Ethics Assignment

Ethics Assignment Words: 2475

The final outcome of the work the student turns in should show that they comprehend the assignment through that work and the only way that objective can be met is through the sole work of the student.

Unfortunately, there are some people that go the online education reasons are not very honorable. Some people might have other people doing their work altogether, some people use work previously done by others, or use the imputer to write the words they should have. This is why integrity is so important in online learning In keeping academic integrity a student should be careful of these actions, as they can be done unintentional as well as intentional: copying documents and using it as their own, whether from a past student, a book, an article, etc. Cutting and pasting from the computer without citing the source; Using quotes and ‘or ideas of others without connecting their work to your own work; Using exact wording Of works written by others and using their ideas without citing the source. (NICE. Deed/ Home > 200 Academic policy and Procedures > 201 Academic Affairs > 201-3 Academic Integrity) We are students and students are seeking knowledge and the only way a student can gain knowledge in a learning institution is through following the instruction of a professor and doing the work.

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Intellectual growth is very important to me, and live in a small town so going to a traditional university is not really an option. Online education is my only link to that intellectual growth and I for one are grateful for having this option to continue my education. Earning a degree online university is quite different than earning a agree from a traditional university because the student does not personally interact with other students or professors; all classes are completely virtual.

The only way one can acquire knowledge is to do the work oneself. My motto is, “One only cheats oneself if he or she cheats. ” Not only would the student not obtain true intellectual growth and knowledge of their field, they would be cheating whoever they work with in their profession. Being prepared in one’s profession is important for anyone, but is especially important for those professionals that will be working and/or serving other people; professionals hat essentially involve themselves in another person’s life to help make their lives better.

To begin a psychological career would be unethical as the whole premise of this profession is built on ethics. From the moment a student enters into their psychological education, ethics are central; sort Of like the bible of your professional endeavor from here on out. Integrity is the beginning because to not show academic integrity would be unethical. Then, in every aspect of the psychological profession ethics play a pivotal role. As students we learn where many dilemmas could arise and how to solve these dilemmas to the best of our abilities.

We are given these guidelines to deal with any such dilemmas: 1) Identify the problem 2) Identify the potential issue involved 3) Review the relevant ethics codes 4) Know the applicable laws and regulations 5) Obtain consultation 6) Consider possible courses of action 7) Number the various consequences of action 8) Choose the best action. (Corey, Corey and Callahan, up. 25-27) In becoming familiar with the steps to solving ethical dilemmas, we, as students learn about the topics that are most prevalent in having more ethical issues.

The following sections will explain these topics and the ethical issues that may arise. These topics are: Multiculturalism and diversity Confidentiality Multi-relationships and boundaries Community work Research 9) MULTI-CULTURAL AND DIVERSITY ISSUES Almost anywhere you live in the United States today has become quite diverse, with a variety of people from different countries and cultures. I live in the California, right on the border of Arizona, so there are many Hispanic people. The text shares some guidelines in which psychologists may wish to follow: 1 .

Encouraged to recognize that different cultures may hold attitudes and beliefs that can influence their perceptions of people of different cultures r race than them; 2. Encouraged to recognize the importance of sensitivity and/or responsiveness to cultural knowledge and understand about different ethnic and racial differences; 3. Psychologically educate multiculturalism and diversity; 4. Conduct research using diversity with people from different ethnic groups, racial groups and with those that speak different languages; 5.

Apply appropriate cultural skills in their practices; 6. Use organized change processes that support cultural development Whatever culture you are dealing with, certain terminology may come into lay and it is important to know these terms: Culture which covers a wide spectrum as this term is associated with race and/or ethnicity, but, gender, religion, economic status, physical attributes, nationality and sexual Orientation. Each group live life in Ways that separates them uniquely.

Ethnicity which is identity derived from ancestry, history, nationality and race Ethnic minority group refers to those groups of people that have been singled out, being treated unequally and have been discriminated against Multiculturalism which is a relationship of values, beliefs and actions between ND within two or more different groups Multicultural counseling which is assessing, diagnosing and treating culturally different people while maintaining the patient’s individuality and cultural uniqueness.

Cultural diversity which refers to the differences of a certain group of people that define them. Diversity refers to differences Cultural diversity competence refers to the level of cultural awareness a health care provider possesses. Cultural empathy refers to how well a health care professional can “put themselves in the shoes of’ a client with different beliefs and values Culture-centered counseling develops understand of ultras through 3 stages: 1.

Knowledge 2. Comprehension 3. Application Stereotypes which are generalizations of individuals identifying them as being part of a specific group Racism is negative behavior toward people that are different than the person showing the behavior Unintentional racism is when negative attitudes or unconscious/subconscious behavior is shown to a person or persons of a different culture.

Cultural racism is the belief that one culture is better/more superior that another (Corey, Corey and Callahan, up. 115-116) Now that you are familiar with diversity and multiculturalism, the student and repressions must know the ethical code involving this topic as stated in the 2002 PAP Code of Ethics: I. Where scientific or professional knowledge in the discipline of psychology establishes that an understanding of factors associated with age, gender, gender identity, race, ethnicity, cultureћ national origin, religion, sexual orientation, disability, language, or socioeconomic status is essential for effective implementation of their services or research, psychologists have or obtain the training, experience, consultation or supervision necessary to ensure the competence of their services, or they aka appropriate referrals” Carl Rorer’s states that validation , support and approval are very important in order for the client to feel good about him or herself and that counselors need to view the client from their individual frame of reference to do so. (MacDougall, Journal of Humanistic Psychology, Volvo. 42, No. 2, Spring 2002) Through counseling we aim to get to know our clients in order to help them, so a client’s culture is of utmost importance because of the differences in their life views. Ultimately, if a counselor does not understand the client, it is not the fault of the client; is the fault of the oneself. (Corey, Corey and Callahan, p. 29) MULTI-RELATIONSHIPS AND BOUNDARIES Multiple relationships in the psychological profession happen when a relationship With a client go beyond the office door. This occurs with the profession relations sometimes meets the personal life in some way, either directly or indirectly. The PAP code of ethics states: “(a) A multiple relationship occurs when a psychologist is in a professional role with a person and (1 ) at the same time is in another role with the same person, (2) at the same time is in a relationship with a person closely associated with or related o the person with whom the psychologist has the professional relationship, or (3) promises to enter into another relationship in the future with the person or a person closely associated with or related to the person. ” (wit. Pap. Erg) Dual relationships occur when the counselor and client have another personal relationship together such as teacher and student, employer and employee, or mutual relatives or close friends. (Montgomery & Debacle, 1997) These relationships are very prevalent in the helping profession, especially in rural areas or small towns. (Pearson & Piazza, 1997) A counselor must maintain objectivity, and added roles in the relationship between the client and counselor can obstruct his or her objectivity, may exploit the client and/ or cause a conflict of interest. If a counselor’s performance and/or effectiveness is impaired causing the psychologist to loose objectivity, risk exploitation or harm to the client due to dual or multiple relationships with a client so he must take appropriate actions to correct the situation. Ben nine, 2008) Sometimes dual relations are pre-existing, but for the most part they are relationships that develop over time. Quite often psychologists and/or clients re unaware of potential conflicts until well after their counseling relationship has begun. If you do find out that your client is connected somehow in your personal life, consider how personal it can become and if you would be able to maintain objectivity, without exploiting him or her. What is the power differential between the counselor and the client? Is there an abuse of power in this relationship? A personal relationship may develop after a professional relationship and/or a there may have already have been a relationship before the professional relationship began.

In either case it is important to take note f the power differential between the t-van. Or. If you do find out that your client is connected somehow in your personal life, consider how personal it can become and if you would be able to maintain object ability and could not exploit your client. The psychologist, or counselor must make the client the focal point and if there is any question to that, you must refer to another psychologist or counselor. Do not refer to another college hastily though, because that may cause abandonment issues for the client. Carefully consider this relationship by following these general rules for people in the helping profession: 1 .

Discuss risks and possible benefits of dual relationship and have client sign the informed consent document. 2. Keep an open dialogue about any conflicts that may arise. 3. Resolve any dilemmas with the help of college counsel 4. If problem escalates seek supervision to prevent harm. 5. Use well documented clinical notes. 6. Refer client to another counselor if necessary. (Moleskin &Kiscelica, 2005) Dual/multi-relationships are best avoided, but in some rare cases can prove beneficial. It is found that the more risk taken in a multi-relationship Evaluate your own motivations in counseling relationship. For instance, sexual elation’s are strictly prohibited and brings up countless moral and ethical issues, not to mention legal issues as well. Corey et. Al, p. 306) This issue has been one of the most troublesome in professional ethics. ( Kitchener, 1 988) The crossing or boundaries are different from one to the next, but, we, as professionals and intellectual beings know what is right and wrong and we know when we have conflicts that may affect our objectivity; it is simply that some professionals cannot or will not accept that they may not be able to help this client; pride gets in the way. But, this kind of behavior is not repressions and is not helping the client. Accept that the relationship may work in one way, and not the other, helping all relationships to be healthy and fruitful.

As a student, one should begin drawing boundaries in their lives, because essentially, that student is already in the psychological profession even in these learning years, because what you do now could produce these kind of relationships. Start practicing how to avoid uncomfortable situations, and how to make relations beneficial to everyone involved. CONFIDENTIALITY Mental health counselors have a primary obligation to safeguard information bout individuals obtained in the course of practice, teaching, or research. Personal information is communicated to others only with the person’s written consent or in those circumstances where there is a clear and imminent danger to the client, to others or to society.

Disclosure of counseling information is restricted to what is necessary, relevant and verifiable. ” (C, C & C, p. 21 1) The following are important ethical codes regarding confidentiality: “1. 02 Conflicts Between Ethics and Law, Regulations, or Other Governing Legal Authority If psychologists’ ethical responsibilities inflict with law, regulations or other governing legal authority, psychologists clarify the nature of the conflict, make known their commitment to the Ethics Code and take reasonable steps to resolve the conflict consistent with the General Principles and Ethical Standards of the Ethics Code. Under no circumstances may this standard be used to justify or defend violating human rights 4. 1 Maintain Confidentiality Psychologists have a primary obligation and take reasonable precautions to protect confidential information obtained through or stored in any medium, recognizing that the extent and limits of confidentiality may be regulated by awe or established by institutional rules or professional or scientific relationship. 4. 02 Discussing the Limits of Confidentiality (a) Psychologists discuss with persons (including, to the extent feasible, persons who are legally incapable of giving informed consent and their legal representatives) and organizations with whom they establish a scientific or professional relationship (1) the relevant limits of confidentiality and (2) the foreseeable uses of the information generated through their psychological activities. (b) Unless it is not feasible or is contraindicated, the discussion of infallibility occurs at the outset of the relationship and thereafter as new circumstances may warrant. C) Psychologists who offer services, products, or information via electronic transmission inform clients/patients of the risks to privacy and limits of confidentiality. ” (www. Pap. Org) There are only a few reasons that a counselor may find it necessary to break confidentiality, as listed below: Abuse/Neglect of a Child of Elder ? if I suspect that a child under the age of 18 or elder is being abused or neglected me am legally obligated to report this information to appropriate state agencies. Harm to self ? if there is evidence that a client may be danger of harming themselves and they are unwilling or unable to follow treatment recommendations, I may seek their admission to a hospital.

Harm to others if I have reason to believe that a client is threatening physical violence against another, may have to take action to insure that the other person is protected by contacting the police, notifying the intended victim, and/or seeking hospitalizing for the client. Court Subpoena ? a court-ordered subpoena can require the release of information contained in records or to testify in a court hearing.

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Ethics Assignment. (2022, Feb 10). Retrieved February 22, 2025, from