Final examination Assignment

Final examination Assignment Words: 1568

Criteria Excellent Good Average Poor Generates learning wealth the community Posts elicit responses and reflections from other learners and responses build upon and integrate multiple views from other learners to take the discussion deeper. Posts attempt to elicit responses and reflections from other learners and responses build upon the Ideas of other learners to take the discussion deeper. Posts attempt to elect responses and reflections from other learners and responses build upon the ideas of other learners to take the discussion deeper. However, posts are confusing and not stimulating.

Posts do not attempt to elicit responses and reflections from other earners and/or responses do not build upon the Ideas of other learners to take the discussion deeper Responsiveness to discussion and demonstration of knowledge and understanding gained from assigned reading very clear that readings were understood and incorporated well into responses readings were understood and incorporated into responses postings have questionable relationship to reading material not evident that readings were understood and/or not incorporated into discussion 1 org all on-line protocols followed 1 online protocol not adhered to 2-3 online protocols not adhered to 4 or more online protocols not adhered to Points 5 4 2-3 Evaluation criteria for facilitating/moderating an online (or in class) discussion: 1. The discussants will demonstrate an observable understanding of the articles being discussed. The understanding will be at the critical thinking and synthesis level. 2.

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The discussants will demonstrate an ability to engage the audience in a discussion that is relevant to the topics of the articles and related concepts. This can be done in a variety of ways including but not limited to: – posing engaging questions; – eliciting responses; – engaging the learners in an activity or task. 3. The discussants will demonstrate the ability to effectively organize the discussion. This includes: – keeping the discussion focused on the topic; – providing structure (beginning arguments, closing arguments, wrap-up or synthesis); – staying within the timeshare allotted for discussion; – using effective media (if applicable). 4.

The discussants will demonstrate the ability to respond to questions effectively. 5. The discussants will demonstrate the ability to relate the concepts discussed in the articles to personal and professional experience by using examples from everyday practices. (B) Speech and Presentation ) Speech Each student has to present a speech individually for 5-7 minutes using the skills taught in class. Topics will be discussed in class. It) Presentation Students are to work in groups of three or four to present their research project for 15-20 minutes. Each member has to present for about 5 minutes. The aim of the presentation is to create a platform for students to polish their presentation skills.

All presentation materials need to be submitted to the lecturer before the scheduled presentation. (C) Case Study Students have to do a case study analysis in a group of 4-5. Each class will be given a pacific case study selected by their respective lecturer. Students need to perform 2 tasks in the case study given. Note: Both task land power point slides should be submitted in the form of hardcopy on the day of presentation. Marks will be awarded for both group contribution and individual performance. Task 1: a. Brainstorm the problems in a mind map b. Recommend solutions to the problems. Task 2 a. Students present the findings using power point slides b.

The presentation should include: A brief introduction The problems identified The solutions recommended ( government, society and individual responsibility) The est.. Solution and why Conclusion Marking Scheme for Case Study Presentation 3 Fair INTRODUCTION Gained attention and interest Introduced problem statement clearly Established credibility Speakers’ plan clearly established BODY Main points clear and supported with research evidence Reasoning clear and sound Outcome of problem solving analysis clear Issues dealt with convincingly Practicality of plan demonstrated Organization well-planned Language clear, accurate and effective CONCLUSION Defended the implementation convincingly Prepared audience for ending Communicated enthusiasm for topic DELIVERY Maintained eye-contact

Used voice effectively-varied, well paced Presented visual aids effectively Used non-verbal communication effectively No reading from notes slides and screen All members participated equally The group stayed on the topic Able to answer questions from the floor OVERALL EVALUATION Group formally attired High level of group commitment Held interest of audience Presentation completed in given time Able to participate in inter-group presentations Creativity in power point preparation Students have to work in a group of 4-to record an interview. Students have to split the role of interviewer and interviewee among themselves. The mock interview should be around 20 miss.

Competency Needs Work 1 pet Better 2-opts You’re Hired 4-opts First Impressions Shows up for the interview, does not shake hands, and/or chews gum; does not bring a copy of resume Shows up for the interview with a copy of the resume in hand. Shake hands, not optimal posture Shows up for the interview with a copy of the resume in hand. Shake hands, smiles, composed body language Interview Skills/ Looks at the floor or ceiling when speaking. Grammar and language are not appropriate. Say “um” or “and” too many times. Speak too fast or too slow. Adequate ye contact with your interviewer. Language and grammar are adequate. Say “um” or “and” a few times, but not enough to disrupt the interview. Speak a little too fast or too slow Excellent eye contact with interviewers without staring.

Language and grammar is appropriate. Do not use “um” or “and”. Speak at the right speed. Personal Attributes Overbearing, overaggressive, egotistical; or shy, reserved, and/or overly nervous Somewhat nervous, some lapses in eye contact; speaks too loudly or softly, Confident and poised during interview; right volume used, humor, correct grammar General Attitude Lack of interest and enthusiasm passive and indifferent; or overly enthusiastic Seems interested but could be better prepared or informed on certain topics Interested and enthusiastic about the interview Self-promoting Answers questions in generalities with no reference to personal strengths, skills and abilities.

Answers a few questions with some reference to personal strengths, skills and abilities Answers questions with reference to strengths, skills and abilities and how these will contribute to the position Responses Answers with “yes” or “no” and fails to elaborate or explain; Gives well-constructed espouses, but sounds rehearsed or unsure Gives well-constructed, confident responses that are genuine and give specific examples. OVERALL possible 30 pets Project – Research (30%) Students are required to work in groups of three or four to conduct a research to promote a brand. They are required to create a name (FOR EXAMPLE Hugo Boss, Dutch Lady that will be marketable among Malaysian) that cannot be the same with other products in the market. Their report should consist:- Current statistics of the market Product diagram SOOT analysis of your product Business plan Marketing strategies used that can help increase sale Advertising strategies: Promote it using poster/ video/ any mode of…. Findings in class .

Present the The final complete version of the research report should be typed written using source materials (including photocopied versions) used in this research should be referenced and cited in the report. All the sources (questionnaires, interview questions, notes etc. ) should be attached as appendices. Marking Scheme for Research Report Content Language Organization Group consultation TOTAL Marks Descriptors 10-12 Very Good – 12 marks 7 marks 6 marks 5 marks 30 marks All ideas are relevant to the topic – fulfils all its requirements. Thesis statement and topic sentences are supported with excellent details. Have an interesting and relevant introduction and an excellent conclusion. Display maturity, critical thinking and insight. 7-9 topic sentences are supported with good details.

Have a well-written and relevant introduction and conclusion. 4-6 Most of the ideas are relevant to the topic. Thesis statement and topic sentences are supported with suitable details. Have a suitable introduction and conclusion.. One or two of the main points may be irrelevant to the research. Conclusion are too brief. Length of the discussion is too short to be evaluated. 6-7 Introduction and Excellent mastery of grammar, spelling and punctuation; accurate, appropriate and broad range of vocabulary and sentence structures; hardly any mistakes. Good mastery of grammar, spelling and punctuation; accurate, appropriate and broad range of vocabulary and sentence structures; a few minor mistakes.

Display average mastery of grammar, spelling and punctuation (some glaring mistakes evident); average range of vocabulary and sentence structures – some inaccuracies and inappropriateness. Many problems with grammar, spelling, punctuation and vocabulary. Meaning can still be understood if the reader really strains to understand. 5-6 Structure of work is clearly developed. Excellent cohesion and coherence. Structure developed reasonably well, but lacks clarity. There may be a few mistakes in cohesion, coherence and use of transitions. Some attempt has been made to structure the points, but the structure is poorly developed. Major problems in cohesion and coherence. Poor use or hardly any use of transitions.

Group as a whole meet the lecturer for consultation at varying points of the research (at least three times) Group as a whole discusses assignment progress with lecturer Group as a whole meet the lecturer for consultation at varying points of research ( at east two times) Only certain members discuss assignment progress with lecturer Group as a whole meet the lecturer for consultation at least once Only certain members discuss assignment progress with lecturer.

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Final examination Assignment. (2018, Nov 15). Retrieved March 31, 2025, from