems. It will keep the members focused, and will give them a basic way to retain information that is presented.

No group discussion should be held if the members don’t have notepads that can allow them to write down important information. Newspapers, markers, tape, and other items can allow the leaders to get their presentations ready for the meeting. It is also important for the leader to make a connection with the group. They should encourage the members and allow them to ask questions which are related to the topic. However, the leader should not enter the group or convey their own thoughts, as it may not be necessary to influence the members.

Time management is an issue that the group will need to keep in mind. It is important for leaders to let the group know that they have a set period of time to go over a specific topic. Once the time is up, bring the discussion to a close. To be polite to the members, it is always a good idea to give a one or two minute warning. This will give the members time to raise any points or questions that they would address. If the members need to present reports to the group, it is important for the leader to make sure they are given enough time.

When a member gives a presentation, they should never feel rushed. The presentation of reports is especially important in small groups. It is also important for both members and leader to use affirmation. When a contribution is made to a discussion, it should be affirmed. There will be times when the group may not grasp a point, and leaders will want affirm the presentation. If we don’t show the members that we appreciate the contributions they are making to the discussion, that will make them feel like they are not a valuable part of the group, and this could cause problems.

Communication is important as well. All the members of the group must effectively communicate with each other, especially when they are working on group assignments. Conflict is something that must be avoided at all costs. In any group discussion, some members will have opinions that will differ from others. While there is nothing wrong with this, the way in which they voice their opinions is important. No one should be allowed the ridicule the comments or ideas of another. If one member disagrees with a statement that is made by another member, they should voice it in mature, respectful way.

When this is done, conflicts will be reduced, and the discussion will be able to progress without problems. Everyone should be allowed to participate in the discussion, and this includes people who are normally quiet or shy. Dear friends, Successful Group Discussion Techniques There are a number of things we can do to help our group become successful. By following the guidelines that are presented in this article, we will be able to actively participate in group discussions and help the team achieve a specific goal. First, there is nothing wrong with being quiet.

At the same time, we don’t want to be too quiet. However, speaking too much is not recommended. Before we speak, we will want to think about what we are going to say. It is important to make sure the statements we make are concise and to the point. We don’t want to give the other members the wrong impression by making statements that are not clear. It is also important to make sure we fulfill the tasks of any role we’ve been given. For example, if we are given the role of a team leader, it is important to make sure we carry it out to the best of our abilities.

Once we agree to a specific role, do not ask to be changed to something else. If we do this, we will convey a message that we are indecisive. If we don’t understand a statment or question that has been made by someone else, it is important for we to make sure they clarify it. In group discussions, it is important to avoid conflict as much as possible. We will always want to respect the contributions that are made by the other members. Even if we don’t agree with their views, it is important to look at things from their perspective.

If we are the leader of a group discussion, it is important to make sure all the members are given equal amounts of time to voice their views or participate. If we give some members more time than others, we may convey a message that certain members are more valuable than others, and this can lead to conflict. In any group discussion, conflicts should be expected. However, it is the method we use to deal with them that will determine the success or failure of a group. There are certain words and phrases that we will want to avoid using when we are in a group discussion.

For example, responding to a statement made by another member by saying “that doesn’t make any sense” will lead to conflict. If we don’t agree with the statement, instead of saying “that doesn’t make any sense,” it would be better to say “I don’t know if I agree. Could we elaborate? ” When we use this statement, it will not be as offensive as the other statement. We should never ridicule the idea or statement of another member by calling it dumb or stupid. Instead, we could simply say we disagree with them, and offer an explanation of why our feel the way we do.

To give another example, instead of using the statement “that is not what the assignment asked us to do” we could say that “I think it would be better if we refer back to the assignment. ” To be successful in group discussion, it is important to avoid conflict statements. These statements could lead to problems between we and other members that can make the group less productive. An example of a conflict statement is telling another member that they are wrong about something. Instead, we will want to disagree with them by using phrases such as “it may be better to…. or “have we ever though about doing it this way? ” It should be easy to see the difference between these two phrases and the first one. Being able to avoid conflict in a group discussion is crucially important. Once the conflict has started, it is very difficult to deal with. Everyone is different and will have strong beliefs about a topic that may differ from others. However, they should be respectful in how they deal with the differences. Using statements and questions which avoid conflict will allow we to be respected by the other members, and we can help the group successfully move forward.

Respect the opinions of others, and never try to push our ideas on the other members. Remember, the purpose of having a group discussion is to solve problems, not create them. Dear friends, Tips For Running a Successful Group Discussion When it comes to a group discussion, there is no such thing a “too much planning. ” The planning that we put into a group discussion will often be a reflection of the results. Some of the things that we will want to pay attention to are recruitment issues and the topic that will be discussed. It is important for us to make sure the group is stimulated.

One of the things we will want to focus on is choosing the right people to participate in the discussion. In most cases, this will be the task of the moderator. The quality of the group discussion will be dependent on the people who are chosen to participate. Choose the wrong people, and we will get the wrong results. If we have the time and resources, it may be necessary to someone the task of choosing the right members for the discussion. In a nutshell, the people we choose should be highly qualified to deal with the topic that is being raised.

For example, if we are holding a group discussion about computer programming, doesn’t it make sense to invite members that are computer programmers? If we allocate the task of picking the right people to someone else, this will allow we to focus on other aspects of the meeting. It is also important to make sure we never judge people based on their appearance. This is a mistake that can be made by the leader as well as the other members. Often, the appearance of a person will not have an effect on their ability to contribute to the discussion.

In addition to appearance, an emphasis should also not be placed on the educational background of the participants. Just because a member does not have advanced degrees is not a sign that they are not valuable. Obviously, the ideal group discussion will be composed of people who are educated and attractive. However, fantasy and reality are two different things, and these attributes are not crucially relevant in a group discussion. If we decide to use a moderator, it is not necessary to place an emphasis on having a knowledge of a product or service.

A good moderator will take the time to learn about something they are not familiar with. Once they learn about the topic, they should have no problem assisting we in creating a great group discussion. A good moderator is someone who can listen and analyze the ideas that are brought up during the discussion. They should also be good at communicating with clients. Another thing that we will want to remember is that gaining a certain objective during a group discussion does not mean it was successful. Many of our clients will feel that group discussions are successful when they deal with entertainment or education.

However, this is not always the case, and other people may have different opinions about what they feel makes a good group discussion. Because of this, our moderators must understand the needs of the client. However it is also important to make sure the members of group stay focused on the topic that is being discussed. It is easy to get off topic, and this can waste time and hurt the ability of the group to reach a desired goal. If we are planning the event, it is important to make sure our presentation is ready. Everything should be organized and prepared.

A lack of organization will convey a bad message to the other members, and this is something we will want to avoid. If the members of the group need to be organized for the discussion, it is important for we to let them know this beforehand. If we don’t communicate with them effectively, it can cause a number of problems. If we are an employer, we will want to choose employees who have the credentials to contribute to the discussion. For example, if we are holding a group discussion about how to earn more sales, it makes sense to have the best sales people present in the meeting.

They can brainstorm ideas that can allow the company to earn higher profits. The people we choose for a group discussion will determine its success. Strategies That Can Allow Our Group Discussion To Succeed Group discussions are poourful tools that can allow an organization or company to come up with poourful ideas that oure not previously considered. Not only is it a poourful tool, but it is a tool that has a low cost. The members of these discussions could be people who already work for we, or it could be a group of customers who have brought large profits to our company.

However, there are a number of strategies we will want to use to make sure our group discussions are successful. First, it is important to make sure we don’t reach for too much in one discussion. It is important to make sure we limit the number of questions that are asked. Focus on critical questions and allow the members to think about them. When we present the group with too many questions, it will reduce their ability to focus on any one of them, and we may not get the results we are looking. If our company has time, it is possible for our organization to hold a large number of meetings.

Another thing that we will want to pay attention to is the size of the group. In most cases, the number of people who should be present in a group discussion should be no more than 8 or 9 people. If we have more people than this, they will begin to relate to one another in a collective way. This is not something we want. They must be able to relate to each other on an individual level. Another problem with having a group that is too large is that certain people may not participate. In order for a group discussion to be successful, everyone must give an equal amount of participation.

In small groups of less than 10 people, it will be easy to spot individuals who are not contributing to the discussion. In larger groups, this will be more difficult. Another problem with having a large group is that many of the members will be superficial, and this is something that must be avoided at all costs. It is also important to make sure the discussion is flexible. While it is important to make sure the discussion stays on topic, it should now be so narrow that the members are limited in the ideas they come up. One of the goals of a group discussion is to come up with in depth ideas or strategies.

It is not in the best interests of the group to limit the discussion in a way that will stop them from achieving this. It is also important to make sure we use moderators who are qualified. The goal of the moderator is to work with the members on the group and make sure they stay on topic. A good moderator will seek to get input from people who are being too quiet, and they will politely slow down the people who are outspoken. While this may sound easy, it is more challenging than it seems. The moderator should be someone who is skilled with handling this situation.

For the conclusion, It is also important to make sure the people that we invite to the discussion are qualified. Group discussions will not be useful if they are composed of the wrong people. Picking the right people can be difficult in a large organization that may have hundreds or thousands of employees. However, the people we choose should be connected to the topic that is being discussed. For example, if our company is holding a group discussion on a topic that is related to saving the company money, we will want to hire people who are qualified to speak on this topic.

If we are hosting a group discussion on sales, we may want to invite 9 of the best sales people in our company to come up with strategies that can be used by the other employees. Bring in the right people will make the discussion targeted and relevant. Bringing in the wrong people can make it irrelevant. If we are holding a group discussion about customer retention, why not invite some of our customers to the meeting? By choosing the right people for our group discussion, we will allow our company to succeed. Mr Chair person, ladies and gentleman, I thank you.

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Group Interaction Assignment. (2020, Apr 25). Retrieved February 23, 2025, from