Final quali report Assignment

Final quali report Assignment Words: 3671

Students belief that self-motivation can lead to the attainment of the goals they desired. Meanwhile, according to Indreica, Cazan&Truta (2011 ) stated that time is a major concern and resource in learning by which the way people perceive and invest time reflects on the learning results. Looking at the facts presented, it can be seen that indeed here have been many studies conducted on the factors influenced students in the academic achievement. However, most of these studies were concentrated on the effectiveness of a few factors in influencing academic achievement in a general population.

To add, insufficient attention was given to the focus group, specifically the group that scored high achievement in academic. Nonetheless, no studies have been conducted on the studenes population in Malaysia, particularly the IIIJM students. Therefore, this study aims to investigate the factors influenced in academic achievement among Ill-JM Dean List’s students. Method Respondents of the Study For this study, 12 respondents from IILJM Dean Lises students were conveniently selected to join our Interview session. They were from kuliyyahof Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences(lRKHS) of different major.

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These respondents consisted of ten females and two males. Their age were between 21 to 24 years old. Each one of the researcher conducted the interview session with two respondents. It took more or less about 15 to 20 minutes to finish the interview. Research Design The research utilized qualitative research methodology. Therefore, the semi- tructured interview session was conducted to gather data for this research. Material/Research Instruments The material used for this study was a set of semi-structured interview questions and voice recorder to record the respondents’ voice.

There were 3 parts of questions which the first part asked about respondents’ learning style. While, the second part was about the factors that contribute to academic achievement and last but not least was an additional question where the respondents gave their own opinions concerning the research. Research Procedure Before the interview session was conducted, researchers came out with a unch of possible question that will be used in the interview session. After the questions have been standardized, researchers agreed to use 1 set of question that consists of 1 1 questions.

The interview session was conducted at different time and places according to each researchers and respective respondents’ free time. Findings Based on the research question, it was found that there are six themes identified as the factors contributed to the academic achievement Of Dean’s List students. The themes are as follows: 1. Early preparation One of the themes that can be highlighted from the present research is arly preparation by the dean’s list students. Early preparation can be defined as the state of having been made ready beforehand or readiness (thefreedictionary. com, 2012).

Present research found that most of the participants have prepared themselves mentally before taking the examination. Some of them already busy with studying even few weeks before the examination week. There are many tech niques that the students are using as their preparation for examination. However, different students applied different preparation techniques. There are some of the participants laimed that they will give full attention in class while the lecturers are teaching by writing as many additional information as possible including additional sources that the lecturers asked to read.

Furthermore, they will take a little time while studying to make reading on suggested additional sources to enhance their understanding on the topics covered as preparation. “If in the class, I will give my full attention when lecturers are teaching. I will focus on what my lecturers explain in front of the class, and will add up any additional information. While they are explaining, I will keep writing. ” (Participant 2) Besides, the dean’s list students also revised early all the chapters that will be covered in the examination.

They will read the textbooks and slides to have some review and a brief description Of what is learned in certain topics. This kind of preparation technique helps the dean’s list students understanding the concepts and eases them to have fast revision later when the examination is near. “Normally, few weeks before exams would just read the required chapter in the textbooks in order to make sure I cover all the important 5) “But as much as possible, I’ll read the textbook because the textbook is much ore explanations. ” (Participant 12) “… sually I will… hmm… start just… a lil bit early with try to understand the concept of the… subject rather than just aaa… memorizing everything. ” (Participant 7) Most of the participants claimed that when the examination is near they will just have a revision as they already view the topics that might be covered in the examination. They will make their own simple notes by rephrasing their understanding from the textbooks and slides to get the key points and do the mind map. They also revised subjects through past year examination papers.

When the exam is near I would do a fast review On all the topics by reading the notes that I jotted down during lectures in class. “(Participant 5) … the most important thing is I must make my own simplified version of my notes. ” (Participant 6) “l just hmm rephrase from the slides, from the textbook. I read one through first, after that I’ll write notes. I’ll write notes either the same as what I see at slide, what I see at textbook, but just a key point and then when done jotting the note, I’ll read my notes and highlight the important points. (Participant “Depends on the subjects that take. Revising subjects through past year exams paper, like to discuss with friends. ” (Participant 1 1) Other than that, they also will divide their time wisely so that they will have enough time to study everything. Basically, most of the dean’s list students study late night few days before the examination day and sleep early when the examination is near. “ermm… usually… I think im very systematic person because I divided my study time. Usually I study, err.. at night. ha. I spend my study time at night. *laughin* ermm… 5 secs pause* and then… err.. I don’t know how to say… ” (Participant 8) 2. Learning style As cited in Mlambo (201 1), learning preferences refers to a person’s “natural, habitual and preferred way’ of assimilating new information (Reid, 1995). This can be simply explain or interpret as different approaches or way of learning which individual adopted. According to Lepi (201 2), there are seven styles of learning; visual/ spatial, aural/auditory-musical, verbal/ linguistic, physical/ kinesthetic, logical/ mathematical, social/ interpersonal, and solitary/ intrapersonal learning style.

This learning style may be focus on one way only or mixing style. People sometime use different style in different ircumstances. However there is no right or wrong which learning style individual adopt as long as it fulfill their needs of learning. In this present study there are three types of learning style detected used by the respondents, whether in dominant way or by mixing these two: 1 -“Social/ interpersonal” learning style, that mean they prefer to learn in group or with other people. 2- “Solitary/ intrapersonal” learning style, which means they prefer to learn in alone and use self-study. – “Aural/ auditory-musical” learning style, that prefer to use sound and music It is found that, some just refer using one way Of learning style only that dominant to him. Likes by using aural or auditory-musical way only in his/her learning style. “Hmm, basically have to sit, find my mood, and listen to music and the most important thing is I must make my own simplified version of my notes. Ohh, by the way, it is only me who can understand it”(Participant 6) Apart from that, some of them used mixing learning style that incorporate between social and solitary learning but it depend on their situation.

To illustrate: “If in my room, I will study and write my own notes. Nope. When the examination week is near, then I will do it. Hahaha. I will focus on what my lecturers explain in front of the class, and I will add up any additional information. While they are explaining, will keep writing. After I already finished a revision by my own, then I prefer to study in group. But for the sake of my own understanding, I prefer to study alone first. Haah yes, will ask anybody, yess. Yepp”(Participant 2) “l prefer study alone rather than study in group. I can study in group, to discuss the subjects that not understand.

There are subjects such as statistic or lab based, there are a lots of thing need to discuss and can discuss together. However, for final exams, I still need to study alone because to fully understand about the concepts. When study in group, what we understand is different, probably similar but when we mixed together, I cannot 3. Time Management. Time is a precious resource and continues to pass by with no way of turning it back. According to Dale (1993) as cited in Indreica, Cazan&Truta (201 1), time management is an ability that can be developed at any age by which if the person desires to improve the results of his actions.

In other words, time management is an important aspect in all people’s life regardless of age, ationality and gender in order to achieve one’s desirable outcome. Focusing on the finding of present research, participants shared how they manage their time resource effectively and efficiently which then contribute to their outstanding performance in academic. From the extract below, it show how the participants spend their time to study. The participants generally take their time to study in a flexible or unrestricted manner. It is according to their comfort which make the study time were utilized in a smart way. … l am flexible person. I can’t follow any schedule at all. So, whenever have time, I ill try to study but without schedule. Hahaha honestly, when the examination is around the corner I will start study because usually when there is leisure time, spend my time doing the assignment. ” (Participant 1) I think the best study time for me to study is in the morning. Right after u pray subuh. Because during that time the air is so fresh and I feel energetic as have just had a long rest” (Participant 5) “l have no specific study time but sometimes it is depending on my mood (Participant 6) “So I am very flexible. m, usually I study during the revision period. ” (Participant 12) In addition to their study time, the participant also revealed their activities during their leisure time. Most of the responses from participant, stated that they spend their time with family, friends and completing assignment or engaging with leisure activities. “If there is free time and there are not many assignments, I will spend it with my friends and family. It is very rare for me to spend time reading or study actually. Participant 1) “l would usually spend my free time catching up with my friends life, have a leisure chitchatting, watch movies, and of course window shopping (hahahh). But I will do all this when I have like super free time. ” (Participant 5) “Usually, I finish do my assignments. Rarely do I go out with friends and usually play with cats. Very rare I go outing with friends except if I go to OTK. Very rarely. usually, I finish my class at evening, I usually eat with two of my friend who also minoring in business”. (Participant 1 1) 4.

Stress management Stress means the condition when person faced the pressure exceeds beyond its limit and the ability to cope. Thus, it is the bodys reaction to a change that requires a physical, mental or emotional adjustment or response. In the college life, students are subjected to different kinds of stressor, such as the pressure of academics with an obligation of success, uncertain future and difficulties envisaged for integration into the college system (Kumar ukar, 2013). In a poll done by David (2009), he foundthat college students have a higher predisposition toward experiencing depression sometime during their four years at college.

Coping strategies or stress managements are known to influence students’ experience of stress. For most students, managing stress during college can be extremely challenging. However, learning how to anage stress may help students cope with everyday social and academic pressures, and thus have a better college experience (Kumar &Bhukar, 2013). Stress among Dean’s List Students Most participants claimed that they have difficult time when it comes to the study or examination. All of them agreed that they feel stress while talking about examination especially when the time is just around the corner.

However, some of them exaggerated the answer by saying that they feel ‘extremely stress’, ‘super anxious’ when the question about their feeling towards study and examination was raised. “l think that’s a problem. I’ll get extremely stress out during exams week” (Participant 1 2) “Super anxious. have to go through everything first although I did not remember it all to make me less anxious, so I know what am dealing with in exams” (Participant 6) However, they did not mention the overall of their life as students is subjected to the stress.

This can be found in their answer of the way they spend the leisure time. “If in IJIA, my free time, I will listen to songs or online. Then, on weekend, I will go back home to spend time with my family. But that is if don’t have any other activities. If I am not going back home, then I will ang out with my roommate or my cousins” (Participant 2) Thus, this proved that the situations that trigger stress among Dean List students are during the revision week and examination day. Meanwhile, they enjoy the life as the students by hanging out with family and friends. They also spend their time with their hobby.

Stress Management among Dean’s List Students Although all participants did faced challenging in the students life especially when it comes to the academic stressors, all Of them did the coping strategies to overcome the stress from worsening. Some of them seek the help from others such as friends or family. The bonding between them and parents reduce the stress. Enhancing relationship between them and parents to overcome the stress is found among female students. Meanwhile, the male students are more likely to reward themselves in order to overcome the stress. “bila rasa stress sangat-sangat, sayabalikrumahkejap.

Dah rasa 0k sikitsayabalikuiabalik (senyum). “(Participant 3) “I would call my mother frequently and tell her all my worries. Because you know, mom’s voice is very soothing and it washes away all your worries especially when you are in need of moral support”(Participant 5) “What usually do, I’ll take a break, every time I finish a chapter. I’ll reward myself by playing video games, watching football match, walk around, have a drink and come back study'(Participant 12) Thus, all the participants agreed that they faced the stress during the examination weeks meanwhile they enjoy the life as student.

However, the strategies to overcome the stress varied from one individual to another individual. As well as the approach of stress management can be seen by the gender differences. 5. Extrinsic and Intrinsic motivation The theme “motivation” in the present research can be defined as what makes an individual move to do something. For example in the present study, motivation is divided by two domains which are intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation. Motivation can be viewed as an important indicator in academic achievement.

The entire analysis in identifying factors that lead to academic achievement had make the present researchers came out with this theme. According to Ryan and Deci (2000), intrinsic motivation can be inferred as doing something because it is inherently interesting. However extrinsic motivation refers to doing somethingbecause it leads to a separable outcome or desired end state. Present research found that most of the articipants have both extrinsic and intrinsic motivation. “For me, external and internal factor contributes the same. ave my family and significant others who always becomes my inspiration. Since i came from a middle-class family, my ultimate dream is to prove that a daughter of Indonesian Immigrants who are now in Malaysia, only a PR, who raise his children by opening and running a hawker stall every day can be a successful one too. It makes me feel happy when realized I have compeleted one of my dreams” (Participant 1 0) It can be seen that both external (family and significant thers) and internal (dream and happiness) motivation play a role in students’ academic achievement.

Those motivations made them to strive harder and work for the best to achieve their targeted goal. However, there is also participant who state that external motivation laid a bigger role compared to internal motivation. “l think for me the factor that contributed the most in my success come from external influence which are my family, of course. Emmm, and also my close friends. This is because when we are far from family the closest friends are also considered as family to us. are to say that I don’t hink I can make it through my undergraduate study without the endless support from my close friends” (Participant 5) “Both internal and external motivations are attached together. A tree will not grow without seed. Same goes with human being. But, for me peers are the main factors that lead to my academic achievement. 24/7 we still have friend with us. No friends, no enthusiasm and no enthusiasm no friends. Friends are indeed our competitor. When my friend got high carry mark, i am so jealous.

What on earth they get that. In order for me get what want, i must do my best for my study. Thus it lead me to score high for my exams and ssignments”(Participant 9) From the extract above, it shows that family and friends give them motivation to do better in study. Participant 5 recognize her friends and family as the main supporter. And participant 9 said he always wants to get high mark like his friend. He regards his friend as his competitor so that he can work harder to succeed in gets listed as one of the best students in the department.

On the other hand, there are also participants who state that only internal factor that move her/him to do well in study. “l have done my best to get dean’s list, then I give it to my parents, so they will e happy, right? I feel like I got the satisfaction too. Yes internal” “Dreams la yang push me hard so far I can say”(Participant4) 6. Spiritual Factors According to Constantine, Miville, Warren, Gainor& Lewis-Coles (2011), religion and spirituality are inextricably interlinked with our activities and that they have the potential to influence our future work-related events and life outcomes.

In their research with African-American college student also, Constantine et. , al (2011) found that religious attachment and frequency of spiritual practice were positively related to students’ adjustment to college nd that levels of adjustment then contributed to greater academic success. From this present research, it was found that all respondents agreed about involving in religious activities such as qiyamullail and usrah do contribute in their success.

The respondents also mentioned about putting effort and tawakal to Allah, leave it all to Allah’s will after they studied hard, taking care our relationship with Allah so that it will be easier to seek help from Allah in whatever situations. ‘ ‘The religious activities indirectly influence me as it strengthens my spiritual beliefs. (Participant 1) “l think it is important for students to be close to Allah especially when you are in worries of your assignments, exams and etc. I believe that religious activities did contribute a lot in my success as a student.

This is because Allah is the one where you can seek help to no matter how difficult and challenging your problems are. ” (Participant 5) Discussion The purpose of this study is to investigate the factors which influenced academic achievement among IIIJM Dean List’s students. Based on the research question, it was found there are six themes identified as the factors ontributed to the academic achievement among Dean’s List students. The themes are early preparation, learning style, time management, stress management, extrinsic and intrinsic motivation and spiritual factors.

Present research found that, participants who are all Dean’s List students practice individual and group learning style as their strategy to success in study. This is supported by study done by Tella (2007), which stated learning approaches is one of the important factors influencing academic achievements. A study conducted by Zimmerman, Bandura and Martinez-Pons (1 992), showed that otivation can be built by parental goal setting and personal goals at the beginning of the semester which served as predictors of students’ grades in studies.

This is similar with current research findings which stated that parents are one of the students’ motivations to succeed in their academic performance. Correspondingly, a study on the effect of time management on academic achievement by Indreica, Cazan&Truta (2011) revealed that time management has a positive impact on academic performance. The present findings indicate that time management has influence the academic erformance of IIIJM Dean’s List student for instance the time they went to bed and study is well regulated.

In contrary,Norhidayah etal. , (2009) showed that the factors influenced the academic performance among students were demographic background, active learning, student’s attendance, extracurricular activities and peer influence. This finding of this study is contrary with the current research findings as it does not discover the factor listed except for peer influence. Similarly, Ages and Makbul (2002) found that students from high incomes families perform better than the students from ow income families.

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