Financial Accounting Outline Assignment

Financial Accounting Outline Assignment Words: 745

Harrison, Horned, Lemon, Segueing, and Robertson Lemon. Pearson Canada 2012. Calculator: The Department of Accounting requires all students taking accounting courses to use the Sharp EL-REAR Scientific Calculator as depicted below in all quizzes, midterm and final examinations. This is the only calculator that can be used in departmental examinations. Students are advised to purchase this calculator and become familiar with its usage and bring it to their examinations.

This calculator is available in the bookstore and includes a $2 rebate from Sharp. It is also available from Staples Inc. Blackboard and Unaccountably: This course uses the SUM Blackboard system and built-in Unaccountably application to supplement the text and class meetings. Blackboard is accessible by all registered SUM students through SUM Port. Students should use the access code provided with their textbook to register and use Unaccountably in the course.

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Use of both Blackboard and My Accounting Lab is mandatory in this course. Objectives: Course Objectives: This course is concerned with the study of basic accounting concepts and reminisces, their application to business transactions and financial statements, and an understanding of the uses of and limitations of the balance sheet, income statement, and the statement of cash flows. Upon successful completion of the course, you will be prepared to undertake additional study in accounting.

If you desire to become an accounting professional, this course will be critical in assisting you on your way to that goal. If you desire to work in another area in business and management, you will be prepared to be a knowledgeable user of financial accounting information, and you will also be prepared to study introductory managerial accounting in ACT 2242. Bachelor of Commerce Program Learning Objectives: The achievement of the course objectives noted above will contribute to the achievement of the following Program learning objectives…

Communication – Preparing professional written reports/assignments * Critical thinking – Formulating and justifying positions on issues or situations using appropriate evidence * Ethics and social responsibility – Identifying and understanding the ethical dimensions of complex situations; identifying report social responsibility behaviors Prerequisites: In order to register for this course, you must have completed fifteen (15) credit hours, including MGM 1 281 or appropriate work experience determined in advance by the Chair of the Department.

If you have not completed these prerequisites, you must see the instructor during the first week of class. Course Requirements and Weighting: Midterm Examination I Midterm Examination II Final Examination 20% of final grade Assignments (Blackboard/Unaccountably) 10% Pre-class quizzes (Blackboard/Unaccountably) Total 100% Midterm Examinations I and II: The Midterm Examinations I and II will be offered on the date and at the 10 time noted on the schedule at the end of this course syllabus.

The topics covered on these examinations will be announced well in ad the examination. These examinations will cover course material FRR textbooks, from lectures, and from any supplemental materials HTH instructor may distribute or assign, either in class or from the court No early or deferred administration of Midterm Examinations I at offered. Occasionally, circumstances that prevent a student’s tater examinations may present themselves.

In those cases where there serious, legitimate and unavoidable reason for absence from Mind Examination or II, the points assigned to this Examination will be forward and the Final Examination will be weighted as 60% of the grade. If both Midterm Examinations and II are missed due to a It documented reason, the Final Examination will be weighted as 800′ course grade.

In general, circumstances under which students may be excused examination are limited to the following situations: student illness/ requiring a physician’s care; family emergency in the form of series injury or death; religious observance; or travel for University busing cases, students should check with me for clarification and guidance Please note, however, that no roll-forward of points will be grantee you contact the instructor in writing, and s/he and the student con- agreement, PRIOR to the originally scheduled examination. In the last-minute, emergency situation, please contact the instructor as possible via e-mail and vocalism. ) Appropriate, external, and indeed written documentation supporting the reason for your absence FRR Examination Ill will be required. Failure to abide by these guideline exult in the assignment of “0” points/credit for Midterm Examination Final Examination: The Final Examination will be offered during the final examination per the schedule published by the university, and will be cumulated, nature.

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Financial Accounting Outline Assignment. (2019, Dec 23). Retrieved March 31, 2025, from