Feasibility Study on Internet Cafe Chapter Assignment

Feasibility Study on Internet Cafe Chapter Assignment Words: 6928

In the Philippines, several individuals and institutions have pioneered in providing Internet services to people who have natural inclination to computers by the use of low-speed mode of transmission in the late ’80s. It is after when the leading telecommunication and broadcasting companies step into the Internet Service Provider (ISP) business that Filipinos finally got the hand of getting wired in the world through the use of Internet.

The technology of ISP succeeded in keeping and pushing the boundaries that leads Filipinos into the next millennium which resulted to a dramatic change in the face of technology communication in the Philippines. Through the use of the World Wide Web, Students, Businessman and other of the same sort found an indispensable tool for the research and taxation. Using the variety of websites mailing list, news groups, and chat room, the wired community was able to find new ways to do old things.

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To date, it provides an excellent platform for experimenting with almost all types of on-line multimedia services that range from video phone applications to virtual reality environments where participants will interact with each other. The researchers of this study decided to put up an Internet cafe to provide information and service to the public by adopting it in the continuing growth of our economy that can further boost the progress of our nation. Background of the Study Nowadays, internet cafes are really in demand because of the fast changing technology that the people embraced.

Some have their own laptops and bring it to coffee shops so that they could relax and at the same time prepare their assignments and paper works. The people today are very busy and would want to do their jobs in a beautiful and innovative environment that could satisfy their needs and lessen their stress due to busy schedule. Thus the researchers would want to know the viability of an internet cafe in Makati to be one of the establishments that would make enough profit and be socially responsible to the people. Setting of the Study

The researchers decided to establish the business in Savana commercial center located at 1203 Vito Extension cor. Pasong Tamo, Makati City in brgy Sta. Cruz. Sta. Cruz was formerly a part of Olympia and was known as Sitio Paltok which means a higher place. This place was once a vast ricefield that most of its early inhabitants were farmers. Although Paltok was a sitio of Olympia, it has its own Tinyente del Barrio. The most noted historical site of the Barangay is the Old Manila South Cemetery. Presently, the Barangay Captain of Sta. Cruz is Victor P.

Del Prado. Population of Brgy. Sta. Cruz 1st district is 7, 419 in an area of 0. 47 km? or 47. 33 hectares. The Predominant Businesses or Products Produced in the Barangay are Sari-sari stores, computer rentals, beauty parlor, restaurants, banks, office supplies stores, groceries, convenience stores, apartment/house rentals, and video rentals. The Major Business Establishments are Savana Complex, BPI, Metrobank, Shopwise, and Office Warehouse. The location is also near Kingswood Condominium, School, and mostly residential buildings.

Thus researchers decided to conduct feasibility on establishing an internet cafe at Savana market because of its good location, projected high profitability of the business and for the development of the researcher’s knowledge. The Problem This feasibility study entitled “Establishing an Internet Cafe” is conducted to determine the profitability of engaging into an Internet Cafe business. Although, at present there are several and existing businesses engaged in similar activities, this study is still necessary to be able to know if there will be a chance for those aspiring to establish the same establishment.

Statement of the Problem The main thrust of the study was to determine the viability of establishing an Internet Cafe. Specifically, it sought to answer the following sub-problems: Marketing Aspect: 1. What marketing strategies will be applied in order to compete with the existing internet cafe? 2. What services will the business offer? 3. How will the services be priced? Management Aspect: 1. How many workers are needed in the operation of the business? 2. What are the benefits and incentives that will be given to the workers end employees? 3.

What specific type of organization will the business put up or established? 4. What are the different functions of each personnel? Technical Aspect: 1. What facilities and materials are required for the business? 2. What products and services will be offered? 3. How much will be the estimates of the total projection cost? 4. What are the major technological developments in the business that will affect the technical soundness of the project? Financial Aspect: 1. How can the company maximize its profit and at the same time minimize its cost? 2. How much would the initial capital be? 3.

What will be the projected financial statement of your business? 4. What are the possible sources of outside financial if the capital required cannot be met? Socio-Economic Aspect: 1. How will the government benefit from the proposed business? 2. How could the business help the Philippine society? Objectives of the study The main objective of the study was to determine the profitability of an internet cafe. Marketing Aspect: 1. To be able to know the marketing strategies that will be applied in order to compete with the existing internet rentals. 2. To be able to know the services that the business offer. . To be able to know the price of the product. Management Aspect: 1. To be able to know the number of workers that is needed in the operation of the business. 2. To be able to know the benefits and incentives that will be given to the workers end employees. 3. To be able to know the specific type of organization that the business put up or established. 4. To be able to know the different functions of each personnel. Technical Aspects: 1. To be able to know the facilities and materials that are required for the business. 2. To be able to know the products and services that will be offered. . To be able to know the estimates of the total projection cost. 4. To be able to know the major technological developments in the business that will affect the technical soundness of the project. Financial Aspect: 1. To be able to know how the organization will maximize its profit and at the same time minimize its cost. 2. To be able to know the initial capital of the business. 3. To be able to know the projected financial statement of your business. Socio-Economic Aspect: 1. To be able know how will the government benefit from the proposed business. 2.

To be able to know how the business help the Philippine society. Significance of the Study The study about establishing an internet cafe will help those businessmen to have additional information on how the internet cafe be established. The study could also help those who are soon to graduate with the specialization in business management where they can get a further idea in managing an internet cafe. Teachers and professors that are not engaged in business will also benefit to this study because it will enhance their knowledge about this topic and be interested to establish an internet cafe.

Parents could also benefit to this study, even if they will not establish an internet cafe they could have supplementary information about the services of an internet cafe. Lastly, this study could help for students as their reference in their school life. All the mentioned individuals are going to benefit from this study and could improve and develop this study in such a way that would also help other people in the business and other fields of study. Methods of Research The research methodology used in conducting this thesis-feasibility study is the descriptive research method.

This research method gives a comprehensive in-depth analysis of the service being studied. It serves as a fact-finding tool that permits adequate interpretation of the results of the survey made by the researchers. It is a kind of research method that provides information about the present situation particularly on the current trend of the service. Subjects of the Study The researchers selected the students, employees and owners of different Internet Cafe and Computer Rentals as respondents of this study.

This is because the proponents of this thesis-feasibility believes that those chosen respondents can give the most appropriate information’s answers about the proposed business in relation to the present condition of the business industry. The sampling technique used by the researchers is the stratified random sampling technique. The said technique refers to the process of selecting random sample sizes form different strata of population used in the study. Using the Sloven’s formula and a margin of error of 5% the following were computed. N= population size n= sample size e= margin of error 0. 5 N 7, 419 7, 419 n= n= = = 379 1+Ne2 1+ 7,419(0. 05)2 19. 55 Total sample size= 379 Sources of Data The primary sources of data used in this study are the questionnaires which include questions that would help the researchers answer the sub-problems included in the research. The researchers used a closed-ended question, a form of question, which normally can be answered with a simple “yes/no” or the respondents may choose from a given set of answers.

The researchers also conducted interviews from the owners of Internet Cafe and Computer Rental Shops to have an accurate data on some confidential information that the researchers would want to know. These questions and interviews are essential in obtaining valid and accurate data which is not found in books, magazines, periodicals, and others. The secondary sources of data used in this study include books specifically computer books, dictionaries, other feasibility studies related to the topic and statistical data coming from various government agencies and departments.

Scope, Delimitations and Limitations This study aimed to establish an Internet Cafe business. The study was based in management, marketing, technical, socio-economic, and financial aspect of business. For the Marketing aspect of the study, it was delimited to marketing strategies, services the business will offer, and the pricing strategy of the business. For the Management aspect of the study, it was delimited to job specifications and job descriptions for each position in the business, and the form of business organization that will be established.

For the Technical aspect of the study, it was delimited to the latest technology that will be used, the facilities and materials that are required for the business and the products and services offered. For the financial aspect of the study, it was delimited to the technique the business will use to maximize its profit and at the same time minimize its cost and the initial capital of the business. And for the socio-economic aspect, the study was delimited to the possible means in which the people as well as the government will benefit from the proposed business and the contribution of the business to the Philippine society.

The study was only limited to 200 respondents due to lack of time. Definition of Terms The following terms are defined as they are used in the study to facilitate easier understanding of the readers and to be familiar with the terms that are commonly used in the present study. Chatters. It means to talk rapidly, incoherently, or indistinctly. This is the term used to the group of people who chats in one of the website in an internet. Costs. These are the monetary value of expenditures for supplies, services, labor, products, equipment and other items purchased for use by a business or other accounting entity.

Cramps. It means ache; something that limits or restricts. Customer service. It is a series of activities designed to enhance the level of customer satisfaction that is, the feeling that a product or service has met the customer expectation. Demand. It relates the quantities of good buyers that are willing and able to buy at alternative prices during a specified period of time, ceteris paribus. E-mail or electronic mail. It is a communications system that allows people on the same computer network to exchange messages. Friendster. It is an online networking service for the people. Fuss.

It means Busy and useless activity; to be nervously or uselessly active. Internet. It means a world-wide network of computers linked by telephone lines, allowing for the global dissemination of information. Internet cafe. It is a place where one can use a computer with Internet access, most for a fee, usually per hour or minute; sometimes one can have unmetered access with a pass for a day or month, etc. It may or may not serve as a regular cafe as well, with food and drinks being served. Internet Service Provider (ISP). Short for Internet Service Provider, a company that provides access to the Internet.

For a monthly fee, the service provider gives you a software package, username, password and access phone number. Equipped with a modem, you can then log on to the Internet and browse the World Wide Web and USENET, and send and receive e-mail. Job specification. It is a detail of competencies, education, and experience qualifications you must possess in order to better perform the job. Laptop computer or simply laptop. It is also a notebook computer, notebook and notepad, is a small mobile computer, typically weighing 3 to 12 pounds (1. 4 to 5. 4 kg), although older laptops may weigh more. Log in.

It means to identify oneself to the system in order to obtain access. Log out. It means the process by which individual access to a computer system is controlled by identification of the user in order to obtain credentials to permit access. It is an integral part of computer security. Management. In business and human organization activity, in simple terms means the act of getting people together to accomplish desired goals. Management comprises planning, organizing, resourcing, leading or directing, and controlling an organization (a group of one or more people or entities) or effort for the purpose of accomplishing a goal.

Marketing. It is an ongoing process of planning and executing the marketing mix (Product, Price, Place, Promotion often referred to as the 4 Ps) for products, services or ideas to create exchange between individuals and organizations. Marketing strategy. It is the most effective when it is an integral component of corporate strategy, defining how the organization will successfully engage customers, prospects, and competitors in the market arena. Password. It means a word or string of characters that is entered, often along with a user name, into a computer system to log in or to gain access to some resource.

Phishing. It describes a combination of techniques used by cyber crooks to bait people into giving up sensitive personal data such as credit card numbers, social security numbers, bank account numbers, dates of birth and more. Price. It means what a buyer pays to acquire products from a seller. Printing. It is a process for reproducing text and image, typically with ink on paper using a printing press. Profit. It is generally is the making of gain in business activity for the benefit of the owners of the business. Supply.

It relates the amounts sellers are willing and able to offer for sale at alternative prices during a specified period of time, ceteris paribus. Target Market. It covers the specific segment of people that a company wants to market a product or service, or group of products and/or services. Technology. It is a broad concept that deals with a species’ usage and knowledge of tools and crafts, and how it affects a species’ ability to control and adapt to its environment. Violent. It means a power used to overcome resistance. Website. alternatively, web site or Web site, a back-construction from the proper noun World Wide Web) it is a collection of Web pages, images, videos or other digital assets that is hosted on one or more web servers, usually accessible via the Internet. Related Literature and Studies It consists of brief summary of articles, findings of the study that are related to the present study. It contains local and foreign literature, local and foreign studies. Local Literature An article from NRC of sun. star cebu says that as classes begin, some students will be tasked to do projects that may involve a trip to the nearest Internet cafe.

But as the City Government tries to limit the time students spend in these cyber zones, an Internet cafe company laments the misconception of some academic and public officials that Internet cafes are the “access (to) evil. ” “What we do to show that we are not just about taking money is simple. (In any of our cafes), one does not get to see game posters. We don’t place emphasis only on games. In fact, we keep all our cafes very clean and neat. We offer assistance to students in their projects,” Schofield told Sun. Star Cebu in an e-mail. He said Internet cafes cannot stop students from cutting classes.

But Internet cafe owners can ban children in their establishments during school hours. He pointed out that children are better off inside Internet cafes than on the streets where they can get into “dangerous trouble. ” Cebu City Councilor Edgardo Labella, in a proposed resolution, urged Icac to assist in banning elementary and high school students from Internet cafes during school hours, except when they come with approval from school representatives. But Schofield said he does not think the proposed measure will affect the revenues of Yeeha Internetan because the company’s target customers are not students during school hours. If you have a good cafe, then you have a good product. Your customers will respect that. You may lose one or two customers but when you calculate the electricity usage, the body heat and PC heat generated as well as the strain on the AC (power), losing one or two (customers) is not going to hurt you,” he said. Amid surging prices of fuel and other basic commodities, Schofield advises Internet cafe owners to run their “business as a business” and to realize that they are selling a product. This article is a good influence to the present study and it is much related since we are also pertaining to an internet cafe.

Students have the most number of the researcher’s target market and banning of an internet cafe is a threat for most internet cafe nowadays, but it is also a good opportunity in return. An article about fake Web sites is another common method used by cyber crooks to steal passwords that utilizes social engineering is through “phishing. ” Phishing (a play on the word fishing) describes a method used by cyber crooks to criminally and fraudulently acquire sensitive information—such as usernames, passwords, and credit card details—by masquerading as a trustworthy entity in an electronic communication.

Phishing usually spreads via e-mails that frighten or entice the user to visit a phony Web page and to enter an ID and password. In most cases, the e-mail says that the user’s account has been hacked and requires the person to click on a link that leads to a fake Web site, which looks exactly like the real thing. One phishing victim says his password was hacked after he clicked on a forwarded link that was supposed to lead to a Web site that contained photos of his friends.

He was surprised, however, when it led back to a Yahoo e-mail login page, which said that he had been logged out. He said he innocently entered his username and password and logged back in, only to find out later that he had been victimized by a phishing site. The article is related to the present study because phishing is an example of a password thief and it is hazardous on the part of internet cafe’s PC. Another article on the website about internet that is related in the study is the history of the Netopia cafe, one of the large and growing internet cafe in the Philippines.

The original Netopia Internet Cafe was founded by 2 computer techies, Axel Kornerup and James Thomas Guiab in 1996. It began as a private gaming room where friends could pit their eye-hand coordination skills against each other. When the original Katipunan branch opened its doors to the public in January 1997, long queues formed, and soon a loyal customer base grew. By sheer word of mouth, Netopia effortlessly attracts a new wave of faithful clients. Eventually, Netopia Computer Technology (as the company was known then) grew and was bought by ePLDT.

Now renamed Digital Paradise Incorporated, the company began a long period of expansion that saw the Netopia brand become the largest Internet cafe in the Philippines and also the first to open branches in other countries in South East Asia. On June 16, 2006 company president Raymond H. Ricafort stepped down and was replaced by George Tan of ePLDT. Digital Paradise offers what it calls shared access – the company has built an array of products and services around its primary computer rental business to take advantage of the relatively low penetration of personal computers into the Philippine market.

As of 2005, the company has opened a new brand, Extreme Gaming Grounds, offering high end gaming and digital entertainment services as well as adding advanced desktop printing and photo printing to its flagship Netopia Internet Cafe brand. More recently, Netopia has been expanded with Netopia Plus, a brand which focuses more on advanced desktop printing services. •Netopia Internet Cafe – The largest and fastest growing Internet cafe chain in the Philippines. In 2006 Netopia was also recognized as the “Most Outstanding Filipino Franchise” at the 2006 Philippine Franchise Awards held by the Philippine Department of Trade and Industry.

The brand is also known for their Mobile Internet Cafes, modified truck trailers that can be quickly transported to areas where they can be of most use. There are currently more than 180 Netopia Internet Cafe branches around the country. •Extreme Gaming Grounds – The first of its kind in South East Asia, Extreme Gaming Grounds (EGG for short) is an all in one digital entertainment center combining an internet cafe/game center, home theatre and lounge all into one facility. •Business Office SolutionS – BOSS is an extension of the Netopia brand focused on high end (and high volume) advanced desktop printing. Internetan – A budget Internet Cafe brand. According to an article, there are several factors to success; most notably would be good customer service. Let’s try to analyze what a cafe player or denizen needs when he steps into those doors in order for him or her to return and hence, be a regular customer. Needs •Faster computers – it’s always logical to have the fastest computers in your area (against other cafes). Why? This is one of the single, most important factors to tell your customers that “hey, for the same price, I can give you a better gaming experience”.

A decent computer is also one of the first things that new customers notice, so if you’re going to splurge on the budget, do so with the hardware •Software / Content – What’s a great PC without great games or applications? Common sense. Showcase games that only your PC specs can brag about. Your PCs can play Crisis on high? Do it. Also, make sure you have the latest and best MMORPGs and software/apps for your customers. •Connection – lag will spread through your potential customers like the plague. No one wants to play in a cafe where the connection is slow. Get the fastest line that your budget can afford.

You won’t regret it. •Hardware – make sure that you have webcams, printers, photocopiers, scanners and maybe even a fax machine. The extra income derived from this will help in the long run •Food – gamers deserve the right nutrition. You don’t want customers to go out for food. Hey! They might not return. A good starter would be instant noodles, coffee, soda and energy drinks and then just make notes on what they want later. Wants •Ambience – not too dark not too bright. Go to some cafes and you’ll see what I mean. The ambience must be conducive to work and/or play. Privacy – cafe goers want privacy. Make sure that those nearby CANNOT see what they are typing or doing. Also, something like a board between users can protect sensitive information like usernames and passwords. •Extra service – Do you have a loyalty program? This can be something as simple as a card which you stamp every visit and then they get free hours if they get enough stamps. These little VAS can slowly build your loyal customer base. Remember, even if you do all the above, I feel that the most important would be good customer service, be helpful, be courteous and ask your staff to smile.

The very useful article is related to the present feasibility study because his thoughts are very important in establishing an internet cafe. Researchers also think for an extra service like the one that the author wrote loyalty cards. An article states that when there are too many i-cafe in one area, the most common thing that will happen is that the i-cafe who has few customers will lessen his service price up to the point that they will go below their “break-even” point just to attract customers. Now it is impossible for you to compete with these “suicidal” competitors who are “operating at a lost”. What do I mean?

How many internet cafes do you know who have a rate of 15 pesos an hour? FYI, with this rate, those internet cafes are operating at a lost. Why? Just try to compute for their monthly expenses and DON’T forget the DEPRECIATION (of course you need to get back your investment) of your computers, you will see they are operating at a lost. This article is related to the study because it tells the possible effect of the internet cafe around your target area. It warns every people in the same line of business what will happen to the internet cafe that are going to put up in case there are many competitors in the same place.

According to an article, Gamers have such a stressful lifestyle – little sleep, cramps from all-day clicking and typing, and not eating on time. The list can go on and on. No wonder, gamer health can one day crop up as a major issue. But some of you might say “who cares? I’m a gamer, I only count EXP not calories! ” Come to think of it, EXP does matter more TODAY. But your health (and the calories) may “level you down” TOMORROW. Not wanting to sound like an infomercial (or a nutritionist), this post is basically about the types of food gamers prefer (and why? ) and some healthy alternatives.

QUICK AND EASY If you’re hunting in Elan all day or going through those “last 10%”, gamers will always choose foods and beverages based on the following: •Quick – no cooking, no mess, no fuss. It has to be fast… you don’t want to be killed while in the kitchen. •No mess – foodstuff that have crumbs or grease are simply not acceptable. You don’t want a “cornik” stuck in your “pots macro key” or Shawarma oil on your mouse, would you? •Instant Satisfaction – it has to hit home hard, fast and heavy. Good candidates here would be siopao (Chinese pork bun), noodles, burgers and sandwiches.

The faster the burp, the higher it is in value. •Cheap – in the Philippines, gamers don’t often have money to burn. We prefer affordable and heavy meals (flavor is a secondary choice). Sigh. Less money for food may mean more money for top-up cards and cafe rentals to some. This article is related to the present study because food is one of the services an internet cafe will offer. It is one of the good reasons why people are visiting and going back to such internet cafes that have delicious food to serve even if they are using computers or laptops. Foreign Literature

An article on Gloria Jean’s Coffees says the specialty coffee business is becoming increasingly competitive. The industry is shifting to chains because of their advantages in purchasing power, focused advertising, innovative product introductions, management control systems, and specialized training. With over 500 locations worldwide and more than 20 years of experience in franchising, at Gloria Jean’s you’re teaming up with one of the largest, most experienced franchise coffee companies around. We believe we have the organization, experience and support that lead to success.

Our system is proven, established, and has passed the test of time. This article is related to the present study because coffees are also in demand these days and the researchers wanted to offer coffees that are good in every Filipino’s taste buds. According to an article from Matia Bryson, Kids’ online games are wonderful entertainment for children and their parents. However the parent who is an excellent online gamer may need a few suggestions on how to start playing on the computer with their child. There is a world of choices in online games for kids.

One great way to begin is to view your child’s television programs with them and look at the toys or foods that are marketed to kids. Then go to the web and look up the sites that represent those programs and products. Often they will have kid-friendly games. These kinds of websites can be trusted by parents. The companies have a family-friendly offline presence, and their websites typically have no outside advertising links to divert a child into the vast World Wide Web. There is no need for the parent to call a child over to the computer to play.

The parent can begin to play a kids’ online game and in no time the sound effects or music will draw a child closer. Usually the music, sound effects and colorful images of the game will be encouraging enough to motivate a child to continue to learn to play. At first a child needs a parent right at their side to play, but soon they will be taking over more of the controls themselves and even learning how to start a new game over by themselves. It is related to the present study since online games are part of the service of an internet cafe.

Not all online games are violent; it is also an educational tool. Internet cafes are located world-wide, and many people use them when traveling to access web mail and instant messaging services to keep in touch with family and friends. Apart from travelers, in many developing countries Internet cafes are the primary form of Internet access for citizens as a shared-access model is more affordable than personal ownership of equipment. A variation on the Internet cafe business model is the LAN gaming center, used for multiplayer gaming.

These cafes have several computer stations connected to a LAN. The connected computers are custom-assembled for game play, supporting popular multiplayer games. This is reducing the need for video arcades and arcade games, many of which are being closed down or merged into Internet cafes. The use of Internet cafes for multiplayer gaming is particularly popular in certain areas of Asia like China, Taiwan, South Korea and The Philippines. This article is related to the present study because it tells about the use of an internet in our lives.

It explains how the internets are being use and how the internet is being operated. Internet has its functions that was discussed in this article like the LAN gaming which are popular in many countries. An article about The Online Coffee Company is a Seattle Internet Cafe; that provides Specialty Coffee and Espresso, amidst a comfortable atmosphere in which to browse the Internet. Our Internet cafe locations in Seattle offer a receptive, smoke-free environment for advanced users and friendly guidance to those who’ve yet to connect to the internet for the first time.

This article is related to the study because the researchers are proposing an internet cafe with different atmosphere that can attract customers to stay in that internet shop and purchase products. The researchers are planning to make customers enjoy the atmosphere. An article according to Sarah Schlichter, thanks to the ever-growing presence of Internet cafes around the world, you never need to be out of touch on a trip again — well, unless you really want to be! Also known as cyber cafes, Internet cafes can be found in big cities and tiny hamlets from Afghanistan to Zimbabwe.

While you might not get the same connection speed that you’re used to on your computer at home, Internet cafes are often the most efficient and inexpensive way to stay connected when you’re traveling. Read on for our guide to finding and using Internet cafes around the world. Internet cafes are generally designed for people who are traveling without computers. If you have your laptop with you on your trip and you simply need an Internet connection, check out Tips for Better Wi-Fi on the Road. This article is related to the present study because it discusses to whom the internet cafe are for.

Establishing an internet cafe for those people who cannot afford to buy a computer at home and not only them but also people who wants to enjoy the soothing environment and buy delicious foods. An article about an iPhone states that it is not just a cellphone, a style statement. iPhone, the internet enabled phone, combines the features of mobile phone, ipod and wireless internet device in a single package. But the most innovative feature of the device is multi-touch screen. Besides the touch based interface of the screen the iphone allows to view it in landscape and portrait mode as well.

Is not it that easy to handle the phone with just the touch of two fingers? Another striking feature of the iphone is its multimedia massaging system. Basically, it is a pretty and easy-to-use device. Though there have been some other manufacturers of iphones, Apple was the first one to get much attention for its product. Iphone, today, are Bluetooth, USB and WiFi enabled. The device with its sleek design, stunning display, and multi-touch user interface and safari browser makes a wonderful experience. All these features overshadow its missing features like slow data network and quality of call.

In the days to come, there will be remarkable development in the technology of iphone that will overcome its existing shortcomings. This article is related to the present study since this iPhone can be use as a portable computer since user can surf the net and it is a disadvantage for computer and internet shops because they will lose customer of this kind of high tech gadget. Local Studies The study was conducted in the different internet cafe in Central Luzon State University to know the impact of internet to the users. With regards to the question as to how often they visit an internet cafe, it shows 32. % of the respondents access the internet twice a week followed by those who access only once a week, everyday, 5 times a week, 3 times a week and 4 times a week. With regards also to all the information that been gathered, the researcher found out that there is a highest significant relationship between the gender of the respondents and the reason that they access the internet because of friendster followed by the classification of the respondents and the reason that respondents access the net is when they needed to do an assignment or research and lastly between the classification and the information they gain in using the internet.

The study is related to the present study since it is also related to internet cafe and they conducted a research about the impact of internet to users. According to one of the blogs in the website yugatech it has been said that just like any other brick and mortar businesses, there are so many extraneous factors that’ll affect your likelihood of success in the internet cafe industry: •Location. Pick a good spot and you’ll hit a gold mine. Pick the wrong one and kiss your money goodbye. •Competition. Most business-minded people think of competition as a race to charge the lowest prices in order to win customers.

While it’s good for the customers, exceeding the lower boundaries can drive you and your competitors to bankruptcy. One cannot expect to recover a Php500,000 investment if hourly rentals go down to as low as Php10. It goes without saying that in this industry, there are no customer loyalty; just cheaper rentals. •Quality/Consistency of Broadband Connectivity. For places that don’t have many options for bandwidth providers, this could spell trouble if your only source of connectivity conks out more frequently than you get brown-outs in your area.

A backup DSL might be a good solution but many consider the extra cost to be not worth it. •Software Licensing. Many people who go into the net cafe business don’t factor in the cost of software licensing in their capital. Either they think they can get away with a few pirated copies or go open-source full-time. Still, there’s the class of ever-popular network games like Starcraft, WoW and CS which cost an arm and a leg to get a per-PC license. Maybe that’s why MMPORG pay-to-play model is more popular in this side of the globe. •Expected ROI.

While previous half-decade old records saw a return-of-investment in just over a year, lower rentals due to fierce competition and over-saturation of net cafes have driven the ROI further back to as long as 3 years (that’s if you’re lucky enough). To sustain a business that long and derive your income from that sole business could easily drain you of energy and personal savings. There’s also the question of how many PC units should a net cafe operate in order to realize profit. A friend, who runs a net cafe for about 3 years now, says you need at least 15 units to survive and get decent income.

Does that mean others operating below that number are doomed to fail in the long run? However, the growth and expansion of Netopia’s franchise around the country says there’s still good money to be made from the internet cafe business. Does that mean people wanting to venture into that industry should look into franchising? What do you think — given the opportunity and capital, do you feel a net cafe business in the Philippines is still a lucrative one? Foreign Studies It is interesting to note that people are actively seeking out Internet access beyond that which is readily provided at places of work or study.

There are some instances of people with a home PC (or home PC with Internet access) who are still using Internet cafes. 70% of those interviewed have Internet access at work and/or home and/or at their place of study and supplement this use at Internet cafes because off a lack of time to do so elsewhere, restricted access to web sites at work, or because it is cheaper than accessing it at home. PC and Internet access provided at places of study (as is the case with 70% of the sample) is unable to sufficiently meet the amount of Internet access that students need for research or other study purposes.

Internet cafes are filling this gap. The study is related to the present study because it discusses about the population of people in South Africa who uses the personal computer with internet. To understand the relationship between online and offline community ties, NetLab collaborated in the National Geographic Survey 2000. The National Geographic magazine and society publicized this worldwide Web survey and featured it on their popular Web site, September – November 1998. Visitors to the site were encouraged to answer the survey on the spot.

Most respondents were North American, reflecting the predominant clientele at that time of the Web (and of the National Geographic magazine and Web site). The North American sample comprises 20,075 adults: 17,711 Americans (88%) and 2,364 Canadians (12%). North American results are presented separately because the demographic profile of North American Internet users is appreciably different from the profiles of users from other developed and less-developed countries. The longer that people have been online, the more they use the Internet.

However, the effects of experience are confounded with the different demographic and cultural characteristics of early Internet users as compared to relative latecomers. The demographic characteristics of the Internet population are rapidly becoming similar to the characteristics of the general population. Gender and age composition are quite similar. The digital divide is real but diminishing for people who have less money, have less education, and are less fluent in English.

The study is related to the present feasibility study since it gathers data about online users, it uses computers. The more chatters who are online, the more people are using their computers within or without an internet cafe. Methods and Procedures This study was completed with the aid of an instrument that the researchers used in order to obtain descriptive information. The instruments used in gathering data are the questionnaire. Aside from the questionnaire another instrument of research used was the interview to validate the responses in the questionnaire.

The construction of the survey questionnaires was done after a thorough study on the things to be considered and included in the questions. The researcher also consulted knowledgeable people on how to prepare one. The words used in the questionnaire were all basic to be easily understood by the respondents. The questionnaire is composed of three categories, questions regarding the profile of the respondents, the profile of the business and questions regarding the business REFERENCES are available email me at : khaka_18@yahoo. com to get the whole feasib

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Feasibility Study on Internet Cafe Chapter Assignment. (2018, Aug 16). Retrieved October 18, 2024, from https://anyassignment.com/samples/feasibility-study-on-internet-cafe-chapter-609/